Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 211 Local Media Group

Latest website: Roger Ebert spoke highly of "To the Heart" and gave it four stars. He calls it one of those rare movies that can teach us some truths about life. There is no preaching, but the moral choices are observed in such detail that they help us see ourselves clearly.

This is the same as what Ronald said about Cameron Crowe, this is a talented director. They are all directors, and you can tell whether they have talent or not just by looking at the shots they shot.

However, debut directors are often not very skilled in their skills. This film gives many subtle observations about young people facing the unknown and persisting in love. One side effect is that the public doesn't like it enough. Being profound and popular are often incompatible. The person who can take into account the taste of the public and make a film that appeals to both refined and popular people is called a master.

The film's opening weekend box office fell short of expectations, and Cameron Crowe looked embarrassed in Ronald's office.

"This is not your problem, it's the audience's taste. This is always the most difficult thing to figure out." Ronald asked his assistant, Little Fat Girl Lake, to make a cup of black tea and hand it to Crowe.

"I just feel sorry for your full support..." Crowe has long hair, but he still doesn't understand such business matters.

"Don't worry about profitability. This kind of movie often has a good reputation in small circles. We can try to run it for a long time and then test the waters in the video tape market. Daydream will continue to support your next work. you do not need to worry."

"Oh... I feel more relieved when you say that. I've been so anxious that I couldn't sleep these past two days." Crowe let out a sigh of relief when he heard that there was hope for help and that he could still make another movie. The saying that a director has no chance if he doesn't make money is widely circulated in the industry. He was so nervous that he had to go see a doctor.

He looked up at Ronald, thinking that his old friend was still reliable.

"It's all a process. You may have forgotten that when I made my first movie and it was released, I was very nervous. Daydream doesn't judge the success or failure of a single movie..." Ronald smiled.

Daydream is not the kind of studio that gambles on one movie being successful and then repeating it. Ronald has good relationships with all the major publishers. Emile Adorino's debut film "The Beautiful Man" was also released, and its opening weekend box office performance was even worse than that of "To the End of the World."

But on the one hand, Samsung shares the costs, and on the other hand, such large studios also have to pursue awards and film reviews to complete the KPI indicators of executives. The film critics' overall score for "The Reincarnation of the Pretty Man" was also very good. Ronald saw a screening and the problem also appeared in the high-pitched and low-pitched film.

Moreover, the acting style of the leading actor Robert Downey Jr. is out of tune with the rhythm of the entire movie in the 1970s (because the stars Sybil Shepard and supporting actor Ryan O'Neal, who were brought in to invest, both have old-school acting styles), he is alone The seemingly out-of-the-box performance style gave the audience a strong sense of drama.

But in other parts of the movie, Emile did a great job. Of course Ronald would give him another chance.

"Hahaha, Ronald. Disney basically listens to me now. It feels like I'm back to my days at Paramount..."

Michael Eisner, who had greatly increased his voice in the company, knew that Ronald was coming to discuss the filming of "3000" with Katzenberg, so he came over to chat with him for a while. The third phase of the Screen Fund has also been raised. Unlike the previous two phases, this time the US$400 million is all decided by him. If he wants to make animated films, he can make animated films, and if he wants to make live-action movies, he can make live-action movies...

"Mr. Eisner, you are a business genius, and you are a winner everywhere. As Confucius said, the ability of genius is like putting an awl in your pocket, it will naturally pierce and protrude..."

"Hahaha... I like this metaphor, call me Michael." Eisner was amused by this advanced flattery. "Our next strategy is to build and expand more Disneys in various places. If you have any good projects, you must remember Jeffrey (Katzenberg), OK? I will give you the most favorable terms... "

After seeing off the energetic Eisner, Ronald came back to chat with Katzenberg.

"With this modification, the film will not have much of a film noir feel, and will be regarded as a typical romantic film..."

Katzenberg now gives Ronald's project a complete green light. He just wanted to know more about the details of the movie and whether there were any typical scenes that were put into Disneyland to coordinate with boss Eisner's grand strategy.

