Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 239 This is a personal grudge between Ovitz and I

"Hmph, you want to attack me with such a tabloid?"

Ovitz had been in the office in the morning reading the New York Daily News prepared for him by his secretary. The almost joke-like report on it made him a villain like in a Roger Corman low-budget movie. Make people laugh.

"The person who owns the most copyrights for his or her own photos, who in the agency industry doesn't do that? It's just that my CAA owns the most stars, so there are more chances of being photographed."

Ovitz crossed his legs happily, thinking that Ronald was up to something cruel and said harsh words to Meyer, but it turned out to be just the impulsiveness of a young man. Hehe...these artists are first-class at arousing the emotions of the audience, but when it comes to doing business, their strengths are their weaknesses.

He is so excited about business... It's time to intensify the attack on him. This guy rejected the olive branch he extended, so let's taste the anger of the most powerful person in Hollywood.

"Mr. Ovitz, there is a reporter from the New York Times interviewing you." The secretary rang the intercom and reported an important call.

"Reporter? When have I ever been interviewed by a reporter?" Ovitz wondered why the secretary would make such a stupid mistake and transfer a reporter's phone number.

"That's what I told him, but this reporter is a little different. He seems to be very confident. He also said that if you don't respond, he will interview your friends and collaborators to form an exclusive interview report. That way he will not be able to It's under control. If you can respond in person, he'll hear both sides of the story and the facts of the interview will be more accurate."

"Let him go. Now, any interviews with others about me in Hollywood must be approved by me personally. By the way, you ask him to submit the manuscript to CAA for approval before publication. If there are any factual errors, we will sue Until he goes bankrupt."

Ovitz put down the phone, thought for a while, and asked his secretary to continue giving more tips to Sarah Jessica Parker's agent. It would be best if she could be interviewed by some media and talk about "Dirty Dancing" back then. It tells the story of how he was discriminated against by Ronald because of his typical Jewish appearance.

"There must be details. The devil is in the details." Ovitz also gave some guidance on how to make up stories.

"This is too much..." Ronald's real attack is still being prepared, and Ovitz's backhand has already come out.

Sarah Jessica Parker gave interviews to some Los Angeles media outlets and talked a lot about her difficult journey as a Jewish girl in Hollywood.

"I've been in this situation all the time, where casting and directors can see my nose and my chances are gone, and they don't even ask me if I'm Jewish.

That's why I was so concerned about preparing that movie - I won't say which one - but it was directed by a famous Hollywood director, a movie about girls from our ethnic group, and I thought, now My flaws turned into strengths…

However, I am still sad because the typical racial characteristics were replaced and a Jewish actress with less obvious characteristics was replaced to play the protagonist. I won't say her name, but I have to say that her nose is better than mine. Much more atypical...

After this time, it was difficult for me to receive film script invitations. Casting directors labeled me as an actor who was not pretty enough for a Jewish girl because of my failure this time...

I am now mainly focusing on the field of TV dramas, and I feel very happy that people here do not have that kind of discrimination. They use our professional abilities rather than our ethnicity to judge actors..."

"Who taught her this? Every sentence is half truth, half lie, and full of details. Why don't I let her play Baby as soon as I see his nose? She is not photogenic, so she can only play supporting roles. Go Wouldn’t it be nice to act in her TV series?”

Ronald watched the interview and laughed angrily. With Sarah Jessica Parker's hard work, this matter was considered to be out of the Hollywood internal communication circle and began to be reported by the mass media. Although she wasn't so arrogant as to directly name the movie, she said it so clearly that the gossip media would soon dig deeper to find out which movie she was talking about.

"She dared to act like this because Ovitz was backing her up and promising a starring role in a medium-production movie." Richard went to make a few phone calls and asked for some gossip. SJP was Ovitz. Weapons used to upgrade attacks.

Spielberg, Michael Douglas and other Jewish friends of Ronald also noticed this report. The sensitive nerves of the Jews in the circle were triggered again, completely ignoring their already excessively high proportion in the entertainment industry. They began to tell each other their stories of being “discriminated” because of their Jewish identity.

