Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 180 The Accident at the Inauguration Ceremony

"That's no problem. We are looking forward to working together on this matter. We all hope that Miss Sigourney Weaver will win as many Golden Globes as possible."

"That's good, we have a basis for cooperation." Sitting opposite Ronald, is

The public relations manager of the "Gorilla in the Mist" crew, whose film also suffered from poor box office.

If it can make some gains during the awards season, then it may gain more in the international market and the video tape market, and it may even be re-released in China.

their marketing plan, and

"Working Girl" crashed. Fortunately, Sigourney Weaver played the leading role in that gorilla movie.

In this way, in terms of awards, it is the same as

"Working Girl" has a staggered supporting actress. Not only is there no conflict between the two sides, but they can also join forces to achieve the effect that one plus one is greater than two.

Sigourney Weaver's agent also found Ronald through CAA. The two sides coordinated, maintained cooperation, and hyped together.

"Sigourney Weaver, from the female doctor jungle gorilla researcher to the mean Wall Street bitch. From the best actress in a drama to the best supporting actress in a comedy. Her acting skills are easy to handle, and the transformation is dizzying. Sigourney Weaver at the Golden Globe Awards is expected to win the Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress." Ronald looked at the document jointly hyped by the two parties, and then signed the document, which benefited both parties matter.

As for the future Oscars, that will be discussed at that time. After sending off his partner, Ronald complained to his public relations consultant, Michael Gray,

"Why is there a problem with Melanie again? I began to wonder if our public relations strategy focusing on her is really effective."

"Many of Melanie's behavioral problems are also because of her mother..." Michael Gray was also very helpless.

With such a mother, there is really no way. Melanie Griffith's mother, Tibby Hedren, saw her daughter's interview and made headlines in newspapers and magazines. Unwilling to be lonely, she came out to be a demon again.

"I haven't been interviewed by the media since 1982. That's because I put all my energy on animal protection. I raised my daughter to develop her nature. Animals have learned a lot." Tippi Hedren is really lonely, and there are still some shadows of her face back then, but sometimes it is necessary to remind reporters to remind them of the scenes she played.

"The Birds" and

"Beautiful thief". But in fact, Tibby should not be blamed for this, but Hitchcock transferred the copyright of some of his movies to his daughter because his daughter Patricia had no talent.

And since then they are prohibited from showing them on any occasion. This has resulted in the absence of Hitchcock's films for 20 years in the channels through which a new generation of audiences, such as TV stations and video tapes, can get in touch with Hitchcock's works.

After finally having the opportunity to be remembered by reporters again, Tippi Hedren said a lot about Melanie Griffiths when she was a child.

It's not very good to talk about her daughter in words. It was as if compared to Tibby herself, her daughter was just a fat, backward, not-so-intelligent chubby girl.

Only when she married Don Johnson did she surprise herself. And said a bunch of things about how rude Don Johnson was.

Melanie Griffiths was already mentally fragile, supervised by Ronald and accompanied by her compound boyfriend Don Johnson, and was slowly recovering.

Stimulated by her mother's various words to expose the scars, she shut herself in the room for a day without eating or drinking. In the end, her boyfriend Don Johnson found someone to pick the lock and then sent her to the hospital for treatment.

Hey, sometimes, an excellent mother tends to ignore her daughter's wishes, which frustrates her daughter's self-esteem.

Melanie Griffiths is still much worse than her mother in terms of appearance. It's her acting talent and dedication to research that make her acting ability much better than Naimu's.

But Tibby's nonsense still made Ronald very angry. The media forgot about the theme of Miss Golden Globe to Best Actress, and it was full of Hitchcock girls saying that their daughter is a little fat girl.

real money

The media page from "PR" was ruined by this old hag.

"Find someone to send a message to Ms. Tippi Hedren. If she continues to talk about her daughter in such a blunt manner, I will irresponsibly let her live with a beast like a lion without protection. In the end, she will be raped." Let me tell you about the beast attack..." For a female celebrity whose life is beautiful and has a man to help every time she encounters setbacks, only by threatening her to expose her unbeautiful side can she understand.

"Puchi, okay, I'll make arrangements. She shouldn't talk about Melanie's scandals anymore." Michael Gray took the order and left with a smile.

Really, Ronald took care of the extra trouble. He couldn't help thinking that Diane's mother was also prettier than her, and had some problems with her daughter.

It seems that this is a common problem for the second-generation children of the entertainment industry. However, Diane doesn't seem to have such serious psychological problems as Griffiths. I don't know if her father's love made her childhood life happier.

