Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 41 Theme Song

Exploiting Hollywood 1980 Text Volume 41 Theme Song "Michael Kors" women's clothing brand is named after the designer himself. Coles is a somewhat fat middle-aged man. After all the models participating in the ready-to-wear catwalk filed out, he also came out to thank everyone.

Ronald sat in the front row of Michael Kors, an emerging women's clothing brand, and applauded with everyone. Because it was a ready-to-wear show, there were not many big-name models. The most dazzling ones were Ronald’s two familiar models.

The venue for the show was not very good. It was a converted basement of a large shopping mall. There were various exposed pipes on the ceiling. There was no catwalk on the ground. The show route was simply drawn with white lines, and the audience sat on it. On a folding chair outside the white line.

Cindy Crawford and Christie Turlington were wearing exactly the same clothes, a white lapel top, a wide belt, white reflective stockings under the skirt, and white high heels. They look like twins.

The two of them were behind, looking around, and found Ronald, waving to him happily.

After the interview, no one took photos. Ronald hugged the two models, and the three of them walked out of the basement together.

"I came to you to have some fun. Do you need to be vegetarian now? Ouch..." The low doorway almost made Ronald hit his head. Cindy and Christie laughed and doubled over.

The two models were wearing this set of ready-made clothes that were white and luminous from top to bottom. They had already taken off their high heels and put them aside. They hid barefoot on the sofa in Ronald's loft and started to pick up the menu and put them in the Fifth Avenue building. I ordered some dishes from all the takeout restaurants I could order.

"Aren't you afraid of getting fat?" Ronald asked curiously.

"No one is watching us eat. If we eat, we won't gain weight." Cindy Crawford said carelessly.

"We really want to eat, and we would like to try them all when we have the chance. Just eat a little of everything." Christy Turlington said their true thoughts. The model did not have the money to try expensive restaurants. Today is Flora anyway. Moral money.

"You're not going to pay, are you, Ronald?" Cindy put one arm around Christie and the other hand hugged her knees on the sofa.

"Order whatever you want..." Ronald felt that being a model was not easy, "Just wait until you become famous."

"Cindy is about to become famous. She is going to Phuket next month to shoot a swimsuit issue for Sports Illustrated." Christy Turlington took out a pack of women's cigarettes from her bag, lit it and started smoking.

"You're almost here too,

We will definitely have a high-end fashion show for big brands this year. This kind of low-end ready-to-wear show disgusts me. Cindy Crawford said, taking the cigarette from Turlington's mouth, taking a puff herself, and then sprayed it on Ronald's face, "You have to help us, especially Christy, right?"

"Of course, if you want to develop in the film industry." Ronald reached for the cigarette and took a puff. It smelled like mint.

"Nah, I don't want to be an actress," Cindy Crawford shook her head. She lived in an apartment with Christy Turlington, and the two worked hard to find opportunities to get ahead in the modeling industry.

If you want to pursue a career in the film industry, you have to lose some of the connections and reputation you have gained in the modeling industry, especially since Crawford has already received a shooting opportunity from Sports Illustrated. In addition, the two of them have made guest appearances in movies and commercials, so they both know that they are not actor material.

"Don't say that, wait until you become famous, Cindy. Film producers will come after you and offer you a lot of dollars, begging you to play the leading role." Ronald said with a smile.

"Why?" Turlington took the cigarette over again. She was not as famous as Cindy. Opportunities such as appearing in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue would give Crawford a great boost. She did not have such an opportunity yet. So Turlington was more excited about Ronald's proposal.

"Movies are a very desirable industry, but producers only like famous stars to act in movies, rather than creating a star." Luo Ying explained that movies need stars from other industries to perform across industries, so that they can earned money.

"Oh..." Turlington exhaled a puff of smoke, she was a little discouraged.

"This time my movie is about working women on Wall Street, so I want to know which brands of ready-to-wear women's clothing are more suitable for them. If you want, you can also play a small cameo role in the movie." Ronald knew how to make it happen. The models are happy.

"Well... thank you..." Crawford was even happier than Turlington, and his face was close to hers.

After giving a double tip to the waiter who brought the food, Ronald pushed the dining cart to the two beauties, "Seriously, what clothes do you think are suitable for working girls?"

"Actually, today's Michael Kors is pretty good. Most people can buy these clothes in suitable sizes, and they won't look too fancy in the office." Crawford and Turlington stood up happily, tiptoed, and gave Rona Virtue display.

