Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 232 Finding leak channels

Latest website: James Cameron is indeed the top mechanical special effects expert in Hollywood. He saw the storyboard of the buffalo hunting scene, immediately drew a sketch, and then asked a special effects expert he knew to introduce it to Ronald.

"This is not a difficult model, Mr. Li. But it is more time-consuming... because different scenes require different special effects. For a bison, we need to make about eight fake bison models made of mechanical devices."

Two special effects experts with beards and looks like outdated hippies immediately came up with a plan. Each bison must have a model of various sizes for filming.

For example, some bison can dismount the engine, move forward quickly on the guide rail, and then reach an end point and be knocked over by the slider. This is used when shooting close-up hunting shots.

Some bison have mechanical devices inside that can control the movement of their limbs and are controlled by a wire-controlled console. This was used to capture the dying struggle of the bison after it was knocked down and died on the grassland.

There are also several cows of different sizes, which can be equipped with low power devices below and can move quickly on the ground. This is used to mix the cows in the high-speed moving herd. This is used when shooting large panoramic shots.

In the special effects studio converted from a large warehouse in Cameron, Ronald watched two special effects experts manipulate the ready-made bull model and expressed satisfaction. Then they were given a deposit check and told to work overtime to start making models of the bison's fur and appearance, load them up, and ship them to South Dakota.

"Actually, for this kind of thing, you can just call me. Do you want to come in person? Why, don't you believe my feelings about special effects models?" Cameron was anxious to go back to accompany his girlfriend Catherine Bee. Gro, jokingly laughing at Ronald.

In fact, as long as you pay enough, there is no problem with these models. They are all cow herd scenes in Hollywood westerns. It is a traditional practice that has been formed for a long time. As long as the appearance of the bison is similar in the end, with the real bison obtained by Costner Photos are really not that difficult.

"No, I haven't taken any special effects shots of this kind of animal. I'm just curious." Ronald and Cameron smiled and said, "Say hello to Catherine for me!"

Ronald wasn't telling the truth. He didn't come to interview Cameron because he was worried. He was afraid that his phone would be tapped again and the secret would be leaked.

Over the past period of time, Ronald has encountered several leaks, including the leak of Helen Slater's script "Sticky Fingers", which attracted many male stars contracted by CAA to recommend themselves for the leading role.

There were also rumors of an affair between Ronald and Helen, which caused the gossip media to find evidence that they were together.

The most serious thing is that this time "Dances with Wolves", there are several filming scenes that use wild animals. What exactly is being filmed and how to film it, except for Ronald and a few people on the crew, don't know who this is. Leaked to the SPCA?

Private detective Frank McPike, who had been holding Ronald's funds, searched for a long time and eliminated several possible leak channels.

The first thing to rule out is the possibility that Helen herself leaked it to the media. The reason is simple. Helen did not seek further benefits from these two leaks. She didn't take the opportunity to ask Ronald for anything, she just wanted to make movies and run her actors' theater club.

Mike Pike felt that Helen's agent was also very suspicious, and he followed Helen's agent for a period of time. However, it was not found that the agent contacted tabloid reporters, nor did he meet with anyone who had a grudge against Ronald (such as Stallone, Estevez, DeLaurentis, etc.).

Finally, his suspicions focused on phone hacking leaks, and he carefully investigated Daydream Pictures' offices in New York and Los Angeles. I checked the numbers that had been sent by the fax machine in the office, and also checked the trash cans outside the office, and found no one collecting shredder debris.

McPike had exhausted all legal avenues for stealing secrets. Stalking, digging through trash, and being followed and photographed by paparazzi are all done in public, so according to the law, the methods used are legal.

After eliminating these problems, McPike had no choice but to apply with Ronald to launch an internal investigation into Daydream.

He spent two weekends carefully checking the phone lines and indoor conditions in the two offices. No evidence was found that the phone lines had been tapped.

After communicating with several senior executives of Daydream, I also gave a security lecture to employees as a security expert, and interviewed several employees who had the opportunity to come into contact with the script, but no suspicious signs were found.

David Simkins, who was originally in charge of the script, was very strict. The copies of each script within the company were strictly managed, with numbers and distribution records. After checking one by one, no missing cases were found.

The legal investigation methods available to private individuals have been exhausted. To go further, law enforcement agencies must intervene. And Ronald didn't want to notify the law enforcement agencies in the two places now and make a big fuss. If this kind of thing is reported to the police, it will attract the attention of the gossip media, and the professional level of the person who stole the secret may not be able to be investigated by ordinary LAPD.

