Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 184 The Queen wants to knight you

A week before the Oscar nominations are announced, the PR battle is already in full swing. There are endless parties under various names, and the service is absolutely perfect. Just like the one Ronald came to today, it was hosted by Alan Carr, one of the producers of the movie "Grease" that year.

However, he is one of the most famous gay and powerful producers in Hollywood and has a great influence on many people like him. Today's party has many beauties and handsome guys chatting with the guests as "party friends". No matter what you like, you will not be disappointed.

Ronald's contracted director Emil Adorino, who also had the same orientation, told him that as long as he came to participate and shook hands with his friends, at least dozens of votes would support "Working Girl" in the nomination. . So Ronald came over to do a little rounds and get some votes.

"Ronald, your Oscar nomination must be very stable." The party host Alan Carr looked uncomfortable and had a special kind of nausea, like a pile of soft slugs. His voice is very low, and others have to be close to him to hear him clearly.

"Really? I just want to get a little more affirmation. The Nomination Committee's vote must be fair." Ronald endured the discomfort. He must have offended him by running away now, and today will be in vain.

"ABC, which is responsible for broadcasting the Oscars this year, has a new idea. I hope more guests will perform on stage. Is that your intention?"

Alan Carr is also the producer of this year's Oscar live ceremony. After last year's disastrous host told incoherent and underground jokes, this year's broadcaster introduced this producer who is known for throwing extravagant parties and civilization, hoping to Bringing some traditional aesthetics back to Oscars.

This is also one of the reasons why Ronald agreed to come to the party, "My performance on the other end of the camera is very poor, please spare me..."

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter. Just pretend I didn't say anything. You can enjoy tonight."

Ronald was perfunctory with his host, and then, under the introduction of Emile Adorino, he shook hands with his friends, exchanged greetings, and canvassed votes.

CAA president Michael Ovitz promised to work hard on several major awards that "Working Girl" expects, including Best Director, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Screenplay, to ensure Ronald's nomination.

However, Ronald didn't dare to let it go and still wanted to participate in some canvassing activities. Ovitz's strategy is to coordinate and divide among several companies, but after all, the Oscars are not decided by CAA. A large number of voting members are retired or close to retirement. They were active when William Morris, or the older MCA, dominated the brokerage industry.

"What, you're just leaving? Do you want to pick two beauties to leave? I know you're straight, or do you want a change of taste?" Alan Carr saw Ronald leaving after chatting with a group of people. He left first and then came up to try to stay. He was afraid that he had not entertained Ronald well.

"That's not it. I'm going to fly to London with the crew right away. There's a premiere there. I can't stay too long..." Ronald explained, holding back his nausea and hugged each other goodbye.

Ronald and Richard met up and flew to New York at night, where they picked up Diane Lane, Sigourney Weaver and her husband, and Melanie Griffiths and her ex-husband. Heading to London for the royal premiere of "Working Girl."

"Oh, I have never attended a royal premiere before? Are there any etiquette requirements?" Melanie Griffiths has been in this state of excitement since she won the Golden Globe Award. Her acting career took on new possibilities.

"It's almost like a normal premiere, except you have to wait for the Queen's family to enter and applaud..." Ronald replied. The royal family's etiquette officer informed him that in addition to the two princes, Her Majesty the Queen and her husband would also come to watch the premiere.

"I thought some special etiquette was required, such as a deep bow, and do I have to call her Your Majesty?" Griffiths was frightened by meeting the Queen. He hugged his ex-husband Don Johnson and kept asking.

"Don't worry, they won't argue with you..."

Sigourney Weaver couldn't stand it anymore and offered some advice. She is just like Catherine in the movie. She grew up in upper Manhattan, and she seems to be very comfortable with this kind of thing.

"Really? I'm still a little worried..." Griffith's background is actually a bit similar to Tess's. Her mother didn't care about her very much, and she relied on herself to work from the side.

"Are you a British or Commonwealth citizen? If not, just bow and address Her Majesty the Queen when you meet her for the first time. They do not have strict etiquette requirements for non-Commonwealth residents..."

