Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 258 Jealous Cindy Crawford

Richard Gere thought about it for a few days, but he still contacted Ronald through his agent and declined the invitation.

The reasons relayed by the agent are certainly very nice. Richard Gere did not have enough confidence in this role. He wanted to break through by playing other types of roles, and did not want to repeat the roles he had already played.

But Ronald figured out the actual reason through private communication with Richard Gere's agent. Because Richard Gere doesn't want to be the foil for the heroine. In Ronald's "Working Girl", Harrison Ford once acted as a male vase.

After that movie was released, all the female characters were nominated for Oscars, even the supporting role of Joan Cusack, who played the secretary. Only Harrison Ford received nothing, only a group of female fans who were interested in his strong body. of admiration.

This incident is a warning to all male stars in Hollywood. If you want to reap the rewards of acting and critical acclaim, avoid Ronald's films with female-centric characters.

Ronald didn't expect that his successful movie would have such a counter-effect. He went to Daydream to have a meeting with Garry Marshall. The two discussed for a long time but there was no good solution.

Richard Gere was indeed the one who had the most chemistry with Julia Roberts when he auditioned. When the two of them appear in front of the camera together, all the audience can feel the passion surging in their hearts from their mutual body movements and expressions.

This feeling is not a pure desire for the other person's body, but a subtle emotion arising from mutual understanding. From the close-ups of the two, both Ronald and director Marshall can see that both parties have expectations for the other, and there is a desire to have a passionate relationship, but it has not yet begun.

With no other choice, Ronald Garry Marshall had to recall Julia Roberts.

"Sorry, Julia, we have to go on with the auditions..."

As soon as Roberts entered the office, Ronald stood up and told her the bad news.

"I don't understand. Wasn't my audition with him perfect?" Julia Roberts was a little anxious. As soon as she sat down, she jumped up and walked around the room.

"Please sit down first and then talk..." Garry Marshall was a little dizzy by the actress and asked her to sit down.

"Daxmn it, I want to call him, this is not okay..."

Julia Roberts once again spoke out explosively, picking up the phone and calling Richard Gere's agent.

His strength of action and determination even shocked Ronald.

"Hello, I'm Roberts, please ask Richard to call me back. I'll keep calling you without waiting for his call."

Julia Roberts is so emotionally unstable that even her Southern accent shows through.

Ronald and Garry Marshall looked at each other, if only Julia Roberts could charm Richard Gere. That's a very good thing for the movie.

Sure enough, less than two hours later, Richard Gere, accompanied by his agent, appeared in the film's preparation office.

"I want to try some fresh roles. In the past few years, the movies I have made are all male protagonists who are popular with women..."

Richard Gere is actually a bit stupid. He is not very good at fakery. He really wanted to turn down the role, but he was too embarrassed to say it. Such emotions made his face look shy.

"The movie Richard, actually..." Garry Marshall began to give various reasons to Richard Gere, trying to convince him that in fact this role was not exactly the same as the roles he had played before.

The simplest point is that Edward Lewis was not the kind of man who was very popular among women. On the contrary, he has a barrier on how to deal with beautiful women and how to maintain an intimate relationship with them. This has a deep relationship with his father leaving home when he was a child.

"I know, I understand. I actually read the script several times. I like it quite a lot, but my agent told me that my career has reached a point where I need to change..." Richard Gere couldn't help it. The reason I mentioned was actually because I was afraid of playing a big vase again.

Garry Marshall didn't quite understand what he was thinking, and was still talking to him about analyzing the character and trying to convince him from the perspective of his acting career.

"Richard, have you ever thought that the role of Lewis can give you a new upgrade to your star image?"

Ronald's mind changed and he thought of a new angle...

Richard Gere is 40 years old this year, and the roles he has played in the past ten years have often been sexy and handsome men who are full of hormones but have poor brains. Including military officers, gigolos, band musicians, or gangsters...etc.

"For example, the musician you and Diane played in the Cotton Club was actually particularly popular with female audiences at that time. But today, audiences prefer men who are mature, intelligent, handsome, and slightly introverted."


Richard Gere raised his head and looked at his agent. Ronald's words spoke exactly what was on his mind.

