Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 198 Do you want to invest in other movies...

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"Isn't her mother sick? I heard... Ronald... do me a favor and do yourself a favor, don't let her star in your movie..." Michael Douglas, after receiving Ronald After receiving De's call, he went to his father Kirk to find out the whole story. After learning the real reason, he immediately came back and called Ronald.

"Why? She is a very good actor. It would be a pity not to let her film like this..." Ronald asked deliberately.

"I can't say the specific reason, but this matter Claudia has annoyed a lot of people. If you insist on..." Douglas was a little annoyed and embarrassed. This matter is the collective will of many Jews, even he It is impossible for liberal Jews to go against popular opinion on this matter.

Moreover, it was not convenient for him to directly tell Ronald, an outsider, the reason. However, it is still inappropriate to target Ronald's friendly attitude of coming over to say hello without any reason.

This kind of thing cannot be exposed, otherwise the reputation of their Douglas family will be damaged. He thought about it and changed his approach,

"Claudia's mother is sick, right? I can find a charity foundation and give her some donations..."

"Ha, I think she is talented..."

"Oh, for the sake of Christ, don't give her a role!" Michael Douglas became anxious and yelled out a phrase commonly used by Christians on the phone.

"Hahaha, okay, I'll listen to you, Michael. Thank you for reminding me about this matter." Ronald no longer deliberately caused the bad guy to find out more about the behind-the-scenes content.

"In this way, I gave her a behind-the-scenes job, secretary, marketer, anything. I just gave her an income. Now she needs money to help her family..."

"As long as she doesn't appear in movies and TV shows, I don't care..." Michael Douglas felt Ronald's respect, and the two reached a consensus not to waste time on this crappy thing.

Ronald finally arranged for Claudia Wells to work at Daydream Pictures as a white-collar film marketing assistant, receiving film producers and making some phone calls to movie theaters to promote films, so that she could still be on time every day. I go back to take care of my mother after get off work.

Coupled with the fact that Michael Douglas's charitable foundation provided money for Claudia Wells's mother to get a qualification for disease research, her big problem was finally solved.

"You are really nice to female stars, Ronald... But this time Claudia will not be able to return to the screen in the short term. Is this what you are doing..." Agent Richard said to Ronald I don't quite understand the approach. He can't use it in his own projects to take in a female star. Could it be that he has fallen in love with a beautiful woman again?

"Hey, you don't understand, Richard. You haven't participated in many movie promotions. If buyers from various movie theaters come to the Las Vegas screening meeting to buy next year's movies, bang, Suddenly we discovered that the marketing manager of our daydream is Jennifer Parker from 'Back to the Future'...Bang! What do you think? Many of these buyers are fans of the movie, and most of them are men...hehehe..."

"Oh..." Richard didn't really believe it, but on the surface he gave Ronald a thumbs up for his clever plan.

"If you want to have something happen with her, you must tell me according to the old rules and let me talk to her..."

"Hey, am I just a pervert in your eyes...?" Ronald patted Richard on the shoulder and said dissatisfied.

He has personally attended many movie premieres and attended many fan meetings, and is very aware of the huge influence that such stars have on fans.

"Tuk Tuk..." Ronald's current assistant, fat girl Richie Laike, knocked on the door and came in.

"The screenwriter of The Silence of the Lambs, Mr. Ted Tully is here."

"Invite him in, thank you Richie." Ronald shook his head. This fat girl's luck was basically over.

A minute at the Oscars as a future star, dancing opposite hunk Patrick Dempsey, didn't save her stardom.

Now Hollywood is so concerned about this

In fact, there are not many roles for "special figures", probably only a few in a year, and Laike has to compete with all kinds of veteran supporting actresses ranging from 25 to 45 years old.

"Hello, Mr. Ted Tully, please sit down, please sit down..." Ronald stood up and greeted Tully, a well-educated screenwriter.

He is a graduate of Yale University and the Yale School of Drama. This was his first film script writing assignment, and he valued this meeting with Ronald very much.

"I read your adapted script, and I'm very interested in why you left out a large part of Starling's scene?"

"The Silence of the Lambs" is a feature-length novel. In addition to the protagonist Hannibal, there are also many supporting roles, such as Jack Crawford, the FBI supervisor, and Chilton, the warden who imprisoned Hannibal.

However, Tully's adaptation captures the perspective of Starling, a female intern at the FBI, turning a character in the original work who did not have much plot into the center of the entire story.

"That's what I think." Tully felt relieved. This question showed that Ronald read the script carefully.

