Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 119 Embarrassment

Diane Lane already has an agent, belonging to International Innovation Management (ICM), which specializes in running the star's film business.

Burt signed his daughter to one of ICM's predecessors, Ashley-Famous Brokers, when her daughter starred in Broadway plays as a child.

Ovitz was not discouraged, and gave Diane a business card, asking her to remember him when she thought about changing her manager. The three of them went downstairs and walked towards the party center on the first floor.

"Ronald, which hotel are you staying at?" Diane asked as he walked.

"Holiday Inn, would you like to stay there? Breakfast is good."

"Yes, I bought some large traveler's cheques at the bank when I came, should it be enough to pay for a week's room?"

"Of course, the prices at the Holiday Inn are very good. You can exchange travelers' checks at the front desk, and you can go shopping with the extra money."

A traveler's check is a fixed-amount check that can be purchased at a bank, similar to a cashier's check (Money Order). However, when cashing out, it is theoretically more secure than matching the signature.

When buying traveler's cheques with cash at the bank, you must sign in the upper column, and when cashing, you must sign in the lower column. The hotel and the store will compare the signatures in the two columns before cashing.

In the western world, signatures are generally used to determine a person's authorization, so many people specialize in a signature style for signing checks and contracts, which is separate from daily signatures. It is not easy to forge a signature in a short period of time when someone else's traveler's check is picked up.

By the time the three of them walked to the party hall, Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty had already found their target for the night and left.

But Jane Fonda's party will not lack starlight, and several big-name stars have arrived one after another.

Now the center of the party is one of America's most handsome male movie stars - Robert Redford. His directorial debut "Ordinary People" has been completed and will be released in September, so he did not show up to the meeting in advance. Before participating, the stars put pressure on the actors' union.

One of America's favorite movie stars, Redford always felt neglected for his acting talents. This time, I was able to direct "Ordinary People", and I also hope to change my image in the entertainment industry and the public who rely on good looks to eat.

Robert Redford and Jane Fonda are old friends and have played husband and wife couples on the screen many times, such as "Sheriff Cade" and "The Newlyweds". The two are also good friends in reality. This time, I came to my old friend Jane Fonda's house,

There is also the thought of inviting her to attend the premiere of his directorial debut.

Ovitz's eyes lit up, and he was about to lean forward and talk to Redford.

At this time, a person was suddenly inserted obliquely from the side, and Ovitz took a closer look. It was Ed Limato of WMA.

They both stopped in their tracks, squinting at each other. Brokers have their own identification mode, which can identify friends and foes in one second, and decide whether to fight or join forces.

Limato saw that Ovitz's target was Robert Redford, and immediately got out of the way. Although Redford signed with the WMA, he was not a client of his own, so he did not have to have the same knowledge as Ovitz.

"Then why are you here?" Ovitz felt a little strange, and turned on the radar to scan the crowd left and right.

Now Robert Redford is a big fish in the brokerage market, and Ron Mayer, a partner at CAA, just pryed Stallone from Limato. Seeing that the other party doesn't rob Redford with you, is there a bigger goal that you don't know?

Limato pointed to the circle of young people on the other side, "I'm not like you, I only grab famous stars from others, and today's agents don't have the traditional virtues of one-on-one, discovering, creating, regardless of poverty. Still wealthy, peaks and valleys, serving customers until death separates them..."

Hearing Limato's words that sounded like a wedding vow, Ovitz felt a chill, and hurriedly left him and squeezed into Redford's circle.

Just as Jane Fonda came out to greet Robert Redford, Ovitz immediately followed behind the hostess and smoothly entered the core of the circle.

Jane Fonda and Redford hugged and kissed on the cheeks. Although they are not couples off the screen, they are friends for many years. The two just reunited on the screen many years later, performing as a couple in the movie "Electric Knight", which was ninth on the 1979 grossing list.

Redford especially wanted to invite Jane Fonda to the Los Angeles premiere of his directorial debut, "Ordinary People," to attract some media coverage with their screen images.

Jane Fonda didn't say yes right away until she was likely to be exempt from filming in the next few days, and her priority was to continue filming "Golden Pond." "Robert, when is your movie premiere?"

"September, Jane, if you can come."

"We're old friends, and I'll be there if I'm free."

"What do you think about Heaven's Gate?" Redford asked. This is the hottest topic in Hollywood right now, and it's often mentioned at star parties.

"United Artists is no longer the Hollywood studio founded by Chaplin and Mary Pickford that respects artists..."

"Robert Redford, which is your favorite movie?" Diane Lane heard excitedly in the crowd, and Hollywood's star density clearly surpassed that of New York. As a little girl, she can be among the stars and listen to their insights into the industry and acting skills, and it is worth a trip to Los Angeles.

"Tiger and Leopard." Ronald couldn't help begging Diane, and took her into the circle centered on the two stars. Fortunately, everyone is a civilized person, and there is no face-to-face rebuke for Ronald, a countryman, who goes to the city to meet a star.

After listening to the rhetoric of several people for a while, Ronald felt a little bored. He knew that the comments made in such a crowded situation should not be taken seriously, and most of them were perfunctory. However, Diane rarely listened to the occasions when senior celebrities commented on the heroes of the world, and it was very exciting.

Ronald was quietly squeezed out of the circle and began to look for Matt Dillon, or chat with his peers, and then take Diane back to the hotel.

