Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 132 The power to modify the script

Exploiting Hollywood 1980 https://

"So you think Rapke is kidding? He wants Mr. Ovitz to give up on me and choose to direct Bridges? But my script is on file, how could they steal it?" Ronald listened to Richard Germany's analysis after asking.

"I'm afraid they have some tricks that we don't know about. I've heard rumors inside the company that Rapke doesn't follow the rules very much, and there's a lot of old Hollywood intrigue. In the current publicity plan, your name is not used by any media. As reported, this gives them a little room for conspiracy.

We need to be prepared, and most importantly, Mr. Ovitz's attitude is unclear right now. "

Ronald nodded, he had to be prepared.

"I need your help, Lindsay. Can you fly to Los Angeles? This time may be more difficult than the last script signing controversy." After discussing with Richard, Ronald first called his own lawyer.

Lindsay Dole listened to Ronald and Richard's speculation on the phone, "I thought about it, you need more than a lawyer who is proficient in law, you need a proficient in Hollywood Lawyers for studio operations.

Some things are hard for outsiders in Hollywood to figure out, I can fly to Los Angeles right away if you want, but I suggest you hire a senior Hollywood lawyer to consult first. "

"Do you have a suitable candidate? In addition, I can't afford high legal fees, and my script remuneration may not be available."

"This matter is not a court appearance. For a senior lawyer who is familiar with the details of the film business, it may be something that can be explained clearly in a few sentences. Let me ask you, it should not exceed half of the option contract remuneration you get. ."

"It's a lot of money for me, but I'm willing to take a gamble," Ronald made up his mind.

"What I'm looking for is a chance to be part of a major studio project, either selling a script for a sky-high price and adding some fame after being hyped in the news, or actually getting involved in the film so that I can gain experience.

My name isn't on the news right now, and Columbia probably doesn't want me involved in the film, and $35,000 doesn't mean much to me without getting either. "

"Okay, do you remember Mitch Kanter, the lawyer who represented MGM in the negotiation during the famous signature controversy? He invited me to practice at his law firm in Los Angeles, but I didn't agree. He had It's MGM's permanent lawyer, I can make a phone call first, he also appreciates you and will give you a friendship price."

Ronald remembered the lawyer with the dazzling ears and the uncomfortable grey eyes. "Is it him? Then I have no opinion." If this look is facing the opponent, it is still very pleasant. Moreover, he is proficient in the film business and has the ability to persuade others.

"Ronald. I had a hunch when I first met you that I would meet you again in Hollywood, but I didn't expect this day to come so soon, Columbia, $350,000, huh?"

"Hello, Attorney Kanter. Nice to see you again, but I'm not sure I'll get the $350,000." A few hours later, Ronald and Richard walked into "Manat, Philp" Phillips, Phillips \u0026 Cantor" LLP. Kanter has been promoted to the firm's named partner, giving them a little more confidence.

"Please sit down, I've already heard from Miss Dole what happened." Mitch Kanter, dressed in a dark suit, sat behind the old-fashioned solid wood desk, reached out and took out two glasses. When he got two glasses of whisky, he pushed it down. in front of two young people.

"Miss Dole signed a representation agreement on your behalf and I am now your attorney, and what we say is protected by an attorney-client nondisclosure agreement." Then he turned a clock over and overturned Luo In front of Nader, press the switch.

Kanter got himself another glass of whiskey, then looked at Richard, but said to Ronald, "With this agreement, I'm going to keep everything you tell me a secret,

do you understand? "

Ronald also glanced at Richard, "Richard is my agent, I trust him."

"Very good." Kanter took a sip of whiskey, "Then I'll say it straight, reputation or substance, you can only choose one."

"I don't understand, Mr. Cantor."

"Call me Mickey," Kanter took the script option contract in Richard's hand, put it on the table, turned to the terms, pointed to Ronald, and said, "This option contract, you must have already Understand, the guarantee is that for a 12-month period, Columbia has the right of first refusal to your script."

"That is to say, during the 12-month period, even if other production companies see your script, Columbia has the right to buy it first. After 12 months, the script is back in your own hands, and you can also cooperate with other production companies. film company.”

Ronald nodded in understanding.

"Columbia is a member of the Writers Guild of America, so they have to abide by the Writers Guild contract, the option must be at least 10% of the total purchase price, and the option period must not exceed 18 months.

Production companies that aren't the Writers Guild don't have to abide by the rules. For a rookie writer like you, they're asking a lot lower, paying only 1-2% upfront, and you can buy a 36-month-plus option on the script. Columbia has registered a whole bunch of leather bag companies to get around Writers Guild rules. "

Mitch Canter took another sip of whiskey, then leaned forward suddenly and said to Ronald face to face:

"So tell me, Ronald, you're neither the son of a big star nor a veteran of a string of successful titles, why would they be so disciplined and give you the best deal possible? Here's John Milley. Erth, the script price that Oliver Stone can get?"

Ronald's brows were furrowed, and he was indeed so carried away by the good news that he turned a blind eye to the apparently unreasonable terms of the contract.

Why give such a high price to a fledgling screenwriter? I'm afraid I'm not the screenwriting genius that others say, the real market value of "My Brother's Guardian" is difficult to say.

"This is because of our CAA's main screenwriter-first strategy. We hope that Ronald's script will attract influential star actors and star directors. And then sell it to the studio as a packaged project..."

Richard Lovett saw that Ronald didn't speak, and he opened his mouth to briefly talk about the events before and after the script was signed.

