Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 191 What Ovitz can do, we can do too...

Latest URL: Some are dissatisfied with Ovitz, while others appreciate Ovitz, even envy his clients, and want to become his clients.

Tom Hanks was talking to his "Grown Up" co-star Diane at the dinner after the Oscars. He was born as a comedian, and it was not easy to get nominated for Best Actor this time. This person knows how to act, and the adult who possessed the child in "Growing Up" played very well.

This kind of role is not easy to play. It is very difficult to see a child's character and way of doing things from an adult's expression, body language, etc., without causing weird feelings.

He actually admires Edward James Olmos, the male lead of "Stand and Deliver". This Latino actor plays a high school teacher without relying on his face, but he is penetrating.

Everyone has a high school teacher, so it is not easy to play this role convincingly and brilliantly.

But these were useless, and in the end Dustin Hoffman won the best actor statuette twice. He wanted to know how Ovitz's CAA did it.

"I really don't know. I signed with CAA's Paula Wagner the year before last. But she is really good and has planned a good career for me. Unlike my previous agent, she just wanted to find me The next highest-paid movie, so he can get more points."

When Diane heard that Tom Hanks intended to jump to CAA, he introduced some experiences. If he can sign under the names of Paula and his wife, as well as Richard and other agents, it is obvious that he and Ronald can form a synergy...

"This is Paula, this is Tom..." Diane found Paula Wagner who was there.

"Mr. Hanks, no introduction is needed, I'm Paula."

After connecting the two, Diane doesn't need to care about the rest. She began to look for traces of Ronald.

"Ronald and Rick (Nisita) are over there..." Paula knew what Diane was thinking, and pointed to the corner. Ronald is discussing things with Nisita and Richard.

"Are you independent? Maybe it's not the time yet." Ronald and the two agents whispered in the corner.

The two also saw the scene where the three winners thanked Ovitz, and they came here first to express their standing with Ronald.

The brokerage company is different from the general production company, and adopts a system similar to the partnership system. Although Ovitz occupies more than half of the equity, other brokers have strong autonomy.

Every broker survives on the fees they collect from their clients. To be honest, with Ronald or Tom Cruise as an irreplaceable star director or star actor, the agent does not need much power from CAA.

Therefore, if the two of them, together with Nisita's wife, Paula Wagner, and some apprentices, leave CAA with clients, it is estimated that the income in the next five years will not be lost too much. Of course, this requires both Cruise and Ronald to follow them.

And Ovitz's income far exceeds that of his agents, because his main income is not the agent's fee, but relies on the packaging service, playing the role of the de facto producer.

For a blockbuster movie like "Rain Man," CAA's production business can get a share of the box office revenue, no less than what Ronald earned from "Dirty Dancing."

And Ovitz bought the shares of several CAA founders back then, and he can get most of the box office share.

Now that he understands that Ovitz is his biggest obstacle to winning an Oscar, he must come up with a plan to defeat him. As for whether to let one's own agent be independent from CAA, it is not the most important thing.

Nisita and Richard let out a sigh of relief. Their most important client was sentenced by their own boss. Ronald left CAA in a rage and switched to William Morris is a high probability event.

They have already prepared for the worst. Instead of losing important clients such as Ronald and Tom Cruise, it is the best choice to be independent. The most important thing is to convince Ronald that they will serve him as always.

since ronald

Instead of making impulsive choices when they are angry, they also have to propose better conditions to repay the customer's kindness. Loyalty is always relative, the client is to the broker, and the broker is to the client.

"We will lower your rate..." For the time being, the two of them haven't broken through Ovitz's net of power, and they will let Ronald win the Oscar in the next year, so they will use the small amount of reducing the agent's commission first. En Hui came to show that they stood with Ronald.

"I see your kindness, but it doesn't matter, we will still follow the original agreement. However, this time we have to unite more actors and agents. What Michael can do, we can do too."

Ronald didn't really care about the money his broker took from him. As managers, it is legally stipulated that they can only share from the creative remuneration of their directors and screenwriters. And my main income has long been separated from the director's remuneration and dividends, and is mainly the producer's income and investment income.

