Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 193 The Rob Lowe Video Scandal

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Although "Working Girl" won only one Oscar for Best Original Song, Ronald was disappointed. But in the eyes of some, this is already a colossal success. For example, Dan Steele, the president of Columbia and Samsung Pictures.

She is the second president of the seven major studios with real power after Hollywood Shirley Lansing briefly took charge of 20th Century Fox, and she likes to play the feminist card very much. Since she was an executive vice president at Paramount, she has loved working with female directors, actors, and producers. I also appreciate Ronald's "Working Girl" that reflects women's careers in the workplace.

Seeing that the domestic box office has exceeded 70 million US dollars, and it is still going up. Dan Steele is very envious. Her biggest problem is that the producer's vision is not good. "The Robbery of Pear Blossom", which is also a female film, only received 32 million US dollars, and it lost money to earn Jodie Foster a queen.

But this is not beneficial to Dan Steele herself, and she is not Foster's agent. It is best to be able to make money, promote feminism, and support female directors and actors. That is the best.

Dan Steele has decided to give his full support to Ronald's new film "When Harry Met Sally". Better to ask Ronald to pick and recommend some suitable movies for women. Otherwise, if this continues, her career may come to a screeching halt.

Ronald agreed to meet with Dan Steele to discuss cooperation. It is also good to not win an Oscar, so that others will not be afraid of asking too much and asking too much for not cooperating with me after I have won the trophy.

A record of making money in Hollywood is the key to open the door to cooperation.

"Let's go to Blockbuster to have a look. There are so many nominated films for the Oscars. I don't know how many of them have been released on video tapes. I haven't watched many of them." Diane is like most actors with voting rights. Half of the movies have not been seen, and votes are based on some impressions and other people's word of mouth.

"Okay, we can watch one tonight..." Ronald and Diane walked to the nearby Blockbuster video rental store. This is the largest Blockbuster near Hollywood. It has a lot of stock in it. In addition to Hollywood movies, there are many movies from Xiangjiang and other places in the world. It is very popular among nearby residents (most of them are also movies) Practitioners) welcome.

"Yo, dude..."

Ronald, who was waiting for the traffic light on the opposite side of the Baishida road, was shocked by a black man in a coat and sunglasses who suddenly jumped in front of him.

"What are you going to do?" Ronald tensed up. This black man was tall, with long hands and feet, a little taller than Ronald, like a college basketball player. He didn't seem to have a suit under his coat, but a pair of Lakers sports shorts, and red and black basketball shoes on his feet.

The coat didn't fit very well, revealing a section of her long calf. Coupled with the fact that the sunglasses covered his face, and his chest seemed to be bulging to hide something, Ronald immediately remembered the past when he was robbed by black people in Los Angeles.

He blocked Diane behind him, stretched out his hand against the other person, kept a distance, and the hairs all over his body stood up nervously, if he took out a small pistol...

"Yo, dude... I don't mean any harm, do you want a pirated movie? It's much cheaper than Blockbuster..."

It turned out to be selling pirated video tapes, Ronald was relieved. Facing him, the other party quietly opened the coat, and there were many hand-stitched pockets inside, and many popular video tapes were hidden inside. Once opened, they all faced Ronald with a clear view.

"No, I have a Blockbuster membership..." Ronald refused with a smile. He is a director, so how could he buy a pirated version.

"Hey, buddy, why are you buying expensive things? I dubbed this with a good machine, the effect is great, and it's exactly the same as the genuine one..." The other party didn't let Ronald go, and took out a few tapes to bring to Ronald. Look at Nader, ET, Top Gun, and Love You for nine and a half weeks.

"I really just rent a disc to watch at night..."

"Brother, you are a good girl. Do you want to watch something exciting? I still have a small movie about a Hollywood star, a new product that just came up. Do you want it? It's cheaper for you...it's very exciting..."

Ronald was afraid that there would be problems if he continued to entangle, so he quickly took out twenty dollars and handed it to the other party, accepted the "Star Movie" and a plate of "Love You for Nine and a Half Weeks", and pulled Diane away quickly.