Ronald thought that when he arrived in New York next, he could just chat with Diane about this kind of thing. In the past few weeks, he has been editing films in Los Angeles,

The influence part of "When Harry Met Sally" has already been assembled for the first time, and it can be concluded.

Coincidentally, the inauguration ceremony of the Grand Commander will be held in Washington DC on the 20th.

Ronald, who was invited, can take his family to attend the ceremony, and he can also sit in the infield and watch the scene where George Sr. presses the Bible and proclaims from a close distance.


"Aren't you going too?" Ronald arrived in New York and talked about going to the inauguration ceremony together, but Diane expressed his unwillingness to go.

"Why, isn't Donna going too?" Diane was surprised that Donna was still shopping for new clothes two days ago.

"Uh...forget it, I'll go with Aunt Karen..." Ronald thought to himself that he almost missed it. When he was in Los Angeles, Helen Slater made it clear that he didn't want to participate in the old George, an advocacy of nuclear weapons. The inauguration of the party leader.

"Many actors in Hollywood don't like this leader, why don't you go too? It's not always good to be seen..." Diane touched Ronald's lips with his hand.

My parents divorced when I was only a few weeks old. My mother has never recognized her very much. Although my father loves her very much, he also paved the way for her in Hollywood... But if I have the current status, I should be most grateful to this man in front of me... Ronald sees Diane Smiling very warmly, he also stroked her arm,

"I'm a director, so it doesn't matter much..." Ronald didn't say anything else. He contributed money and efforts himself, for the sake of old George's future policies on big Hollywood artists like himself, and relying on the capital market. Do rich people get more preferential policies?

If he didn't show up on Old George's happiest day, how could he properly remind him?


"People call those eight years old Ronaldo economics, but for me, those eight years have been a journey of common sense. We just have to rely on common sense to know that if you tax a person's income heavily, then The output brought about by his talent will be much less..." In the evening, Ronald had dinner with Aunt Karen, Donna and Diane.

What was shown on television was the public farewell televised speech of the current Grand Commander. For a general who is about to leave office, the farewell speech has such a high ratings, which is the best compliment for his administration in the past eight years.

"So, we give the people a tax cut, and the people are able to create more stuff than ever before..."

"That's right..." Little Douglas, who came over to have a meal, heard this and applauded loudly. Anyway, old George vowed to continue the economic policy of the current commander-in-chief, which is the most critical policy!

"You're too noisy, affecting my aunt watching TV..." Ronald motioned for little Douglas to lighten up.

The old Ronald's farewell speech was sincere, and everyone was reluctant to bear this great commander who led America out of the economic downturn.

Of course, there are many people who don't like him, but these people don't dare to criticize old Ronald's policies directly, so they can only make indirect remarks.

"Hey, auntie, don't be angry, I'm just speaking bluntly..." Little Douglas seemed nervous, and went to help bring coffee.

"It's okay, you're a good boy too..." Auntie smiled and patted Little Doug's hand. ...

"Hey, let's go to bed early at night and go to the White House early tomorrow morning. There will be guards there with the Marine Corps early in the morning. I'm afraid we won't be able to get in if we go late.

"I was a little excited, I didn't expect to witness this kind of celebration live..." By the night before the inauguration, Ronald and his aunt had arrived in Washington, DC.

An estimated 600,000 people will attend Friday's inauguration ceremony. This number is probably more than the number of people in the Jesus'88 large-scale prayer meeting organized by the church last spring.

Most of these people can only watch TV broadcasts in the periphery to celebrate, or participate in the parade of the new commander after the inauguration ceremony.

Old George had a more classical taste, and he liked the scene where many people were lined up neatly and greeted on both sides of the road. He resumed this kind of parade that hadn't been held for a long time.

In short, sitting in a convertible car and waving to the people on both sides of the road, since Kennedy was assassinated, few generals like to do it.

But maybe this kind of closeness to the people is a good feeling, and Old George feels that he needs this kind of occasion to increase his charm.

On Friday morning the formal inauguration of George Herbert Walker was to take place. Ronald was wearing a coat and walked slowly towards the west side of Capitol Hill together with his aunt who was dressed up.

What he held in his hand was an invitation card with black letters on a gold background, which had lasted for more than a hundred years. At that time, old George and Barbara will come out with the retired old Ronald, Nancy, and then the deputy commander, Dan Quayle and his wife.

Then Justice O'Connor presided over the swearing-in ceremony of Deputy Commander Quayle, and then the soldiers of the Marine Corps sang the hymn.

