Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 38 Based on the stars

Exploiting Hollywood 1980 Text Volume Chapter 38 Subject to Star "What else do you want?"

Harrison Ford, who met Ronald again, still looked like a standard star. But Ronald still felt that Ford was a little impatient inside.

"Polly and I have put together a team of costumes and props, and also found an accent coach suitable for Wall Street elites," Ronald said with a smile on his face and said politely to Harrison Ford, "We mainly want to know your schedule. Arrange, when can I go to New York to make preparations for shooting..."

"Get ready..." Harrison showed a standard Han Solo-like evil smile and looked at his manager Patricia beside him.

"Harrison doesn't need to make any extra preparations. As long as you come up with the shooting plan, he can arrive in New York a few days in advance." Patricia said what needed to be said on behalf of her employer.

"Uh..." Ronald was choked and couldn't say anything. Does this celebrity speak so directly? You don’t read the script around before filming starts, and you have your own dressing room to take your custom photos. How do you experience life without having to correct your accent?

Ronald had no idea whether this was the behavior of celebrities or if Harrison Ford wanted to get some special treatment, so he had no choice but to look at Polly Platt who came with him.

"Harrison, I've known you and Melissa for a long time. This movie has potential. If you can spend more time preparing it, you may have an award and critical breakthrough. This script has potential, I think both the heroine and the hero have room to perform. If you don’t believe it, you can go back and ask Melissa."

Polly Platt is indeed experienced enough. She certainly knows that this is a common behavior among celebrities. The biggest difference between celebrities and ordinary actors is that no matter which movie they appear in, they play the role of a star named "Harrison Ford", so early preparation is not important to them, because they will not act according to the script in the end. .

However, another common feature among celebrities is that they are not welcomed by awards and critics. Although Harrison Ford has two blockbuster series, he is always criticized by critics and ignored by awards. If there is a chance to reverse the awards, celebrities will often make certain compromises.

Polly had been in Hollywood long enough to have a good relationship with Harrison Ford's wife, Melissa Matheson.

Unlike most male celebrities who marry beautiful women in the industry, Harrison Ford's second wife Melissa Matheson is a talented woman. She started out as a set assistant on Coppola's "The Godfather Part II" and later became a screenwriter, writing "ET" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark."

If there's anyone who can make Harrison Ford change his mind and get serious about working on "Working Girl," it's Melissa.

In fact, he wanted to transition into acting in some romantic comedies and dramas to expand his acting career, which was also recommended by Melissa Matheson. After all, he always plays the role of a tough guy leader, and Harrison's path will only become narrower and narrower. There are fewer and fewer scripts from Harrison Ford that can be hired these days. If the market proves that he can act in romantic comedies and dramas, then he will have many more options.

Hearing Polly mention his wife, Harrison Ford's face showed a look of love. Their son Malcolm had just been born.

"Maybe you are right. I will go to New York a little earlier after the new year. How do I say? A week early?"

"Uh..." Ronald felt the super narcissistic confidence of a big star for the first time. I came a few weeks later than other actors, and I was very confident that I could keep up with the performance. There are too few humble stars in Hollywood like Paul Newman who, after becoming famous, still commentate on the opposite actors who have just debuted.

Polly gave Ronald a look. It was a big concession for a star to compromise. It's better to say yes first and then take your time.

"We expect to start shooting at the end of January, what's your schedule?" Ronald understood what Polly meant, so he changed his mind and started to set the schedule.

Manager Patricia and Harrison Ford exchanged glances, "It needs to be postponed until late February. Harrison needs to spend more time with his children. He now has to spare enough time to spend with Mellie after filming a movie." Sarah and the baby."

"Ahem..." Ronald choked and coughed. He had heard a lot of celebrities showing off their big names, but Ronald, who was used to making decisions on the set, still couldn't stand it in person.

"This schedule conflicts with 20th Century Fox's arrangements. The film will be released at the end of the year to compete for next year's Oscars. We also have to leave enough time for editing, test screenings, and then adjustments. If it is postponed by a month... …”

Ronald began to think of ways to get Harrison Ford to change his mind.

"Hahaha..." Harrison Ford started laughing.

Ronald was a little confused. He looked at Polly. She was laughing too.

Manager Patricia spoke up, "Harrison is a star, and maybe at this moment, he is the 'that' star in Hollywood. When there is a conflict between his schedule and the studio, of course the star's will prevail." .”

Ronald added his tongue to his lips, which was a big statement. I don’t know if it’s true or just another celebrity test.

"Harrison is the target of all studios, not a has-been star like Stallone..."

