Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 265 Psychic prophecy and pottery training class

"Thank you, Ms. Sophia Brown, for your generosity in sharing."

Opposite Ronald sat a white, middle-aged woman who was recruited by Paramount executive Lindsay Dolan. She is a very popular psychic (also called a psychic) ​​in Hollywood and America recently.

This woman has been very successful recently. She has appeared on Larry King's talk show several times. Many actresses in Hollywood have asked her to "consult" on which movies they should choose.

But Ronald didn't believe this at all. Ms. Brown claimed that she could see heaven, six inches above people's heads. Because of the different vibration frequencies, it is difficult for humans to find it. The temperature there is constant at 25.6 degrees Celsius. So much.

This kind of person, like Joan Quigley, the astrologer trusted by the former first lady, relies on the flaws in the knowledge structure of these celebrities, talks nonsense, and takes advantage of the celebrities' fear of losing their existing social status. Earn money and social fame.

In addition to her, Ronald also auditioned a psychic from Australia, Penny Pierce. This one was more advanced. She simply didn’t mention that she was a psychic, but packaged the same "service" into a Modern "pseudoscience".

She calls herself a researcher of "intuitive visualization science" and provides consultation and guidance for several Australian stars working hard in Hollywood.

"How about it, do you think they can do it?" Lindsay Dolan also half believed in these mediums. If Ronald didn't like them, she could recommend more.

"Forget it, they all have a serious problem, that is, once they are in front of the camera, they will show the common nervousness of amateur actors."

Ronald shook his head and picked up the book in his hand by Dorothy Stokes, the biggest psychic in Hollywood who had just passed away the year before.

This book reveals very clearly that so-called psychic abilities are, in most cases, achieved through prior investigation of the subject's background and interviews with their relatives and friends, in order to obtain a large amount of information about the subject's personal life and gain trust.

It is a relatively advanced technique in psychology called cold reading. This method is similar to Sherlock Holmes's observation ability, but not as magical. You can also use some verbal manipulation to let the other person tell you his personal situation.

"I have understood the commonality of these people. They all have a magical ability to pretend to be confident. By first deceiving themselves, believing that they have psychic abilities, and then deceiving others. So once their deception fails, they themselves You will be in great confusion.

The background of this character can create a good comedy structure in the movie... and... you know, we need a black actress." Ronald felt that there were too many white actors in this movie, and minorities The quotas are somewhat insufficient.

"I understand, a black actress...comedy ability..." Lindsay Dolan nodded in agreement, but she still remained silent and refused to leave.

"Patrick will come over later. Is there anything else you need to discuss with him?" Ronald understood that the female executive was a nymphomaniac again and wanted to discuss the art of acting with his idol Schwytz.

"Oh, Ronald, look what you said." Lindsay Dolan was actually a little shy, "You finish talking to him about the business first, I still have some contract matters to discuss with him..."

Just in time, Patrick Schweitz walked in, saw a shy Lindsay Dolan, glanced at him a few times, and ran out, not knowing what happened.

"We are discussing the casting of the psychic..." Ronald smiled and talked about the cause and effect. "We need a black actress with comedy talent, preferably with some characteristics..."

"Did you know? There is someone here that I would like to recommend to you... called Whoopi Goldberg..."

"Her?" Ronald frowned. It was not that he didn't know this actor, but he excluded her from the audition list from the beginning.

Like Oprah Winfrey, she also played a female character in the film "The Color Purple" directed by Spielberg.

But Ronald's agent, Niceta, warned that the actor had a serious drug addiction problem. Her first husband was a drug addiction therapist. But in the early 1980s, she divorced her husband.

After that, she was often found to have problems with this matter intermittently, and her originally promising acting career was interrupted because of this.

"She's really good at acting, you know? Whoopi was an acting coach for a lot of actors. He did an amazing show on Broadway in '85. And at that time she was hosting a stand-up comedy with a Broadway play review theme. , The Whoopi Goldberg Show also received a broadcast contract from HBO."

"It seems you like her very much?" Ronald heard Schwytz's strong recommendation for the actor.

“Without her, I would not have had the chance to play the lead role on Broadway in Grease or come to Hollywood.”

In a way, this black comedian is a descendant of Patrick Swayze. His promotion directly led to him being cast in the movie version of the musical Grease, the role played by John Travolta.

"I'm still worried about her drug problem." Ronald heard the news and said that this person often got high on the set and didn't know what scene he was going to play. Whoopi Goldberg's ability to improvise is very good, which is probably due to drug abuse, which makes it impossible for her to remember her lines.

"I can give her a personal guarantee that she will stay sober while filming this movie."

"Oh? What do you think of her...Okay, I believe you, but I still have to ask her to come for an audition, and Paramount's top management also needs to be convinced." When Ronald heard what Parkrick said, he put aside his personal credibility. They all pressed forward to guarantee him. It seemed that this time he would find someone to keep an eye on Whoopi Goldberg and also support the former Bole.