"Ed, is this the only way of socializing when William Morris treats contract clients?" Michelle Pfeiffer was embarrassed for a while. She was not very good at coping with star parties. Today, many stars and producers People approached, "I'd rather watch The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson at home."

"Very well, you said that when you were on the Johnny Carson show on the 1st of next month, that old pervert likes beautiful girls to compliment his show," Ed Limato replied.

"The newly emerging ICM brokerage company in the industry likes to use social networking to expand the social circle of its stars, and I also follow the trend. Michelle, if you don't like this method, I will arrange less social parties like this in the future. , just show your face."

"WMA is an old-fashioned brokerage company. Our strongest point is our relationship with various media in the industry and program production. In addition to winning the commercial of Lux soap, I also arranged for you to start the latest "Detective Charlie Chen" You'll also get a lot of attention as a supporting role for your press conference appearance. After all, Angie Dickinson, who played the Dragon Queen, was born in the 1930s.

Plus Johnny Carson's Tonight Show appearance. I promise every American young man next month will know you from the heavy bombardment of TV. "

"Female stars must have their own income. Hollywood has high requirements for you, the right clothing taste, the right jewelry, the right social circle, the right boyfriend..."

"Ed, we have already discussed this issue." Pfeiffer looked embarrassed. Limato mentioned several times that popular female stars rarely find ordinary screenwriters as boyfriends, and it is often the choice of outdated female stars. , I hope the screenwriter can make a script to help them make a comeback.

"Well, you have your own ideas, and I won't put pressure on you. As long as you have income from advertising and movies, you can have a lot of control, and you won't be forced to do what you don't want to do because of money. thing.

I signed you up for acting training at the Beverly Hills; Acting School. Milton Casellas will teach you personally. "

"I know, Ed, I appreciate it." Michelle Pfeiffer is not a Hollywood newcomer, having been in television for a year or two before. She knew the name of Milton Caselas.

Casellas was also a teacher at the Lee Strasbourg Actors Studio. In 1978, he established his own business, acquired the Beverly Hills Playhouse, and taught classes in Hollywood. Many actors have experience studying there.

He has rich teaching experience, and many stars regard him as an important guide on the road of acting. The only downside is that he is an ardent follower of Scientology, and students will be under silent pressure to join the teaching. However, Pfeiffer has the backing of his agent Limato, which is not a big problem.

"We are all families, and we should take care of each other. I take care of you now, and you will take care of me in the future, right? Go socialize with those future stars now." Ed Limato pointed to those young movie stars gathering together into a circle.

Jane Fonda's parties have always had a tradition of taking care of young talents in the industry, and young people can often participate and communicate with seniors. Along with Robert Redford are the two young stars of "Ordinary People," Timothy Hutton, and Elizabeth McGovern

Hutton is a very sunny American-style beautiful boy, and his girlfriend McGovern seems to be a couple. But Hutton is also infected with the bad habit of young Hollywood stars, accosting other beautiful girls in front of their female companions. He saw a blond woman approaching, and immediately stepped forward.

"Hello, I'm Timothy Hutton, and I'm playing in Redford's new film Ordinary People, what's your name?" Hutton introduced himself to Michelle Pfeiffer.

McGovern automatically followed, hugged Hutton's arm intimately, pressed himself tightly against Hutton, and declared sovereignty. "Hello, I'm McGovern, and I'm playing a couple with Timothy."

Michelle Pfeiffer is even more embarrassed. Rather than constantly meeting new people, she still prefers to pass the time with familiar people. But she remembered Limato's teaching, and she must be confident at this time, "Michelle Pfeiffer, it's nice to meet you, I just got a supporting role in Charlie Chen and the Dragon Queen."

"Charlie Chen, the Chinese detective? The one who can't speak English well?" McGovern began sarcastically, "So what should we call you, 'Miss Chen'?"

"Elizabeth is joking with you. In fact, I have been watching Charlie Chen's movies since I was a child. Confucius once said, don't use cannons to hit mosquitoes." Timothy Hutton said Charlie Chen's classic lines, which the Chinese detective often quotes Confucius' famous saying.

"Michelle, why are you here? It's such a pleasure to see you." Ronald saw Michelle Pfeiffer unexpectedly, came up to hug her, and the two kissed.

"I thought I would see you in a few more days. Limato always said that you were busy." Ronald was overjoyed and began to hold Pfeiffer's hand to chat about the situation after the two parted. Put aside the two young stars of "Ordinary People".

"Let's go first, give Michelle and her 'friend' some time," Elizabeth McGovern said, pulling Hutton away.

"Sorry, I was too happy for a while. Nice to meet you. I'm Ronald Lee, a screenwriter. Have you met Matt Dillon?" Ronald quickly apologized and introduced himself to the two.

Hutton sneered secretly, didn't answer, and pulled McGovern away.

"Ronald, why are you here? I didn't say let you wait for two days. I will arrange for Michelle to meet you." Ed Limato saw Ronald interrupted Pfeiffer and Hutton communication, came out from the dark and questioned him. "How did you know Pfeiffer was coming to Jane Fonda's party today, how did you get in? Are you following us?"

Ronald was targeted for no reason, and just wanted to explain, "No, I'm here to find Ms. Jane Fonda..."

Turning his head, he saw the unusually embarrassing expression on Michelle Pfeiffer's face, and his heart suddenly lit up. He understood the whole story, and without defending himself, he took Pfeiffer's hand and said, "I'm just going back to the hotel, you come together?"

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