Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 242 Going to be a father

Latest website: "Because I think that as a producer, I can modify the shooting time." Diane took a cup of re-brewed wolfberry black tea and handed it to Ronald. However, the water temperature for making tea this time was too low, and the wolfberry had not yet brewed.

Ronald has despaired of Diane's cooking skills, but Diane is quite cute like this. Anyway, he is not one of those men who really depends on his wife to cook. As long as Diane has this intention, she should ask the chef to provide food.

Well, as well as coffee, I also need to buy a fully automatic coffee machine...

"Of course, the producer can propose to modify the shooting time, but this involves a lot of costs. Many times, even if the casting of the movie is not suitable, you have to bite the bullet and continue shooting, instead of waiting for the suitable actor to be available. , just because of this, after all, movies are a business..."

Ronald took two sips of tea, put down the cup, and hugged Diane, "If you want to learn production, you can wait until Polly Platt comes back and learn from her. If you want to be a producer and participate in the follow-up I can transfer the rights to share some of my movies to you.

You are still a popular actor, so you don’t need to be in such a hurry to move behind the scenes. Honey. "

Ronald gently rubbed Diane's waist. He was a little suspicious that he had been spending too little time with Diane, which made her have some thoughts.

"Well, don't move..." Diane turned her body to avoid Ronald's hand touching her abdomen.

"What's wrong?" Ronald thought to himself, had he guessed it right? Diane had opinions about him?

"Let me tell you, I'm pregnant." Diane felt very sweet and stopped talking in circles with Ronald. Ronnie fulfilled all her fantasies about a husband in every aspect, relied on him in everything, and was very capable.

"Huh?" Ronald was stunned for a moment. Is he going to be a father?

"I went to the hospital for a checkup and it was confirmed. This little thing didn't cause any adverse reactions to my mother. It's just because I didn't come on the date..." Diane touched her lower abdomen, which was still very flat now.

But when the original launch date came, it was not appropriate to wear those revealing clothes.

"Dear, why don't you speak? Are you unhappy?"

"Ah..." Ronald just came back to his senses. After having a child, he suddenly felt a mysterious connection with this land and the people around him, and all kinds of feelings came to his heart.

"Of course I'm happy, I'm crazy happy..." Ronald laughed loudly and wanted to pick up Diane and spin him around, but he quickly put it down after holding him halfway and let Diane sit on the sofa. He just kept giggling.

"Let me hear, is there anything going on? Will he kick you?"

"Don't be stupid, there is no movement now..." Diane chuckled and brushed Ronnie's hair. I didn't expect him to like children so much.

"I'm going to discuss that movie with Disney and postpone it until next year...well, if you want to act in it." Ronald looked at Diane and felt that there seemed to be a little more tenderness on her face, and he suddenly missed her. Never play this kind of role again.

"Hehe", Diane tried a little and got the answer she wanted, "Forget it, I don't want to play this role anymore. When we think about our children growing up in the future and seeing their mother play this kind of role, I always feel... Something is wrong..."

"Yeah..." Ronald nodded quickly and sincerely. It would be best if he didn't act.

"However, I don't want to act for..." Diane is still very sensitive to this. If Helen Slater gets this role, she will not be willing to do so.

"I want you to recommend the new heroine..." Ronald thought to himself that Helen's acting skills were not good enough.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have good news to announce."

Ronald became happy and wanted to announce the good news to those close to him. He ran to the room next door to Niceta and others and announced to them, "Diane is pregnant."

"Oh, congratulations..." Paula Wagner is Diane's agent. Of course she needs to know these things, and she was the first to come up to congratulate Ronald.

"Oh, what should I pay attention to when I'm pregnant for the first time?" Ronald was already overly excited.

"Don't worry, we will make arrangements." This time Diane confirmed that she was pregnant. Because Ronald was busy here, she didn't even tell her agent, but now Paula had to make all arrangements.

"Oh my god, I need to call my aunt..."

Ronald, who was in a state of ecstasy, quickly ran out of the room again.

"Pfft..." Paula Wagner saw Ronald's appearance and remembered the past time between herself and Niceta.

"Hey, Aunt Karen, what time is it there? I'm sorry for waking you up, what? There was no surprise. On the contrary, I have good news to tell you. Diane is pregnant."

Ronald was so ecstatic that he called his aunt who was continuing to travel around the world. She was playing in Tokyo and was extremely happy when she received Ronald's call.