McPike received a large check from Ronald for "security and confidentiality training consulting fees." He finally told Ronald that after ruling out most impossible factors, Ronald would most likely be recruited by the powerful department. , someone with specialized eavesdropping equipment was listening in. As for whether someone from the powerful department was eyeing Ronald, or someone was doing private work under the guise of public service, he didn't know.

Ronald felt that he had never done anything illegal, and he would not have attracted the attention of the powerful departments due to any minor problems. You must know that in order to take action against a famous director in America, it must be submitted to a certain level of prosecutors and approved by the court.

The private lawyer went to law enforcement agencies to get information, but found nothing. I also called New York prosecutor Rudy, who assured me that no investigation had been conducted against him, and that it could not have been done by someone from the prosecutor's jurisdiction of the Southern District of New York.

Rudy reminded Ronald that there are many people in law enforcement departments who will be bribed to do private work. Unlike his own iron-fisted rectification, no one dared to do this. This may not be the case for police stations in other places...

From this point of view, it is probably someone who is secretly watching you illegally and making money by selling your privacy. It's really not good to feel like someone is holding back and trying to do something to you in private.

Ronald made a cup of wolfberry black tea and drank it slowly. He called Little Bud and his bodyguard Daniel, and decided to go to the construction site of the new house in Beverly Park to see the progress of the decoration.

"It seems that the progress is very fast, and the main living area will be completed soon..." Richard, who accompanied us here, is very satisfied with the house that has been quickly completed.

"Let's go inside and have a look..." Ronald walked inside. There were many places doing carpentry work inside. The level of Hollywood carpenters was pretty good. The on-site construction was done in a stylish way, including electric saws and electric... The grinding sound is very noisy.

"Dan, you come too." Ronald said, pointing to the bodyguard Daniel.

The three of them chatted about safety issues amidst the noisy sound of chainsaws.

"That's the thing. Daniel, is there any way to find out which channel has been monitored and leaked without alerting the other party?"

"This is a bold act that will cost you your job or even go to jail. No matter who did it, he was too brave." Richard was taken aback. Fortunately, he and Niceta had already passed McPike's investigation. .

"Without alerting the other party, I really have an idea..."

Daniel had worked in the Secret Service, and he had also served in the FBI before. He quickly gave Ronald an idea...

"Polly, Kevin, your mechanical bison is ready. I'll ship it to you right now. But you still need to find fresh game for those close-up flesh and blood, otherwise it won't look like it in the camera at all?" The next day Early in the morning, Ronald was in Daydream's office, calling the crew in South Dakota.

"There are many pastures here, and it is not difficult for us to find fresh beef blood and meat." Kevin Costner was very excited, rubbing his hands and waiting for the arrival of the good stuff. "

"I remember that you have a few wild deer scenes, and you must be prepared. Don't let the animal protection organization get caught again this time." Ronald continued to ask.

"Don't worry, Polly has made preparations. We have sent out all the assistants. It's not difficult to get some fresh stupid deer..."

"Okay, pay attention to safety when shooting." Ronald hung up the phone.

"Why did Ronald arrange this call? And call beef that is normally slaughtered in the slaughterhouse game?" Kevin Costner asked Polly Platt. He was a little confused. The assistant he sent was not Have you gone through the details?

"This is an old Hollywood trick. Don't worry about it. It has nothing to do with us." Platt, who had been warned by Ronald in advance and told by his assistant Fat Girl Lake who flew in overnight, knew what he was doing.

"Hey, Honey...don't blame me if Richard Gere rejects the script of '3000'..." Ronald went to the living room of Diane's rented apartment at noon to discuss moving with her. .

"This has nothing to do with you, right? He just said he wasn't too interested in the script, what? Did you say anything to him?" Diane ran out of the bedroom and tilted her head to look at Ronald. She was sorting out the wardrobe. She was barefoot and only wore one of Ronald's shirts. Her legs were straight and white under the hem. Ronald was stunned for a moment.

"It has nothing to do with me, it's his personal issue. Her girlfriend came to me through her agent and proposed to visit the set frequently. She seems very jealous of your previous cooperation with Richard. She may not have confidence in herself." Ronald held up his hands to show his innocence.

"Oh... I didn't even know he had a regular girlfriend." When Diane heard that this was the case, she had no choice but to open her hands and ask Ronald for a hug. Hey, I don’t know which ugly woman Richard Gere has found as his girlfriend, so he’s not confident.

"Well, she's a model. I'll accompany you to the set tomorrow to chat with Director Penny to see which male stars are suitable to play with you." With that said, Ronald picked up the phone in the apartment and dialed Directed by Penny Marshall.