"anything else?"

"It's so flashy. I see that the female executives in the magazine all dress conservatively. Klein's trousers are pretty good..." Turlington mentioned a few brands that they thought they could wear to the office. "It's a pity that there are no clothes here." , otherwise you will know after we wear it."

When it comes to fashion, the two are as confident as any model.

"What's so difficult about this?" Ronald picked up the phone and called the housekeeper in the apartment, asking several women's clothing stores in the building to deliver new season clothing from the brands they mentioned. "Well, all brands' new spring products, number two."

Crawford let down his bunted hair and swayed it from side to side. Turlington also pulled up a clothes rack on the spot and took off his old clothes and hung them up. The two of them were holding a private fashion show for Ronald.

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"Well, Ronald clicked the Polaroid, and then wrote down the brand and model of the clothes. These models are clothes racks, which are very helpful for the costume designer to refer to.

"Ah ha ha ha..." Crawford, tired of posing, suddenly sat down on the sofa. Christy Turlington also sat over. They were both exhausted before they had eaten.

"These photos?" Crawford and Turlington looked at each other's photos and started fighting again.

"I pointed out these photos to the costume designer for reference. They will not be leaked." Ronald put the photos away...

"Can I ask you something?"

Two hours later, after finishing her work, Cindy Crawford sat next to Ronald, put her hands around Ronald's neck, and asked soft questions in his ear.

"Of course, what..."

"What about your Hollywood stars? Are they as funny and humorous in private as they are on screen? Well, and are they bad-tempered?"

Seeing that the question was so specific, Ronald probably guessed what was going on.

"Male stars, I mean the ones who are really famous, all have very good incomes. If it is a commercial film with high investment, the ones whose names appear above the title on the movie poster are all stars recognized by Hollywood. Wealth And exposure is fine.

As for privately, in fact, most celebrities themselves are relatively introverted. Their personalities may be similar to their screen appearances, or they may be completely different. It's possible. "

"Hmm... I don't know, what if it's not a big production? His name seems to be at the top of the poster..." Cindy Crawford looked at Ronald and smiled with a rare embarrassed look, which was as generous as she usually was. Confidence looks different.

"Is that so?", Ronald touched his chin, "Actually, there is a way. If the star, especially the male star, has a particularly bad temper on the set, does not accept the instructions of the producer and director, and has various strange requests. If so, then he is a real star. You will understand when you go to visit the class."

"Oh..." Crawford remembered Ronald's words firmly, "Thank you, Ronald."

"The clothes in these photos are all very good to me. They belong to ready-to-wear fashion, suitable for working women, and I think they are sexy." Ronald spread out the photos one by one on the table and gave them to Ann Rose, the crew's costume director.

"Aha, Crawford and Turlington." Ann Ross looked up at Ronald. The director seemed to have a very active social life.

"Is this dress a size 2?" Ann Rose's eyes were glaring. "Well, among the current models, they are the only ones with normal figures. I'll give Sigourney Weaver a try on a size 4 from the same brand."

"Ah... ok..." Ronald accidentally mixed a photo in there that he shouldn't have taken out, and quickly put it away.

"Don't move, this is very good. I think it can be worn by Melanie Griffiths and Harrison Ford in the intimate scene. It's white lace, very good." Ann Rose fixed the photo with a slap, and then I looked at the brand carefully and wrote it down to ask someone to buy it.

"I need a female voice similar to that in an opera. The theme is to sing Manhattan into the style of New Babylon... Who do you think would be better to compose lyrics and sing in this style?"

Ronald finished the costumes and found Jimmy Lainer, who was responsible for music in Daydream. The theme song he dreamed about in his dream was very touching, but he couldn't recognize who it was by listening to the voice. Give Jimmy the characteristics of your singing voice and let him find the right one.

"For this kind of song, you need to find a songwriter with literary background and good education. Ordinary pop songwriters can't write it. It's also best for the singer to find someone with a background in classical music to sing. This kind of song is actually closer to Church music, not pop music. Hymn-like interludes that need to have a sense of power.”

Jimmy Lena thought for a while and determined the search direction very knowledgeablely.

"Is there anyone chosen?"

