Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 132 I want it all

"Did you just come back from Ronald's place?" Cindy Crawford was in the apartment and saw Christy Turlington, her roommate, sneaking in in the morning with a look of spring on her face. I couldn't help but ask my girlfriend.

The other party wore large round diamond earrings on her ears, and the reflected light made her feel dazzling. "Is this given to you by Ronald?"

"You're not going with me, Ronald makes me feel good." Turlington smiled and touched Crawford's waist.

"You also know that I want Richard to establish an exclusive relationship with me now. I don't want him to find a reason to dump me at this time." Cindy Crawford said that it was the handsome Hollywood boy Li Cha. Cha Kiel. If she can successfully become his real girlfriend, it will be a huge improvement for Crawford's personal career.

Ronald is a good playmate and generous, but it is impossible to establish this kind of relationship with him. With the opportunity to finalize Richard Gere, Crawford is also very satisfied, as well as the roommate in front of him. If only there was a way to have them all.

"Let me see your new earrings." Crawford put his arms around Turlington, and when he exhaled, his warm breath touched the earlobes of his roommate and good friend.

"Ah..." Turlington was provoked by Ronald, and the feeling that had not completely subsided turned into a blush on his face again.

"A sneeze, a sneeze..."

Ronald, who was being talked about by two models who were rapidly rising in the fashion industry, sneezed twice.

He got on a business jet and headed back to Los Angeles.

Tsui Hark in Xiangjiang, and the "twin swords on and phoenix" shot by the two. The filming has been completed, and the two came to Los Angeles with the film, preparing for the heroine Rover Luo and the hero Qiu Yunbo to shoot the ending scenes in the United States.

Subsequent editing and distribution were all conducted in Hollywood. Ronald also needs to see the effect of the rough cut to decide how much investment to make in the video release film produced by Xiangjiang in the future.

Of course, before that, Ronald had to do a good job in opening a securities account. It involves an investment of more than 20 million and legal tax avoidance of millions, which is his first priority after getting off the plane.

"I found a stock broker from Charles Schwab. Their VIP department manager was waiting at the airport. This is the largest securities company in the West. They are particularly good at providing special services to VIP customers and can provide 24-hour quotation services. It suits you very well. Large Amount,

Requirements for multiple rounds of small batch buy-ins. "

Following him was his personal accountant Lawrence. Ronald didn't want many people to know about his huge wealth. Lawrence has served himself for so many years and has never leaked it to a third person.

"Very good, let's sign the agreement first." Ronald liked this efficient style very much.

"Mr. Li, I am your movie fan." The VIP manager of Charles Schwab served the big customers who fell from the sky very carefully. He thoughtfully explained to him that his company has dedicated personnel and a 24-hour hotline. As soon as he receives a call from Ronald, he can give a quotation for the global market.

Their branches in Tokyo and Xiangjiang have also been established and run, and all stocks can be bought and sold. "After opening an account, how do you want to invest? If you need it, I can provide you with daily stock analysis from our analysis department."

"It's not that troublesome. This time, if you spend more than 20 million, buy me a Coca-Cola. I'll talk about the rest later."

"You all buy Coca-Cola?" The manager was surprised, but then he came to his senses. Anyway, these Hollywood stars had heard a lot of unreliable expert advice on buying stocks from their so-called friends.

"This is a good investment philosophy," the manager complimented. "The current stock price of Coca-Cola has dropped by 25% compared to the highest point before the stock market crash. It is exactly the bottom of the mid-band. It is a good practice for building a position."

"My client, I hope that you will slowly buy Coca-Cola's stock each time on the principle of not causing price fluctuations." Lawrence stepped forward and explained Ronald's request.

"I can see that you are a wise investor. We will buy Coca-Cola shares strictly in accordance with your requirements." The manager knew that this was a test moment for new customers and quickly agreed.

"Fox has talked to Cameron Crowe. They are very satisfied with the story and casting, and have decided to invest $6 million, plus a reserve of two million, to sign a distribution agreement." Come to pick up Ronald ’s Daydream’s Michelle Cannold, who is now producing.

"Very well, write a letter to the producer, Polly, and say she's sorry her plans have to be redone..." Ronald's sense of humor struck and he made a joke to Polly Platt.

"Tsui Hark and I will be back from San Francisco tomorrow. I have arranged for you to watch rough cuts with them in the afternoon."

One piece of work was reported to Ronald efficiently, and the number of documents requiring his decision or signature was quickly reduced.

"What else do you want?" Finally, Ronald saw Cannold who was hesitant to speak.

"Do you remember Harvey, the boss of the Miramax production company we met in Cannes?"

"Of course, is there something wrong with him?" Ronald asked.

"Our 'Sid Sisters' will participate in the Sundance Film Festival early next year. But I heard that Harvey's lawsuit will also have strong new films participating in the festival. Should we invest some public relations budget and have a try with him..."

