Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 268 This kind of romantic plot can only be imagined by Ronald

While Ronald saw great chemistry on film, Demi Moore and Patrick Schwytz didn't. He deliberately did not let the two actors see the samples.

The male and female protagonists suffer from the huge difference in their personal backgrounds. One is a liberal who grew up in Los Angeles, and the other grew up in a conservative family who played ice hockey in Houston, Texas. There are many incompatibilities with each other.

When they are not facing the camera, the two of them seem to be from two different worlds, and they never call each other.

This puts some pressure on them. Both Demi Moore and Schwytz have become famous, but the movies that made them famous were all small and medium-sized productions, and they are still some distance from the first-line stars. This Paramount production, It just so happens to be a good opportunity for them to join the ranks.

Among them, Schwytz's income and fame have been maintained very well because of "Dirty Dancing". But Demi Moore is different. Her own income and popularity have dropped to an unbearable level after her marriage.

So she felt a lot of pressure between the two, worried that if the movie failed at the box office, her career would be on a slippery slope...

"You did a great job. You have made great progress compared to when you first started rehearsals. The difference between your backgrounds is similar to that of the protagonists Sam and Molly. Sam is shy to express love. That person, and what Molly needs is constant affirmation from her lover..."

Ronald was happy to see some healthy pressure between the two protagonists, and kept giving Demi affirmations, and then pointed out the effects he hoped for. This would not put too much pressure on the other party, but could stimulate competition. All my thoughts are devoted to how to better interpret this human-ghost relationship.

"Oh yeah, are you talking about yourself?" Demi Moore looked at Ronald and tapped his chest with her hand.

"Don't make trouble..." Ronald saw Demi Moore showing her true nature again, hoping to consolidate his position through the relationship between men and women.

"In my opinion, you are a very capable actor. Don't let this opportunity slip away from your hands. In my mind, I can see the best performance you can achieve. You may be able to enter the front line of Hollywood. She has the potential of a female star in the golden age..."

"Okay..." Demi Moore was obviously surprised. She didn't expect that Ronald didn't regard her as a vase. She was startled for a moment, touched her breasts, and was obviously a little excited... Then He turned his head away.

"Huh?" Ronald felt that Demi seemed to be crying a little, but her acting skills were very strong, and he was not sure whether it was her or not. Having said that, after working in Hollywood for so many years, I may be the only director who appreciates her and knows how to use her.

Of course, her acting skills can only be used in certain roles that fit her well. Demi Moore's strongest point is her appearance and her ability to handle her expressions to perfection. This person was born for close-ups, and it's no exaggeration to say that she is the heir apparent to the female stars of Hollywood's golden age.

"Working with Ronald makes me worry less." Demi Moore has great control over her facial expressions and her emotions. Immediately get rid of the emotions from gratitude to tears.

She smoothed her hair and looked at Ronald in a daze. In other movies, Demi Moore has to compete with the heroine or find ways to add luster to her role.

As long as you come to Ronald, you only need to worry about how to interpret the role to the best effect. Ronald will not deduct her close-up time, nor will he let a crappy actor like Rob Lowe steal the scene from him.

The last time she gained national fame was when Ronald shot her a Coca-Cola commercial, which made many viewers think she knew martial arts and had the courage to walk outside the window of a high-rise building.

"You should really give me and Patrick more time. We usually chat, and we both feel that your comments and participation in our rehearsals have greatly improved our understanding of the characters and the way we perform."

Demi Moore is a woman who doesn't waste opportunities. She immediately pulled out the male protagonist and asked Ronald to work overtime and give them more guidance.

Many times, outstanding performances are created through the mutual encouragement of several artists who have a tacit understanding, are not sensitive to criticism, and are capable.

"I promised Diane that I would come home on time every day..." Ronald smiled and showed his white teeth. Family life is now as important to him as film shooting.

"What about your weekend? Patrick and I will continue to rehearse on the weekend..."

"I want to attend my good friend's wedding, you..."

"Then we go with you, don't you object?"

"Of course not, he will definitely be happy to have a celebrity attend, but he is getting married for the second...no, the third time, so you go by car as I arranged and don't bring the paparazzi. My friend wants to have a quiet small wedding.”

The wedding was held over the weekend between Ronald's good friend Jim Cameron and his director girlfriend Kathryn Bigelow.

The love between the two was so passionate that Cameron, a technical expert and director, became a non-staff director for Bigelow's new film Blue Steel. He handled a lot of investment, production, distribution, and on-set matters for Bigelow.

Just as the filming of the movie was completed and Cameron's "The Abyss" was about to be released, the two took the time to hold this small wedding at home.

"Jim, I'm so happy for you..." Ronald brought Diane and hugged his old friend.

Cameron wears gold-rimmed glasses, a carefully trimmed beard, a dark blue suit, and gray trousers. His whole demeanor is no longer as straightforward as the truck driver he once was, and he has become a gentle university professor.

"Ha..." Cameron wanted to say something, but didn't say it. Both he and Ronald thought of his wedding to Gale Hurd. There was some inexplicable embarrassment in such an occasion.

Ronald and Cameron have known each other for many years, so there is no need to say anything at this time. Bigelow is also his good friend, so Ronald still stepped forward to congratulate him.