"No problem, I will let her go to the rehabilitation center now, and I will bear all the expenses..."

Drugs were rampant in Hollywood in the 1980s, and high-end sanatoriums like this had a very good way of dealing with these actors and keeping them clean in the short term.

"OK!" Patrick Schweitz was very happy, "You won't be disappointed, Ronald! I also value this script very much. When do you arrange for me to learn pottery?"

"Pottery? You don't know how to learn it, and I also prohibit you from touching any pottery before filming." Ronald thought to himself, wondering where Schwytz knew that he was going to arrange pottery lessons for Demi Moore. He thought he was going to go there too, and even came here to express his efforts on this matter.

"What? If you don't let me learn, how can I act? I read that one of the highlights in the script is pottery..." Patrick Schwytz wanted to create a classic role under Ronald again, but he was not allowed to do this kind of thing. Make enough preparations and start shouting.

"Do you remember Jennifer Gray from Dirty Dancing, who was banned from any dance training before my resignation?"

"Huh?" Sweets thought for a moment and realized that this was indeed the case. This also directly caused Jennifer Gray to have a very poor dance foundation during the filming. When he taught her to dance, the other party could not learn it, and there was a lot of friction during filming...

“You need to keep that hunger for pottery alive, and that scene where Molly leads Sam to do something he’s not good at…all the love and conflict needs to be shown in that scene.

So the fact that you don't know how to make pottery is just as important as the fact that Demi Moore became an expert in pottery before filming started. Before shooting, I prohibit you from attending any ceramics training classes or having access to any ceramics materials...

"OK, OK..." When Patrick Schwytz heard that he didn't learn pottery, it was so important. The successful experience of Dirty Dancing made him believe in Ronald unconditionally and immediately agreed.

Ronald and Lindsay Dolan chatted for a while about the protection measures for Whoopi Goldberg. If her audition is satisfactory, the contract must specify in detail that if she delays filming due to drug problems, she must pay a proportional Deduct money at the agreed ratio.

After several consecutive appearances, the studio reserves the right to make substitutions and claim for financial losses caused to her. Closing all her loopholes in this way is also a way of protecting the actors and the project.

Lindsay Dolan wrote down Ronald's request in her notebook. Paramount's legal staff was familiar with this kind of thing, and she had to seize the time to talk more with Schwytz. This time her secretary also brought a video recorder...

"Notify me immediately when Demi comes..." Ronald ordered his assistant, Fat Girl Lake, and then went to call Diane to make an appointment for a place to eat that night.

"Ronald, have you found your trainer?" Demi Moore rushed into the office in a hurry and shouted to Ronald who was still on the phone.

"I'll accompany Demi to meet the ceramics teacher, and I'll talk to you tonight..."

Ronald hung up the phone and looked at Demi Moore. Today she is wearing a very tacky black sequined trousers, a large white shirt on her upper body, and two large earrings on her ears. This popular style was ten years ago...

Ronald muttered to himself, when he took photos of Demi, she was dressed like this. Was this intentional?

"I have found a very good sculptor to be your ceramics coach. She is also an actor. She knows how to let you master ceramics from a performance perspective, so that experts can't see the flaws, and the lay audience will find it very interesting at first glance. major……"

"I can't wait..." Demi Moore is very enterprising and is treated as a housewife by her husband Bruce Willis at home. Her passion is waiting to be played in this movie directed by Ronald...

She came up, took Ronald's arm, and got into his car.

The car soon drove to a house at the foot of Beverly Hills. Ronald rang the doorbell, but no one responded. He shouted, "Dai! Dai..."

The looming noise of the grinder suddenly disappeared, and the hostess came out and opened the door, "Ha, Ronald, long time no see."

The ceramics teacher Ronald found for Demi Moore was Dai Yang, the second female lead in the debut film "Rock of Ages" where he served as an assistant.

Dai Yang's current main job is as a sculptor, and she only occasionally plays supporting roles in film and television dramas. A few years ago, he helped Ronald make several wooden dolls for Kim Cattrall, the heroine of the movie "Beauty", as props.

This time Ronald asked to come to the house again, and Dai Yang readily agreed. But the old friend is now filming a new romantic comedy. She made a request, hoping to play a supporting actress in the movie, even if it was an extra.

Ronald knew that any actress wanted to be famous, and someone like Day Young must have had some ideas too. If she were to act in a movie again, she would definitely want to appear in a big production to announce her return to Hollywood.

So Ronald agreed to give her a role in The Office, with several scenes opposite Schwytz, who played the male lead.

In this way, Dai Yang was very motivated. She made two pottery turntables and motioned for Demi Moore to come forward.

