Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 61 Harrison Ford Favored by the Camera

"You're right, he acted, well, like nothing happened."

Production designer Polly Platt was well-informed. She watched several of Harrison Ford's takes on the set and whispered something in Ronald's ear.

The dinner the night before was great. In the end, everyone was conquered by the food. Instead of talking about the shooting, we started talking about places in New York and Los Angeles that have delicious food.

Donna works on Wall Street and often has access to high-level restaurants. However, she is not the person who knows the best about New York food. Local aboriginal casting director Julia Taylor is the living map of New York food. Both Harrison Ford and Ronald were very happy when she told her story, and they wanted to go and eat in all these good restaurants.

This also made the relationship between Ronald and Harrison Ford begin to improve. After all, filming is work and food is life. With their wealth and social status, they can taste the best restaurants in New York without any pressure.

So this morning's filming of Harrison Ford and Melanie Griffith's sex scene was much better than last night's.

The so-called "bed scene" is just a scene shot on the bed. Melanie Griffiths in a strapless bra, lying under the covers with Harrison Ford behind her.

The two of them were back to back, and the news program was still playing on the TV on one side. Melanie, who was woken up, stretched out her hand from the quilt and touched behind her. She saw a man!

Melanie Griffiths made a remorseful expression. Tess did not want to sleep with Jack Traynor before they had a business meeting. She covered her face, then sat up, turned her head and looked...

Yes, that's Jack Traynor.

Melanie Griffith picked up the alarm clock on the bedside and looked at it. It was already past seven o'clock. She climbed out of bed quietly, picked up a black skirt worth six thousand dollars, walked into the bathroom and started to tidy up.

The camera did not focus on Melanie Griffith, but on the bed. Harrison Ford is going to have a show here.

"Well..." Harrison Ford turned over, touched the bed, and found a pillow. He put the big pillow that Tess had slept on all night into his arms, and then lay down on it to sleep.

The action is very good, the quilt only covers his lower back, and the exposed upper back muscle lines are very good, as well as the side face facing the camera diagonally. This is why many female viewers like to watch Harrison Ford.


Ronald stopped the filming.

Harrison Ford only cares about showing his handsome face, well, and half of his back. There was absolutely no in-depth research done for this scene.

The use of pillows as an important prop in the script is very meaningful.

Tess took sedatives, and when she woke up the next day, she thought she had sex with Jack. She felt with her hands to confirm that there was a man, and then went over to look at his face to confirm that it was Jack Traynor. This is a progressive psychological activity.

Melanie Griffiths' performance is very layered. The rhythm of every action is on point, from waking up and realizing that you are not in your own home, to identifying a man, and finally seeing the face as the person you want to know, picking up your clothes and running, every turning point in psychological activity is explained very clearly. clear.

This kind of language under the lens allows the audience to easily understand the mentality of the heroine Tess.

Quilts, televisions, alarm clocks, and skirts are all used by Melanie to express this kind of psychological activity.

Jack Traynor, played by Harrison Ford, just goes home with a beautiful woman he met at a cocktail party. The progressive relationship between his performances is not that complicated. He was awakened by the noise Tess made, then turned over and scratched with his hands...

At this time, the pillow is a key prop used to express psychological progress. The pillow Tess had slept on all night was tainted with the fragrance of her hair and body. At this time, as long as there are some hints in Harrison Ford's movements, the audience can understand that he still remembers Tess's charm last night.


Harrison Ford did nothing. He just turned over and found the right angle so that the golden focus of the camera would be right on the side of his face.

"You'd better pray, he's just like Gary Cooper back then..." Art director Polly Platt whispered in Ronald's ear.

"What do you mean?" Ronald was confused. He had seen the business cards of Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly - "High Noon". Cooper's performance in it is accurate and full of charm. His close-ups appear on the screen as if he is saying something to the audience. He is a very powerful actor.

But what did Polly Platt mean? Which young director inspired Gary Cooper to suddenly become enlightened?

"I'll tell you later..." Polly Platt stepped forward and said a few words to Harrison Ford. This Hollywood heroine, who is older than Harrison Ford, went over to chat with him.

"Let's do another one..."

After talking to Polly Platt, Harrison Ford offered to do another shot. He seemed to have a new idea about how he should explain the character's behavioral logic. He made some moves on the bed, folded the sheets, and marked two places.

"What did you say to him?" Ronald felt that Polly Platt was very good at communicating with stars. Saying these two words allowed Harrison to take the initiative to explore more performance possibilities.

"I was just mentioning the past experience of filming "Dark Horse" with Melissa at Coppola's Peep Show Company. Melissa was the influential force behind this time urging him to film "Working Girl."

"It's really yours...Only you can handle this kind of thing." Ronald and the experienced Polly exchanged glances.