"Actually, there are two. One is a black singer, Whitney Houston. She has sung in a church choir since she was a child, and also has personal creative experience and a team. The other is Carly Simon, a day singer, and her father is Simon. That Simon from Schuster Publishing Company, the guy who taught his daughter how to play Chopin at home...was also a member of the church choir since she was a kid."

"Okay, send invitations to them all."

Soon, Carly Simon quickly accepted the invitation and asked Ronald to come to her studio for a chat. Whitney Houston, on the other hand, was just in time to release a new album and had various publicity and marketing activities. She was not so interested in Ronald's invitation, and no one took the initiative to reply.

"Hello, Carly." Ronald arrived at the studio of Carly Simon, a slightly buck-toothed female singer who became famous in the 1970s. Ronald had met her once before at a party in New York. This obvious facial feature reminded him of him immediately.

"Ronald, I'm glad you can come. I'm now preparing my collection. Here are all my old songs. Which one do you like?"

This is also the reason why Carly Simon was so interested in Ronald's invitation. She signed with MJ's Legend Records two years ago, but her career suffered a setback. Perhaps her style was outdated, and her new album sales and radio play were poor. She terminated her contract with Legend last year and signed to Alistar Records.

For Carly Simon, being able to write, compose and sing the theme song in Ronald's movie is a great opportunity to make a comeback.

"Oh, you have done so many movie inserts before?" Ronald flipped through a pile of records and found the movie inserts that Simon had written and sung before. Although none of them are very famous, seven or eight songs were composed by Simon himself. He must have a deep understanding of the creative requirements for film inserts.

"That's right, this is the script. It tells the story of Tess, a blue-collar office secretary, how she became a manager through her own hard work and won love." Ronald handed the script to Simon, and then told the story of himself in detail. requirements.

"In short, I wanted an epic, choir-style interlude. Staten Island is the countryside, and Manhattan across the river is the center of the world. The opening scene of the ferry from Staten Island to Manhattan Island is a metaphor for Tess's fate. As long as you work hard, you can achieve success regardless of your family background.”

Ronald told Carly Simon his idea in detail, almost telling her the images and melody in his dream.

"I thought it was a hymn to New York, with a modern jungle beat in the middle of the city." Carly Simon quickly understood Ronald's idea.

"Yes, that's the style I want." Ronald listened to her hum a few lines of melody, which seemed to be very similar to the one in the dream. Carly's voice was also very similar to the one in the dream. Among female singers, it is the most powerful one. The big one.

"Who do you think...this hymn looks like written by?"

"What do you mean?" Ronald was confused.

"Which poet's style does the lyrics sound like? Shakespeare? Yeats?" Carly Simon likes to start with her favorite literary works and determine the style first.

"Neither? Whitman?"

"Whitman is very similar." Ronald recalled that the poet had many poems describing life in Manhattan.

"Very well, very well, Whitman...

I lived too, and the hills of Brooklyn were mine.

I've also walked the streets of Manhattan Island and bathed in its surrounding waters. "

Simone immediately began reciting Whitman's poem, looking at Ronald as if expecting his response, to join her in chanting.

"Um... when can I see the first draft?" Ronald couldn't stand this kind of female literary youth.

"Come back in a week." Carly Simon ignored him, sat down at the piano, played a few notes, then opened the script and started reading, writing and scratching on the paper while reading.

"Then I'll leave first. Let Jimmy know if you have any progress." Ronald thought to himself that this man got into the mood immediately.

"Bye..." Carly Simon waved her hand and said goodbye to him.

Ronald and Jimmy Lena walked out together.

"Carly just got divorced and is not in a good mood. She is not usually like this, but you can believe in her creative skills."

"It doesn't matter, all artists are like this..." Ronald didn't take it seriously. Just when he was about to leave the front desk, the news on the TV at the entrance of the studio attracted his attention.

"Sony announced the acquisition of Columbia Records for 2 billion. The two parties said at a press conference today that after long-term negotiations, the deal will be completed in the New Year.

Yetnikov, the current general manager of Columbia Records, told our reporter that the company's management and main talent pool will not change. Including the most popular Michael Jackson will stay in the new company. Columbia's other record labels will also maintain traditional cooperative relationships with the new company.

It is reported that this transaction will break the record and become the largest merger and acquisition by a Japanese company to acquire an American company. "

"Are you taking action so soon? It seems that the integration of Eastern and Western thinking is useful..." Ronald smiled while watching the news.

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