"You come too, Ronald..." Demi Moore put on a large apron and rolled up the sleeves of her white shirt. Looking from the side and behind, Ronald had the illusion that she was wearing that apron.

"Ah...ah? Why should I come too?"

"You also have to learn pottery, otherwise how will you know how to make me look sexy?" Demi Moore cast a flirtatious look, and then asked Dai Yang to teach him how to make pottery.

"It's very simple. Here is clay. Add water here and adjust the dryness and humidity. You just need to put the clay on the turntable, press this button, and use your hands to make the shape you want..."

Dai Yang picked out a pot of clay for Demi Moore and turned on the power switch.

"Squeak..." Driven by the power supply, the turntable started spinning. Demi Moore put her hands on both sides of the clay and slowly held it, hoping to make a bowl.

Who knew that it was difficult to control the strength to shape the clay. She used too much force and the bowl suddenly became thinner and thinner, turning into a vertical clay stick, rather like a long-necked vase.

"Oh, it's broken..." Demi Moore shouted, "Ah..."

Dai Yang quickly turned off the power, thinking something had happened.

"Ah, it's okay. It's just a pity that I used too much force." Demi Moore turned around and explained to Dai Yang. She used unnatural force with her hands and squeezed out the space inside the vase, making it solid.

"Hahaha..." Demi Moore felt something was wrong in her hands. She looked back and burst into laughter. She glanced at Ronald and couldn't suppress her laughter, so much so that she slipped to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Ronald looked confused.

"This..." Dai Yang looked at the shape of the pile of clay left on the tray...

"Look, does he look like a man..." Demi Moore was still sitting on the ground laughing. As she said this, she even glanced at Ronald on purpose.

"You, how can you use clay so hard, be careful of breaking it..." Ronald was also amused and stepped forward to give Demi a demonstration.

Unexpectedly, Demi Moore had already stood up before him and reached out to the pile of clay. As luck would have it, her hands happened to cover Ronald's outside.

Ronald's hands felt like electricity, and his body was awakened by the gentle touch of Demi's hands and the unique smell of her perfume.

The two looked at each other, stunned for a moment, and then Demi put her hands on Ronald's hands and pressed hard on the back of his hands.

"Click..." Dai Yang picked up the primary imaging camera and took a photo.

"Don't take photos..." Ronald and Demi said at the same time, and then they separated, with clay mud on all four hands.

"Click", another one from Dai Yang. This is a record of the scene where the director's inspiration broke out, which can be used as promotional material for the film in the future.

As she spoke, she shook the photo, and after a while both photos were developed.

"In this way, this one is more suitable. I asked the photographer to take a remake..." Ronald picked out the last photo of the two people separated, and then put the previous photo of the two with their hands connected into his pocket.

"Dai, find me some materials and a turntable, and I'll go home and practice on my own." Ronald felt that this kind of practice would really help him find inspiration, but he could no longer play sideways with Demi.

Demi Moore's almond-shaped eyes were filled with spring, and she looked at Ronald with a hint of disdain, feeling that he was too timid. She wiped the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, and a trace of clay stuck to it. The back of her hand was not dexterous enough, so the lipstick came out again. Demi deliberately faced Ronald again and licked off the trace of lipstick with her tongue...

"I'll get you tools and clay. The teaching materials were compiled by myself..."

Dai Yang saw that the problem was a bit out of control, so he quickly took out a set of teaching materials and tools from the cabinet and gave them to Ronald to send him out.

"Ronald, be careful...what happened in my place today will stay in my studio..." Dai Yang and Ronald were good friends since childhood. She really cared about him, It doesn’t matter if you get photographed by yourself, but don’t get in trouble if you are photographed by gossip reporters.

"Thank you." Ronald thanked him solemnly. He took out the photo and burned it with a lighter. "By the way, I have another romantic drama in pre-production. There are many more fashionable female characters there. , much more interesting than the office secretary in this movie, but just a villain, are you interested?"

"Where are the roles and lines?" Dai Yang knew that Ronald wanted to "buy" him.

"There are many more lines than this one, and there are close-ups... The loyal viewers of Rock and Roll High School will recognize you and are happy for your return..."

"I will let the agent contact you..." Dai Yang patted Ronald on the shoulder and told him to take care of himself.

After returning to the hotel in the evening, Ronald plugged in the turntable, mixed the clay according to the textbook, and started practicing his first work, a bowl.

"What are you doing?" Diane became interested.

"Come on, let's do it together. This is a scene from a movie. Come and try it." Ronald asked Diane to get into his arms, and then wrapped Diane's hand with his own hand and pressed gently. , start to pinch the bowl.

"Yeah, I tried too hard and it broke..." Diane was having a great time. She felt that Ronald was very affectionate today.

"This scene is so romantic..." Diane turned around and asked for a kiss.

"Well, let me change it and improve this love scene between the male and female protagonists."

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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