"I'm not going to comment on Ovitz's strategy, but what I'm saying is, it's just the result of things, what's the real reason? In this game, it's Colombia who pays the money, and they're going to have a problem with CAA's business strategy. Interested? What do they want? Ronald."

"They want Jane Fonda." Ronald finally figured out the point of the whole thing. Columbia isn't asking for a script, it's Jane Fonda. It wasn't his own script that Ovitz saw, but the fact that Jane Fonda was interested in the script.

As long as Jane Fonda signed with Columbia Pictures to make a movie together. It doesn't really matter who wrote the script, not even... it doesn't matter if there is a script.

And Columbia's fancy director James Bridges is a screenwriter himself. The two self-directed films "Hua Guo Syndrome" and "Urban Cowherd" are both box office and evaluation win-win. In Colombia's eyes, it is more natural than My own novice screenwriter is much more reliable.

If you and director Bridges compete for the dominance of the script, which side will Jane Fonda, a key person, stand? Ronald thought for a long time and couldn't think of any reason why Jane preferred him.

Bridges is now a popular director in Hollywood, and also works happily with Jane Fonda. With the film "Hua Guo Syndrome", she helped her escape the second Oscar curse, and her career continued to flourish.

"But how could Bridges and his agent, Rapke, take my signature away? I have it on file."

"This is not a problem. The Writers Guild's filing requires you to prove that your interests have been damaged before you can file a lawsuit. And if the movie is not released, you have no damage. The movie has been released, and you can only get a small amount of money and pay Free to help promote the movie."

"Why? Isn't the script I wrote used by them?"

"Bridges himself is a screenwriter, and I'm afraid he will drastically change the plot of your script. At most you can only strive for one original story, that is, the signature of 'story:', and the screenwriters union can only win a corresponding proportion for you. As far as I know, you don’t get much in this situation, and after deducting the attorney’s fees, you might as well take $35,000 and leave.”

"But I also made a filing at the Capitol Hill Library in Washington, where the defense clause is automatically activated after the filing is infringed, and I don't need to prove that my interests have been harmed."

"Your lawyer is very good, and reminded you to go to the Capitol Hill Library to file. But that doesn't help you much. Do you know why?"

Ronald shook his head.

"Richard, you should know. Plagiarism from the 1946 Oscar for Best Animated Feature."

"Mr. Kante, what do you mean, they will write a script themselves and then go to Capitol Hill to register?" Richard frowned.

"Yes, that year Warner's cartoon 'Bunny Bunny Rhapsody' was almost identical to MGM's 'Cat's Concerto'. In the end, no one could prove who copied who, and Oscar could only blur things. Things are still happening.”

"And the filing can only prepare the outline of the story, and subsequent revisions are automatically protected. Some screenwriters have filed dozens or hundreds of outlines of the story, and then they will settle it out of court."

"Then what should I do, Mickey? What's the matter with the reputation and substance you're talking about?" Ronald saw Mitch Kanter talking confidently, knowing that he must have a solution.

"Of course, what we said above is only the worst case. In fact, the director doesn't need to write another script at all. They can achieve the goal of squeezing you out by acting according to the contract."

"Look at this contract," Kanter took out another script option trading contract, turned to a page in the attachment, and pointed it to him, "Your contract is missing this important clause."

Ronald followed his finger to see an additional clause called "Preferred Right to Reject Script Modifications."

"With this clause, if the studio buys your script option and wants to modify the plot in the middle, it must come to you first. If you refuse, they can find someone else to modify it. This can effectively prevent They mess with your script.

Of course, the downside is that they always want to revise, and they may bother you again and again. Therefore, the revised fee will generally be agreed under this clause. "

Ronald picked up his own contract and looked for it carefully. There was indeed no such clause.

"The industry dubs it as a good faith clause, and if they like your script, they generally give you that power. If they just like your story idea, but are not satisfied with the way your script is written and plan to have someone else rewrite it, then Tends not to give you this power.

But if you insist, and they really want your story, they'll give it. "

"So they can take advantage of the lack of this clause to lead the revision of the script, and I can only walk away with the money and watch them randomly change my script?" Ronald suddenly realized.

"Yeah, if they're a little tougher, they can give up your script after the option expires, and re-sell their unrecognizable script to Columbia. That way you only get 10% of the option premium. ."

"You were careful not to sign the questionable contract on the spot. That gave us two options.

First, insist on asking for the right of first refusal to modify the script, so that you can deeply participate in the preparation of the movie and get some substantial benefits. However, Colombia may take the opportunity of contract renegotiation and will not give you such a high price again.

Second, insist that Columbia buy the script in full. If Ovitz puts pressure on you on your side, and there is already rumors in the media that you sell the script for a sky-high price, it can be done. In that case, you will Gotta walk away with the money and leave the script to Bridges to rewrite. "

With a satisfactory answer, Ronald and Richard got up to say goodbye, "I'll send you the check, Mitch."

"I'm sorry, Ronald. I didn't see their plan, and the judgment was wrong afterwards. It seems that Rapke and his client did not directly snatch the script signing idea, they directly took advantage of the contract. loopholes."

"No, it's not entirely your fault, I made mistakes too," Ronald said. "I wonder if my other two agents knew about this, and whether Mr. Ovitz knew about it. Thing. This contract was given to me by the new producer, do they have anything to do with Rapke?"

"We have to find out if this is what Columbia President Frank Price meant, or if Rapke had a loophole and wanted a fait accompli."

Richard also thought of this, "I'll go to Mr. Rick Nisita and Paula first. Then the three of us will chat with you tomorrow with Mr. Ovitz. He keeps saying that the company culture of CAA, is A big family. Big families can't fight infighting like this."

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