Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 49 Golden Bear Flying

Although the West Berlin Film Festival is also one of the famous A-class film festivals in Europe, its actual influence is smaller than Cannes and Venice. This Category A does not mean that it is more influential than Category B film festivals, but it is a classification code of an international organization, which means that this kind of film festival does not limit genre films, and all types of films can be openly entered. There will be an open jury judging the awards.

Category B is a film festival with limited themes, such as a horror, science fiction, and fantasy film festival. Only films of this type can participate in the competition. Category C, on the other hand, is a film festival that has no awards and is only for everyone to come and screen.

West Berlin is a showcase city for the West, displaying its superiority. So to a certain extent, the West Berlin Film Festival is exactly what Godard complained about, a cultural event supported by America, West Germany's most powerful ally.

In addition to showing some films about Western life, this film festival also prefers films that reflect daily life in the East. Especially after General Secretary-General Mikhail took office, he relaxed the culture of the Alliance and Eastern European countries, and more films were produced and submitted to the competition. Even the leading comrade, who Ronald often saw in films submitted for review by the Alliance, was nowhere to be seen this time.

"I think the Golden Bear will be awarded to films from the Alliance, East Germany, or Poland." Michelle Cannold signed a lot of distribution contracts. When he was happy, he and Ronald had a drink in the room and started to guess. The final winner of the Golden Bear Award. "

His idea is simple. Since it is a showcase, it is better to show the dark side of his opponent than to show his own good things.

"Haha, no." Ronald had seen several participating films. "Although the team leader didn't come, the political commissar did." He pointed to the Alliance film and another Polish film among the participating films. Cannold said, "You don't understand the East. These two films are old, but they are still unwilling to accept them."

"Oh?" Michelle Cannold obviously didn't understand.

It was Ronald who explained to him that the Polish film was shot in 1982 and was immediately banned in Poland. Secretary-General Mikhail's open-door policy allowed the Poles, who were already ready to take action, to take out the film and send it to exhibitions to test the trend and protest.

Although the alliance does not have the air of bossing over satellite countries in the past, and there is no leader to follow, their committee in charge clearly expressed the atmosphere and made a film filmed in 1967 called "Comrade Political Commissar" about the war during the civil war. A film about a female Red Army political commissar was sent to the exhibition.

However, what is interesting is that the film itself was banned at the time, but has recently been regarded as a praise film. It was released after being revised by the original director, and participated in the Moscow Film Festival.


They're both inconsistent films themselves, so I thought maybe the jury would give it a Silver Bear. "Ronald is more familiar with Eastern thinking than Cannold.

"Then who do you think will win the prize? Is there any chance for Moonlight?" Cannold asked.

"It seems unlikely. We are evil colonialists after all... hahaha" Ronald laughed, quoting Godard's attack on him. The West Berlin Film Festival still prefers to award awards to films from Eastern countries, which is more consistent with the original intention of establishing the film festival.

"I have a hunch that maybe this movie from China will win the award." Ronald said about an unpopular movie in the competition.

"Why? Is there anything special about this movie? It's actually hard for me to understand the story." Michelle Cannold went to see Red Sorghum. He originally wanted to try to introduce America and distribute it through Daydream. of.

Ronald discussed with them the positioning of Daydream, which could be said to be an upgraded version of Roger Corman's New World Company. On the one hand, we produce and distribute our own small-production genre films, and on the other hand, we introduce some foreign art films, so as to achieve a balance between reputation and box office.

"First, you don't need to understand the story of this movie. In fact, you can roughly understand the content of the movie just by watching the performances without reading the subtitles. The director's editing skills are very good. Second, have you noticed the change of chairman of the jury? ?”

Ronald was talking about the chairman of the jury for this year's Golden Bear Awards, which was originally held by one of the country's few male stars, Gert Frobe. The villain in the 007 movie Goldfinger is one of the few actors from West Germany who is famous in the English-speaking world.

However, after Gert Fröb was ill and resigned as chairman, the organizing committee had no choice but to find the famous Italian film critic Guglielmo Biraghi. The Italian film critic was also the organizer of last year's Venice Film Festival.

In addition to his original business ability, Biraghi is also a famous left-wing figure in Italy who sympathizes with and supports any minority. He often gave opportunities to films made by Italian left-wing directors, and made friends with the famous left-wing director Bertolucci and the actor Roberto Benigni, who made films that satirized the church.

This time Ronald came to West Berlin to compete, and his old friend Bernini called him and said that he spoke well of him in front of Biraghi. Ronald remembered this Martin Scorsese, a good friend of Sabella Rossellini.

Bernini loudly spoke English with a heavy accent and kept saying that he had a good relationship with Biraghi. Ronald didn't understand what he wanted to do until the end. Later, the agent called the other party and realized that the over-enthusiastic Roberto Benigni just wanted to introduce them to each other.

