Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 216 Ronald as a Witness

Capcom's production team visited many of the shooting locations of Ronald's classic movies in Los Angeles, and after accumulating enough photos and video materials, they came to say goodbye to Ronald, and they were going back to Japan.

"Why did you choose these two places?" Ronald asked several designers. In the photos shown to him, Ronald discovered the beach where Sean Penn surfed in "Fast-paced Richmond High School" and McGillis' blond hair, red lips, and black stockings for the pilot in "Top Gun" The airport where we take classes.

"This is the scene of two American protagonists in our next game. One is the naval aviation major Gulie, and the other is Ken, an American boy who studies karate. We used the setting of Longwei Boy." Design. Shi Xiguliang, who speaks English with a heavy accent, explained their thinking.

"Is it still about two protagonists?" Ronald still admires the imagination of Capcom and others. After combining the elements of several of his movies, he came up with new game ideas.

"Hey Yi, this is a new type of fighting game. It takes the form of a ring, one-on-one. Characters can also use special moves, such as Ken, who knows Adogan, Gas Heel, and XX Buluogan."

Ronald was already dizzy listening to his English. What is this?

"It's Hadoken, Shoryuken, and Tatsumaki Senpukyaku." Yoko Shimomura, the game's music developer, smiled and wrote down the kanji names of the unique moves on paper and explained to Ronald. , Japanese people’s English accent is really terrible.

Ronald felt a familiar feeling coming over him. He patted his head and said, "It sounds like fun. After you finish developing it, send me one to play with."

After seeing off his Japanese friends, Ronald called his assistant, fat girl Lake, and private detective Mike Pike, who had been waiting for a while.

"Are there any results from the investigation? Why would someone take the initiative to provide my gossip to the media?" Ronald asked the detective who had less and less hair eagerly after Lake brought the coffee and closed the door.

"There are many possibilities for this. It may be the initiative of Miss Slater's fans, or it may be fans who like your works. The possibility of insiders paying for revelations has been ruled out, because there is no way to collect checks for anonymous submissions...the biggest threat is, Someone is deliberately setting it up, and that is the biggest threat..."

"Can you identify who it is?"

"I didn't find out who the informant was who proactively gave the information to The Hollywood Reporter, but the information I got from reporters there, the photos and movie project information, and the photos of Miss Helen Slater and you, were all through anonymous emails. Sent."

"Is that so? There's no way to trace it?" Ronald frowned. It looked like someone was watching him break the news. Who is this person who is so idle?

"It's not that there are no clues at all. Although it's an anonymous email, there are still some traces. I'm looking for friends from the NYPD lab..."

"Ring ring ring ring..."

In the middle of speaking, Ronald was interrupted by the phone. He raised his hand to apologize to McPike and picked up the receiver. It was Richard calling.

"Ronald, Spielberg wants to ask you something first..." Richard said on the phone.

"What does he want from me? Is there any new film he wants to collaborate with me on?"

"If you are free in the evening, he said he would like to talk to you in person."

"Um, okay..." Ronald noted the time. Then he made a continue gesture to Mr. Detective.

"Sorry, I'm too busy, let's continue. What does laboratory mean?"

"The NYPD has a department specifically responsible for technical crime scene investigations. There is a unit for trace inspection. I happen to have friends in it."

"Don't worry about funding. Do you still need to say hello? I'm very familiar with Rudy from the Southern District Prosecutor's Office..." Ronald took out his checkbook and asked McPike how much money he needed. Then he signed a cash check and handed it to him. he.

"It's best to keep it secret at this stage. If one more person knows, it will cause more trouble. We can also start from another direction. For example, have you offended anyone recently?" the detective put away the check and said.

"Ring ring ring ring..."

"Sorry..." Ronald picked up the phone again, "I'm Ronald."

"I am Dahe..."

"I'll change the line..." Ronald stood up and signaled to the detective, then went into the inner room, changed to an orange telephone that had been modified by Bodyguard Dan and was difficult to eavesdrop, and reconnected with Norio Ohga.

"Ronald San, we have reached a consensus with CFIUS. Next, I will use the open market acquisition method. If someone acquires Columbia's stock now, they will make some quick money." Norio Ohga pointed out on the phone Sony's strategy.

"None of my securities investments are in the entertainment industry, Dahe Sang. There will be suspicions of insider trading. The Securities Regulatory Commission of America is a very troublesome institution. If I want to buy, I have to self-certify that there is no news about me, so I generally don't How to touch it. If your acquisition is successful, I will buy some Sony stocks. The last investment helped me make a lot of profits..." Ronald heard that there seemed to be some subtext in his words, so he asked accountant Ed Bass Ti told him some of the content of the discussion.