"What star movie?" Ronald returned to the long-term rented hotel room, thinking of this video tape. The length of the tape that can be seen in the transparent window is very short, it seems that there is only less than half an hour of content.

Stuffed it into the video recorder, Ronald turned on the TV. He hadn’t seen the videotapes made by such shoddy underground workshops. If this kind of thing could be sold, he would use some professional people to produce videotapes for the videotape market. One batch, I think it can supplement the production line of Daydream.

"What the hell is this..." Ronald was shocked when he saw it. This is a live video tape shot by a Sony home video recorder.

What appeared on the TV screen was a very good-looking white male who walked up to the camera and adjusted his position.

"Isn't this Rob Lowe?" Diane also recognized that the one on the TV was the members of the Kid Gang who filmed "The Urchin Outside the World" together.

"Today is the night of the Donkey Party National Convention, and I'm at the Hilton, behind Parsons and Siebert, two beauties..."

"Um...", Rob Lowe, this is a video taken last year when he went to the donkey party meeting when he was in the auxiliary election for Dukakis. Ronald found the remote control and pressed fast forward, and the content behind it was very explicit, and the fixed camera position made it ugly.

At the end, the two women took advantage of Rob Lowe's drowsiness, quickly rummaged through his wallet, took away a wad of money, and finally took the video tape.

The video tape stopped abruptly here, and the TV turned into a large snowflake. Ronald and Diane looked at each other in blank dismay. How could this kind of videotape be circulated and still be sold by pirates?

"Richard, I have something here, come and see..." Ronald called Richard.

"You have this too? I watched another episode in the office today..." Richard knew about it before they both did. He took another videotape from his briefcase and played it to Ronald.

This section is a different scene again, Rob Lowe seems to be in the country of hair... In addition to another beautiful woman, there is another man's back at the scene.

"Several videos of Rob Lowe have appeared across the country today, appearing on the pirated market. The incident took place in Atlanta, Georgia, where it is said that Fox 5 bought the copyright from the victim and will play a recording... ..."

"What's this called?" Ronald suddenly felt that the popularity of Sony's home video recorders seemed to bring some troubles that he didn't have before, "I was forced to buy it by a pirate. Why do you have these videotapes? of?"

"Rick gave it to me. He and Paula are off to deal with Tom Cruise. They have to double check Cruise's timetable and when this video was shot to completely rule out the hair country video. The man is Tom..."

Among the few male actors in the Boy Gang, only Rob Lowe maintained a personal friendship with Tom Cruise. The two also participated in a four-person date organized by others and were photographed.

The result of the final investigation was that Tom Cruise was filming "Rain Man" during that time, so Nisita and Paula went to clarify with the various media who came to inquire, and wanted to completely kill this matter in the bud.

In the evening, Fox Five in the south finally couldn't hold back the temptation of ratings, and released some clips of the video tapes they bought.

Because the remaining part is too disgusting to be shown on TV, the reporters of these TV stations have used the method of embedding the wood to make Rob Law in 1984, and Jodie Foster and Natasha Kings The stills of "The Grand Hotel of New Hampshire" shot by Kei were used as schematic diagrams.

The current actress and Natasha Kinski above, wearing white bathrobes, hugged the beautiful and over-the-top Rob Lowe from left to right, and showed it on the screen for more than half a minute.

Fortunately, Paula Wagner's work efficiency is extremely high, otherwise the photo of Rob Lowe and Tom Cruise might not escape the background photo used by the TV station to explain the segment in Atlanta.

"Rob Lowe

Refusing to be interviewed, his agent said that this is shameless hype and extortion, and the two ladies at the scene have actually been suspected of theft and stole Mr. Lao’s property..."

As soon as this big scandal came out, no one paid attention to Snow White at the Oscars in an instant. All the TV stations and newspapers are chasing this biggest gossip news.

Just when Rob Lowe was autistic and refused all interviews, and his agent said that he would pursue the legal responsibility of the two girls, another blockbuster exploded.

"One of the two girls was only sixteen years old when the video was filmed last year..."