However, in West Berlin, Biraghi, who serves as the chairman of the jury, needs to avoid suspicion and cannot be as casual as in Italy. Ronald found him and chatted for a few words in public, and the other party just welcomed him for sending the film to the competition.

But when talking about "Red Sorghum", Ronald found that the other party was very interested in the story of director Yimou who won the best actor award at last year's Tokyo Film Festival. He asked Ronald a few questions and asked his secretary to look for information.

Thinking of the good cooperative relationship between the Italian left wing and Chinese films, and Bertolucci's "The Last Emperor", China, as the producer, is also very proud. Ronald secretly guessed that this famous Italian businessman would pay more attention to Chinese films participating in the exhibition in order to cooperate with the Chinese film market in the future.

Of course, "Red Sorghum" is also a masterpiece. The interesting thing about this movie is that a foreigner who cannot understand the story and dialogue can still feel the overwhelming hormones filling the character's heart through the director's shooting skills and editing.

This is exactly the opposite of the outside world's stereotype of Chinese Americans, and will arouse greater interest from the judges. Ronald knew that film critics always liked this innovative approach.

"I don't want to bet with a famous director..." Michelle Cannold didn't want to refute the boss's idea, so she found an excuse not to discuss it with Ronald.

"The Silver Bear for Best Actress is, Holly Hunter, 'Bearing the News.'" At the awards show, Ronald started clapping.

Unlike the Venice Film Festival, which has become a popular destination for domestic films and has a large number of stars, unlike the Cannes Film Festival, the market for German films has been shrinking for a long time. The few stars in this country are also working hard in Hollywood and Britain.

Therefore, the awards night at the West Berlin Film Festival was dimly lit, and there were not as many media visitors as there were at the previous two film festivals. In addition to the Golden Bear Award for Best Picture, other acting, directing, special jury awards, etc. are all called Silver Bear Awards.

This time it was different from the outposts of the domestic Oscars, the Guild Awards and the Film Critics Awards. In the end, Holly Hunter defeated Cher to win. However, the protagonist did not come to receive the award, but the producer received it on the stage.

Michelle Cannold sat next to Ronald and touched Ronald's arm. "Moonlight is sultry" seems to be something! "

"It depends on luck. I told you not to stab me. It made me so nervous." Ronald became nervous in a rare moment. He looked at himself and saw that he was not wearing a custom-made evening dress, just an ordinary Armani custom-made suit. If he had known better, he would have brought the dress prepared for Oscar.

It is the practice of the West Berlin Film Festival to try not to award two awards to the same film. Now that the Silver Bear for Best Actress went to "Broadcast News," the chances of "Moonlight" winning a Golden Bear for Best Director or even Best Picture are much higher.

That's because two controversial Oriental films, the Polish one, won the Golden Bear for Outstanding Single Achievement. The political commissar of the Alliance won the Silver Bear Award for Outstanding Artistic Contribution.

If you think about the West Berlin Film Festival, which strives to balance Eastern and Western awards, the only ones left are Ronald's "Moonlight" and China's "Red Sorghum."

No matter what award you win, it will be very helpful to the movie's box office and Oscar-winning prospects.

"The Silver Bear Award for Best Director goes to Ronald Lee from America!"

"Huh..." Ronald let out a long breath, it was still the Silver Bear. But fortunately, it was the Best Director Award. For Ronald, it was better than the consolation Special Jury Award for second place in the Golden Bear competition.

Now I can put the words "West Berlin Silver Bear Award-winning director" on the poster of "Moonlight" when I go back.

Ronald and Michelle Cannold hugged Michael Gray, who was in charge of announcing the event, and took the stage to accept the ever-cute Bear trophy.

"Thank you to the West Berlin Film Festival for your love and recognition of Moonlight, thank you to the jury chairman Mr. Biraghi and all the judges, thank you to the audience who love Moonlight. Thank you to all the creators of the Moonlight crew. , especially Cher, Olympia Dukakis, and Nic Cage, without whom this movie wouldn’t be possible.”

After thanking those who should be thanked, Ronald glanced around and found Godard in the audience. "This award shows that movies that are loved by the audience will also be loved by the judges. Good movies should not be either/or." of."

The audience below was a little confused and applauded politely. Some people who know some of Godard's bombardment will look back at him.

Ronald, who returned to his seat, celebrated with hugs from both sides. The Silver Bear was shaped like a bear, and except for the material and color, it was the same as the Golden Bear.

“Special Jury Prize, Union of Soviet Union, ‘Comrade Comrade’”

The penultimate award was awarded to the film that was released twenty years later. Both Cannold and Gray looked at Ronald. Could his prediction really be successful? This is a huge upset that no one expected.