"Uh..." Ronald touched his chin, his words were even more outrageous. Although I feel that Stallone is about to expire, after all, he still has two blockbuster series, "First Blood" and "Rocky".

Although Stallone was a little embarrassed because of his divorce from his wife, the word "outdated" came out of the mouth of Harrison Ford's manager, and the firm tone made Ronald feel the competition between stars. I'm afraid it's more intense than the average actor.

"I like you, Ronald," Harrison Ford began to speak in his endearing, magnetic voice. "Steven and I are discussing a new Dr. Indiana Jones movie. I'll finish filming you." For this movie, I need to take a break for at least three months to spend more time with Melissa. This is Hollywood, Ronald."

The filming cycle had to be changed, and Ronald was a little angry. It was his first time working with a star, and he took many things for granted.

As Polly Platt said to Ronald after getting in the car, sometimes celebrities make people very angry. They do things not for any special reason, but to show off. , they can do this!

Ronald asked Little Bud to drive directly to the CAA office. He wanted to verify in person whether Spielberg would be the director and accommodate Harrison Ford's schedule.

"I don't know the specific details, but what he said is probably true." After listening to Ronald's thoughts in the office, Niceta poured him a glass of Italian brandy to calm him down. Then he expressed his true thoughts.

"Really? A director as big as Spielberg can't let a star change his schedule?"

"You have to think about it, Ronald. You and Spielberg show up on Fifth Avenue in New York. How many people who know you are asking for your autograph? What if it's Harrison Ford? That's what Hollywood is. An impact game.”

"Well..." Ronald fell silent. He lived in a high-rise apartment next to Fifth Avenue. Except for a few thoughtful screenwriters who recognized him and asked to read their scripts, ordinary New Yorkers really didn't know him.

"But directors and producers also have their advantages. In the editing room, stars have no say."

"Haha, that's right..." Ronald was a little happier, and Niceta stood up to see him out. When the two walked to the lobby, partner Michael Ovitz happened to come in from outside.

"Ah ha, Ronald, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Working girl? Harrison Ford, huh?" Ovitz hugged Ronald happily. In less than ten years, this genius who was signed as a screenwriter is now directing Hollywood's A-list stars.

Ronald is one of the directors represented by CAA who has the most stable output of blockbuster films. Such steady progress has brought great benefits to the actors under CAA. In addition, he signed the contract early. In CAA, which pays attention to qualifications, Ovitz still likes Ronald very much.

Niceta quickly gestured to the side. This person was having trouble with Harrison Ford.

Ovitz immediately understood why Ronald's expression was unhappy, "Ronald, this is Hollywood. I like you very much. You are a winner. There will be challenges in working with stars. If you have any questions, just ask Just call me."

It seems that Ovitz doesn't dare to offend a star of Harrison Ford's level, Ronald thought. I wonder if he would still speak like this when facing Spielberg and George Lucas, directors whose box office totals are much higher than his own and who have multiple Oscar nominations?

"Mr. Ovitz, I just have a question to ask you." Ronald walked with him to the largest partner's office in the corner.

After closing the door, Ronald asked Ovitz, "I heard that Harrison Ford is going to shoot the third part of Raiders of the Lost Ark. He will take three months off after filming my movie. With such a schedule, Spielberg Does the director also have to follow his schedule?”

"Haha." Ovitz laughed when he heard this was the problem. He asked Ronald to sit down and chat slowly, "The director has the power of the director, and the producer has the power of the producer. If he doesn't like your As for the leading actor, you can change him so that we can shoot according to your schedule."

Ovitz spoke very well, and after chatting with Ronald for a short while, Ronald was relieved.

Harrison Ford has already played Indiana Jones in two movies, and audiences across the country recognize him as this character, so he has great bargaining power in this kind of movie.

Ronald's "Working Girl" still needs Harrison Ford to convince the distribution channel. In this case, it will be delayed by a few weeks. If Ronald can tolerate it, it is best.

That's the way it is in Hollywood, you're a nobody today, you might be a big star tomorrow. Today's big stars may become obsolete very quickly. Even directors like George Lucas and Spielberg have to compromise when faced with such a situation.

"Are you satisfied?" After three or two clicks, Ronald was no longer unhappy. Ovitz looked at him with a smile.

Ronald shrugged. It was impossible to be satisfied, but Ovitz was very persuasive and made the matter no longer so unbearable. Ovitz smiled, put his arm around Ronald's shoulders, and walked him out personally.

"Rick, come to my office." After sending Ronald off, Ovitz asked Niceta to come to the office to talk about things.

"Boss?" Niceta asked Ovitz what happened.

"Sit down first." Ovitz praised Niceta greatly. This partner helped the company secure a good client like Ronald.

