Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 34 30-year-old actress

"Honey", Bruce Willis got off the plane and rushed to the hotel where Demi Moore was staying. After knocking on the door, he opened his arms for a hug.

"Why are you here?" Demi Moore, who didn't know Willis was coming, was surprised to see her lover and immediately let him into the hotel.

"Surprise? (Are you surprised?)" Bruce Willis made a surprise gesture and then held Demi Moore in his arms. "Tell me, honey, is it a big surprise or a super big surprise?"

"It's a sweet surprise." Demi Moore was still very happy that Bruce Willis came over. But she was confused. Willis must have come after knowing the news of her pregnancy, which made Demi feel very conflicted.

Demi Moore doesn't want to give up this wonderful opportunity to star in a big production and a big heroine. She wants to act, she wants to be a star, and she wants to make a lot of money. This is a great opportunity for cake to fall from the sky. But the child... after all, this is his own child.

"Imagine, next year the media will report that Demi and Bruce Willis are about to give birth to their first child." This was the first time that Bruce Willis received the good news of having a child, which surprised him very much. .

"Oh? Would you like the media to call us husband and wife?" Demi Moore's heart suddenly jumped violently when she heard Willis's words. This cake... doesn't seem too small.

"Of course, honey, we're both married..."

"Hahaha, that was a game we played after drinking too much in Las Vegas, wasn't it? Are you serious?" Demi smiled halfway, then suddenly widened her eyes and said seriously to Willis.

Last month, Bruce Willis took Demi to Las Vegas to relax and have some fun the weekend before he started filming "Die Hard." The two spent a happy weekend. On the last night, they watched a show, ate delicious food, and ended up drinking too much. Bruce shouted that he wanted to play the wedding game.

Bruce Willis found Little Richard, a singer and actor who performed at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, and asked him to play the role of a priest to solemnize the marriage of the two. The two also said their vows, took a Polaroid photo, laughed and drank a lot.

But when he woke up the next day, Bruce Willis, who was groggy from drinking, didn't mention it again.

Because Little Richard is not a legally valid witness such as a priest, pastor, judge, or government official. Demi Moore thought Willis was just playing a role-playing game to spice things up, and since she didn’t have the documents or certificates, she could only secretly complain that she had missed a good opportunity.

But looking at what he meant today, was he going to admit that marrying her was official?

"Las Vegas is also a state in America. Of course, getting married is serious." Bruce Willis looked at Demi Moore and said seriously.

"Humph..." Demi couldn't tell from his eyes whether he was telling the truth or a lie, or whether he agreed because of the child.

In that case, marrying him is also a good choice...

Demi Moore suddenly changed her face, "No, that doesn't count. I want a formal wedding with a lot of guests, a priest, and a church ceremony."

"Of course, honey, of course." Bruce Willis was still immersed in the joy of being a father soon, and felt that this was a very reasonable request.

"Also, I want to hold a wedding in Los Angeles, and it needs to be covered by the media..."

"Of course Demi Moore is officially married to Bruce Willis, what do you think of the headline?"

"Also, I won't change my last name after I get married. Many viewers already know this name."

"This..." Bruce Willis hesitated a little. It was a big man's idea, and it would be a shame for his wife not to change her last name. "Ouch...".

Demi Moore pinched him hard, "Do you agree or not?"

"Okay, I agree." Bruce Willis was afraid that Demi would sacrifice their children for the heroine, so he immediately surrendered. Then the two kissed each other sweetly.

"Okay, okay, congratulations to you...after all...true love is the rarest thing." Ronald was notified immediately after Demi made her decision.

Of course it's great to be the lead in a movie, but with a star like Bruce Willis, who made $5 million for just one "Die Hard" movie, and who plays a role in a popular TV series that was renewed for three seasons, The big star who played the leading role registered his marriage in California, where the couple's property is divided half and half. This achievement is no less than that of Tess, the heroine who starred in "Working Girl".

"Fuck, I really...fuck..." Ronald put down the phone and began to curse.

"Don't be like this, Ronald, this is true love, the gestation of a new life, and we should be happy." Casting director Julia Taylor was very happy that Demi was able to choose a child and a heroine. In this industry Actresses face this dilemma. As a mother, she applauds this choice.

"You said they didn't use protective measures? We were about to start filming, and the heroine here suddenly disappeared. Damn it..." Ronald opened the Coca-Cola that the housekeeper of the apartment had put in the refrigerator and took a big sip. "Pfft..." I quickly spit it out, it was cherry flavored.

"No one can avoid this kind of thing. After all, the success rate of taking medicine is only a little over 90%." Julia Taylor thought that Ronald really cared about women, so she answered him seriously.

America's most popular protective measure at the moment is to take pills, and stop taking them for one week every three weeks for fear of disturbing the normal cycle. When switching, if the time is not calculated accurately, there will be a high failure rate.

Ronald scratched his head. He always used another method. Anyway, he and his female companions had never killed anyone.

