Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 126 A masterpiece collectively recommended by action men

"How's work going in Queensland?" July rolled around in a blink of an eye.

"Die Hard" held its grand premiere at AcVo Cinemas in Westwood, Los Angeles. Two days before the premiere, Ronald hosted Rachel Ward, who had just flown in from Brisbane to appear at the premiere with her husband, Barry Brown.

"Have you never filmed a TV series, Ronald?" Ward is a little thinner than the last time we met. Maybe she is also following the latest trend in Hollywood and becoming vegetarian.

Whether an actress becomes popular or not depends on luck. Some actors who are no longer popular will blame themselves for being too fat, so they desperately try to lose weight.

"Yes, I have never filmed a TV series, only TV commercials and music videos."

"Ha, no wonder, TV dramas are different from movies. We have to shoot a lot of scenes within the specified time, and we don't have much time to polish them carefully." Barry Brown also acted in TV dramas with his wife in Australia. There really isn't much technical content to this kind of shooting.

Ronald nodded in agreement. It seemed that the methodologies of TV series and movies were completely different. He shook his head.

"By the way, what was the result of the test screening of 'Cocktail' starring Tom?"

"Hehehe..." Barry Brown smiled,

"I'm one of the leading actors. I can't tell you the true reaction to the test screening..." His wife Ward nudged him gently. This was Ronald. He wanted to know some reactions to the test screening. There were many channels. , wouldn’t it offend someone if you didn’t tell him?

"But I can say one thing, probably less than half of the audience at the test screening came to see Tom Cruise. Those people only come when Tom appears on the screen to be cool, such as when he does fancy bartending. Cheers, for the rest, like when I was doing fancy bartending, they were just sitting on the ground chatting with each other."

"It doesn't seem to be working. The attention is all on the stars, and the complete story cannot be seen. It is estimated that the reputation of 'Cocktail' this time will be very bad, and it may become the Waterloo of Tom Cruise." Ronald thought to himself that there has been no shortage of scenes of the beautiful daughter of a wealthy family falling in love with a poor boy since ancient times, but it is still too boring to arrange a career as a fancy bartender for a poor boy.

Sure enough, on the day of the premiere, Tom Cruise, who was the first to come over, didn't look very good.

"Die Hard" received a good reputation in the test screenings, and 20th Century Fox discussed with Ronald and Joel Silver to adopt a curiosity strategy in the promotion.

Prior marketing links,

No spoilers at all, just to pique the audience's curiosity. After the good word-of-mouth from the first batch of viewers spreads, and then with the praise from film critics from all walks of life, the popularity of the film will suddenly increase.


For the promotion of "Cocktail", they could only adopt a conservative strategy, desperately using Tom Cruise and Elizabeth Shue as a breakthrough point for publicity, and also used Cruise's most cool-looking tricks in the movie. The drinking session was cut into a separate trailer and played on major TV stations.

Regardless of other things, Cruise is also a little worried. If the audience enters the cinema and finds that the best shots have been placed in the trailer, will they cry out that they have been deceived?

"Barry," Cruise forced out a smile and hugged Barry Brown, who played his master.

"Ronald, hi, congratulations. I heard that the response to the film review session was very good."

"Thank you, let's take a photo." Ronald and Tom hugged each other, then posed for a photo with Joel Silver.

"Bruce, congratulations." Tom Cruise took another photo with starring Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman and others, then waved to the audience and reporters before heading inside.

"Tom, Tom, look here, do you want to talk about your new movie?" Of course, the reporter pointed the camera at the most popular Cruise and kept taking pictures.

"Why isn't Mimi here?" Ronald asked Paula Wagner, who was following Tom Cruise.

The invitation was sent to the couple. Demi Moore, the wife of Bruce Willis, is about to give birth and cannot come.

The heroine Bonnie Bedelia is going to Mexico to audition for Paul Newman's new movie. Nowadays, those who have the ability are going to film abroad to avoid the writers' strike... If Mimi doesn't come, there will still be Shitai today. With the duo of Long and Schwarzenegger, the premiere is really going to turn into a male hormone convention.

"They are having a quarrel, just know it." Paula Wagner said to Ronald in a low voice.

The "Rain Man" turmoil also made Cruise's team fully understand who is the director and friend who has their long-term interests in mind. Ronald is not shy about this kind of thing.

"Hey..." In the film industry, filming often lasts for several months. After taking a break, you may meet your spouse to go out to film. Actors are all extremely emotional people, and problems may arise if not done properly.


"The main reason is that Tom feels that Mimi is not religious enough for Scientology..." Huh? Ronald had no idea that the problem would arise here.

Mimi Rogers, a name not yet known in Scientology,

"Dianetics", a famous psychology expert, was already a member when she was scamming in Los Angeles, and her father was one of the earliest followers of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.

how come? However, it is difficult to say this kind of thing. Ronald has long sensed that Mimi Rogers is very scheming. At that time, she also wanted to find a beautiful woman in Scientology to do something for Ronald.

