Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 173 The Difficulties of Celebrities Participating in Publicity

Latest website: "Thank you, thank you...Ms. Barbara, it is our honor to see you at the premiere." This election is the first time since 1948 that a political party has won Served for more than two consecutive terms as commander-in-chief.

George Sr. won quite well. He won more than 400 of the 538 electoral votes. And counting the total votes, George Sr. also defeated Dukakis by more than 7 million votes, 53.4% ​​to 45.7%.

Many people believe that the Elephant Party's victory in the past two elections was due to Ronald Sr.'s charisma, but it has completely failed, at least not this time.

George Sr. went to the White House and met with Ronald Sr., the current commander-in-chief, and the two had a cordial conversation.

Barbara was proud, taking the initiative in front of Nancy for the first time, and felt refreshed.

After sweeping away the depression of the past eight years, Barbara felt relieved and thought of Ronald. She took the initiative to call him and asked if she could attend.

"Working Girl" premiere in Washington, D.C. The inauguration ceremony will be on January 20 next year. This is a very stressful time for George Sr. to decide on the formation of a cabinet and personnel, but it is a relatively free time for Barbara.

She also wanted to try attending some public events and familiarize herself with the First Lady's affairs in advance. The flattered Ronald, of course, agreed immediately, and then asked long-term marketing consultant Michael Gray to fly to New York to discuss a complete marketing plan, especially adding a premiere in the capital.

"This campaign will focus on the role of women as secretaries, which is also an indispensable force in American politics. The publicity candidate we are looking for in New York is Darcy Maguire, the creative director of the advertising agency bbdo, and the one we are looking for in Los Angeles is a woman Independent producer Gale Hurd is a typical representative of a successful career who started out as a secretary. So, where else can be a more suitable representative of the political world than Washington, D.C.? In my opinion, except for the former Secretary of Labor Ann Mack Ms. Lauryn Cagle, what do you think, let’s find a secretary to the commander-in-designate?” Michael Gray thought of many ideas.

"Michael, this is not Hollywood. You can't use Hollywood thinking to prepare for this premiere. Everything that reminds you of Jennifer Fitzgerald must be insulated from the premiere." Just kidding, this This is not Hollywood, where scandals get free coverage and attention.

If Barbara is even a little bit unhappy, it will be difficult for her to enter the White House in the future. Wouldn’t it be in vain to invest so much?

Fortunately, Michael Gray brought this up, and Ronald confirmed again and again that all the female secretaries in George Sr.'s campaign team, especially the blond, young and beautiful ones, would be removed from the invitation list.

They will be replaced by coupons for non-premiere shows, two skin care product trial packs, and clothing shopping coupons and other gifts.

Gray's plan is very complete. In addition to inviting local famous successful female secretaries to share their stories at various screenings, Gray also arranged a series of public relations actions for the three leading actors, and accepted many media interviews.

To complete such a marketing plan, in addition to combining resources with publisher 20th Century Fox, it is also necessary to set schedules with three stars: Harrison Ford, Melanie Griffiths, and Sigourney Weaver.

The multi-million-dollar budget was provided by Fox, but it was up to Ronald to finalize the stars' schedules.

All three stars have scheduling issues. If Ronald hadn't intervened, Fox wouldn't have dared to overly threaten the stars to attend many interviews based on contract terms alone.

Of course, the three of them didn't do it on purpose. They did have their own reasons. Ronald flew to Los Angeles and visited Harrison Ford first.

"Hey, Ronald, I'm really busy right now. I have to go to Utah right away to film the latest Indiana Jones movie, 'The Last Crusade.' Can we make things a little simpler? Participate in a few interviews, and then I will concentrate on saying something nice for you." Harrison was at home, his wife held the child in her arms, said hello to Ronald, and left her husband to talk to Ronald alone.

"Of course, the two most important TV interviews are Bobbi Wygant's celebrity interview program and New York NBC's Today's News." Ronald didn't have much leverage on big stars. He wrote on his notebook, Programming other than these two interviews was deleted.

Harrison Ford's ability to attend interviews attentively and say something nice is his greatest contribution to the film.

There were too many other interviews, and he was not in good condition, so the broadcast effect was not good.

"I think you're a little down, Harrison. What's wrong? Do you have any doubts about the finished version of the movie or the announcement?" Seeing that the other party was not in a good mood, Ronald asked bluntly if Ford was interested in the movie. There is something dissatisfying about the movie itself, or about Xuanfa.