At his age, it is obviously no longer suitable for him to play those sexy men who have nothing but passion.

Ronald proposed that Edward Lewis was a Wall Street banker with superhuman wealth and control over his life. At this age, female viewers tend to like characters like this, and it's great if they're a bit nerdy in some aspect of their lives.

Thinking of this, Richard Kilton immediately agreed. But his agent gave him a sign, reminding him that if he really wanted to make a breakthrough in acting awards and critics, he had to act in movies that were truly centered on male characters.

"Actually, you almost convinced me, Ronald, but..." The desire for awards and critical recognition overwhelms a star's plans for his future career. At this moment, in Richard Gere's mind , occupies the most important part.

"Richard, I actually gave you a good opportunity..." Ronald said to this male star who overestimated his abilities and still wanted to win an award. In fact, I don’t have much patience...

It is obvious that Richard Gere has no acting skills, but he has a very good-looking face. If we give him more close-ups on the screen, the audience will naturally love to watch the movies he stars in.

For someone whose status as a star is greater than that of an actor, the most important thing is to create a character that the audience can deeply understand and remember, rather than pursuing critical recognition without overestimating one's capabilities.

It is actually not difficult for such a handsome male star to be recognized by the critics. As long as he is willing to disfigure himself and play an ugly monster, the critics will recognize him.

Richard Gere still wanted to shirk, and his heart was also shaking with each other, which one was more important on both sides of the scale. For him, he couldn't make a good choice.

"Tear..." Julia Roberts next to her could no longer stand Richard Gere. She tore off a note, quickly wrote a line of words on it with a pen, and stuffed it into Richard Gere's hand...

"Please say Yes..."

Richard Gere raised his hand and saw that there were only three words on the note, asking him to agree to play this role.

When he raised his head, he was faced with Julia Roberts's beautiful eyes that sparkled with eagerness, her small and straight nose, and her sexy big mouth.

Julia Roberts just looked at him and pulled her hair around her ears with her hands. This fair-skinned beauty looks so fragile, so innocent, so full of childlike innocence... just like an exquisite thin-body white porcelain made in China, which needs careful care.

"OK, I agree."

A male hormone-dominated emotion filled Richard Gere's mind and heart. I don't know why, but the rational thinking that the two great directors told him before, and the calculations about competing for awards that his agent instilled in him, were all forgotten at this moment.

Now, there is only one idea in his mind, and that is to collaborate on this movie with Julia Roberts.

"Hey...", the manager shook his head and sighed. The star had talked to him so much last night about his thoughts on his acting career, but now he doesn't know where he has gone. We have long known that actors are generally emotional, and his clients are particularly emotional.

"Bye, I hope to see you in rehearsal soon..." Julia Roberts was very happy and went up to hug Richard Gere and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"You too..." Richard Gere hugged Roberts happily. She was so light at just 22 years old.

"Keep this feeling, do your best not to let these two date...or...you know" Ronald covered his mouth and whispered in the ear of director Garry Marshall.

Garry Marshall also understood very well that this very special feeling can only be expressed by men and women who are about to enter a relationship. In the first half of the film, these two people maintain such a strange spiritual relationship.

So until halfway through filming, the two of them might as well just be craving a relationship.

"I can't stop this. Few people can withstand two love bombs like this..." Garry Marshall also replied in Ronald's ear. He couldn't control this kind of thing.

"Don't worry, you just need to be in the rehearsal space and the official shooting, and after starting, just follow the rules. I think Julia Roberts is a very smart person, and she will make full use of this condition to achieve what she wants."

As usual, after finishing the day's affairs, Ronald returned to the hotel early and stayed with Diane.

Whenever this happens, Ronald is always glad that he is married and no longer has to go through the process of mutual testing and torture. There is no need to worry about guessing whether your proposal will be accepted by the other party? Or what does the other person see in order to be with you?

Dane was in the living room, flipping through a lot of scripts. She was half lying on the sofa, one foot resting on the armrest of the sofa, and she kept rising and falling.

On one side of the sofa, there were many scripts spread out on the floor, which Diane didn't like. On the other side of the sofa were three or four books that she found interesting.