Diane couldn't stand it anymore and comforted Griffiths, who was a little nervous. When she was a little girl, she filmed "Love at Sunset Bridge." That movie starred Laurence Olivier, so it also had a royal premiere, with the Queen in attendance. She knows the rules.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Her Majesty the Queen's Private Secretary Robert Ferro, and I'm here to talk to you about some etiquette for royal premieres. The premiere is not a formal royal event, so you don't have to be too formal, just follow some Just a simple request is enough…”

Staying at the Savoy Hotel, the most prestigious hotel in London, Ronald and his party waited for the staff sent by the Queen to contact them. These people ensure the red tape in various royal activities to maintain the dignity of the royal family.

"Mr. Li, can we chat alone?" Another female official came over and asked Ronald politely.

"Of course you are?"

"I am Jane, Robert's wife..."

This Lady Jane Fellowes is not only the wife of the Queen's Private Secretary, she is also the niece of Her Majesty the Queen herself. She holds a title and also serves as the Queen's "Lady's Companion" (generally a relative of the Queen who accompanies the Queen in public).

"Mr. Li, are you interested in becoming a British citizen?" Mrs. Ferro asked Ronald an unexpected question as soon as they met.

"Why? Why do you think this way?"

"Actually, your father's mother was a lady from the Spencer family..." Mrs. Ferro took out a document from her briefcase with detailed records of Ronald's father's life experience.

His grandfather, a fighter pilot, fell in love with an aristocratic girl who joined the army as a ground handler in Britain during World War II. But unfortunately after the plane crashed in the Atlantic Ocean, Ronald's father was not recognized by the Spencer family because he was an illegitimate son who did not have a formal wedding.

After he returned to America, he grew up with the support of his aunt Jerome. Because this aunt is not married and has no descendants to help her. So he did not get the surname Jerome, and finally took the surname of Grandpa Li as his surname and became a commoner.

Ronald does not agree with the Spencer family's current desire for him to recognize his ancestors. What he himself identifies more with is that he was born as a civilian on Stanton Island, America, and is the descendant of three generations of loyal people who have served America. I don't really approve of the noble bloodlines on both sides of my grandfather's side. In contrast, Ronald is more sympathetic to the pedigree of people like Li Enfu, a young boy studying in the United States in the Qing Dynasty who worked hard to get ahead on his own. It would be more interesting to tell your family history to your children and grandchildren in the future, wouldn’t it?

"Her Majesty the Queen has no other intentions. She is best friends with your grandmother and appreciates your movies, so she wants to knight you. But according to the laws of the Commonwealth, she cannot knight people who are not from the Commonwealth. , you cannot be called Lord or Sir.

So I will first ask you about your personal wishes. Of course, if you are not willing, His Majesty can only grant you a knighthood based on your outstanding performance in art. "

Ronald thought for a second before rejecting the queen's offer. When my father did not stay in Britain after my grandfather died, the Spencer family made their own choice. The fact that he was granted an imperial title based on his bloodline did not really help him in Hollywood. Instead, it was a burden. If you can be awarded an honorary knight based on your own achievements, it is an honor that you have worked hard for.

"Your Majesty has expected it..." Mrs. Ferro said with a smile. Now that Britain's influence is declining day by day, things like titles are becoming less and less important even in the British Isles.

"However, being an honorary knight requires particularly outstanding artistic achievements or special contributions to British art. Only Mr. Bob Hope in Hollywood has ever received this honor for his role in many films that supported the World War II soldiers.

Your Majesty hopes to have more contact with your old friend in the future. If you can collaborate with British artists on more influential films like 'Working Girl', maybe I can attend your investiture ceremony next time..."

After seeing off Mrs. Ferro who came specially to bring a message, the simple etiquette training over there happened to be over. Diane ran to Ronald's room, took Ronald's hand and told some past memories of attending the royal premiere when she was a child. The Queen even kissed her on the cheek at that time.

"Hey, are you a relative of the Queen?" Diane saw the documents on the table and clapped Ronald's hand in surprise, "Hey, are you a lord?"

"No, I am an American citizen..." Ronald replied with a smile. Anyway, he had already made his decision.

"So you still have this kind of blood, no wonder... My dad said that you didn't go to college, but you have more knowledge than some acting families, and your eye for choosing movies may be the best in Hollywood..."