"Audiences who have never seen Hannibal will find it difficult to feel the trembling of readers because of the lack of previous foreshadowing for such a frightening character. I made a weak-looking Starling the protagonist, and the audience will take her perspective. Then she began to experience the horror of Hannibal from the perspective of an intern who aspired to work as an FBI agent..." Ronald was very satisfied after listening to the other party's explanation.

This screenwriter has rich theoretical knowledge and strong ability. He is by no means the kind of theorist who talks on paper.

And it's obvious that he loves this film from the bottom of his heart. The entire script has a tight rhythm and the selected content is well arranged, but there are still some parts that have not been completed.

"How much time do you need to complete the script?" Ronald asked.

"I need a month and a half, no, a month..." Ted Tully was overjoyed. He was afraid that Ronald would dislike the long adaptation time, so he reported a schedule based on working ten hours a day and seven days a week.

"You don't have to do this. You follow your original pace and I'll give you two months." Ronald said, taking out a check from the desk drawer and handing it to the other party.

"I bought the remuneration promised by Mr. Gene Hackman from him. In this way, your remuneration will be paid by me and Orion together. This check is an additional subsidy. You can find a place with beautiful scenery." Hotel, or buy some delicious food, or make your partner happy, whatever it is, try to make yourself happy in the next time..." From the previous experience of Cameron Crowe, Ronald knew that for those who are under time pressure, Screenwriters need to be given a good, pressure-free environment in addition to a delivery date.

"Thanks, Ronald," Tully said happily. This is his debut work. If it is written well, there will be more film screenwriting jobs in the future.

Now he urgently needs some money to stabilize his family life.

"By the way, who do you think would be the best choice for the heroine?" Ronald asked the other party their thoughts on the casting.

This is also his consistent approach. Although he may not necessarily adopt it in full, communicating with the screenwriter more about casting will help him understand the script.

"I think she is a woman who is weak on the outside but strong on the inside." Although Tully was writing a script for a movie for the first time, she learned a lot about the rules of Hollywood from her friends and classmates. The roles, especially the heroines, are so ordinary. It's the director's ban.

"For example?" Ronald insisted. Everyone's interpretation of being weak on the outside and strong on the inside is different.

"Like Michelle Pfeiffer," Tully couldn't help but say what he imagined in his mind when he was writing. He really wanted his goddess to interpret this role.

"Well..." Ronald thought to himself. Sure enough, everyone has different ideas. In his heart, Pfeiffer had more of a

The "fragile" quality, when it comes to inner strength, seems to be the original version of the dream, and the later version of Xinke Film.

"What do you think of Jodie Foster?" Ronald asked.

"Her? Well... she's also very... suitable..." Tully felt that Foster was too small, but what the director said must make sense, and it wasn't his turn to make the decision anyway.

"Haha, I'm just waiting for your finished manuscript..." Ronald saw that he was a little insincere, but he was still very sure that you were definitely not as good a choice as me.

"Tsuihark is here..." Michelle Cannold, the publisher, came and knocked on the door.

"Ah, please come in..." This Chinese-American director from Xiangjiang surprised himself a lot. His shooting speed was very fast. Katcha finished shooting the scenes in Xiangjiang in just a few clicks, and then returned to Los Angeles to film the first two films. The scenes here were also filmed.

Tsuihark didn't need any rest. With the help of the editor, he spent two weeks in the editing room and completed the rough cut.

Ronald admired their shooting speed, but he was also a little unsure about the quality of the movie. So this time I invite tsuihark to chat.

"Our shooting speed in Xiangjiang is like this... This is because your martial arts here are not professional enough. If all the scenes were shot in Xiangjiang, it would probably be 30% faster..." Tsuihark was still impressed by the shooting speed there. Quite proud of it.

"Professionalism is an industry standard. It doesn't mean that the martial arts team has to guest star in Rawia, nor does it mean that the lighting team has to guest star in pushing the camera..." Ronald shook his head. The so-called professionalism of Xiangjiang people actually means that each person has one specialty. Versatile.

Can work part-time with each other. Therefore, the number of crew members is smaller than that of Hollywood productions of the same type and quality.

But this is absolutely not feasible in Hollywood. In addition to the higher production requirements in Hollywood and the need for more professional talents to work, the more important reason is that labor unions are rampant here.

Each type of work must have a trade union employment certificate. If there is a stunt double here who pulls wires part-time, or a lighting crew comes to help push the camera every day, then the first person who will be unhappy is not the director, but the technicians whose jobs have been done by you.

These people rely on a certain professional type of work to make a living. They have received special training, have licenses, and have unions. If you encroach on their scope of work, they will come up to scold you, or even complain, and finally go to the union to expose the accusation.