Finally, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Rehnquist, personally administered the oath to the successor Grand Commander. After that, the fifty-first Grand Commander officially took office.

George Sr. came from an orthodox New England political family, and he revived many old customs. For example, he decided to recite the oath of the founding father George Washington himself like his idol, World War II veteran commander Eisenhower.

Ronald carried Aunt Karen on his shoulders, and the two slowly followed the crowd to the entrance of the infield. To enter the infield, you must have that kind of invitation card with black letters on a gold background.

A row of people were queuing up, holding invitations in their hands to invite the marines on guard to check, and slowly entered.

"Donna..." Ronald saw Donna wearing a new coat waiting at the entrance, with a man in her hand.

"Hi, Ronald, Aunt Karen..." Little Douglas greeted them with a smile,

"Good morning……"

"Morning...going...okay..." Ronald clasped his hands, his knuckles cracking. This guy, how could he be with Donna...and keep it from himself...Little Douglas came to chat with his aunt. He listened to his grandfather's analysis, and concentrated on pursuing Donna, a high-intelligence woman who worked on Wall Street after graduating from mit. After contacting her, there was finally a breakthrough.

"Don't be like this..." Donna, who took Ronald's arm instead, hit him. Such a rough move was very disrespectful at the inauguration ceremony of the Grand Commander.

Ronald was so angry that he had to look around. The scene was very orderly, and he couldn't see where there was a baseball bat...

"Who's that?" Barbara's youngest son, Jeb, happened to pass by the inner circle, and his wife, a small and dainty Hispanic immigrant, asked the tall, handsome man outside looking around in Spanish.

"Hmph..." Jeb was upset. If it wasn't for Ronald's help, his brother George Jr. would not have been recognized by Barbara.

Immediately, Jeb called a staff member wearing glasses and whispered something in his ear.

"Sir, your invitation card..." Aunt Karen and little Douglas had already entered the inner circle. Just when it was Ronald's turn, the marine soldier who was checking the invitation was called over and left.

After waiting for a minute, another staff member in a suit and glasses finally came and continued to let them pass.

Ronald quickly took out his invitation card and handed it to the other party. After accepting Ronald's invitation, the other party apologized to him in embarrassment,

"I'm sorry, I'm here to take over this position temporarily. The boys from the Marine Corps went in. The new commander wants to have a few words with them. I don't know where the list is. I'll get it when I go over there." The polite young man walked in with Ronald's invitation and disappeared around the corner.


"Sir, your invitation card." After a few minutes, the Marine Corps soldiers who had just left came back again, reaching out to Ronald for the invitation card.

"No, your companion, a young man in a suit and glasses, has already taken it to the matching list..." Ronald pointed to the back and replied.

"I'm sorry, the Marine Corps is in charge of today's ceremony. I can only ask you to leave, sir." The Marine Corps buddy took half a step forward, blocking Ronald's view.

"I... you ask them, my invitation has been taken away by a civil servant..." Ronald asked the people in the team backwards, wanting them to testify,

"Why don't you have a pair of lists, my name is Ronald... Ronald Lee." The friend behind shrugged, saying that he didn't see it.

Ronald still needs to be identified, the soldiers of the Marine Corps have isolated him aside,

"Sir, I'm sorry. According to the regulations, you have to leave first... Is there anything I can do after my supervisor comes to deal with it?" Although he was polite, Ronald didn't know where his ticket was. Be lied to.

Donna pulls him,

"It's okay, we don't really want to see it when we come here, as long as my mother goes in."

"Hmph...", Ronald knew it would be useless to talk, so he turned around and left. ...

"Doug..." George Jr., another son of the Grand Commander, came over to say hello. Little Douglas, who was already sitting in the seat with Aunt Karen in the inner circle, quickly stood up and hugged him.

"Where's Ronald?" Little George looked around. Why hasn't the hero of the campaign arrived yet? The ceremony is half an hour away.

"It was still outside the door just now..." Aunt Karen also became anxious.

"Sir, is your ticket here?" Douglas Jr. had sharp eyes, seeing that there was a young man who was supposed to belong to Ronald's seat, and immediately asked him politely.

"Oh, it was Okun who gave me the ticket. He said that the guests here will not come today."

"The ticket that Okun gave you?" Little George got the confirmation from the other party, and immediately knew what was going on.

Okun is the manager of the campaign team led by his younger brother Jeb.