"Audit" is full of profit calculations. Maybe Mimi Rogers believes in Scientology just to meet Hollywood stars like Tom Cruise?

"Mimi went to some Catholic events and had little respect for current Scientology president David Miscavige."

"Uh..." When Ronald heard this, he felt that it contained some struggles between the founders of the religion, the old team members after their death, and the new chairman.

Anyway, Tom Cruise only went there to cure his dyslexia...right?

"Ronald..." A muscular man came over and greeted Ronald enthusiastically. With a slight German accent and a standard smile, he hugged Ronald and gestured to reporters to take photos.


"Arnold...how is your new movie? I haven't found time to watch it yet." Ronald finished dealing with the photographers and chatted with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"The box office was not satisfactory, but I was well received by film critics. They said that I was no longer the Austrian bodybuilding champion with only developed muscles, but that I had learned to act."

"Hahaha, you must not only be good at bodybuilding..." Ronald thought to himself, such a venomous tongue must come from the Chicago duo.

"Hahaha..." Schwarzenegger also laughed,

"I went to Moscow this time to shoot real scenes. I also learned from China there and let Hollywood go for filming. However, we seem to be less curious about Moscow than China." Ronald was not surprised by this visit. It has been hostile to America all year round, and the people's stereotype of that country is that it is brutal, cold, and the biggest opponent and threat.

However, China is not the main enemy and has a long history. When people mention it, they often have a sense of mystery and the idea of ​​traveling.

So, Schwarzenegger

"Red Square" was a box office flop after it was released last month. The gimmick of shooting on location in Red Square didn't bring many viewers into the cinema.

"How did it feel to shoot in Moscow?" Ronald, through cooperating with TV series in Australia, is now full of interest in shooting in places around the world that are not restricted by various unions and where shooting costs are cheap.


"It was very troublesome. We waited for two weeks to wait for the shooting permit from Red Square. One thing there required dozens of department stamps to approve. After shooting Red Square, we went to Lithuania and Latvia for filming. Anyway, the street scenes were similar. The practices of the people there are closer to those of Europeans." Schwarzenegger was also very interested in the commercial operations of the film, so when Ronald asked him about the filming, he just mentioned what he was interested in. It was quite pleasant to chat.

"Our enemies are not very good. When we went to Austria and Germany to shoot outdoor scenes, there were many beautiful women who flew with us. When we got there, we stayed in the hotel. Many men came in and out of the room every day. After staying for a week, we returned On the plane, there was a lot of extra luggage, including perfume and cigarettes, luxury goods.”

"Until he falls, they will still destroy the red empire of our imperialist capitalists." Ronald saw another muscular man coming in at the door. Knowing that Schwarzenegger and he would not appear in the photo at the same time, Ronald personally Go in with him.

"Ah, yes, Bruce is my friend. I also admire director John McTiernan. Yes, I would like to work with him. Sly is still the best." By the time Ronald came out, Stallone had already pulled With a female companion, she was chatting with reporters.

He divorced the Nordic supermodel named Nielsen and lost more than half of his family property. His film career also hit rock bottom. Now the Cannon with whom he signed a contract with a high salary of more than 10 million has changed hands. It is impossible for him to get such a salary of more than 10 million again. Give him a chance to engage in arm-wrestling.

Therefore, Stallone is very easy to make appointments. As long as there is an opportunity for him to appear with action stars of the same level, he is easy to talk to and the invitation will be there.

However, the broker is not willing to lower the price if there is an exit fee. There are rumors that his endorsements have begun to focus not on quality but quantity, and some daily necessities for women, such as dishwashing liquid, have also entered his endorsement range.


"Perhaps the rumors are true..." Ronald said to Michelle Cannold next to him as he watched Stallone being interviewed by reporters while being held by Joel Silver from a distance.

Silver is in front of reporters, trying to guide Stallone to say more

Good things to say about the "Die Hard" movie. They have a division of labor. Stallone, who has an old grudge with Ronald, is hosted by Silver, while Schwarzenegger and Cruise are hosted by Ronald.

"How do you say this?" Cannold didn't understand.

"Look at his female companion..." Ronald pouted at Stallone's female companion. She has a protruding chin, a big nose, a short philtrum, and unkempt curly hair. She looks like a rich girl who wants to get married. Play in the entertainment industry.

"Pfft..." Michelle Cannold is also a handsome guy who has very high requirements for women's appearance. Seeing that Stallone was reduced to such a nanny, he also laughed out loud.

"Hmph..." As if he heard Ronald pointing at him, Stallone let out a cry of contempt in his throat. Didn't he want to follow me and change the script for me?

Ronald didn't care about the rough guy. When he saw Joel Silver coming over in a hurry, he asked,

"Have you captured everything?"