"Yes, this accusation goes too far. Our Italian directors and actors are very angry. If you need it, we will all testify for you."

There are not only Jews in the entertainment industry, but Italian actors and directors are also a big group, especially Martin Scorsese. Because of the movie "The Last Temptation of Christ", he was not only attacked by Christians, but also disliked by Jews. Shunyan saw the reports attacking Ronald and hurriedly called to support him.

"Thank you so much, Marty. It's times like this that you find out who your true friends are. I won't be polite if the need arises."

"Every member of our Moonseers will testify for you. This is too distorted." Olympia Dukakis also called and offered to clarify for Ronald on behalf of actors who have worked with him.

The minorities in Hollywood are not only Jewish (actually they are already considered the majority in Hollywood), Dukakis is of Greek origin, Cher is of Armenian origin, and there is also the screenwriter of Moonlight, John Patrick Shanley , he is of Irish descent.

Even actors who had been favored by Ronald in his debut feature, "Fast-paced Richmond High," called to support.

Forest Whitaker is black and Phoebe Cates is of Chinese descent. They are the minorities who are truly discriminated against in Hollywood. There are very few roles, so he can't compete for those typical white roles, and he can only wallow in supporting roles.

After thanking these old friends for their concern, Ronald asked Richard to deal with the remaining "friends" who called him only once. He went to a restaurant by himself to meet people.

"Look up this Sarah Jessica Parker for me, she is called SJP in the circle...". Ronald threw a big envelope to private detective McPike. He also wanted to prevent SJP from making further drama and understand this woman's background in advance.

Ronald's main focus was still on attacking Ovitz. He contacted three former major studio presidents, but in the end it was the non-Jewish Frank Plath who did the most.

"I have been interviewed by L.J. Davis of the New York Times. I have answered all the questions on the list and provided many of my own unsolicited answers. Hahaha. I am very happy that you can give me such an opportunity and keep me for a long time. I said everything I wanted to say."

Frank Price is now unemployed at home. He has the opportunity to vent his anger at being bullied by the Jews for so many years, which makes him willing to do it without any benefits.

The best thing is that this is one of the top three serious media outlets in the country. In addition to talking about the misdeeds of Ovitz, a typical Hollywood Jewish executive, it has begun to do some in-depth analysis, including how he used his Jewish identity. Don’t expose the extreme tactics used to bully non-Jewish people.

"This is the first draft of the news report..." Richard pulled the manuscript from the fax machine. The Davis reporter investigated carefully and exposed many of Ovitz's trade secrets that he did not want to reveal to others.

Ovitz had 65 agents, most of them in their 20s and 30s, who gathered virtually at the crack of dawn to work on some 146 directors, including Sir Richard Attenborough , Sydney Pollack, Barry Levinson, Martin Scorsese and Oliver Stone, Ronald Lee, etc.), 134 actors (including Robert Redford, Paul Newman, Dustin ·Hoffman, Gene Hackman, Kevin Costner, Bill Murray, Barbra Streisand, Cher, and Robin Williams, etc.) and at least 288 screenwriters (including Gram Reese Columbus, Mark Kasdan, Stephen King, Gore Vidal, etc.).

In addition to Hollywood, he also represents Michael Jackson, Madonna and Prince, as well as the Los Angeles Lakers' Irving (Magic) Johnson. "

"To say that Ovitz controls this city is just a conspiracy theory from gossip newspapers," an anonymous production executive commented on the idea that Ovitz is the most powerful person in Hollywood. is the master of the city. But Michael Ovitz controls access to a vast amount of potential wealth."

Ronald circled the paragraph to show how much he liked the reveal. The entire report has touched upon Ovitz's core competencies. His method of using the trinity of screenwriters, directors, and stars to coerce studios into handing over their profits is clearly known to the top management of each studio.

But this report still has a key role, that is, it exposes this fact to everyone. There is a big difference between everyone being angry about being coerced by Ovitz and everyone knowing that others are being coerced by Ovitz.

To put it simply, in the former situation, even if you want to object, you will still be worried that Ovitz will take a potentially profitable project to other studios. In the latter state, everyone knew that everyone was angry, which provided the basis for all studios to unite to resist Ovitz's excessive demands.