Diane looked at Ronald with two more admirations in her eyes.

"I don't know. I'm all self-taught..." Ronald denied with a smile.

"My dear, look at my premiere tomorrow, which one will look good on me?" Diane feels that tomorrow's premiere is even more important.

"Sigourney, Melanie, you are so stunning today..." Ronald looked at the two heroines and admired.

The next evening was the royal premiere. Melanie was dressed in white and Sigourney in red. Their styles were classic strong professional women. They maintained the elegance of the characters in the movie and the sense of American superiority in Britain.

"Diane, you are also great today..." Sigourney Weaver also admired Diane when she saw that she was wearing a white top and black and white polka dot pants. The Hollywood actresses made a collective appearance, looking so independent among the traditional British ladies' attire and feathered hats.

Princess Diana, who only wears a white stand-collar shirt and a red coat, is more in line with the values ​​of modern women and can compete with the three actresses here.

Ronald waved to her, Antonia's last position at the ballet was thanks to her help.

"I never knew, are we still cousins?" Princess Diana saw Ronald and Diane and came over to chat with him to express her closeness. Even Prince Charles, who has always been very proud and aloof, chatted with him about the weather.

"Her Majesty the Queen and her husband have arrived..."

After a while, the Queen also arrived at the premiere. Everyone bowed and nodded to express their respect. Amidst the standing applause of everyone present, the Queen specially nodded to Ronald, indicating that the premiere could begin.

The two young princesses were deeply moved by this premiere in London. In modern society, women can also compete with men, which makes both princesses somewhat sympathetic. The newspaper reporters in London's Fleet Street obviously care more about the princess's gossip than the prince's.

Even the Queen liked this movie very much. When she met with the creators, she especially chatted a few more words with Ronald.

"Ronald, you remind me of the days when I drove an ambulance during World War II. I was also a working woman..."

"Your example has set an example for the British people, Your Majesty," Ronald thought to himself. It seems that the Queen really likes to drive and be a driver. If her father had not unexpectedly taken over, Her Majesty would have preferred to be a competent driver. People who do things.

"Do we have any movie scripts in Britain? I'm waiting to give you a medal..." The Queen really likes Ronald. Movies like this are really interesting to watch.

"Britain has many good series of movies and great film artists..." Ronald had already chatted with the Queen for more than twice the usual time, and the reporters began to whisper.

The Queen patted Ronald's arm and said a few words of encouragement. Ronald thought to himself, could he really want to make some British-themed movie?

In fact, many British movies and TV series are very good. The reason why it is not as good as Hollywood is mainly because the market is not big enough. Anyway, the two countries have similar languages, so it would be a good idea to remake the famous characters here and the original works.

By the way, it seems like James Bond hasn’t made a new film in a few years.

While he was thinking about his own thoughts, Ronald was attracted by a commotion.

Over there, Melanie Griffiths, wearing a white outfit, screamed and hugged her ex-husband, and she was so happy that she could not express her joy. Next to her, Sigourney Weaver happily hugged her husband.

"What's wrong?"

"They both received Oscar nominations..." The assistant came over to remind Ronald of the latest news, the Oscar nominations were announced. Griffiths was nominated for best actress, and Sigourney Weaver was nominated for two, for Gorillas in the Mist and in supporting actress.

Ronald himself received two nominations, one for Best Director and one for Best Picture. Diane next to her was extremely envious. In "Grown Up" she participated in, only the leading actor Tom Hanks was nominated for an acting award.

Princess Diana was very nice and provided custom-made dresses for both Melanie Griffiths and Sigourney Weaver.

"Congratulations to you," Princess Diana was also sincerely happy for the two actresses.

"Thank you, thank you," Melanie Griffiths was overly excited again... "Oh my god, I got an Oscar nomination. Oh my god, do I have to prepare a dress? Don, don?"

"You have to calm down, Melanie..." Her ex-husband and current boyfriend Don Johnson also laughed broadly.

"You all need dresses to attend the award ceremony, right? If necessary, I can recommend my designer Yin Manuel to you. His level is very good..." Princess Diana felt unfamiliar and envious of this kind of thing.

A woman, relying on her own efforts, can become the focus of a large-scale event and the focus of the media the next day...

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