Because of this, tsuihark's filming progress in Hollywood was much slower than in Hong Kong, which made him a little dissatisfied.

But these are the rules of Hollywood. If you want to join the film industry here, you have to abide by the rules here. The two talked about some of the similarities and differences in filming movies in the two places, and finally reached a consensus that future movies should be shot wherever they are, according to the rules there.

There is also an additional point: when Hollywood actors go to Hong Kong to film, they must also give special treatment to the members of the actors union to prevent them from being dissatisfied and suing the union.

"I finally understand why Hollywood movie shooting costs are so high..." Ronald nodded, and you finally understood.

I think you also have some reasons for saving costs in this regard. The rough cut copy of Tsuihark has been sent to the printing laboratory. Once it is ready, Weintraub will be arranged to watch the test screening with the cast and crew.


"Let's see..." On the day of the preview, Ronald and Weintraub sat in the best seats, with the leading actors Ralph Mazio, Noriyuki Morita, and the third boy Longwei. The girl, rosamundkwan, sat together watching the internal preview.

The shooting style of the third film is indeed somewhat different from the first two films directed by Ronald. At least Daniel and Master Miyagi's fighting style is no longer completely karate-based.

There are a lot of Eastern concepts in the movie such as internal force, Gangqi, etc., and the high-and-high flying movements are also indispensable.

The most obvious difference is that the villains, including Qiu Yunbo and Qiao Hong, flew much farther after being kicked out by Miyagi-sensei's ancestors.

This is all the result of the help from Xiangjiang's ja team. They have many exclusive secrets that can make the fight look powerful and lively.

"It's great..." After watching it, Ronald was the first to applaud. This movie was very suitable for him. In addition to the wonderful martial arts action, Tsuihark's costume and color design were also extraordinary.

There is some oriental chivalrous feeling. Different from the rough set style of Hollywood westerns, Tsuihark's art design is more stylized, a bit like Akira Kurosawa's.

The half-reality, half-fantasy feeling in "Shadow Warrior". Even though I knew it was fake, it still managed to attract the audience's attention without leaving the screen.

"Bravo!" Weintraub also liked it very much. It was the first time for him to watch this kind of wild and unrestrained movie style, and it felt very good to be immersed in it.

"I can't understand..." His lover Susan looked at Weintraub and Ronald with a blank look on her face and didn't know what to say.

Ronald looked at the staff in the screening room. Many of them looked confused.

"Dear, what don't you understand? Isn't this easy to understand?" Why are they flying in the sky, and why did the bad guy fly so far away after being slapped?

Did they use magic? Do you have to recite a mantra before punching? "

"Um, haven't you watched the TV series 'Kung Fu'? Where's The Green Hornet? The General?" Weintraub mentioned several TV series that were popular in America before the 1970s, but Susan, who was much younger than him, was I haven’t seen it either.

"They don't seem to know much about martial arts..." Rosamundkwan was talking quietly to Tsuihark.

"Ghosts are always like this..."

"Expand the scale of the test screening and let's see how the audience responds." Ronald glanced at rosamundkwan, who was staring at him with big eyes. He also realized that this different style seemed to be unfamiliar to American audiences. It's still a bit unfamiliar. How it will turn out, whether it needs to be re-edited or even re-shot, will need to be determined by test screenings.

The news of "Silence of the Lambs" has spread in a small area. Ronald spent a lot of money to buy the production rights and invited the screenwriter to make final revisions.

There are also many related households on Ronald's side who have revealed their intention to buy investment shares. For example, Ronald’s partner, Douglas Jr., and Steve Bannon, who he had worked with before, both said hello in advance and reserved an investment quota.

This series of stories, which has sold well in America and previously featured Hannibal as the protagonist, already has some fans and many people are very interested.

This news really makes the people of Orion feel different. Those directors who put art first do not have such box office appeal.

Many film and television investors, as well as some funds on Wall Street, were too late in the queue with Ronald, so they took the initiative to find Orion Pictures, the producer that held the other half of the investment, to request investment.

Orion founder Mike Medavoy was overjoyed to see this. His strategy was successful. Orion cannot always cooperate with directors who put art first. Mike Medavoy proposed a new idea of ​​​​cooperating with commercial directors like Ronald.

They have not experienced this kind of momentum that has been hotly discussed in the circle before the project has been officially established. They have not experienced it for a long time.

"Ronald..." The happy Mike Medavoy immediately went to meet Ronald for an interview. They Orion have many movies that need investment. Is Ronald interested?

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