"No, I watched the pre-screening and was quite satisfied with the movie itself. I will also cooperate with the promotion. It's just..." Harrison came over, tilted the corner of his mouth, and showed a typical Ford-style smile,

"I didn't seem to perform well in this movie?"

"The American audience will be conquered by you again, especially the female audience..." Ronald chuckled.

"Hahaha..." Harrison Ford was very happy when his itch was tickled. Everyone said this, but when it came out of Ronald's mouth, it seemed so authoritative.

He rephrased it,

"What I mean is, actually, in terms of acting, are you being suppressed by a few female characters?"

"Harrison, this is a female Indiana Jones. The workplace for women is just like the various institutions faced by Indiana Jones, full of difficulties and obstacles. All the characteristics of women are against you. I believe the audience will be deeply impressed by your role. Wall Street banker, hey..." Ronald analyzed it from a performance perspective, which reassured Harrison Ford.

"Ronald said that my role is better than the previous cowboy-type performances..." Harrison Ford showed off to his wife Melissa Matheson, who was feeding her child well.

It is also a rare experience for him to be sincerely praised for his acting skills by a well-known director. Most directors just want him to play themselves.

Like the movie that just came out, directed by Polanski

"Knocked Up," a box-office flop, received poor reviews, and lost all of Polanski's previous praise.

He just hopes his fame will bring investment and attract an audience.

"I have no doubt that Ronald is sincere..." Melissa Matheson is the screenwriter. Ronald praised his husband, which was obviously more sincere than Polanski.

"But he didn't say anything about the award either..." Melissa shook her head and kept the words on her lips. When it comes to acting, if you have it, you have it, if you don’t have it, you don’t have it.

"I saw your secretary come last time, and it was this blonde girl who came with you last time in 'Kicks'." Harrison Ford pointed at Barbie Wygant and pointed at the beautiful secretary next to the latter. .

"Uh, ah, yes, it was her last time... well, let's get started." Bobbi Wygant was casually treating this charming Hollywood star, and she didn't know how to treat him.

This time, Bobbi Wygant came to Los Angeles from Texas with her own film crew again to film

The star of "Working Girl" does an interview show.

"Okay, Barbie..." The photographer stuck his head out and gave Barbie Wygant a signal.

"Working Girl is going to be a phenomenal movie, a huge success. I can feel it... I haven't heard anyone who saw the press screening say anything bad about it."

"I haven't heard any bad feedback, but to be honest, I'm looking forward to their praise. I'm actually very happy to hear them say that." Harrison Ford sat in the hotel room with a smile. Keju, his movements were cool and unrestrained, and he gave the female secretary behind Barbie a Han Solo-like smile.

"Is this your first time working with Ronald Lee?"

"Yes, yes... this is the first time. We have almost cooperated several times before, but this is the first time it went smoothly."

"Is this one of the reasons why you agreed to star in this movie?" Bobbi Wygant's language proficiency is very good, and she quietly guides the star to tell some plot points designed by the studio that the audience wants to see and pays for. .

"Of course, I think he is one of the best directors right now, especially in the field of female themes and romantic comedies." Harrison Ford took the hint and immediately changed the topic and started to praise all the big names.

"Ronald, plus the script, plus all of that combined, is why I love this movie..."

"Huh? Melanie?" Bobbi Wygant guided Ford, who had a very big ego and had almost forgotten the two heroines.

"The addition of Melanie Griffiths is also a big attraction for me. Well...her joining this...group is another reason why I decided to join..." It's not Harry who praises people. What Sen Ford is good at, he started to run out of words again.


"Of course, not to mention Sigourney Weaver, who was another reason why I decided to join..." Harrison Ford was really not the best person to discuss these character issues, and he quickly became distracted.

Bobbi Wygant ended the interview with a bang.

"Thank you, Harrison, thank you for coming here and doing the interview for the working girl..." The old lady was still very happy. Anyway, the audience just saw other people and automatically ignored whatever stupid things they said.

"Sigourney, it's a pleasure to interview you again. The last time you and I were here talking about 'Gorillas in the Jungle,' I didn't expect to talk to you about 'Working Girl' again. Did you expect it?"

"I didn't expect it either. I knew they would ask me to be interviewed, but I didn't know that you would be the one doing the interview for both movies. This is also my first time doing interviews for two consecutive movies in a short period of time." The next day, The interviewer is Sigourney Weaver.

Her problem with the interview schedule is different from Harrison Ford's, mainly because she has promotional duties for the two movies she is starring in, and she is afraid of schedule conflicts between the two.