"Your client, Ronald, most likely did not receive a nomination for this year's Directors Guild Award." Ovitz threw a copy of the Directors Guild's vote statistics to Niceta.

"I have tried my best, but among our clients, there are not many directors' union members. The number of votes that can be affected is limited."

Niceta looked at the list. It was not a formal nomination, but the votes obtained by CAA through various channels. Unlike the Oscars, which are notarized by PricewaterhouseCoopers, many people can get the nomination list in advance.

The first place is the Italian director Bertolucci who made "The Last Emperor" and Adrian Lane of "Fatal Attraction". The last place is Spielberg of "Empire of the Sun".

"However, for the Golden Globes and the Oscars, the company will do its best to help your clients get nominations. You can disclose it to Ronald and ask him to increase public relations efforts. This year is very likely, and there will be no strong movies. If he can get a nomination, he can almost break the record and become the youngest nominee for Best Director. After all, many film critics also have the right to vote in the Oscar nomination voting, so we can operate at full strength."

"But, Spielberg?" Niceta was a little confused. He knows that Ovitz has been working hard to sign Spielberg's agent contract. Even if it is not a client-agent relationship, he will support Spielberg every year when the awards are given, because many actor clients want to join Steven Spielberg. Wen's crew.

"Steven doesn't want our client No. 001, Sean Connery, to appear in his new Raiders of the Lost Ark. Now many high-level Jews in production companies don't like Steven very much. This year happens to be a Let him re-evaluate the strength of our CAA." Ovitz shook his head. When interviewed by the media, Spielberg openly said that he did not go to synagogue very often, and his eldest son was not prepared to use Jewish traditions. This dissatisfied the Jewish executives who dominated Hollywood and the media industry.

"If we can get Ronald, a young man, nominated for an Oscar for Best Director, and he is at the same time..." Niceta immediately understood Ovitz's thoughts. Ronald's "Moonlight" was nominated, but "Empire of the Sun", which Spielberg had great hopes for, failed to win. So, isn't it clear who can help him win the Oscar?

"I will arrange it," Niceta walked out of the office and hummed happily. Such an opportunity was once in a lifetime, so I quickly made it clear to Ronald the pros and cons, and mobilized all his resources to win the prize. There is a high probability that he will not win if he is nominated for the first time, but for an award like the Director Award, getting a nomination also means that the Hollywood circle recognizes him.

In the future, if he cooperates with a star again, the other party will have to respect Ronald even more.

"What's the good news?" Ronald didn't leave at all and was waiting for Niceta in the lobby waiting for the elevator.

"Ovitz has said that he will fully support you in getting nominated for the Oscar for Best Director." Niceta waited until he and Ronald got off the elevator to the parking lot, and then got in the car and revealed Ovitz's plan to Ronald. , "This time your priority is first. Spielberg CAA is not going to care about it anymore. I will support you first."

The two rushed to Ronald's house and began to plan how to cooperate in winning the prize. The film critics awards in New York and Chicago still need to be publicized. The Golden Globe Awards actually have little to do with the Oscars. As long as Ronald agrees to attend, they will probably give him a nomination.

Any events, interviews, that would help lead to a nomination, Ronald would make time for. In addition, Ronald will also provide facilities for Cher, who is expected to be nominated for Best Actress, and Olympia Dukakis, who is nominated for Best Supporting Actress, so that they can appear in the media more often. Build momentum for the nomination.

After all, many members of the Directors Guild with voting rights may not have actually seen many of last year's movies. If the name "Moonlight" appears repeatedly on TV, they may write Ronald's name on the ballot. .

The two also chatted about the West Berlin International Film Festival to be held in February next year. This award is relatively weak among the three major European film festivals, and the time is right. Hollywood commercial films generally do not take the initiative to participate. If it can be shortlisted for the main competition or even win an award, it will be a great boost to the Oscars.

Ronald looked at the time of the film festival and couldn't help but feel that Harrison Ford's idea of ​​spending more time with his family was quite appropriate. If it had started filming in January as originally planned, there would have been no time to go to West Berlin.

"Ring ring ring ring..."

The two of them were discussing how they could get more people to vote for their nomination when they thought about the phone call.

"Hi, I'm Ronald."

"Ronald, this is Bannon, are you in Los Angeles?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Ronald stood up and walked a few steps to talk to Bannon.

"Our Japanese friend Johnny Kitagawa came to America and said that he has a good friend who he would like to introduce to you. They want to meet with you privately and ask about some things in the entertainment industry in America."

"Who is it? Can they come to Los Angeles? I'm busy right now."

"It's Mr. Norio Ohga, the president of Sony Corporation in which you own shares."

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