"You can approve a small budget, but there is no need to invest too much. Spend money according to Oscar specifications." Ronald thought for a moment. Sundance is just an exhibition venue for some independent films. There is no need to fight with that thick-necked guy here. The Jews wasted money.

After finishing the daydream, the manager Niceta came to the door again, "Someone is saying hello through many connections and wants you to do a favor."

"Who? What's the matter?"

"Linda and Harry Thomason, they are producers in the television industry. They have been jumping up and down in Hollywood for the past two days, looking for people, and finally entrusted it to me, asking me to ask for your help."

The couple that Niceta is talking about are the so-called producers of the TV series. They are the owners of a TV series, and they decide the characters and plot settings. If the pilot is unsuccessful, these people will bear the cost.

This couple was friends of the Arkansas governor who made a fool of himself on TV and was laughed at by everyone. Faced with the expectation that their friend's political future would be ruined, they were extremely anxious and eager to restore the influence through the program of NBC's most famous night talk show host Johnny Carson.

They came to see Ronald because he was in a hurry and sought medical attention. Because Johnny Carson is super influential as a host who tens of millions of people watch him tell jokes every night. And because he is on the public television station NBC and is concerned about maximizing his own interests, it is inconvenient for him to publicly support anyone from any political party.

This is something that Johnny Carson is quite proud of in his decades of experience in the industry. No politician has ever appeared on his show. In this way, he can remain neutral and let the donkey party and elephant party audiences who like him happily sell his sweaters and suits.

"How can I help? I'm not familiar with people in the TV industry."

"You are familiar with Johnny Carson's most outstanding apprentice, David Letterman. In addition, some Jews in the circle know that you have a good relationship with Helen's father Gerald." Niceta told them The reason for finding Ronald was that he could exert some influence and convince Johnny Carson.

However, this matter consumes the favor that others owe to Ronald. Niceta also brought it up, and it is up to Ronald to decide what to do.

"I don't have the ability to do this. If he wants to come on Terman's show, I can still help..."

Although he did not agree to help, Ronald still had a high regard for the handsome governor of Arkansas. In Hollywood and the television industry, it’s all about following the celebrities. If you lose power, everyone will leave you.

In the political world, snobbery is even more serious. Even the very charming current commander-in-chief has no one to go to him now, except for a few people who want to ask the commander-in-chief for amnesty.

Under such circumstances, someone was actually willing to help the stumbled governor, which shows that this person's conduct and charm are indeed very high.

"Tsui Hark, Corey, you have worked hard." The next afternoon, Ronald met two directors from Hong Kong in the screening room. Today Ronald spent 1.5 million US dollars to commission their film "Dragon and Phoenix Swords" "A rough cut is ready.

"Luo Sheng... Luo Sheng..." Two people from Xiangjiang were already waiting there. The two of them actually made another movie using the budget given by Ronald. Seeing the real owner this time, the two of them were a little nervous.

"Shall we start?" Ronald ordered, and the title "Dragon and Phoenix Swords" began to appear on the screen. This movie is played by two Americans. The male lead is Chinese-American Qiu Yunbo, and the female lead is a rare white action actor Rover Lowe.

Luofu Luo plays a Hollywood star who goes to Xiangjiang and Qiu Yunbo plays the actor's grandmother to learn Wing Chun. As a result, they were inexplicably involved in a gang dispute during the filming of a Hong Kong movie. In the end, the two returned to Hollywood, and someone invested in their movie and it became a success.

This movie is a typical B-level movie. Many plots have no logic, but the fighting is very good. Although Rovero is white, the karate-style fighting, with the cooperation of the dragon and tiger martial arts masters, is actually very exciting.

"This is not bad. It will be shown in Chinatown theaters in New York and Los Angeles. It will be screened for a long time in the Rubik's Cube Cinema that I acquired. Then I will take advantage of the situation and release the video... This fighting style is better than our boxing style fighting, one punch after another. This kind is much better-looking, and Hollywood audiences rarely see this kind of thing..."

Ronald was very satisfied with the finished product and praised the two Hong Kong filmmakers.

"Hahaha", tsui hark, Kazuya laughed along with him, doesn't this open up the market?

"How many first-run theaters will we have?" asked, this is the first film officially released in Hollywood under his signature as a director.

"About fifty or sixty..." Ronald calculated.

"Huh?" Disappointment was palpable. How can such a big market be similar to that of Hong Kong Film Festival?

"Well, if it starts well, we can add more in the later stages," Ronald said with a smile. "America is very picky about foreign movies. Your kung fu movies should also slowly cultivate the audience. At this stage, there are fewer.

Yeah, but you don't have to worry about dividends. The video sales will definitely satisfy you. If the movie box office is acceptable, we will also try to promote it in Europe and Japan. Then everyone will have red envelopes, hahaha..."