Hollywood has been suffering from Ovitz for a long time!

"Ronald, why didn't you ask me to get involved in this matter? Hahaha, are you worried that I won't be on your side because I'm a Jew?"

In the evening, Ronald received another call from Disney CEO Michael Eisner.

"I just don't want to put you in an awkward position, Mr. Eisner." Ronald was overjoyed when he heard the call. The bomb he prepared finally attracted the attention of the bosses of major studios other than Fox.

Moreover, Eisner is a Jew. With him on his side, with the power of this bomb and the accusation that he is a Jew-hater, no one would want to fish in troubled waters.

"Hmph, do you think an agent will have more power in Hollywood than a Disney CEO?" Eisner was touched by his EGO. When he was still making the most of Paramount, Ovitz didn't Dare to force yourself like this, who makes Disney the weakest among the seven?

"Of course not, but Hollywood is a business, and no one wants to have trouble with money..." Ronald said the real reason why major studios tolerate Ovitz.

"Hey, after all, Disney can't spend a lot of money. Now we can only find stars who are at a low point in their careers to star in movies. Forget it, let the reporter interview me. I am willing to sign my name for the interview."

"Thank you, Mr. Eisner."

"Call me Michael. You should also pay more attention to your wife's new movie. I have high hopes for all the projects you are optimistic about."

"Ronnie, are you okay? I saw that SJP bitch was insinuations about you in the newspaper..." Diane saw Ronald's report, called a group of friends in the circle to ask questions, and became worried. After a long time, I finally couldn't help it and called Ronald.

"It's okay, they're all just speculating. SJP didn't even dare to name her, which means she knows she's talking nonsense. And behind this, other people are encouraging her for their own benefit. I can stand it, don't worry. Wait. I'll go back to see you after I finish this work."

"Oh, you... Ronnie, if it's convenient, come back as soon as possible. When I went to CAA to see my agent Paula today, the other agents scolded her in front of her, and some said..."

"What did you say?" Ronald became angry.

‘Some people say that I only rely on... you..., anyway, they are all unpleasant words. "Di An heard some very unpleasant words today, saying that she only got where she is today by serving Ronald comfortably. Based on her strength, she shouldn't have acted at all.

But these were all jealousies, and Paula Wagner also fought back in person, scolding the other person until he could not reply. What Diane is worried about is whether Ronald in the circle will be affected by SJP's accusations.

"Are they scolding you? Don't be angry. I'll be back when I'm done. These people really don't even have the basic professional ethics of an agent." Ronald could only sneer at such people and tell her to get out of CAA after a few days. , Ovitz couldn't protect him either.

"Ronald, I apologize for the attack on your wife that happened today at CAA. This was the nonsense of some immature agents."

A few hours later, Ron Meyer, another CAA founder, called Ronald to apologize. Ever since he met Ronald, he always felt that this young man had some back-ups and might be able to get into a fight with Ovitz.

After Ovitz won the Oscar, he has been increasingly bossy at CAA recently, and many times he doesn't even respect himself as an entrepreneurial veteran. Moreover, he always reminded Meyer that he knew about his scandals.

"This is a personal matter, Meyer."

Ronald hung up the phone. A matter of this level could not be settled with just one or two nice words.

Perhaps some rumors had reached the ears of the Jews, and Ronald received many calls from Jewish friends to mediate. Spielberg also called to inquire about the situation.

Eventually, even Michael Douglas' father, Kirk, got word of SJP's attack on Ronald.

Kirk Douglas was dissatisfied with the stupidity of some people who did not go through those stages when Jews were truly discriminated against in Hollywood. The end result of this kind of fight where Shxt is thrown at each other is that everyone's dirty laundry is exposed. What good does this do to the Jews?

Kirk quickly asked his son to be a peacemaker, not to give Ronald, a man with status and earning power, who was forced to fight back, an excuse to expose the dirty things done by the Jews in Hollywood.

"Ronald, can you and Ovitz sit down and have a good talk? No one wants to see such a thing. And stigmatizing Jews is not good for anyone, right? I am willing to do this Intermediary, can you please stop attacking each other and then find time to have a good talk?"

