Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 171 I have a headache

Latest website: "I think the question itself is unfair because it injects too much emotional element into the discussion of policy issues." The next day, on NBC's news program, two political commentators began to defend Dukaki. The controversial question and answer question in the TV debate began to argue with each other.

Because of the principle of fairness, every news commentary program must have guests with different political leanings to represent different viewpoints.

So the expert who supports the Donkey Party began to extricate Dukakis, hoping to reverse the impact.

"However, I think Dukakis's answer lacks the normal emotions that a normal person should have when talking about the rape and murder of a loved one." The expert who supports the Elephant Party is confident and firm. No matter what he says, he is right.

"I think our consensus tonight is that Vice Commander George won last night's debate." When summarizing, the host should give a neutral and consensus conclusion.

This was as far as he could go, because the more the discussion continued, the worse it would be for Dukakis.

"How do you feel? Do you want to drink some more black tea? Go to bed early." Diane held the black tea beside the bed and added a little more to Ronald's cup.

"This is the last debate of the general election. As a producer, Ronald must pay attention to this kind of social news in order to grasp the changes in people's tastes." On the other side of the bed was Helen, who turned down the sound of the TV slightly. , adjusting the pillow behind Ronald.

"Do you want to rest?" Diane looked at Ronald and asked.

"Do you want to watch Tom Brokaw's analysis later?" Helen also looked at Ronald.

"I, I have a headache..."

"Hmph..." The two women turned their heads at the same time and walked out of the bedroom, leaving Ronald inside. I don’t know who she discussed it with, but Helen took the initiative to participate in the competition this time and stayed at Ronald’s house. She didn’t argue with Diane, she just competed with him for Ronald’s attention.

Just as Diane used her clumsy cooking skills to prepare food for Ronald, Helen also used her own way to give Ronald some comfort.

Ronald took the new medicine sent by Barbara, and his symptoms began to subside quickly. The only side effect was that his migraines worsened.

Helen played the piano for half an hour, and the gentle jazz music made Ronald take a very comfortable nap without realizing it.

Diane fired her mother's cooking consultant, switched to Aunt Karen, and learned how to make chicken soup.

Finally, after Ronald woke up, he made a large pot of chicken soup and drank it just in time for him to get up. But such tenderness cannot be enjoyed at the same time.

Just like now, Ronald, who couldn't make a choice between the two, ended up being disliked by both women.

"You're all gone, what should I do? Ahem..." Ronald covered his head with his hands. His migraine seemed to have really gotten worse.

"And I'm here..." Richard poked his head out. He also arrived in New York late last night. Today, in order not to disturb Ronald and the two ladies, he had to sit in the living room outside. He also had to devote his energy to looking after Ronald's needs. He wanted to take over anything that the two women couldn't handle. .

"Shxt!" Ronald looked at Richard and glared, what does this have to do with you?

"Uh..." Richard gasped when he realized he was in trouble. Diane and Helen both stopped for half a step, then looked at each other's movements and saw that the other had no intention of stopping, so they refused to give in to each other.

They walked out of the apartment door one after another. The two of them snorted at each other, feeling that they couldn't show weakness in front of each other. When they arrived at the gate, they had to take two elevators to go downstairs.

"This won't work. I don't want to do this. I'll come tomorrow and you come back the day after tomorrow." Diane stared at the floor instructions above the elevator, facing the elevator door that was wiped so clean that it could be used as a mirror, and looking at the reflections on the door. Another woman said.

"Tomorrow, after the weekend is over, I will go to Canada to film... We agreed not to slander each other in front of Ronald. It's fair competition, OK?" Helen also looked at the reflection of the elevator door and said viciously.

She has been well protected since she was a child, but she doesn't know how to compete with others. All I can think of is this declaration of competition among high school students.

"Deal..." When Diane heard that Helen was going to film, she felt that the opportunity had come. She was afraid that she would not be able to help laughing, so she hurried into the elevator.

"Ronald..." Richard watched the two women get off the elevator and came over again,

"You still have to go to the hospital for an AIDS screening..." Hollywood made a big fuss over the death of James Crabb.

His same-sex partner is also a professional in the film industry, and many people began to feel insecure. CDC expert Fauci said on TV that AIDS has become rampant in America.

In addition, the cloth rally in Washington, D.C., was repeatedly reported by television. A leader of a mutual aid association from San Francisco said in a television interview that for every person who died of AIDS in the 1980s, eight people died of the same disease in the 1990s. disease.