"Ronald Sang's character is admirable. Speaking of which, we are still grateful to Ronald Sang for his guidance. The acquisition of Japanese companies in America is a difficult and not simple operation. It doesn't matter if we spend more money. We use it for everything. If money can solve it, it's not a problem.

Now someone is going to negotiate with the small shareholders we contacted before, waiting for our public acquisition, and making quick profits is also the price we have to pay. Fortunately, Coca-Cola owns more than half of the shares, so it is not a problem for us. "

After chatting with Dahe for a few more times, Ronald felt something was wrong and something seemed to have happened. Dahe even called to remind him. He thought for a while, then called Bastian and Steve Bannon and asked them to find out the news.

"Sorry, Mr. McPike, where were we?" Ronald came out and continued to discuss with the detective.

"Your enemies in Hollywood..."

"Oh, yes. I have always been kind to others. I don't have any enemies. If I have any, they are just a few people I have issues with. For example, Stallone, former Universal president Tom Mount, um, and the Naples producer Merchant, De Laurentiis.”

McPike read the name several times, and then said he would conduct in-depth investigations in these directions.

Temporarily letting go of his worries, Ronald met Minahan Golan who came to visit him in Daydream.

"Sorry, I'm very busy these days..." Ronald said to Golan.

"Gaga ga ga, we are old friends, you're welcome. I'm here for that Lambada song. I've already made an agreement with the record company and got the copyright to use that song."

"Very well, give your script to Simkins. No, he went to South Dakota to produce the movie. Give it to me..."

Ronald took the script that Minahan brought and read it at a glance. The whole movie is much worse than Dirty Dancing. It's basically a breakdancing level. Many scenes are forcibly integrated, and a few scenes are deliberately left for the actors to sing and dance.

But as for musical exploitation films, you just need to take advantage of the time when the song's popularity is constantly playing in people's ears, seize the time to make a movie, and release it while the popularity is still there.

The male and female protagonists need to be beautiful and sexy, and the singing and dancing only need to make people want to learn how to dance. After all, a movie like Dirty Dancing that combines performance with singing and dancing is rare.

"How much does it cost?" Ronald asked after reading.

"I plan to have a total budget of 8 million." Minahan indicated with eight fat fingers. Anyway, I am cooperating with Ronald. In fact, if the whole movie is saved, 4 million will be more than enough. If the time comes, I will make a name for myself...

"More budget, better filming, and find a better director. I will provide 4 million, and then we will each send an executive producer to supervise the execution of the budget." Ronald felt that this price was not outrageous, and the box office returned It’s not difficult at all. There is still a market for musical videos.

"However, your script needs to be revised. I asked the script doctor to delete all the plots about protecting the Amazon rainforest. We only want handsome men and beautiful women who break the high school taboo of not allowing dancing, and then there is a hot personal dance... "

In fact, Ronald also saw that this script was plagiarized from the 1984 "Full of Energy", but ordinary high schools did not have so much content that reflected social reality. In order to fill the plot holes, Minahan added a heroine. It's an Amazon princess, trying to protect the tropical rainforest from being destroyed.

"But if you leave this out, it would be a pure dance film..."

"What else? Do you still want to be nominated for an Oscar?" Ronald looked at Minahan's uncomfortable look, "Do you really want to use this movie to win the Oscar? The first one should focus on making money first, and then there will be a suitable one. Let’s talk about the script later.”

"It's up to you..." Minahan rubbed his hands and gave up his idea. He should listen to Ronald about the script.

"Stop protecting the rainforest. The character of the princess of the Amazon tribe can be retained. Find a sexy Latina beauty, come to Los Angeles to attend an international high school, and then dance with the male protagonist and fall in love with each other. Finally, after the exchange, they return to Brazil. The male protagonist does not know that she is there. Which high school to attend, I still chased her, and finally found the heroine through the lambada dance at the carnival..."

"Through the Carnival..." Minahan quickly recorded, "Are we going to Brazil to shoot the real Carnival?"

"Forget it, let's put the location in Mexico and change it to a dance competition..." When Ronald wanted to go to Brazil, he might not be able to afford it with a budget of 15 million.

"Quack, quack, it's up to you..." Minahan left with satisfaction.