To get brokers to work hard, they have to be paid enough. If Ronald was a Jew, he might take this opportunity to negotiate an agreement that is most beneficial to him, and then wait until the bargaining chip changes in the next negotiation. The agent will weigh the cost of betrayal and loyalty, and then give them another chance to consider whether to Stab yourself in the back.

Ronald thought it was unnecessary to count people every day for such a small amount of money. Besides, Nisita is of Italian descent. Their cultural traditions are similar to those of Chinese descent, and they pay attention to long-term loyal investment. In this way, when it comes to the critical moment, what the other party considers is not the short-term cost of betrayal, but the long-term income. will be affected.

In short, Ronald had made up his mind. We need to learn some of his methods from Ovitz, use drama contracts to bind more CAA clients, and let them stand on the same boat as themselves.

The reason why Ovitz can influence the voting results of the Oscars is that he has a large number of episodes and movie resources in his hands, so that he can control most of the agents in CAA, and then through the agents, influence the Oscars. The largest voting group - actors.

Coupled with the influence of some Jews, this time the "Rain Man" can monopolize the most important awards at once.

The best way to break this chain of influence is to imitate Ovitz and surpass him. What Ovitz can do, Ronald's two agents can also do. Integrate resources and provide studios with convenient actor selection.

"Ronnie," Diane came over and interrupted the three of them whispering.

"Honey... do you still want to be here? If there is no one else you want to see, I want to go back."

Ronald took Diane's hand, the big goal had been set, and the rest were some minor details. Ronald didn't believe that he could do worse than an agent who didn't know how to make movies.

The major studios in Hollywood have suffered from Ovitz for a long time. A lot of people are forced to accept his packaging strategy, because if they don't listen to him, then the most important directors and screenwriters will not sign with them.

Relying on this bundling strategy, Ovitz can be regarded as a powerful figure in the seven major Hollywood studios. But the domineering approach will undoubtedly arouse the resentment of others.

Confucius once said, "Going too far beyond the boundary is as wrong as not reaching the boundary."

"Tom Hanks wants to chat with you more... I introduced him to Paula." Diane pointed to Hanks, and then posted to Ronald, "No one wants to see, I Let's go back with you..."

Of course, everyone didn't let Ronald go so quickly. Tom Cruise, Jodie Foster and others all came over to chat with Ronald. Especially Jodie Foster, she is most grateful to Ronald for giving her the opportunity to perform in "Pear Blossom".

Although he won the best actress, he must play a good role in the future, and he must not leave Ronald with the impression of being ungrateful.

After dealing with them, Ronald finally walked out of the gate of the awards venue with Diane. They called Bud Jr. and asked him to drive over to pick him up.

"Judy seems to appreciate you..." Diane asked.

"Yeah, I told McGillis at the time that she had the opportunity to act in this movie, and the producer was not the first person to consider her at the time..."

There's nothing Ronald can't say, and everyone knows by now that Jodie Foster and Kelly McGillis are a couple. The two of them live together intimately. Of course, after Judy won the actress, it is unknown whether the situation has changed.

"Didi..." Little Bard's Mercedes-Benz car drove over, he got out of the car and opened the door, allowing Ronald and Diane to get in the car.

[In view of the general environment,

"Thank you, Bud. Have you eaten yet?" Little Bud waited for them at the door very hard.

"I had a hamburger from my girlfriend. I watched it on TV in the parking lot, so sad this year." Bud returned to his seat, now waiting to save some more money and marry his girlfriend.

"It's okay, the Oscars are unpredictable. We still won the best original song award...not empty handed..." Ronald didn't want to show any dissatisfaction with Ovitz except for a limited number of people information.

"Hmm..." Bud started the car, "It seems to be Miss Carly Simon over there? I just saw that she won the statuette..."

Little Bard pointed to a curb outside the awards venue, a woman in a dress skirt was squatting on the ground, trembling in the wind.

"Carly?" Ronald rolled down the window, "Why are you here?"

"Ronald?" Carly Simon was miserable, the Academy Award for best original song was a small one, she had no acquaintances to talk to at the dinner party, and she had to call a taxi herself. Los Angeles is not New York, and taxis are underdeveloped. She has been waiting here for more than ten minutes, and the taxi has not arrived yet, which is really embarrassing.