"I have a request..." Seeing that Katzenberg approved the new script revision, Ronald put forward his own additional request. His status could already imitate the big stars and get some special treatment, such as a masseur on the set. , such outrageous demands as pet allowances are not out of the question.

"Of course, please say..."

"It would be best if this movie could be shot entirely in Los Angeles..."

"Oh? Oh..." Katzenberg knew that the cost of local filming would be a bit higher, but apart from the star's salary, this kind of movie didn't have much cost. He suddenly thought of Diane Lane's recent movie The almost tough attitude of trying to steal the heroine made him understand what Ronald was thinking.

"No problem, I'll ask the crew to arrange more professionals so that Diane can go home on time every day..."

"Thank you..." Ronald thanked happily. Shooting a romantic film is a high-risk moment for the director or the leading actor and the actress to fall in love. Many female celebrities were pried away at this time, and he had to take precautions.

"Are you going to direct it yourself? Or find someone else?" Katzenberg asked a question. If Ronald is willing to do it himself, then Disney will get a big deal. Many directors will also pay close attention to their girlfriends or wife actors.

"I'm going to ask Penny Marshall, the director of Diane's last movie 'Grown Up'. She worked very well with Diane last time..."

"That's it..." Katzenberg was not dissatisfied. Find a female director, who will have a delicate perspective on romance films, and also completely eliminate what happens between the director and his girlfriend. It seems that Ronald is serious about Diane Lane and is very interested in her.

The two continued to discuss some casting candidates. Just when Ronald stood up to leave, Katzenberg seemed to have just remembered something, "By the way, do you have anyone suitable to direct a children's film?"

"Why? Don't you have the most suitable director?" Ronald was referring to Chris Columbus, who directed "Adventures in Babysitting" for Disney. Several young actors in that movie were trained very well by him.

"He can't do it. The last movie 'Elvis' was a huge failure at the box office. Michael doesn't like him..." Katzenberg pointed upward, meaning that Eisner put Columbus in another book.

"You are really wasting your talent. He is not suitable for making movies about celebrity stories, but for making children's movies, it is difficult to find anyone more suitable than him, except Steven (Spielberg)..."

Katzenberg shrugged, it didn't matter, the person sentenced to death by Eisner was no longer a director. He has his own set of criteria for judging. The movie about Elvis Presley's kidnapping was so deceiving that Eisner was almost attacked by the old men on the board of directors.

"What script are you going to shoot?" Ronald calculated it and realized that he still had a few talents in his pocket.

"The sequel to "Three Dads and a Baby," the top-grossing hit in 1987, was going to be made. The original director, Mr. Spock, didn't want to repeat himself..." Katzenberg made a gesture of love in the Star Trek TV series. .

That hit children's film was directed by Leonard Nimoy, who played the alien Spock in Star Trek. He believed that the original film had finished telling the story and refused to direct a sequel.

Amy Heckerling is making another children's film, so let's give Emile Adorino a try.

"Have you seen the reincarnation of the handsome man?..."

Ronald did not sign any prostitution contracts with these directors, but he came and went freely. In today's Hollywood, it is not the case that major studios have their own domestic distribution channels. Even if a director is tied up with a contract, he will be bought out.

It's better to leave some incense and love. Anyway, few directors are successful at the box office. With the tides turning, there will always be a day when it's suitable for cooperation.

Emil Adorino went to interview the director of his new film. His tendency to be nervous did not go away, and he became red-faced and speechless in front of Katzenberg. Fortunately, Ronald's relationship was strong enough, and the hard work in the movie "The Beautiful Man" he recommended was also good, so Katzenberg still gave him the director's position.

Anyway, the salaries of the three male protagonists in the sequel have increased significantly, which is just right for a cheap director like him.

After leaving his job in Hollywood, Ronald flew to New York. The movie "Too Deep" received rave reviews in New York. The audience here is highly educated and is much more receptive to such literary and artistic love movies.