"Hey..." Now that I heard Qian, I felt excited again.

"Ha, oh... the witch will leave." At this time, a scene appeared on the originally dark screen. Qiu Yunbo put on ancient costume, pointed the sword in his hand at the opponent, and then flew over.

"I came just in time, I'm about to take your life..." Rovero also put on a gorgeous ancient costume, clumsily held a sword in his arms, and flew into the air towards the other party.


The two swords crossed in the air and then separated. Then the two of them turned around and flew into the air again to fight swords together.

"Hey...?" Ronald was surprised. This movie is an urban action movie, why is there a costume fight? Moreover, the shots were quite beautiful, with some artistic conceptions from the Hu Jinquan movies that Ang Lee lent him a few days ago.

Tsui Hark hurriedly said, "This is some extra film from the shooting. We asked the two protagonists to experiment with new uses of the steel wire produced by your company. This steel wire is very reliable and can produce the effect of going up and down."

He made a long face, but he didn't expect Tsui Hark to play this trick. Originally, it was planned that "Dragon and Phoenix", which would be directed by oneself, would focus on Hollywood, while the costumed and modern time-travel fantasy film "The Two Heroes" would be directed by Tsui Hark and would focus on the Hong Kong market.

It seems that Tsui Hark also wants his movie to be bought by Ronald and supplied in America so that he can have his name in the Hollywood Directors Guild. In this case, what would Ronald think, and whether he would think the two of them were liars.

"The film was very good. Have you brought the rough cut? I'll take a look at the rough cut of the whole film. If it's good, I'll buy it as well. I didn't expect that I gave you the budget for one movie, and you could make two movies in one, and the quality was good. It’s all great, I’m very satisfied.”

Tsui Hark was overjoyed. It seemed that Ronald didn't care about this set of filming. What a big deal it was. Didn't think it was an offense to him.

What they didn't know was that Roger Corman often did this at New World Pictures, where Ronald made his debut. He has a famous film called Horror House, which was filmed in one weekend, relying on the money and scenery provided by the AIP distribution company.

Roger Corman had Jack Nicholson write and star in a role. This is one of Corman's most successful films. AIP also bought it and distributed it. Not only did it do well at the box office, in recent years, some people have wanted to adapt it into a Broadway play.

Being able to accomplish this kind of set-up shooting is a sign of entrepreneurial spirit. ; Ronald thinks it’s great and will purchase more from them in the future.

Ronald waved his hand, shook hands with the two, and congratulated them. Especially Tsui Hark, the movie has an air of ecstasy that no one in Hollywood would shoot. Luofu Luo is a Los Angeles policewoman who goes to Xiangjiang to catch criminals (Qiu Yunbo).

Unexpectedly, after being caught, the bad guy played by Qiu Yunbo gave a ghostly smile, and the two disappeared in a burst of smoke. When they reappeared, it was already the Ming Dynasty. It turns out that the two of them were detectives and criminals in the Ming Dynasty.

On the way to the capital, Rovero understood that Qiu Yunbo was not a bad person, but a loyal minister entrusted by Minister Xu Guangqi to purchase Hongyi cannons from the Fo Langji people to deal with the Jurchens. He was framed by the eunuchs who said he was going to use the Hongyi Cannon to rebel, so he was wrongly accused by the ignorant king and beaten as an imperial prisoner. The two admired each other and eventually became lovers.

However, the eunuch Wei Gonggong was highly skilled in martial arts and personally led Dongchang to capture the rebellious Luofuluo. Luofu Luo unfortunately died in order to save Qiu Yunbo, but Qiu Yunbo was framed by the eunuch and beheaded at the entrance to the market. Unexpectedly, when he was decapitated, Qiu Yunbo was brought to modern times by the mysterious power of aliens. After discovering Rovero, it was like awakening her memory, and the two renewed their relationship.

In fact, among the two movies, Ronald prefers Tsui Hark's "Peerless Two Heroes". If there are audiences in America who like it, maybe it will create a new genre.

"Luo Sheng agreed to the urban action film, and the contract was signed accordingly." Corey was very dissatisfied. This was to compete with him for the opportunity to be released in America.

The two directors had differences over the two films, and both wanted Ronald to buy and distribute them. There is a conflict between which one to buy and which one not to buy.

"I just want Luo Sheng to watch it. It would be good to release the video tape." Tsui Hark seized the opportunity. Ronald just watched his own movie clip and seemed to like it.

"Don't grab it. It's not like you can only buy one movie if you die. I want them all. I will also buy this movie and let Mr. Cannold of Daydream negotiate a price for you and then arrange a release time. .”

Anyway, we don’t have much money, so if Ronald buys them all, it’s like investing in one more movie, which is a big deal.

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