Fortunately, she is also a client of CAA, so she can coordinate with the two parties and try to arrange the interviews for the two movies together.

"Anyway, congratulations on your performance. Look at Doctor in Gorilla and Catherine in this movie. What is the performance ability that turns 180 degrees!"

"Thank you. In fact, this is also an important point that attracted me to take this role. Playing a supporting role, a classic bad guy, a perfect woman who is not the kind of movie I often play. I am very happy that director Ronald can think of me... …”

"Did Ronald give you any guidance on how to play such a villain? Is there any real person or past movie character that you could imitate?"

"I would have loved to have a clear guide, but Ronald just had me spend two weeks with some investment managers on Wall Street. It can be said that Catherine is not any real person, or a replica of a previous character, but these people The complex..."

"Can't find such a bad woman, haha?" Bobbi Wygant's interview was much more comfortable than Harrison Ford's.

Sigourney is a professional actress. She has the style of a star and can perform a lot of things.

"Well... not actually. I don't think Catherine is that bad. Of course it's not that she didn't do bad things, but her character is indeed excusable..." Sigourney Weaver really did some technical work with the other party. Explore.

"Actually, I kind of sympathize with Catherine. Wall Street is a very competitive place and she did bad things. But Tess also pretended to be her colleagues and used her office to deceive her boyfriend and her clients. In fact, I Among the women on Wall Street whom I have studied, two of them are clearly more sympathetic to Catherine..."

"Ahahaha, thank you Sigourney, our audience will love this interview" Barbie Wygant ended the interview happily.

Sigourney Weaver's interview is both professional and topical. Who is worthy of sympathy, Tess or Catherine?

Once this kind of discussion is started, Ronald, who has been named to be interviewed by himself, will definitely be happy. He will not have to worry about the ratings for future program topics.

"Melanie, I am really happy to have this opportunity to meet you. I think you have performed a work that is bound to be a hit." Bobbi Wygant enunciated the words clearly, the rhythm was slightly slower, and she finished her opening remarks with a steady rhythm. .

"Well, thank you..." Melanie Griffiths had a short haircut. She spoke weakly and her voice was very soft. If it hadn't been for an extra microphone close to her mouth, she might not have been heard.

"I'm serious, I watched the screening with a bunch of critics, and I didn't hear a single bad comment about the movie. That's something you've never heard of, you know, with these venomous people... ..." Halfway through Bobbi Wygant's words, she noticed that Melanie Griffiths was shaking her head and her eyes were wandering. It seemed that she had a serious addiction problem.

Barbie had no choice but to bring the conversation back to something simple.

"Melanie, you think this movie will be yours...you know..." Barbie Wygant made an explosive gesture.

"I don't know... I never expect any miracles... You know, in this business, it's best not to expect too much..." Melanie's voice became smaller and smaller, and her eyes kept blinking, as if Going to sleep.

Melanie Griffiths yawned quietly, then put her feet back and stepped on the sofa.

"You know, my job is...just...to do my job, and after the filming, I don't think about it..."

"Well...well...", Bobbi Wygant almost rolled her eyes. This guy seemed to have to end the interview quickly before she said something disastrous.

"When I first entered the industry, I had high expectations, but I was always disappointed again and again. Later I asked myself, why do I want to make a movie?..." The more I talked about it, the less decent it became. Bobbi Wygant made four movies Stop in five minutes and end it quickly.

"Ronald, I'm sorry, I'm not in a good state...You have to let me rest..." Melanie Griffiths yawned profusely and came out to apologize to Ronald, who was staring at the field. She only had Even though he was sane, he still knew that he was in trouble.

"I don't care what you did, just go back to the rehabilitation center obediently. In two weeks, today's news will be broadcast live. You, Sigourney, and Harrison will be on the live broadcast together. Everything you want to have depends on you this time. Well done. Take a break, Melanie. No film critic would say anything good about a yawning addict."

"I know, thank you, Ronald." Melanie Griffith's difficulty is getting back together with her ex-husband, Don Johnson, who played the leading role in Miami Vice.

This man took her back into the deep pit that she had finally climbed out of before. When the agent found her, Melanie Griffiths had lost a small part of her hair, and she was extremely slovenly.

If it hadn't been for this publicity work, Ronald had no doubt that he might have heard news about the heroine OD before the movie started.

Another money was spent to send Melanie to a rehabilitation center. Ronald actually breathed a sigh of relief. Such a positive, progressive Tess is a model image of American professional women. If the heroine dies in this way, it will be greatly detrimental to the box office.

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