"Do you have any favorite scripts?" Ronald did not forget to promise Diane. He contacted 20th Century Fox, Disney, and Paramount and asked them to send various inventory scripts. For Ronald and Diane to choose from.

"Yeah, there are quite a few here, and I find them all very interesting..."

Dane handed the selected scripts to Leonard.

"Is this some kind of ghost story?"

Ronald saw a script with the word "Ghost" written in big letters on the cover. This is the script Paramount has in stock.

"Yes, it's a story about a man who is still by his wife's side after his death. In the end, he can only communicate with his wife through a psychic and protect her from bad guys."

"Okay, do you like it?" Ronald knew that Hollywood never liked making ghost movies, but it was fine if Diane liked it.

"Actually, I don't really like making ghost movies. I think it's weird. I like these two books better."

"Let me see……"

Ronald opened the two scripts. The first one told a future science fiction story. The name is Total Recall. When talking about the future, people don’t know whether their memories have been implanted or have been experienced by themselves.

The male protagonist finally escaped everything to pursue a trip to Mars that often appeared in his dreams, and finally achieved great success.

This script has been dormant in Columbia's film library for a long time and was only recently brought out. It was taken over by Carlock, a medium-sized studio, and they chose Schwarzenegger to play the heroine. Diane had previously worked with Schwarzenegger in another movie Running Man, and the relationship between the two was still good. good. It would also be a good choice if we could join hands this time.

However, this movie is already in the preparation stage, and they may already have a candidate for the heroine. If Diane wants to intervene, Ronald will have to use some connections to intervene and adjust the filming cycle of the movie.

The last one was a movie called "Firebird". After Ronald opened it, he frowned after looking at it for a while.

"This seems to be..." Ronald turned to ask Diane.

"That's right, it's the Army version of Top Gun... Hehehe..." Diane actually envied big productions like Top Gun, and Ronald filmed the heroine McGillis so well. She is sexy and can act with a handsome guy like Tom Cruise. She is actually envious of it.

The structure of this Firebird is actually a replica of Top Gun from beginning to end, except that the F-14 fighter jets are replaced by Apache attack helicopters, the Navy is replaced by the Army, and the enemy is replaced by Soviet Alliance fighter jets in the Pacific. , replaced by a helicopter belonging to a drug lord in Central America.

Moreover, the background design of this movie actually coincides with another popular TV series Airwolf. A prototype of a very advanced armed helicopter of the American Army was driven away by a person who was dissatisfied with the government. .

There are some things in this movie that are even more radical than Top Gun, and that is that the character Diane is meant for is not only an instructor in the classroom, but also an armed helicopter pilot who goes on combat missions with the hero.

This script is Disney's stock again.

"Okay, keep watching. If you like anything, tell me." Ronald shook his head, and Dane was hinting that he still wanted to star in a movie directed by Ronald.

"Ring ring ring ring..."

While the two were still discussing, the phone rang.

"Hello, this is Ronald and Diane's home..." The answering machine played the phone message that Diane had recorded... It took her a long time to record it.

"Ronald, answer the phone, this is Cindy, don't forget what you promised me..."

A sexy and magnetic female voice rang from the answering machine.

Ronald recognized Cindy Crawford's voice and quickly pressed the hands-free button. What he said was a bit unclear, so don't cause Diane to misunderstand, "Miss Crawford, it's Ronald." .What’s wrong, what happened?”

"Ronald, I remember that I approached you through your agent, and you promised me. Now Richard told me that he has agreed to act in a romance film with Julia, that Bi...actress, I want you to fulfill your promise.”

"No problem, you can come to visit the crew at any time, and all expenses incurred will be charged to the crew's account..."

"What's wrong? Isn't this the model? Why is she going to visit the class?" Diane stared at Ronald with her eyes and said with a smile.

"I tell you it doesn't matter, but you must never tell others. Cindy Clough is Richard Gere's girlfriend, a very formal kind. She approached me through her agent last time and asked if Richard Gere accepted If you are invited to star in that movie, you must have the right to visit at any time.”

"Poor Richard..." He wanted to say something, but curled his lips. If she hadn't been pregnant, she would have been the model who came to the set to keep an eye on her this time.

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