Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 138 Courage is the most important thing

"I was eating at a restaurant with my friend Arthur one day, and this beautiful girl came in and I said to Arthur, did you see that girl of yours? I'm going to marry her. We were married two weeks later. ..."

Nora Ephron moved quickly, and within a few days, the tape, which featured some elderly couples interviewed in New York, had been filmed. Ronald sat and watched with her and Rob Reiner.

On the screen is a typical old white couple. The man is bragging about his story, and the woman is watching him from the side, revealing a hint of girlish sweetness.

"Fifty years later, we're still husband and wife!"

Ronald had a smile on his face, and most of the following video tapes were sweet couples, going to the final story together. There is a Chinese couple who went back to their hometown in the south to get married on a blind date, and they are also very sweet. There is only one Italian couple. After they got married, the man had many female companions, but after thirty-five years, he remarried with his first wife.

"You see, most people who love each other end up together." Ronald pointed out with a smile.

"That's right..." Nora Ephron couldn't help suspecting that she had made a mistake in her cognition. Maybe her marriage with her ex-husband Bernstein worshiped redundant love, which was the reason why she didn't make it to the end?

"No, Ronald, I was almost deceived by you. The people you asked Nora to interview are all couples. Those who are divorced and separated cannot be interviewed together."

"But don't you think they all love each other? When these couples look at each other, there is love in their eyes. Just like Harry and Sally, they also love each other very much. When the two broke up with their partners, they comforted each other, which is a subconscious expression of their love for each other."

Of course Ronald did not admit it and continued to insist on his point of view.

"That's true..." Nora Ephron had been won over to her by Ronald.

"Well, I agree that we can do this for the sake of box office, but I still insist that this film should separate them from an artistic point of view."

Rob Reiner's attitude is a little loose. His Castle Rock company, after all, has just started producing its own movies, and the box office is a very important indicator for him. If the first movie in which it was co-produced flops at the box office, there's a good chance there won't be another Castle Rock one.

Nora Ephron put away the video tape. She felt that her screenwriting ability was somewhat lacking in weapons when dealing with this kind of commercial film. So she asked Ronald if she could bring in her friend, another screenwriter.


who is she? "

"Carrie, Carrie Fisher."

"Princess Leia from Star Wars?" Ronald and Nora Ephron confirm. It was indeed Princess Leia.

After Carrie Fisher finished filming "Star Wars", she didn't have many successful works as an actress. After she realized that she couldn't make it to the top female stars in Hollywood, she turned to behind-the-scenes work that really interested her.

Nora Ephron and her are good friends, and it happens that Carrie Fisher's private love life is similar to Sally in the movie script. Carey first lived with singer Paul Simon for a few years before falling in love with and engaged to Canadian actor Dan Aykroynd.

Who knows that Paul Simon came back to find her, so she canceled the engagement and returned to Simon's arms. After finally marrying Paul Simon, she divorced after only one year, but after the divorce, she broke up with Simon again, which is simply a live-action version of a woman with the character of Sally in the script.

Of course, recently, she fell in love with a federal senator again. It is said that this time she found true love and is now in a sweet love.

It just so happens that the final reunion ending requires actors who are in love to act. Nora Ephron is confident about it.

Because of the temporary agreement signed with the screenwriters union, now Carrie Fisher can work on the crew in a fair manner.


Then Ronald flew to Washington, D.C., where he made an appointment with Mrs. Barbara, who had returned from the Elephant Party National Convention, to finalize the marketing of "Working Girl".

"Look at my lips, there is no new tax increase!" Old George's "heroic posture" at the national convention was constantly broadcast on the TV in the room.

"I want to continue to support the voluntary organization, whose brilliant diversity spreads like stars, like a thousand gleams in a vast and peaceful sky."

Barbara was sitting in front of the TV, and she never got tired of watching this episode. While watching it, I am still retelling the speech with a thousand points of light, how passionate and contagious it is? The American people must be moved by the pride of their ancestors who took the Mayflower to open up a new world.

"What do you think, Ronald?" Barbara turned to Ronald.