"It's all right. I'll call Ronald's hotel. It'll be all right. After the inauguration, my father will go to the National Air and Space Museum for the Elective Ball, and my mother will have a dance with him." " Little George hurried to make a phone call, Aunt Karen saw that something was wrong, and asked little Doug the ins and outs.

As an ordinary person, she also felt that it was unfair to treat Ronald like this, and she couldn't even like the new commander in chief.


"Although my dancing posture is not good-looking, I have to take a risk and invite a beauty, Barbara, to dance with her first dance after becoming the first lady..." After the inauguration ceremony, I gave a speech along the street. Old George, who was waved by the crowd, finally arrived at the Air and Space Museum. The price of face is that he didn't eat anything along the way.

For the image of being close to the people, but not perfunctory, old George was a little tired and sweaty when he arrived at the museum.

"Ahaha..." Barbara, who was wearing a blue suit, happily accepted her husband's invitation.

"Ronald, you look very energetic. I'm sorry for what happened just now..." After a while, Barbara and George separated, and the first one was brought here by her son George Jr., together with Ronald skip a section.

"This kind of thing happens from time to time. I watched live TV outside, and it was a close-up shot. I could see Mr. Datong's demeanor more clearly." Ronald had already heard the explanation given by George Jr., and could only express his dissatisfaction vaguely.

"Good boy, we have a long life ahead..." Barbara still valued Ronald very much. But it was his beloved young son who was teasing him, so doing the first dance with him should be able to let Ronald feel relieved... right?

Of course, Ronald didn't let go of it. It was a small matter for him to see the inauguration ceremony on the spot, but he was very uncomfortable after being humiliated like this and didn't express anything.

Only little George is quite mean to himself.

"I'm going back to New York first, why don't you attend the dinner party here..." Donna still had to accompany little Doug, so Ronald excused himself to be busy with film editing and left first.

"Ronnie..." Aunt Karen tried to persuade him to stay, but to no avail.

"Hey, this matter is so troublesome...I'll go back and forget it."

"It's okay, auntie, you spend more time with Donna and little Doug, it's a rare time to get together..." Ronald signaled his aunt not to get excited, this matter has nothing to do with them.

Aunt Karen should be delighted that Doug Jr. and Donna are participating in such a formal event for the first time. Ronald did not participate in any celebrations either, and rushed back to New York overnight.

The largest country in the Western world, the largest leader's inauguration event, I am afraid that no one will comfort a young man's wounded heart.

Ronald didn't want to beg for mercy here, so he just said hello to little George and left in the car.

"Actually, the commander-in-chief is still a good man, that's his son, really..." The driver who came to pick up Ronald was Little Bud. He was in the driver's seat, seeing that Ronald was silent, he began to chat about this thing.

"How do you know he's a good guy?" Ronald asked bluntly, still unhappy.

"Hey, for the forgotten inauguration ceremonies, singers were invited to sing. Today is a soldier of our Marine Corps. I know the black soldier who sang, and he was also serving in Okinawa." Little Bard didn't like Old George. No ill feeling.

Ronald stopped talking, and what Bud Jr. said was right. This was mainly a personal grievance between Jeb and his campaign consultant.

In fact, apart from the tax cut policy, I have no one or anything to ask of Old George. Are these people people who rely on the White House to make money?

Having nothing to say along the way, Ronald still found Diane, and the two went shopping in Manhattan together and had a happy weekend.


"Have you brought the high-definition master tape I want?" Sitting in his office, Michael Ovitz saw the video tape of the inauguration ceremony brought by the secretary, and immediately asked her to play it with professional Sony equipment.

"That's right, it's right here, pause." Ovitz saw the inauguration ceremony, and immediately ordered the audience to pause.

The cbs master tape is much clearer than ordinary video tapes, and there is no jitter or blurring of the picture when it is paused.

He faced the faces of the audience on the opening stage, one by one.

"There is also the rear camera, which is also from the auditorium..." Ten minutes later, Ovitz ordered the secretary to switch to the camera shooting after the inauguration ceremony.

After taking off his glasses and wiping them, Ovitz felt that tears were about to flow from his eyes. In response to Ronald's planned offensive, there were rumors in the CAA that Ronald had a good relationship with the Grand Commander and that he would attend the inauguration ceremony.

He didn't dare to make mistakes, and he had to confirm it himself before he could rest assured.

"Do you have eye drops? Use it for me..." Ovitz, who lay on the monitor for a long time, rubbed his eyes, not only red, but also sensitive.

You can't be too careful about this kind of thing. After watching for a long time, it is true that no one who looked like Ronald was found in the stands.

Is this really a rumor? Created by some people to mislead themselves?

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