Melissa Matheson is the screenwriter of several popular commercial films. Her knowledge of selecting scripts is actually better than that of Harrison Ford.

Celebrities should choose roles that match their daily image, but they cannot always take roles that perfectly match their appearance.

It's best if the character's underlying traits are similar to your own, and then there's a little breakthrough every time, which allows film critics to praise your acting skills.

Polly Platt called Harrison's wife, and they talked a lot about Harrison's performance on the set. Today she was coming to visit the set. It was because of this that Harrison Ford was willing to go more than usual. Take a step forward and challenge your acting skills.

"A!" a new one started shooting.

Melanie Griffiths finished her actions, picked up her dress and ran away. When Harrison Ford turned around this time, he wrinkled his nose humiliatingly, buried his face in the pillow, and smiled like a baby who smelled a familiar and good smell.

"This is a little better than last time", Ronald thought to himself, he couldn't expect too much from a star. As long as the audience can follow the plot and the performance does not confuse the audience and make them feel out of place, then the task has been completed.

"Didi beep... beep beep..." According to Harrison Ford's design, the bedside alarm clock rang at this time.

He was so immersed in the pillow containing Tess's fragrance that he didn't want to leave, and he stretched out his hand to look for the alarm clock.

"Bang..." Melanie Griffiths closed the door behind the camera. The storyline was that she was frightened by the sound of the alarm clock and ran out of the room quickly.

"Huh?" Harrison Ford was awakened by the sound of the door closing. He sat up suddenly, with a confused look on his face. Is that scent the beauty I brought home yesterday?

"Cut!" Ronald stopped before Harrison Ford could finish his performance.

"What's the problem this time?" Harrison Ford, as a star, has already given Ronald a lot of face. This simple scene was filmed twice. It was because of the promise to my wife Matheson that she had to cooperate with the director to find a breakthrough in her acting skills.

"It's not your acting problem." Ronald immediately smiled, then moved his hand across his chest and scratched it from left to right.

"Oh shxt!"

Harrison Ford looked down and realized that his quilt had fallen too low, exposing his chest.

In the agreement he signed with the crew, the scope of the sex scenes was stipulated in detail. He can't miss anything in the shot.

It's not that his muscular chest is not good-looking and requires a substitute, nor is it because the scale of this shot is too large. Originally, Working Girl is an R-rated movie. The front view of a man's upper body is not an unusual shot.

But Harrison Ford's current star status makes it impossible to shoot this kind of scene to please the audience. What kind of shots and what positions can be taken were clearly stipulated in the thick contract submitted by his agent.


Restored again, this time there was no big problem with the cooperation between the two, and they finally captured the picture Ronald wanted.

"Melissa is coming to visit this afternoon. I'm going to take a rest first." Harrison Ford said to Ronald.

"Oh, really? Then let's go try that Greek restaurant that Julia talked about yesterday together tonight?"

"why not?"

Still using food to coordinate his relationship with the big stars, Ronald asked Donna to book a restaurant, and he quickly grabbed Polly Platt. The two went to a small screening room near Manhattan and started watching the movie that was filmed yesterday. Samples.

"What did you mean by Gary Cooper this morning?"

After sitting down, Ronald remembered what Polly had said to him before, and asked Polly next to him for advice.

"I heard it from Peter. According to old legend, Gary Cooper couldn't act at all. Orson Welles went to the set to watch Cooper's performance, and it seemed like nothing happened to him on the set.

But the movie camera favors him. Gary Cooper, who is dull, clumsy, and has problems with his lines, will, through the subtle transformation of the movie lens, turn into the America who seems to have penetrated the hearts of all the female viewers on the screen. The most attractive man.

He doesn't have to act, and all the audience can see any subtle expression they want to see through his close-up face on the screen. "

"Is there such a thing?" Ronald was shocked. He had never seen such an actor before. "It's like a face full of ambiguity? What kind of expression does the audience think he should have at this time?" Can it be seen automatically on the screen?”

"Hey, that's it." Polly Platt agreed with Ronald's statement. "I've heard many people say that the same is true for Marilyn. As long as she is in front of the camera, she is the charming woman. Although she is also a beautiful woman in life, she does not have such charm that makes all men obsessed with her."

"This is really haunted!"

I saw a scene shot by Harrison Ford yesterday, and sure enough, the star does have that peculiarity of being favored by the camera as Polly said.

It may be a certain combination of facial features, or a certain line of the chin and cheekbones. In short, it is a very subtle thing. The star's face has been slightly deformed by the movie lens and becomes full of charm on the screen.

Although, Harrison Ford's acting is still terrible, but what does it matter?

The audience can really imagine any expression needed for the plot from that tough, humorous, and cynical face.

"Melissa married him for a reason..." Polly Platt gushed there.

“What a miracle of God’s providence.”

Ronald also appreciated it. If Gary Cooper's screen charm is 100%, then Harrison Ford is at least 90%.