Helen Slater was highly praised in her hometown. Several New York newspapers and film review columns had more female writers who were in line with the trend, and they were full of praise for her innocent performance in the movie.

In the past few days, Helen went back to the "Naked Angels", an actors' community founded by Helen Hunt and others, and gave a public speech. She talked about a lot of theoretical knowledge about acting, and unexpectedly received a lot of praise.

Ronald did not return to the apartment and stayed at the Peninsula Hotel. Helen came directly back from the auditorium of the Naked Angel, wearing the small black suit and black skirt she wore when giving a speech, and came to the hotel to meet him.

"You are very sexy and beautiful today..." Ronald praised. Helen was actually not suitable for the kind of girly style she liked. Instead, she dressed like a working girl today, full of the characteristics of a high-IQ woman. At first glance, she was charming and looked like a female college graduate who graduated from a prestigious school and worked in a multinational company. She successfully aroused Ronald's desire to conquer.

"Hehe... do you like it?" Helen smiled and kissed him.

"This is for you..." Ronald took out a bracelet inlaid with sapphires and diamonds. It was a Cartier retro style and had a royal nobility. It is also a replica model made by Cartier to imitate the design of custom-made jewelry by European royal families before World War I. It is sold in limited quantities.

Diane wore the precious jewelry she gave her to attend the audition, and her photo was published in the Hollywood Reporter. As a star's daily photo shoot, it was normal publicity.

In order not to favor one over the other, Ronald also asked Cartier to send some high-end styles, and ordered one to give to Helen as well.

"I think I look better wearing it than the necklace..." Helen touched the golden bracelet on her wrist and kept posing in front of the mirror.

"Hey, woman..." Ronald wiped his sweat. Even Helen Slater, who usually didn't like to compare, was not immune to this. "Do you like it?" He stepped forward and put his hands behind Helen's slender waist, looking at the beautiful woman with big eyes in the mirror.

"Ronald, I like everything you gave me..." Helen smiled, "But I like the character you gave me better..."

This must have been after reading the news leaked in the Hollywood Reporter that Diane went to audition for a new Disney project and was seen by Helen. Two gifts, jewelry is fair, but what about characters?

"Um... I'm asking Richard to help you find the right one, but he is an agent of CAA, and you are not signed with their company, so the priority is lower..." Ronald wiped his sweat again, In desperation, I came up with a reason.

"Well..." Helen's voice became very sweet. She enjoyed the relationship with the top Hollywood directors. She was like the muses who inspired the great Hollywood directors in the past. She will write her own name in the history of film in the future. name.

"I'm actually optimistic about a script, which is also a romantic film. It's about the love of college students. Don't you think there are too many romantic stories about high school students nowadays, and there is a lack of ones about college students?"

"Again?" Ronald remembered the last time she made the "Sticky Fingers" movie go crazy.

"Hmm..." But Helen looked very sexy dressed like a working girl. The black and white fish-mouth high heels she wore slipped halfway off her feet and swung up and down on her feet.

"It's a romantic movie anyway, a small production." Ronald ignored it and went up to kiss Helen from behind. Even if you lose money, it's not much money.

"I have a condition..." Ronald kissed for a long time and thought of a question.

"Um...what's the condition?" Seeing Ronald stop, Helen took the initiative to kiss him back.

"Well... you'd better shoot the whole movie in Hollywood... not... New York..." Ronald took the medicine as prescribed.

"Okay, it's a movie that reflects New York University anyway..."

After settling matters on both sides, Ronald returned to work the next day. At the hotel he received James Wells, the editor-in-chief of the Daily News, who came to visit him.

"Mr. Wells, please sit down." Ronald, accompanied by little Doug, met this reporter who graduated from a prestigious school.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Li. I came here to ask, do you have any intention to enter the media industry?" James Wells's report was very sharp, but the real person is a reserved person, and his words are not aggressive, but give people Feeling a little shy.