"Then what should we do? We have found almost all the suitable stars... Should we go to Britain to find them? Do you have any recommendations? I am not familiar with the stars in London." Ronald looked at Julia.

"Actually, if you don't find a star to play Tess, turn this movie into what you are best at and choose an unknown actor to participate. I have a 100% suitable candidate here."

"Who is it?" Ronald asked curiously. Although he knew that this movie was a large-scale production worth 20 million yuan, and if it could not choose well-known actors, the distributor 20th Century Fox would be under a lot of pressure.

"Melanie Griffiths" Julia Taylor says a name.

"Oh? Is she her? The heroine of Jonathan's movie?" Ronald knew her. One of his seniors at Roger Corman University, Jonathan Demme, had coached Griffith last year. , and it became "Something Wild", which Ronald loved very much.

"Why did you recommend her?"

"She is just 30 years old this year. She was born as a child star. She has not been successful in her career before. Last year's "Scattered Lulu" won her high praise from film critics. These experiences are actually very similar to Tess. You know , there is a big difference between an actress in her thirties and her twenties.

They often only have one chance to fight against fate. If it fails, they have to find a suitable man to marry. Isn't this the choice Tess faces? "

"Let's ask her to audition." Ronald decided on a temporary measure.

"Hello, Jonathan? I'm Ronald, Ronald Lee." Ronald, who had made up his mind, contacted Jonathan Demme just to be on the safe side. "I have one more thing I need your help with. Right... Or the casting of my movie, the heroine will change... I want to ask, is the Melanie Griffiths you worked with last time suitable?"

"Hahaha, you are looking for her? To be honest, if you don't use a star, she is really suitable. Melanie is a natural actor and often has wonderful improvisational performances on the set. I like her acting style very much... …”

Ronald's idea was confirmed by Jonathan Demme. Griffiths was an actor who often surprised the directors he worked with. Many of the standout scenes in "Scattered" were Griffith's improvisations, which also inspired the actors who played opposite him.

"Melanie, Melanie, your luck is here, Ronald Lee has asked you to audition." Phyllis Carlyle, Melanie Griffith's manager, got the news and came to Griffith Thinking of good news.

"Huh?" Melanie Griffiths jumped up from the bed excitedly. She was drunk, and when she heard this surprising news, she suddenly woke up.

"Ronald Lee? Top Gun, Dirty Dancing, Moonlight?" Griffiths reported a series of Ronald Lee's directorial works, and the heroines in each movie were loved by the audience.

"Yes, I heard that the original heroine was pregnant, so he urgently found someone to audition again, and he found you first." In addition to being Griffith's manager, Phyllis Carlisle is also a Casting Director, she and Julia Taylor had a private line of communication between casting directors.

"And this drama, Working Girl, is a female protagonist from a female perspective. God finally favors you."

"Oh, I went to Ronald's set before to audition, and he saw a very bad side of me." Melanie recalled the scene of her hair-pulling fight with Tatum O'Neal, and covered her face with her hands.

"Would Ronald dislike me, and I have another movie that has entered the second round of auditions." Melanie Griffiths was so surprised that she began to worry about gains and losses again.

"My dear, you go and give it a try. This is Ronald inviting you to read the script." Phyllis Carlisle gently patted Griffiths on the face.

"Why not? I have a mind suitable for business and a body tempting to commit crime."

Melanie Griffiths sat at the table in the audition room, using a husky and sexy voice to read the passage where Tess met the leading actor Jack Traynor for the first time and the two immediately became attracted to each other. The lines of the play.

Ronald was actually very satisfied. This voice was similar to the one he heard from the heroine in his dream. It was the kind of sexy voice only found in women in their thirties. It is subtly different from the sexiness obtained entirely by beauty in one's twenties. (Actually, it’s hoarseness caused by excessive smoking and drinking)

Melanie Griffiths has obviously had a lot of audition experience, and she knows how to please directors. She wore a beautiful white linen suit by Eve Saint Laurent. She looks very much like a Wall Street professional woman. This yuppie style is low-key, does not highlight one's own personality, and is in line with business requirements.

But put effort into the fabrics, small patterns, and tailoring details, and only show your personality in the details that can be observed by a thoughtful person. For example, this suit fits Tess's characteristics of excellent mind and sexy body.

Melanie Griffiths changed her expression again and began to read the scene where she and Catherine first met in the office.

"You know what? I'll be twenty-eight on Tuesday. We're almost twins..." Julia Taylor read another line from the manager, Catherine. This was her first day at work, when she saw Tess, the secretary assigned to her by the company, and tried to get closer to her.

Of course, Catherine's passage actually had the opposite effect. Being condescending only makes Tess feel alienated.

Melanie Griffith's temperament suddenly changed from an elite to a bullied little secretary, "except I'm older."

"I'm only a little younger," Julia Taylor continued to read Catherine's lines in a mocking tone.