Looking through the list of other participating films, I found that those selected by Mexico, Yugoslavia and other countries did not receive very good reviews from film critics. And the grapevine never mentioned these movies.

Sure enough, there were some whispers in the awards hall, and some viewers began to look around for who would be the winner of the grand prize.

"The winner is Red Sorghum, zhang yimou!" A female presenter announced the winner of the Golden Bear Award on the stage.

Ronald looked back and saw that there were not many crew members coming, and Yimou was placed in a position at the back, close to the aisle. He heard his name being called, and was a little confused because of the German pronunciation.

The translator next to him stood up quickly and whispered in his ear that he had won the Golden Bear. Yimou jumped up all of a sudden, posing with his hands like a bodybuilding champion, and his inner joy was beyond words.

Ronald took the lead in applauding, and soon the surrounding audience also applauded under his leadership. Yimou ran up from behind and smiled at Ronald when he passed him. Ronald looked at the director who didn't look much like a director and nodded to him.

Yimou wore an obviously ill-fitting suit and a red tie carefully tied on a white shirt, which was his main color in red sorghum. He stepped onto the podium and received the golden bear from the chairman of the jury. At this time, the sound of applause sounded again.

However, it was similar to when the winner was announced just now. The audience’s applause was not so much congratulations to Yimou, but more out of curiosity, “Who is this?”

Director Yimou obviously doesn't know English or German. He gave an acceptance speech on stage in Chinese.

"I am very grateful that you gave this award to our film. This award means to me and our young friends that it is possible for us to make better Chinese films."

"What did he say?" Michelle Cannold looked at the commotion on the stage and the translator was not in place, so she had to ask Ronald.

"He said that after winning the award, he would be able to get investment from producers and make more films."

Ronald told Cannold about Yimou's acceptance speech in a language that Hollywood understands.

"I think we should invest in him..." Michelle Cannold was obviously very happy. The director Ronald liked should be good.

"Haha, no, their film production is not open to us. Maybe in twenty years we will be able to invest in his films." Ronald happily clapped his hands in congratulations.

Michelle Cannold, who was not willing to give in, approached Yimou again during the dinner, "We would like to cooperate with you to shoot a movie. We daydream that we have the ability to distribute nationwide in America."

"Daydream? Is your boss's surname Luo?" Yimou smiled honestly, "I heard our factory director, Director Wu, talk about him."

Cannold was stunned after listening to the translator. Does the boss have connections in China?

"It's me, Director Wu, is he okay? We haven't called him for a long time." Ronald went up and smiled at Yimou in Chinese.

"Ah, you are Director Luo. Nice to meet you."

"If you need anything, you can tell me. Director Wu and I are good friends."

Yimou couldn't communicate without a translator. Only Ronald had a pleasant chat with him in Chinese. The two also talked about their understanding of Akira Kurosawa's films and the shooting method of "Red Sorghum", which is like gushing hormones.

"This is mainly due to our screenwriter, who is very good. My photographer and several leading actors also played a big role. This award belongs to our collective." Yimou said in Chinese style, no Take full credit to yourself.

"You can't lie to me, yimou, your photography and editing were all arranged. The shot of the red cloth being lifted in the sedan chair at the beginning must have been your intention to edit and then shoot it, right? Director? There is no need for verbal communication, as long as I see your pictures, I will know what you want to express."

"Hahaha..." Yimou felt sympathy for Director Luo, the leader who praised Director Wu, and the two had a very good chat. Unlike others who just came to congratulate him and talk about their love for Chinese culture, Director Luo really understands Chinese culture. He even knows that the bride will wear a red scarf when getting married. The protagonist 'my grandma' is here Taking off the headscarf on the sedan chair is a symbol of subversion of tradition. "

"Aren't you full? I prepared a Chinese restaurant and asked them to prepare Chinese food." During the dinner, Ronald and Yimou were busy socializing with many buyers and producers, and they didn't eat anything. After it was over, Ronald quietly said a few words to Yimou.

"Oh, Director Luo, thank you very much. Once I've been abroad for a long time, I can't get used to eating foreign food."

"These are dishes from restaurants run by old overseas Chinese. They are sent to the hotel to reward you. I said that the Chinese won the Golden Bear Award. They are very happy. If you take some photos with them, it will be an advertisement for them."

After taking a photo with the restaurant owner and chef, Ronald and Yimou started eating with kuaizi. yimou feels very relaxed. Director Luo can speak some Chinese, communication is not difficult, and he is also very proficient in using tachyon. It feels like having dinner with friends at home.

After a full meal, Ronald took his silver bear and yimou took a group photo alone with his golden bear. Then he took out a package from under the table, put it on the table, and handed it to the other side, "Here are two bottles of Italian brandy, one for you, and one for Director Wu to taste."

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