This estimated number was recognized by the public, who took the lead in changing their attitude and reported the disease caused by a new virus in the same manner as a normal disease.

As for Hollywood artists, who have always been at the forefront of progress, the proportion of people with different orientations and those with corrupt private lives is many times higher than in other industries.

Testing appointments provided by leading hospitals in Los Angeles have been scheduled for six weeks.

"No, I need to rest tomorrow..." Ronald felt that he needed to rest and could not do this kind of test out of the blue, otherwise he would have another migraine tomorrow.

"I'll play you another piece of music. I wrote it some time ago..." Early the next morning, Helen came to accompany Ronald.

She can't cook and can only order takeout, but she also has her own advantages. In addition to playing the piano and singing, Helen also read some poetry to Ronald.

"Your voice is so nice..." After listening for a while, Ronald felt that all his worries were gone.

"Do you like it?" Helen was very happy and read all the Tang poems translated into English that Ronald had at home.

"Yeah, it's like a bedtime story that a mother tells her children..." Ronald just listened to Helen's clear voice and lay comfortably.

"Well..." Helen stopped and smiled sweetly.

"Huh?" Ronald opened his eyes and saw that Helen was still thinking about what Ronald said just now about mothers telling stories to their children. "

"Oops, I have a headache..."

"I have to go. The crew is still waiting for me in British Columbia. I can't be too selfish..." After spending a day with Ronald, Helen still had to leave to finish the movie.

"Call me when you get there, and I'll ask little Bud to take you..." Ronald was halfway through talking, when he woke up and realized that little Bud had contracted the flu. His symptoms were worse than his own, and he was lying at home letting his three sisters and girlfriends take care of him. at the mercy of.

"I'll take you there..." Richard came over and helped Helen hold the suitcase. He now takes over from Little Bud and becomes Ronald's driver.

Helen kissed her fingers, then pressed Ronald's forehead, turned around and left cruelly.

She chatted with her best friend Helen Hunt all night and came to the conclusion that a man like Ronald could not ask for permission and could only use his own advantages to make him never forget him.

Diane came over the next day, and she started experimenting with a new recipe. This was not just a simple scrambled egg, but a very complicated pork pie.

The pie that was finally fried was served, and Ronald's face turned green from eating it.

"Uh... Bah..." Diane took a bite herself, knowing that there was too much seasoning, so she quickly poured Ronald's portion into the trash can.

"I'm going to get some beef patties and vegetable salad. You wait for me here..."

"Uh... I have a headache..." Ronald felt like what was going on? Both women were actors who became famous very early in Hollywood. How come they are now playing the role of wives?

One is responsible for cooking, and the other is responsible for reading bedtime stories to the children. If this continues, it seems that my migraine will never get better.

"Hey, please send three beef patties and vegetable salad to Fifth Avenue..." Fortunately, Diane also understood that her cooking skills could not be improved in a short time, so she called to order takeout.

"Huh..." Ronald took a deep breath and called his agent outside.

"Richard, Richard..."

"What do you want me to do?" Richard remained available. He was the one who needed to provide real services.

"Quickly, make some arrangements for me. I'll go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow."...

"Ah..." At the Presbyterian Hospital affiliated with Columbia University in Manhattan, New York, Ronald had a tube of blood drawn by a nurse.

"This is a preliminary screening. We can get the results as soon as four days to see if you have antibodies in your body. If so, it is positive. If not, the risk cannot be ruled out. We need to do detailed testing again. This requires It will take a long time, and the results will be available after one month." An expert doctor was explaining the testing process to Ronald.

"Is it so slow?" Ronald held the place where the blood was drawn, it still hurt a little.

"If Congress and the White House don't allocate funds, our researchers won't be able to make breakthroughs. Maybe things will turn around after the new leader comes to power..." the doctor said casually.

The current commander-in-chief is actually not very scientifically literate. After he heard about the transmission route of this disease, he stopped talking about it in public, as if the disease would cause him to die of shame because it was unethical.

"Yes, it will be fine when the new commander-in-chief takes office." A week later, Ronald's test results were faxed to Niceta at CAA.

As needed, he would provide test results to the agents of female stars who had had close relationships with Ronald.

You can only read it in the office, and you are not allowed to take it away, copy it, or take pictures. This matter cannot be explained to those people, nor can it be responded to publicly. Both of them will attract unnecessary attention from the gossip media.