"Amy Irving, Spielberg's wife, has announced that the two will end their marriage amicably. Irving's application to the court indicates that the couple has reached a written agreement on property issues. Amy Irving will seek child support and Joint custody of their 4-year-old son Max. The parties have no objections to the division of property.

The couple married in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in November 1985..."

Before going to meet Spielberg, Ronald saw a piece of news on television.

"This..." Unexpectedly, Steven got divorced. This was big news.

Ronald thought to himself that there had been rumors in the circle that Spielberg and Kate Capshaw, the heroine of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" part 2, were having a hot relationship, and they had openly been dating each other at the beginning of the year. Is this for real? My wife and I really got divorced.

"Ronald, thank you...you also saw my news." Spielberg looked embarrassed.

"I saw it, very suddenly. Is it because of Kate?" Ronald looked at the beautiful Kate Capshaw waiting outside.

"This is really embarrassing..." Spielberg's expression became very strange. His wedding was witnessed by Ronald.

"Yes, it's very sudden. However, true love should not be condemned. I'm sorry that you and Amy are separated, and I wish you and Kate the best." Ronald didn't know what to say, so he had to take out the American values, true love comes first.

"When I said awkward, that's not what I meant..." Spielberg interrupted Ronald, "I meant that I need your help with something... I shouldn't have bothered you with such a personal matter."

"Me?" Ronald was surprised. "Why should I be involved in your divorce? Do I have to witness your divorce after I witnessed your marriage? Do Jews have this custom?"

"I do need your witness, but it's not a divorce..." Spielberg was amused and he regained some sense of humor.

It turns out that he really has something that needs Ronald to witness.

The divorce application submitted by Amy Irving falls into the category of uncontested divorce. That is to say, both spouses have reached a consensus on the reasons for the divorce and the responsibility for the breakdown of the marriage, as well as the division of property.

They got married in New Mexico, and Spielberg went there specifically because the principle of equal shares was not recognized there. The wealth earned by the two during the three and a half years of marriage will not be divided half and half unprincipled, but will be considered comprehensively based on their prenuptial agreement and their contribution to wealth.

However, their permanent residence is in California, so their divorce case was still filed in California courts. Of course, California courts must also respect the laws of the place where the marriage occurred and will not divide money based on the California principle of equal division.

Generally speaking, after receiving the uncontested application and the prenuptial agreement that Spielberg wrote on a napkin at the time, the judge will basically rule on the division of property.

But this judge had an unexpected incident. I don’t know if it was because he was a fan of Amy Irving or was dissatisfied with Spielberg for letting ET go home, but he took the initiative to initiate a judicial review of the terms of Spielberg’s divorce agreement.

The focus of the dispute lies in the legality of the terms of the prenuptial agreement written on a napkin. Was Amy Irving fully informed at that time, the specific content of the agreement, whether a lawyer explained it to her, whether she was coerced or deceived, etc.

As a temporary best man and witness at Spielberg's wedding, Ronald was also included in the witness list.

"What? I want to testify in court? Prove that you didn't cheat on Amy before you got married?" Ronald thought it was ridiculous. Why do you want me to be a witness when you get divorced? Your wife and I are not that familiar...

"This is really embarrassing. You don't need to go to court. You just need to collect evidence in the presence of lawyers from both sides. I'll let my lawyer talk to you." Spielberg also felt that this kind of privacy was being scrutinized. The matter was very embarrassing, but I had to ask Ronald for help.

His fortune is close to one billion U.S. dollars, and he earned two to three billion during his marriage to Amy. If this were to be divided equally, it would be far more than the cost of a divorce for old friend George Lucas.

"Witnesses will testify under questioning by the opposing lawyer and in the presence of the court reporter. This is all strictly confidential. In addition to me, it is best for you to have your own lawyer present, so as to maximize privacy and your Interests.

If the other party's lawyer's questions go beyond the scope, we can lodge a protest. This is all done in a fair and confidential environment, and there is absolutely no possibility of leaks. I can guarantee this, and so does my client, Mr. Spielberg. Don’t let your friends get caught up in gossipy reports.

At that time, we will use special arrangements to enter another law firm, and those reporters will not come. "

This professional arrangement dispelled Ronald's concerns. He hung up the phone to Lindsay Dole and got the same answer. The two arranged a time, and Ronald agreed to collect evidence.

"Ronald, thank you, I will not forget your help." Spielberg came over to give Ronald a hug, thanking his friends for still standing by his side at this time.

"Take care, the gossip media will be waiting at your door these two days." Ronald patted Spielberg.

Divorce is terrible.

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