In the afternoon, Ronald went to Niceta's office at CAA, where he called Nora Ephron, the screenwriter and director in New York.

"Nora, when you come to Los Angeles tomorrow for the announcement of When Harry Met Sally, we can also talk in detail about the casting of the male lead in Helen's new film."

"Well, why do you even care about the person Helen plays opposite?" Nora Ephron rolled her eyes. Ronald doesn't seem to be a good guy. He's already married to Diane, and he still has to worry about Helen's on-screen couple. Men are all the same...

"No, I have read the latest version of the script you revised. It is definitely not as profound as When Harry Met Sally, which you wrote yourself. It can arouse the resonance of the audience and have a word-of-mouth effect. So I am worried that the new film needs a bigger name. Stars are here to bring audiences into the cinema, who do you want to play the leading role?”

"Hahaha, do you want me to choose?" Ephron became happy.

"That won't work. The movie budget is not that big. We just want to select the most famous ones from a limited range. I'll ask Cinema to update the reputation of the male stars. We can talk in person when you come."

"Would you consider our stars?" Niceta smiled and handed Ronald a plate of Italian sausage for snacks and winked at him.

"Tom definitely doesn't have time to act in this kind of movie. If you have any suitable ones, please feel free to recommend them."

"It's not necessarily impossible. Now that Tom (Cruise) is undergoing a transformation, being able to act in romantic comedies is also a direction he needs to consider. Niceta answered with a smile. Now the couple is even more closely tied to Ronald."

"Well, is it convenient for you to visit them tomorrow and I can meet them here? Nora happens to be here too. I'll call Tom myself and ask him."

"It's convenient. If there's any inconvenience, you want to meet the actor, so you can come anyway." Niceta finished the conversation she had arranged in advance, then gave Ronald an OK gesture, and the two of them turned around and went out together. , he locked the office casually.

"Jonathan, how was the audition of Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster for The Silence of the Lambs? How was the chemistry between the two of them?" Ronald returned to the long-term rented room at the Beverly Hilton in the evening, and Dai Ann has moved over with some clothes and is sorting them out. Ronald took advantage of the opportunity and called Jonathan Demme again.

"It's very good. Although it is not a romantic drama between men and women, the thriller atmosphere of this film is largely reflected in the scenes between the two. The atmosphere when they read the script live is very subtle. I think it is even better than Sean · Connery’s is even better.”

"Hahaha, that's great. Where are you going to shoot? If your requirements for location are not high, we can shoot in Canada. Many of the street scenes there are very similar to those in Pennsylvania and Virginia."

Many scenes in this movie take place in old colonial-style buildings. Pennsylvania being one of the oldest colonial states, the architecture there is fitting. But compared to the old colonial-style towns in Canada, the cost of shooting there is much lower, and the security is also good.

"If the location is suitable, I have no problem..." Jonathan Demme hopes that more money can be spent on where the money should be spent on the film. He doesn't care too much whether the building is American or not.

"Then it's settled...I'll go and talk to you face to face."

"Didn't you say you were going to meet with Penny tomorrow? Why did you arrange to meet with Director Demi again?" Diane took a bite of sushi and asked Ronald, who seemed worried across from him.

Diane wanted to ask Ronald this question just now at home, but Ronald put down the phone, hugged her and kissed her, forgetting about it, and then Ronald took Diane to the best day in Hollywood. Eat at the restaurant.

The sushi here tastes very good. Diane ate two and picked up the third one before he remembered it.

"Well...it doesn't matter. Let's go meet Penny first. Jonathan and I are very familiar with each other. If I don't have enough time, I can call him and change the time."

Ronald glanced at Diane's bulging mouth and wanted to say something but couldn't.

"Hehehe... I'm going to go on a diet soon, and then find a coach to lose weight to prepare for the role of Vivian. Today is the last indulgence..." Diane covered her mouth with a smile and ate the sushi. .

After dinner, Ronald held Diane in his arms and walked on the commercial street near the new house. He pointed to the nearby Four Seasons Hotel and suddenly said to Diane. "I'm a little tired. Why don't we stay here for one night? I don't want to go back to the Hilton and face those luggages again. I'll wait until the maids who apply for the job come over tomorrow and let them try..."

"Okay, I don't want to tidy up anymore. After finishing the tidying up, I will have to move here after a while when the new house is ready." Diane looked at the gate of the Beverly Park mansion area not far away, and her heart was filled with excitement. I look forward to it, then I can live in it and be with Ronnie every day.

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