Therefore, we adopted this method that has been circulated in the industry for decades, only showing it to the agents in the industry, and then not acknowledging it, clarifying it, and never talking about it again.

After showing it to everyone who should see it, Niceta got a lighter and burned the document. I watched the paper turn to dust in the stainless steel trash can and then flush it into the toilet.

It's not unheard of for CAA that the garbage in the shredder was found and the contract amount was restored.

"Tuk tuk..." The secretary came in and knocked on the door.

"Mr. Ovitz asks you to come to his office." Niceta expressed understanding, then opened the window to let in fresh air to blow away the smell of burning paper, and went to Ovitz's office with her notebook.

Ovitz had just finished the call when he saw Niceta come in, deliberately put the receiver on the landline, and then said,

"Aha, Rick. Have you decided on the decoration plan for your new office?"

"Yes, I like the current style." Niceta didn't spend any time on decoration and moved the current business style to the new office building unchanged.

"That's why I like you, Rick, you can always make customers feel trustworthy." Ovitz stood up and pulled Niceta to the large form on the other wall of the room.


"It's almost Oscar time. Which of your clients are preparing to be nominated this time? We will coordinate yesterday and gather all the power of CAA to serve our clients."

“Best supporting actor for Tom’s Rain Man, best actor for Diane Lane’s Grown Ups, and multiple award nominations for Ronald’s upcoming Working Girl, Paula and I felt that they There is hope for a nomination." Niceta sat down, signaled, took out a cigarette, lit it and started smoking.

What was Ovitz's intention of talking to him about this matter now? The so-called co-ordination means concentrating CAA's resources and concentrating its efforts on several awards, rather than having everyone fight separately.

"I think Ronald should be nominated for Best Director for the second time in a row, and his leading actress and supporting actress should also be nominated for Best Picture. And Tom's interest in Oscars is well known, and his career It’s time for my career to be confirmed by a nomination or even an award.”

"Of course, that's a no-brainer..." Ovitz wrote on a chart on the wall the films Niceta told him he hoped would be nominated.

Niceta noticed that there were several other movie titles listed on the wall, including Rain Man and Dangerous Liaisons.

Ovitz was still very cautious and did not write down the nominations for the awards he wanted to fight for. He had to talk to each senior agent individually and did not write down specific awards. This would help him become the person with the most information and easily convince others. Brokers, better allocate resources.

"Does Dangerous Liaison also compete for awards?" Niceta looked at this movie about Michelle Pfeiffer and Malkovich's scandal. It had just been filmed, so why should it be released this year?

"This movie has collided with Milos Forman's Valmont. Warner Bros. doesn't want to compete head-on with the two-time Oscar Best Director movie in terms of awards and box office. So it's speeding up editing." The two chatted. After meeting the arrangements for winning the prize, Niceta said goodbye and left.

Although Ovitz did not elaborate on the people among CAA's clients who wanted to compete for each award, these movies gave Niceta enough information. He would have a meeting with his wife Paula and Richard to discuss their countermeasures. .

After Niceta left, Ovitz removed the Working Girl title from the chart on the wall. Other brokers only show them the information they should see.

When Ovitz saw that all the secretaries were out, he put his feet up on his desk and loosened his tie. Such an image cannot be seen by subordinates.

Everything is under your control. The profits from the platter project that you lead will be your own, so invest the most resources to support it.

For ordinary customers, they can only give one nomination at most. As for customers like Ronald, first of all, they are not directly managed by him, and secondly, if he does not do more platter projects for CAA, then it is not worth investing more resources.

Besides, trying to figure out Ronald this time will be of great benefit to his career. Ovitz had done a lot of work for Sony's acquisition business, but Mr. Ohga's revelation to him that he wanted to invite Ronald to be the head of the merged company deeply hurt him.

When it comes to making money by making movies, who else has the ability to do so? Every time he leads a platter project, he not only earns enough money at the box office, but also wins major awards?

Ronald's level of success is far from true understanding. Fortunately, Ronald has something he wants, Oscar!

So there is something that can be exploited. As long as he is out of reach of being nominated for an Oscar for Best Director this time, it will lead him to the path of pursuing an Oscar.

When the box office drops, Sony will know who is the Hollywood business genius who keeps his cool and makes huge profits every time he sells a movie.

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