"Hahaha, let's go to sleep first... It's not too late for you to call tomorrow." Diane talked to Aunt Karen for a few words, then hung up the phone and pulled Ronald with a smile.

"Go to sleep after calling Donna. Anyway, that's all we have to tell." Ronald finished the phone call ecstatically and carefully hugged Diane and fell asleep.

"This is my very good friend, Mr. Gamp, can you say hello to him?"

Ronald dreamed of watching a movie again. On the screen was a blonde actress, holding a cute little boy in her arms, talking to a man in a white suit on the left side of the camera.

"Hello, Mr. Gamp." The boy looked very smart.

"Hello." The camera panned to the left and cut to an over-the-shoulder shot. Mr. Gamp was played by Tom Hanks. His expression was very tense.

"Huh?" Ronald remembers the tone and atmosphere of the movie he wanted to acquire but was late to acquire, the satirical adaptation of "Forrest Gump." Hanks plays this slightly mentally retarded character very realistically. In comparison, it is much more difficult than the mentally retarded Rain Man played by Dustin Hoffman.

"Can I watch TV?"

"Go ahead and keep your voice down."

The little boy ran to watch TV. Forrest Gump continued to talk to the woman.

"You're a mother already, Jenny?"

"Yes, I'm a mother. His name is Forrester." Jenny said softly.

"Like me?" The expression on Forrest Gump's face played by Hanks is very layered.

"Yes, I named him after his father."

"Is his father's name also Forrester?"

"You're his dad, Forrester."

The camera showed a close-up of Tom Hanks. The emotions of surprise, fear, and disbelief were progressively layered, which seemed very convincing. Ronald curled his lips. He was also playing a fool. The difficulty of this kind of performance and the ability to make the audience empathize are even more difficult to achieve than Rain Man.

Finally, A-Gump asked his biggest fear, whether Little Forrester had normal intelligence. After learning that his son's intelligence was very good, A-Gump went over and sat next to his son and watched Sesame Street cartoons together. .

A soft variation of the theme song played, and the camera cut to the face of the actress playing Jenny, with tears in her eyes, and the gentle look in her eyes looking at the father and son impressed Ronald deeply.

"Oh, it's great to have a son." Ronald talked in his sleep.

"Ronnie, Ronnie?" Diane knew that Ronald would occasionally talk in his sleep and pushed him gently.

"Ah? What's wrong?" Ronald was woken up and startled.

"You're talking in your sleep, saying it's great to have a son."

"Hahaha, what I said is true, I'm so happy."

"You still don't know if it's a boy or a girl?"

"It's okay, I'm happy." Ronald hugged Diane tightly again, thinking that he had dreamed about this movie twice. It seemed that his fate was not over yet. He would ask another day if he had bought it. Copyright possible.

“Sarah Jessica Parker stated that her mother was not Jewish, but she grew up in a Jewish environment and was very familiar with Jewish customs and cultural traditions, so she considered herself Jewish.

She also said that the next step will be to focus on the filming of TV series and will not consider movies for the time being unless there is a good role. "

"CAA President Michael Ovitz was interviewed by the New York Times to respond to the newspaper's last article.

I am an agent who started my career in Hollywood as a tour guide at MCA Universal Studios. Everything I do is to find a mutually agreeable method of cooperation for all parties, just like I was finding tourist facilities that they would like.

If there is anything different about what I do than others, it means that my projects are generally larger and more complex than others. "

Everything Ovitz promised was fulfilled one by one, so Ronald also fulfilled his promise and arranged two interviews for him.

"Mr. Li, we can start..."

A Jewish female anchor interrupted Ronald who was watching the news on TV.

She looked at Ronald who had been manipulated by the makeup artist, and invited him with a smile, and the two of them were about to start an exclusive interview.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Ronald coughed and was being interviewed on the other side of the camera. He was still a little used to it.

"How about we start with your most popular movie among women and my favorite, 'Dirty Dancing'. How did you come up with the idea of ​​filming a story about a Jewish girl in the 1960s? Why are you so sure that now? The audience will enjoy a retro movie."

"This started when the screenwriter Eleanor came to me. I fell in love with the script as soon as I saw it. I like the heroine Baby very much. She is the first generation of modern women to awaken to female consciousness..." Ronald began to brag. How could I be so discerning at that time, and then I put my personal wealth into consideration, and relied on my own financial resources to support the filming when no one else was optimistic about it.