He knew that when dealing with smart people like Ronald, all he had to do was talk about interests. So let's talk about the current situation of "Daily News" to Ronald.

Since its inception, this newspaper has prided itself on its position as New York's photo news. The front page is printed in full color, with lots of photos. It is completely different from the New York Times, which is mainly about words and paintings. It is aimed at the public rather than the highly educated elite.

Sure enough, Ronald and Little Doug looked at each other. James Wells took the initiative to reveal his influence and contributed to the review of Ronald's new film. This must be required.

Little Doug feels that their business may have some financial problems and is constantly losing money, so they need to bring in investors or shareholders for blood transfusion.

"How much money do you need now?" Ronald didn't beat around the bush, it was easiest to just talk about the benefits.

"With an investment of about one million U.S. dollars every year, our newspaper can operate more normally. Our newspaper reports a lot on the entertainment industry and has a strong influence on the people. You have already felt this. This is A very good deal..."

Ronald heard the implication, this seemed to be a good deal, "If I pay, how many shares of Daily News Group can I get?"

"No, no, you misunderstood, Mr. Li. This is not an acquisition of the Daily News, but as a sponsor of the newspaper, help us tide over the difficulties. Accordingly, our editorial department will repay you and your industry. When the time is right, we may be able to convince shareholders to open investment opportunities to you.”

"Huh? I spend one million every year to fund the newspaper, and then I don't have any shares? Can my interests only be guaranteed by your goodwill?" Ronald felt that this kind of proposal was too outrageous, and he did not regard himself as a typical one. "Hollywood idiot" is here to play?

"I'm from New York...don't talk about these stupid conditions..." Ronald was unhappy.

"You misunderstood me, Mr. Li. I didn't mean to deceive you." James Wells quickly explained.

He really didn't mean to treat Ronald as a fool investor. The problem is more complicated. The Mainichi Shimbun is not a single newspaper. They have used Manhattan as their main distribution market since they opened in the 1920s.

Profitable for years before television became popular, they also had their own newspaper building, the Daily News Building, on Second Avenue in Manhattan.

Starting in the 1950s, in order to compete for news, they also stationed commissioners in the NYPD Southern District and the courts to inquire about the latest news and send the latest reports to the press via radio. This radio station later evolved into New York's Channel 11 WPIX, and later purchased FM channel resources.

Later, when New York issued TV station licenses, the Daily News also photographed New York City's second TV station license, also named Channel 11, which is now the fifth-ranked radio and television channel in New York. It is known for its reports that are close to the people and its high-quality late-night movie resources.

And these television and radio licenses, decades after New York City stopped issuing photography, are all sky-high today. Coupled with a building, it is indeed not an asset that one million dollars per year can buy.

Moreover, James Wells, a newspaper editor-in-chief, could not comment on the entire company's shares.

He is just a conscientious editor who does not want this good newspaper to go bankrupt due to management's short-sightedness. Although even if the newspaper is closed, the Mainichi News Company can still live well with its TV stations and building real estate...

"I will think about it carefully..." Ronald sent James Wells away.

"What do you think? If we work hard, we can still negotiate the price. I estimate that we can reduce the price by about 25%. Having a newspaper will be very good for us..." Little Doug said to Ronald. The Hanson family also has local media, but it is limited to the Stanton Daily News on Staten Island. Having a newspaper that speaks for itself is a standard feature for the rich in these places. Now that there is a chance to enter Manhattan, little Doug is no less interested than Ronald.

"Hmm, I think we should not negotiate the price, but raise the price... We can't be limited to newspapers, TV stations, and radio stations. Those are more difficult fields to enter..." Ronald thought much bigger than Little Doug. , can there be a chance to eat up the entire local integrated media group?

"Mr. Ed Bastian, please come to the Peninsula Hotel. I have a big business here that I want to consult with you..." Ronald called his accountant at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Work with your own personal lawyer and private accountant to make an evaluation plan.

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