"It's very contagious. I see that your children respect their father very much in the camera." Ronald looked at Barbara's overflowing pride, what else could he say? Of course I choose what she likes to hear.

"You're a good boy..." Barbara's eyes flickered with excitement, and she's seen it no less than a hundred times, and she's still so pretty.

"Um...", Ronald originally wanted to talk about his impressions. This kind of speech style of the founding fathers is no longer suitable for the media effect of the TV media covering most of the audience in the country. What everyone likes now is the kind of politician who can tell a few jokes and laugh at himself, and his words are approachable. Like the current Grand Commander, and the governor of Arkansas.

But Barbara didn't give him this opportunity, and she said a lot about how respected she and her husband were at the national convention, and how their children were also very capable. During her eight years as the deputy commander's wife, she had had enough of being squeezed out by the first lady Nancy.

Now all of a sudden, the wife of the Grand Commander-designate (so she thought) was respected by everyone in the party, and the contrast made her a little too excited.

Ronald had to listen to Barbara repeating the story several times, and endured waiting for her to consume her show of passion. Then he picked up the phone and called two former and current female ministers to finalize their itinerary for the "Working Girl" campaign.

"Thank you very much." Ronald rubbed his hands, now it's really difficult to ask Barbara for something in return.

The wife of the Grand Commander-in-waiting has a busy schedule, and she will soon go to meet other people, and continue the old-fashioned way of praising her husband and family.

"You are going to meet little George when you have time. He told me about your help several times." Barbara took Ronald's hand, and it was this young man who made her feel happy. No one like him could listen to what he said so carefully.

"Of course, I will. My friend Douglas Jr., and let's continue to promote jobs and prosperity" Action Committee to contribute to Mr. Candidate. "

"Ahahaha, you really know how to make me happy." Barbara patted Ronald's hand, turned her head and walked out.

"Of course, with you, just praise your husband and a few children." Ronald smiled and left with satisfaction.


"I didn't expect it to be you, Ronald."

In Washington, D.C., Ronald also had a date with Berkshire's Warren Buffy. Since I found out from Coca-Cola, and made the same judgment as myself, the investor who bought Coca-Cola stock in a large amount was actually an old acquaintance Ronald. Buffett became interested and asked him to meet in Washington, DC.

"Ha, I also bought it for dividends." Ronald clearly felt that Warren's interest was higher than the previous few times he saw him. "David's composition talent is very high. We have to invite him to be the soundtrack for several of our daydream movies."

Warren Buffet is clearly far more interested in talking about investing in stocks than about his son David. Pulling Ronald to talk about buying Coca-Cola. In fact, many people don't understand such an old-fashioned blue-chip stock with little market change.

Now that he has such a close friend, Buffy is very happy and talks freely.

"David...", Ronald wanted to bring the topic back to his son. Talking about his son with his parents is the only magic weapon to please the conversation.

"He is a talented person, but it's a pity that he doesn't like investing." Warren Buffet commented on his son, and immediately turned the topic back to stocks. It seems that Buffy seems quite dissatisfied with David, the most talented of his children. This kid is obviously very smart, but he is doing some movie soundtrack.

"You can see that dividends are a very good idea. If we regard the rise and fall of stock prices as dividends, then as long as the discount rate is used to convert the rising part into dividends, then we can actually treat stocks as bonds. Come and see..."

"This is really an interesting idea, so if the bond does not pay dividends, when the price is used to represent the dividend value of the bond when it is finally cashed out, is it the same as the stock instead?" Ronald drew inferences from one instance, following Buffet's The train of thought asked.

"Hey, you're a gifted investor. Few people get my point so quickly."

Buffett was happier, and then said a lot of jargon that Ronald didn't understand, and talked about his analysis. According to the current price-to-book ratio of 5 times, many people only see that he bought Coca-Cola with a yield of only 6.5%, which is not as good as 9% of long-term treasury bonds.

Ronald understood at the beginning that many people on Wall Street believed that buying Coca-Cola was not as good as buying Treasury bonds. But none of them saw a bright future for Coca-Cola.

"But many people don't see the amazing creativity of Coca-Cola's management team. In the past five years, it has provided a return on net assets of 30%, and the annual growth rate of earnings has been 17%. If you count the return on net assets reinvested, it will be higher."