"Get in the car, we'll take you back to the hotel."

"Thank you, Ronald, hi Diane..."

Carly Simon squeezed into the car, drank the champagne Diane handed her, and immediately relaxed.

"Wow, this is the statuette..." Diane couldn't put it down holding the trophy, and held the statuette to her ear, as if giving an acceptance speech.

"Hey, this is a music award, not an acting award." Carly Simon laughed. Hollywood awards actually don't pay much attention to music. Next year everyone will forget that even a singer has won an Oscar.

Ronald listened to what she said, and tilted his head as a questioning gesture.

"This song makes the river flow, and it did not enter the scope of this year's Grammy Awards..."

Carly Simon explains her predicament. Although this movie episode was well received by movie critics, many movie critics have to mention a few words about this theme song.

But the record company refused to include this song in their latest album. If it did not enter the album, it would not hit the charts, and it would not be eligible to enter the Grammy. Therefore, the influence of Carly Simon's song is also limited to the movie circle, but it is more popular than the music circle.

"Why is this happening?" Ronald didn't understand the twists and turns of the music industry, "Why don't you authorize this song to me, and I just want to release the soundtrack album of "Working Girl"..."

"Hey? Is this okay? You want to make an original soundtrack album?" Carly Simon didn't expect a turnaround, and her song could be republished here.

"Let my agent contact your agent tomorrow."


"Honey, your breakfast..." Diane had fallen in love with being with Ronald, being a housewife, since the last time she made boiled eggs for sick Ronald. Her cooking skills have not improved, and now she calls room service to bring breakfast to the room.

"Thank you, dear..." Ronald had finished exercising and was dealing with business matters in the room. He kissed Diane, picked up the sandwich and ate it.

"After the awards come out, how about our box office?" Ronald contacted marketing consultant Michael Gray while eating.

"There is a good recovery, but it is still not as good as Rain Man's box office recovery..."

"Of course not. How can we compare with dangerous relationships?"

"Almost, we are higher in big cities, and they are higher in small towns."

After the Oscars came out, the three nominated films that are still in theaters have once again seen a revived movie-watching boom at the box office. Rain Man won the most prizes, no doubt a lot ahead in terms of momentum.

As for "Working Girl" and "Dangerous Liaisons", although they were only nominated and did not win awards, both films were nominated for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress. Go to the cinema to see how the actress nominations perform.

As for "The Robbery of Pear Blossom", which won the Best Actress, it was released earlier, and it has already been released. The publisher is exploring the possibility of a re-release.

The ranking at the box office is actually very reasonable. "Working Girl" occupies the big cities, and the other two are relatively average across the country. It makes sense that this movie far outperformed others at the box office in big commercially developed cities.

Ronald was on the phone again with Daydream's Michelle Cannold to discuss the overseas release of Working Girl.

Similarly, in overseas markets, they also encountered competition from two films, Rain Man and Dangerous Relations. And slightly weaker.

The essence of "working girl" is still American, emphasizing struggle and courage, and a hero can handle everything. The "Rain Man" presents universal brotherhood and care for the disadvantaged.

In Europe, it undoubtedly attracted more people's attention, and it has the best number of copies released among the three. "Dangerous Liaisons" was also coldly received by European audiences because the filming was too American, and Fu Huadao was more like a nineteenth-century manor owner.

On the other hand, in the East Asian market, Dongying and Xiangjiang, the romantic love comedy of "working girl" with beautiful women and handsome men has received the most welcome. They can't understand the genius autism of the protagonist of "Rain Man".

How can a fool be smarter than normal people?

"Ronald, David Geffen is looking for you..." Finally, the agent Nisita called. He was not here to discuss how to deal with Ovitz, but another Jewish recording industry boss, Geffen. The record owner wants to talk to Ronald.

"What is he looking for? He agreed to return my eight pieces of Andy Warhol junk to him?"

"Ask him yourself. It's definitely not about this matter. He only revealed that it has something to do with Oscar."

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