This may be the truth behind many legends about celebrities in Hollywood. After all, it is an art under the lens. Many times, acting skills are not as important as the favor of the camera.

Celebrities may not perform realistically at all, but what the audience loves is not the reality of character actors, but the bit of reality they believe in under those completely unreal faces.

After watching all the sample photos taken the day before yesterday, Ronald had an idea. Dealing with a star like Harrison Ford doesn't require the same standards as dealing with Melanie Griffiths. As long as it generally conforms to the storyline, Ronald lowered the standard of acting to 70 points. Anyway, the audience will filter out the unreasonable elements in the star's performance.

Ronald, who had regained his strong confidence as a director, returned to the crew with Polly Platt.

A tall beauty, with her hair tied up, wearing a professional woman's uniform short skirt and black high heels, was struggling with the volunteers of the Screenwriters Guild who came to supervise the filming location.

"You are a member of the Writers Guild. I'm sorry, but you can't go in." The supervisory volunteer stopped her and refused to let her in.

"For the love of Jesus Christ, I'm here to visit, and my husband is filming there."

"I know you. I saw you go up to accept the award at the annual meeting of the Writers Guild. I don't think there is any aspiring screenwriter who doesn't know the screenwriter of ET, right? Ms. Melissa Matheson."

"Eon!" Ronald couldn't stand it anymore, and Harrison Ford's wife was stopped outside. "She is not only the screenwriter of ET, but also the wife of Han Solo. Can't we be accommodating? She is now It’s not like we are the screenwriters of our crew, this is just a wife who comes to visit her husband...it’s a little bit of sympathy..."

Ronald rushed up to defend Harrison's wife Matheson. Polly took Melissa to the side to chat.

"I...this...is not allowed according to the regulations..." The volunteer became less arrogant.

"Let's do this. If you find someone to go in with her, it can be considered as fulfilling your supervision obligation, right?" Ronald glanced at the gentle screenwriter he had talked to last time. He quickly asked her to come over and accompany Melissa Matheson inside.

"Hi, Melissa..." Harrison Ford saw his wife coming and quickly went up to hug and kiss her, "You don't know how much I miss you and the kids here."

"Polly and I are watching over there. Don't delay Ronald's filming. He is a good director and a very good person." Melissa Matheson looked at Ronald, obviously interested in him and herself. Very satisfied with the respect.

"Wait for me, look at my performance... Ronald has agreed to eat Greek food with us today. He is a food expert..."

In the afternoon shooting, Tess escaped from Jack's house, changed her clothes, went to Jack's office, formally pitched her merger and acquisition plan to him, and tried to get him to join in, and they went to Tesco to sell it together.

Melanie Griffiths changed her hairstyle. Her light blond hair was no longer hanging down randomly, but was neatly coiled on her head, fixed with magic hairpins, and stuck tightly to her scalp, revealing her fair and beautiful neck. .

"That hairstyle is very nice, where did you get it? It's very retro..." Melissa Matheson, who was standing behind watching the shooting, whispered to her friend Polly Platt.

"That's the hairstyle Melanie Griffith's mother, Tippi Hedren, had in Hitchcock's 'The Birds.' I asked the hairstylist to try it on her. Like mother, like mother." His daughter is a perfect match."

"Uh huh..." Melissa Matheson cleared her throat softly and subconsciously touched her hair. The hair is also tightly tied.


In this scene, Jack talks to Tess about the merger and acquisition plan in the office. Members of Jack's team think that although Tess's idea is whimsical, it is theoretically very likely to succeed.

So everyone approved the plan, and Jack Traynor also officially confirmed his cooperation with Tess.

The two slept in the same bed last night. Tess went home and changed her clothes in the morning. Jack Traynor was still wearing yesterday's shirt, so he changed his shirt in the office.

The camera focuses on Harrison Ford and the glass window behind him. The problem of missing spots in the medium shot is not serious, and Harrison poured cold water on himself and wiped himself with an old shirt, blocking a lot of shots.

Behind the glass windows of the office, the extras working in the lobby were all happily watching Harrison Ford's strip show.

After finally putting on a new shirt, Harrison Ford adjusted his clothes. Some of the actresses playing secretaries in the extras outside had already begun to applaud.

Harrison Ford also extended his hands in a salute. The unbuttoned body radiates the strongest male charm from an actor on the big screen today.


Ronald was very satisfied with this part. Anyway, the female audience on the screen would definitely scream like the live extras.

"Harry is a walking blessing..." Polly Platt said to her friend Melissa Matheson, "You are such a lucky woman."

"Come to have dinner with us." Melissa was obviously very satisfied with her husband's live performance. In the evening, Melanie Griffiths, who had the same hairstyle as her mother, was not going, which made her lips curl up even more. a little.


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