But in the end, Buffy said a lot of terms, which exceeded his understanding.

Warren looked at Ronald with a puzzled look on his face, knowing that he didn't know much about finances, and was only optimistic about Coca-Cola based on his intelligence.

"You have to learn finance, Ronald. With your investment and the scale of the company, it is impossible to personally do every project. Financial statements are the language for interpreting the company's operations."

"Okay, I'll find someone to teach me." Ronald also felt that it was time to make up lessons.

"Are you all right tonight? Come play bridge with me..."


"One Club", a man taller than Buffett, opened with a good card, and it was Munger.

In the evening, everyone formed a casual card game. Ronald and Warren Buffy teamed up against Mrs. Graham, the lady boss of the Washington Post, and Charlie Munger, Warren's business partner.

"Pass", Buffy's hand is not good.

"What does Washington think of the strike of the screenwriters union?" Ronald took the opportunity to ask Mrs. Graham. This is the head of the best newspaper in Washington and even the country, and he is very well informed about a lot of news. This pastime game is a good place for everyone to exchange news.

"No trump," Mrs. Graham responded with a good hand and a possible slam. "The commander-in-chief has arranged for a special commissioner to mediate. This time, everyone is not on the side of the screenwriters' union. Now the new season of the TV series is about to be unfinished. No one can stop the anger of all the housewives."

"So, it's impossible for the TV station to continue?" Ronald's judgment was approved by Mrs. Graham.

"Hurry up and call, I'm going to play a grand slam in this hand." Munger was dissatisfied, and urged Ronald to call quickly.

"Um, what do you mean by nothing? What time is it?"

Ronald hated this exact bidding. Cha-cha Munger and Graham used the bidding system used by the American team in the World Championships.

This kind of bidding, a club means that there are 16 to 20 big cards in the hand, and the response call also accurately describes the card type and points in the hand, so it is called precise system. The advantage is that it can call out the cards of both sides, and it is easy to call a game or a slam.

"8 to 10 big cards," explained Mrs. Graham. In bridge, if you don't understand the opponent's bidding agreement, you can ask the opponent to explain.

"Oh...I'll pass too," Ronald couldn't call out. Soon the advantages of precise control came into play, and Ronald and Buffy were made a game by the opponent, losing 120 points.

"Well, you have to learn to be precise, Ronald. This bidding system is just like investing..." Charlie Munger is an academic, and when it comes to investing, he is more consistent than Warren Buffett. sets.

"Really?" Ronald was furious, and picked up the dealt cards, "But sometimes, you can't think too accurately, and it takes a little courage, especially in our business."

"Three Hearts!" Ronald called out viciously.

Ronald and Buffy used natural bidding. There are not too many agreements, what suit is called is what suit is used to play the trump card. An opening bid of three hearts means that I only have seven hearts and the other cards are poor.

"Hey hey hey, four hearts", Warren Buffy also got excited and called to the end of the game. Now if Ronald can make it, he can get it back.

"Eh..." Munger had a bitter face, and his opening bid was at the third level. His precise system began to bid at the first level, and the space that could convey a lot of information was given to Ronald's reckless (or brave) bid. blocked. After thinking about it for a long time, he was still afraid that his and Graham's cards would not match, so he had to let it go.

"Hahaha...", Ronald was very happy when Buffett's cards were dealt. They have hope of making this game, but if Munger is given the opening bid, their spades can get a small slam.

In the end Ronald played his cards right and stole a round from his opponent with courage and intuition.

"Ronald, your poker skills and courage are both good." Mrs. Graham appreciated it very much. "In business and life adventures, courage may be the hardest thing to obtain."

She seemed to be talking about Ronald's poker skills, but she seemed to be talking about other things.

If Ronald realized something, news of a new strike came the next day.

Still supporting the June 16 proposal, 21 dissident union members filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board seeking to invalidate union rules that bar them from returning to work during the strike.

Some union members who disagree with the negotiators have threatened to resign their union memberships and return to work if the strike is not resolved by July 28.

The protracted strike finally achieved a substantial turning point.

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