"But the stereotype of Jewish people is that they can perform, play musical instruments, calculate accounts, and study well. Very few Jewish girls are known to be good at dancing." The female host steered the topic in the agreed direction.

"I think you are right. Your question is the answer. This is a stereotype. Who said Jewish girls can't dance? I think the screenwriter Eleanor was the first to object..."

Ronald followed the cooperating host and explained his creative ideas. Jewish girls are usually regarded as not beautiful, restrained, and not sexy enough. Ronald wants to break this impression. All ethnic groups will find their own opportunities when they come to America...

Jewish girls can also be sexy, good at dancing, and can win the favor of the most handsome boy in the crowd.

At the end of the interview, even the female host believed that Ronald was not only impossible to be anti-Semitic, but also the director who single-handedly created the most typical image of Jewish girls in the 1980s. He must have had a Jewish girlfriend, otherwise he would not have made this Girls from this ethnic group are so beautifully beautified.

"Manuscripts from several newspapers and magazines will also be published on the weekend..." Richard came over to show Ronald the interview schedule. These interviews were all deliberately made to portray Ronald as America's friend who loves the Jews and sympathizes with their plight.

"Very good, just help me make arrangements. I have to go back to accompany Diane."

Ronald has significantly reduced his working hours in the past two days and returns to the hotel early every day to get together with Diane.

"Say hello to Diane for me." Richard smiled and put away the documents. Ronald can enjoy the world of two people, but he still has a lot of work to do.

Disney learned about Diane's withdrawal from the project and came over to urge Luo N to start new casting and determine the director as soon as possible.

The original female director, Penny Marshall, also dropped out of the project because her favorite Diane dropped out of the role. This project has been delayed for long enough, and now that the heroine has quit, she doesn't want to do it anymore. Ronald is now stuck with Diane every day, leaving everything behind. Does he still need to pursue artistic pursuits?

Ronald didn't take Penny Marshall's anger seriously, and even helped introduce her to the studio's executives so that she could promote the movie projects that she really wanted to make.

"Texas' case against Johnson has begun a retrial by the Supreme Court. This case has attracted the attention of the general leadership and both parties."

Ronald, who was about to go home, saw the news starting to play again on TV.

"This case is related to the definition of speech in the First Amendment. During the campaign, the President and his opponent Dukakis expressed opposing views. Dukakis said it was okay, and the President said no."

A video of the commander-in-chief attending an event in New York appeared on the TV. "This is a symbol of our country. This is a symbol of the people's patriotic sentiments. I want to say that there must be a Star-Spangled Banner in our middle schools."

"You know what they're talking about?" Ronald had never cared about this case, and now it seemed that the public was paying a lot of attention to it.

"This is Texas vs. Johnson. The young man named Johnson burned the Stars and Stripes in protest. The Texas court sentenced him to a fine of $2,000 and a year in prison. The young man's lawyer appealed all the way, and after four years, he finally got it. The case went to the Supreme Court.”

"Huh? What does he have to do with the First Amendment?" Ronald couldn't quite understand this kind of person who burned the Stars and Stripes.

"His lawyer believes that burning the Stars and Stripes is a form of speech and is protected by the First Amendment. And I heard that the conservative justices in the Supreme Court who were nominated by the previous president plan to support Johnson this time... "Richard, like most people in Hollywood, leans more liberal.

"Um..." Ronald scratched his head, sounding complicated. These people are busy with cases like this every day. No wonder people’s support for the Supreme Court has dropped sharply.

"If we win this case, we will be much more relaxed in the future." The female host was also watching the news and said something out loud.

"What do you mean? Why do you feel relaxed about this case?" Ronald seemed to have caught some inspiration.

"You see, this kind of behavior is speech and is not restricted. Then there can be a lot more marginal content in TV programs without it being considered offensive."

"But if we do this, won't the audience be disgusted?" Ronald felt that even if the law allowed it, burning the Stars and Stripes on the TV station would definitely have many viewers dissatisfied.

"Maybe. In fact, this is an act of protest. I don't think we should be too allergic to it." The female host shrugged. She has been very supportive of the actions that have been against the federal government since the Vietnam War.

"Hmm..." Ronald touched his chin. Maybe the scale of the TV show would be enlarged again.

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