"It was filmed. Stallone really needed this opportunity to appear. He was very cooperative and did several bodybuilding moves in front of the photographer."

"That's good, that's good... we've set a record, right?"

"That, coupled with Jean-Claude Van Damme, and Lundgren, the premiere of Die Hard is equal to a big gathering of all action stars in Hollywood. Everyone appreciates this movie and calls on all action movie lovers to go Go to the cinema and watch this epoch-making action movie." Joel Silver crossed the air with his bare hands, as if he saw the entertainment news program on tonight's TV station. The subtitles crossed under the screen were all for free.

"Die Hard" looks like an advertisement.

"It seems that your plan is very good and very successful." Ronald turned around and shook hands with the marketing consultant, Michael Gray.

Since successful marketing

After "Moonlight Sultry", every time a Daydream blockbuster was released, Gray would be asked to come up with a marketing plan.

His idea this time is to invite all Hollywood action stars to promote the movie and position the movie as a movie recommended by action stars.

Anyway, this movie is different from the previous action movies. Bruce Willis's character has many shortcomings and looks like an ordinary person. If this kind of action movie is successful, it will broaden the scope of acting for all today's action stars. , they are also willing to say something nice and see how the final box office results are.

"Hello, Ronald!" I was worried about the photos of today's premiere. There were only a group of muscular men and Stallone's ugly girlfriend. Then a short-haired beauty with black hair and black eyes came over to talk to him. Ronald said hello.


"Hi Winona, how are you doing?"

"It's not bad. My agent has read me a lot of scripts. When will our Sid Sisters premiere?" Winona Ryder, the one Ronald participated in the distribution of

The heroine of "Sid" is now waiting for the release of this movie, and then she can get better roles with this movie.

It has not been released, which makes Winona very worried.

"I have already signed up for next year's Sundance Film Festival. The large-scale screening will be held after the film festival. Just listen to your agent's arrangements now." Ronald said with a smile, waiting for the beautiful actress to become famous. , very much like the little sister next door.

Everyone thinks she is cute.

"My agent said the same thing, but my boyfriend said, maybe it would be better to take on another movie at this stage?" Winona Ryder felt like she admired a big shot towards Ronald, and expressed her inner thoughts All said.

"Your boyfriend?" Ronald looked at the distribution manager Michelle Cannold. How come you have a boyfriend in the past few months?

"That's Johnny... Johnny..." Winona Ryder looked up and looked around, found her boyfriend's figure, and waved him over,

"Johnny Depp is also an actor." Ronald frowned when he saw that Johnny Depp, the actor who played a soldier with Charlie Sheen in Platoon, was walking over.

Why are you wearing makeup that looks like a vampire? She even wore eye shadow.

"You decide for yourself, discuss it with your agent, and ask him to call Mr. Cannold to save the schedule for next year's film festival. You are the heroine of the movie." Ronald told Winona Lai De still appreciated it and patted her head.

"Hehe..." Ryder smiled cutely and walked away holding his boyfriend's hand.

"Isn't he the same actor as that, what's his name?...?" Ronald pointed at Johnny Depp's back and asked Richard next to him.

"Why are you dressed like a gypsy now?"

"Sheryl Fenn, well, they were once engaged, but after filming Platoon, I heard they broke up soon after. Depp has no new films after Platoon, and is now forming a band with a few friends... "Richard is aware of these trends.

Johnny Depp's exposure in Hollywood is quite high now, but it's all gossip, and his real career as an actor has actually stalled.


In "Platoon", Depp even wrote the name of his then-girlfriend Xuelin Fen on his helmet... At that time, the Hollywood Reporter wrote it as a sweet anecdote... It's no wonder, on the one hand, celebrity couples always It's hard to get along. On the other hand, after months of filming, it's intense and stressful. It's very relaxing to have a relationship at this time, which makes people indulge in it.

Ronald dropped the topic and walked into the screening room with several colleagues. The movie was about to start...

"Wow, wow, wow..." After the screening, the audience applauded and began to shout. This action movie is a type they have never seen before. Isn't it weird?

It seems to combine romance, suspense, and action movies. Why does such a thrilling scene, such a wonderful fight, and such a good-looking action movie have a plot?

And the plot is obviously very reasonable, right? The lead actor actually has acting skills! And that villain, how could such a sanctimonious and gentle person be so bad!

After buying one ticket, it felt like I had watched three movies. The audience felt that the applause was boring and began to stamp their feet to express their inner emotional fluctuations. Before the villain was thrown to death, the only policeman and luxury car driver who believed in the protagonist finally met the protagonist. And calm down.

"It looks like the response is very good?" Ronald was overjoyed when he saw this scene. During the whole movie, not one member of the audience went to the toilet...

"Just look at the movie reviews after the weekend to see if the marketing strategy of co-recommending it with male action movie stars is effective." Marketing consultant Michael Gray said to Ronald.

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