Michael Douglas called and told Ronald in detail that they were willing to cease war. As long as Ronald was willing, they would convey their goodwill to Ovitz, and both sides would take a step back. This matter ended here. .

"What about the fact that he instigated an actress to slander me?"

"Write it off, we will let the actress stop talking about it. It just so happens that she still has some sense and didn't mention it by name."

"This is not good enough, Michael. If you don't teach someone who talks like this a lesson, others will follow her example in the future, especially since Ovitz will reward her for lying." Of course, Ronald was unwilling to punish SJP now. The statement is completely denied. In the future, the Jews will not have another card in their hands that they can play at any time.

"I'm sorry, Ronald. But I want to make some arrogant remarks. Jewish people in Hollywood as a whole are not something you can compete with. If you can agree to step back, I can guarantee it personally... and in the name of my father. , the same thing will not happen again in the future.”

Michael Douglas did not want Ronald to criticize the evil deeds of Jews in Hollywood. There are some things that are easy for Jews to do, but not easy to hear.

"Is this the end of it? When Ovitz bullied me, he used the name of the Jews, and now he wants to make peace with the Jews? Tell the truth, is it Ovitz himself who wants to make peace, or you... and you What my father meant."

"I am friends with you, not him. I will call you first. If you are willing, I will go back and talk to him. You will not suffer any loss." Michael Douglas also wanted to value peace.

"What if I say no?"

"As a friend, I will respect your choice, but as a Jew, there are certain positions that I cannot refuse..."

Knowing Michael Douglas's position as a Jewish male star, Ronald thought for a moment.

Ovitz made himself passive by referring to the Jews as a whole group. In Hollywood, the traditional white New Englanders were not very powerful, and only one Frank Price was willing to help. And the power of Chinese Americans in Hollywood is almost nonexistent.

Ronald does not have a powerful ethnic group to protect him in Hollywood, and he is really at a disadvantage at this time. The Jewish method of supporting each other by helping relatives and friends is indeed very effective in a place like Hollywood that relies on connections.

However, Ronald will not give in to Ovitz. The matter has reached this point and there is no room left.

"I'm not anti-Semitic. On the contrary, I like Jews who work in show business..."

"So you agree?" Michael Douglas was overjoyed. In this way, his status in Hollywood can rise again. His father Kirk's idea does make sense. The person who arbitrates, in the eyes of outsiders, is equal to the two parties being arbitrated. Just as powerful, if not more powerful.

"No, I mean, this is a personal grudge between Ovitz and I..."

"Personal grudge?" Michael Douglas understood. Ronald did not want to go against the Jews as a whole. He wanted to define his grudge with Ovitz as a personal grudge and separate it from the Jews as a whole.

"What personal grudge do you have against him?"

"He directed his subordinates, in the office, to disrespect my wife."

"Um...is it a misunderstanding? I can..."

"It's not a misunderstanding. He also told me to divorce my wife and marry the girl he introduced. This is an insult to Diane and me..."

"Uh, okay..." Michael Douglas didn't expect this turn of events. Fortunately, his goal of stopping Ronald from attacking the Jews as a whole was achieved.

"Mr. Ovitz? Ronald said that you attacked his wife and said that he had no discernment in picking Diane Lane? If you could apologize to Ronald for this..." Michael Douglas still felt that this kind of thing It was too bizarre, so with his father’s approval, he called Ovitz to confirm.

"Hey, I'm trying to persuade him to pick someone younger. The little girl from Once Upon a Time in America is already an adult. She has the round face and good figure that he likes." Ovitz is now full of confidence in his plan. Ronald doesn't like anything, and he likes female stars like that, so he obviously has a problem with aesthetics.

"Ovitz is a little crazy. What good does it do to attack his client's wife like this?" Michael Douglas didn't understand.

"Humph, there is no shortage of people like this in Hollywood. There was also such a person in Hollywood back then. Luella Parsons, the queen of film critics and gossips, used to think that she was the center of power in Hollywood, until she was killed by the even more shameless Hedda. Hopper replaces.”

Family dinner tonight, sorry for the late update.

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