"I just...I've never worked for anyone younger than me. Or a woman." Melanie Griffith's expression showed a forced smile. All kinds of unwillingness were carefully put away, leaving only a little bit mixed in the professional smile.

Ronald nodded secretly. Demi Moore can't make this expression.

It's not entirely because of her acting skills, but because Melanie Griffiths' age has begun to show on her face. When the expression changes, there are some small wrinkles and some slightly sagging muscles, which are not found in the youthful and beautiful Demi.

This person's experience made her transform into Tess at this moment. Ronald looked at Julia Taylor. His old friend’s recommendation was not wrong, except that he had to convince Goldberg, the president of Twentieth Century Fox...

Melanie Griffiths put down the script. She felt that the script was very well written and she could act effortlessly. Maybe it was because the character had many similarities with herself.

In order to come to the audition today, I spent less than half of my savings to buy an affordable high-quality suit. It seemed to have left a good impression on Ronald, and I could clearly see the admiration in his eyes when I walked in.

Across the audition table, in addition to Ronald, there was also audition director Julia Taylor, and many unknown people (such as Ronald’s agent Richard, and Terri, who had been a Wall Street secretary). Sarah Kate and others came to provide advice.)

"Thank you. If there are any further auditions we will let you know" Ronald smiled and held out his hand to Griffiths.

"Ahem..." Griffiths stretched out her hand and shook Ronald's hand. She felt that her performance was good and Ronald should not be affected by her fight a few years ago.

"She's that girl. It's almost a visceral reaction. She's cute, funny, vulnerable, sexy - everything." When Griffiths walked out the door, Julia Taylor happily said, obviously the actor Even more suitable than Demi Moore, I feel really happy when the casting director can recommend such an actor.

"It would fit, but I don't know if it would work. The studio would be disappointed because Melanie isn't famous."

Ronald had more in mind. A big production requires a big studio to clear its schedule in advance. Such a large-scale release can only be completed by the seven major studios. As for the big star guarantees that big productions require, Melanie Griffiths's weaknesses are also obvious and the audience doesn't recognize her.

"You will notify her agent later and ask her to prepare for the second round of interviews. I will let Sigourney Weaver try her chemistry with her."

"Oh, how do you solve this fame problem?" Julia Taylor didn't know how to solve the fame problem. ;

"Go to Los Angeles and meet Goldberg...I will try to convince him." Ronald was not sure about convincing the president.

To convince Goldberg, Ronald called Jonathan Demme. This time they made an appointment to meet at a hotel.

Jonathan Demme happened to be on vacation in New York from filming "Married to the Mob." The two ordered food, and while waiting, Ronald told them the reason for their visit.

"I have to ask you a favor, Jonathan. Your Scatter Lulu didn't release a video tape. Can you get a copy?"

"Orion is very disappointed with my project, so there will be no follow-up action. I just think they didn't find a suitable marketing plan." Jonathan Demme criticized Orion's marketing.

"But I left a copy at my house. If you want it, I can lend it to you privately. But you can't use it for public screening." Demi liked Ronald very much, so he agreed to the request.

"I know the rules... just give it to me. Let's talk about something without disturbing you." Ronald took the red wine from the waiter's hand and poured it for Demi himself.

"I brought it to Goldberg, the president of Twentieth Century Fox, to show him Melanie Griffith's performance." Ronald poured himself another cup, Jonathan Demme's " "Shot" did not do well at the box office, and many studio executives did not see it.

"So you are interested in Melanie as the protagonist?" Jonathan Demme forked a piece of Italian sausage and put it in his mouth. This is an authentic Italian restaurant, the sausage is cut very thin and tastes very good.

"Yes, apart from business considerations, she is my first choice. So I need some evidence to convince them." Ronald made a gesture of twisting money with his hands, indicating that there were still some business problems. Need some evidence.

Demi picked up the wine glass and took a sip. The table wine was well chosen, and it had a very layered aroma when paired with the red meat. "Now that you have the idea, I have something to warn you about. Melanie Griffiths would be great as an actress, but she would have some issues on set."

"I'm listening with both ears." Ronald put down his glass and started listening seriously.

"First, she is an alcoholic and has a history of substance abuse. You have to find someone to watch her on the set. She will cause problems when she is drunk. Melanie can be very wild when she drinks too much."

"I know that," Ronald nodded and replied, "She and Tatum O'Neal once grabbed each other's hair and started fighting at my audition."

Jonathan Demme nodded and continued, "Secondly, she is a nymphomaniac. She often falls in love with male actors because of the drama, which causes jealousy between men and women in the crew."

"Huh?" Ronald raised his eyebrows in surprise. This senior brother, Jonathan Demme, really helped him a lot. If this kind of pitfalls can be avoided, a lot of trouble will be saved. "This is new to me. thing."

"You'll feel it soon..." Jonathan Demme munched on the food. Anyway, Ronald was rich and the food tasted good.

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