In Georgia, the state of Atlanta, where the Donkey Party convention is held, the minimum age of consent for both sexes is fourteen. So what Rob Lowe did to give Dukakis a platform at the conference that night itself did not violate local laws.

However, he videotaped the episode. Federal law stipulates that the minimum age requirement for making such for-profit video is eighteen.

In other words, if Rob Lowe himself resold this video tape, his actions would have committed a federal felony.

Fortunately, at the end of the video tape, when the two girls took away without permission, Lao was cleared of his innocence. But the girl's brother didn't think so. It was he who discovered the videotape and sold it to the local bootleg videotape industry.

He insisted that his sister was seduced by Rob Lowe, and that she agreed to have sex with him that night and agreed to the video because she might appear on camera with a Hollywood star.

"Don't you think that the timing of this incident is too coincidental?" A few days later, Douglas Jr. also called and chatted with Ronald about this gossip.

"What do you mean? Is Rob Lowe going to fight for a big role?" Ronald was puzzled.

"No, this video was shot last year. I have definite information. The local Fulton County District Attorney, Lewis Slaton, received a copy of this video in August last year..."

"Hiss...why is he..." Ronald had just figured it out as soon as he asked. There are a lot of donkey party politicians in Atlanta, and this Lewis must be one of them. Had such a scandal occurred at the convention where Dukakis won the party's nomination, it would have dealt a major blow to his campaign last year.

Old George may not need it either, he dug up his old account of letting the death row prisoner escape to shoot an advertisement to attack him. This is the thing that can cut his approval rating in half.

"So, George Sr.'s campaign adviser, Roger Ailes, also told me that this incident looks a lot like a way they are using to cover up the really big problems..." Douglas Jr. called, the biggest purpose is still Remind Ronald not to get him into any shit.

"This...maybe..." Ronald thought to himself, if little Doug's news is accurate, the district attorney received the videotape last year and decided to cover it up, and now it's suddenly being played all over the country. This ability to organize and manipulate the media is indeed suspicious.

"Do you think someone is trying to do something, remember what Roger Ailes said about the orchestra theory?" Douglas Jr. hung up the phone.


"If there were two guys on stage, and one said, 'I have a solution for the Middle East,' and the other fell down on the orchestra pit, who do you think would be on the evening news? "

"You mean, this is used to deliberately cover up Snow White's scandal?" Nisita received a call from Ronald, amplifying his original suspicion.

"I'm just saying that there is a possibility, we can see what happens next... If Snow White's troubles are quickly resolved, and Rob Lowe's affairs become more and more serious, we have to be vigilant... Not many people in Hollywood have such a big influence..."

"I understand, let's wait a few more days and see..."

The two tacitly did not mention the name of the person most capable of such a conspiracy on the phone.

A few days later, both things had a breakthrough.

"Academy of Motion Picture Technology and Art, has reached a settlement with Disney, which has withdrawn its lawsuit over the alleged infringement of Snow White's image at the Oscars

Book. The academy president apologized in front of the media. "NBC kept a low profile on the news.

"Fulton County District Attorney Lewis Sluton, who investigated the making of the tape, said that if charges were to be brought against Rob Lowe (sexual exploitation of minors), the young actor could be sentenced to at most Twenty years in prison and a $100,000 fine..."

Regarding the accusation that he received the video tape last August, District Attorney Lewis Slaton did not say he had no comment, emphasizing that he would seek justice for the victim. But the inconsistencies in his past series of responses to this matter can no longer be concealed..."

Fox began reporting the videotape scandal at length, with daily updates.

"I also read the Fox News report, and now the situation is very clear..." Ronald and Nisita began to discuss countermeasures.

As they expected, it was Michael Ovitz who did it. Nisita had private knowledge of CAA's recent moves to media resources. All kinds of clues point to Ovitz, the president of CAA.

On the morning of the latest week, Ovitz invited many CAA partners, including Nisita, to his home to watch him practice aikido as usual. Nisita also found four extra Andy Warhol screenprints on his living room wall.

A large number of creations of the late "artist" are in David Geffen's art collection warehouse...

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