"Am I on the side of the bride or the groom?" Ronald finished chatting with them and suddenly didn't know which way to go.

At weddings in America, the relatives and friends of the groom and the bride usually sit on the left and right sides, clearly distinguishing each other. It was Diane who nudged him to sit next to the groom where Patrick Schwytz and Demi Moore were seated.

"Dear family and friends, we gather here today to witness the union of two hearts. In the presence of God and all here, we celebrate the love and commitment between James Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow... …”

Ronald was filming, so this time Cameron did not ask him to be the best man. Instead, he asked Michael Biehn, the leading actor in The Terminator.

"Ding ding ding..." After the ceremony on the lawn, everyone moved to the nearby dinner hall. Michael Bean picked up a spoon and tapped the glass before starting to deliver the best man speech.

"Jim and I are old friends, and he made me the leading man in the best movie of my career. Jamie (Lee Curtis) from Bridesmaids is also reprising his role in the new film The Bride In her best role since Scream Queens..."

Michael Biehn's speech was very humorous, revealing some irrelevant Cameron scandals, such as helping Roger Corman use McDonald's boxes and trash cans to build the interior of the spaceship...

Everyone listened happily and burst into laughter from time to time. Such a wedding was indeed unforgettable. After all, it was a rare combination of two Hollywood directors.

"Finally, on behalf of Jamie (Lee Curtis) from Bridesmaids and all the Hollywood people present, I would like to ask the two directors a solemn question: When will you ask us to make a movie again?"

Under everyone's roar of laughter, the two newlyweds walked through the banquet hall and walked to their convertible sports car. On the back seat were placed a pair of Japan's latest luxury version of the viewfinder of the movie camera. Ronald's gift to the newlyweds.

Ronald felt that Cameron should be happy. After he was with Bigelow, his whole temperament had changed significantly. Compared with the pain of the previous divorce battle, he must be in a happy mood now.

"I said, Diane, did you propose to Ronald first?"

Demi Moore's husband Willis was away filming. She and Diane whispered together.

The two women talked about things like ordinary married women's parents, children, husbands and the like.

However, the more Demi Moore chatted, the more she felt that the love story of Ronald and Diane seemed to have many similarities to the one in the movie.

She remembered what Ronald had said to her, saying that Molly needed a sense of security, but Sam couldn't give it to her because of the trauma in her early years. After that, the two were separated for life and death, and finally their wish came true. Sam really said the words "I love you". You, instead use dido straps. A pair of lovers, in Sam's last kiss before going to heaven, truly let go of their regrets in their hearts and thanked each other for their deep love.

These perceptions are very different from the aesthetic tastes of American male audiences. Most of the teenagers who come to watch the movie are still in the stage of getting beautiful women into bed, and most of their desire for the opposite sex is at a hormonal level.

Such a profound understanding of love must be the experience Ronald has learned from life.

"Huh? How did you know?" Diane looked at Demi with wide eyes, confirming that it was not Ronald who leaked the information, but Demi who guessed it herself. She laughed, "Actually, Ronnie also made up for it later. A proposal ceremony, just in the Cartier store on Fifth Avenue..."

In a show-off mood, Diane talked about the past when Ronald took over the entire store and let him choose at will.

"Daxmn it", Demi Moore felt sour when she heard it. Such a romantic thing almost caught up with the plot of the movie. Bruce would just take a hundred dollar bill out of his pocket in the middle of the night and ask me to feed the baby.

She began to slowly understand why the character Molly, who was flirting with Sam, did something like making pottery together at night, which is something only a couple with a deep love and a good understanding can do. On the other hand, there is an unspeakable rift between the two because of Sam's early injury and the fact that Molly was secretly in love with the bad guy Carl, which is not stated in the script but is also very obvious.

"Ronald, I think Molly should propose to Sam first."

Demi Moore discussed her new idea with Patrick Schwytz, and then decisively found Ronald and told him her views.

"Interesting idea..." Ronald always attached great importance to the inspiration provided by this kind of actor. They are the characters written by the screenwriter and become the carrier of vivid images. How they feel comfortable acting can be conveyed to the audience and let them feel this emotion.

Since the two of them had a consensus, Ronald didn't mind giving it a try.

"God, are all actors so happy when you are a director?"

Jamie Lee Curtis heard Ronald's chat with the actors and looked envious and jealous, covering his chest as if to say why he didn't have such good luck.

The difference between a director and a director is very huge. She had only heard some rumors before. Ronald is the kind of actor's director. Actors will feel very safe under his hands and dare to do some risky performances. Instead of worrying about facing setbacks after failure.

This type of director is always careful and protective of the fragile egos of the actors so that they can be respected so that they can perform to their best during filming.

Contrary to what most people think, most good actors are introverted, even shy. It is this introverted and self-reflective character that gives them sensitivity to human emotions, and they can also convey this subtle and sensitive emotion to the audience in front of the screen.

To perform well in a safe environment is a luxury that Hollywood actors, especially actresses, have.

"Hi..." Ronald waved his hand, these actors are really too exaggerated.

I simply respect the creative rules of movies more, and have an innate advantage over other directors. I can see the performances presented on the screen in previous lives, and have a benchmark to compare with.

"Really, I think you are different from most directors I have seen. You are gentler to actors than most directors."

Diane sat in the car, holding Ronald's arm, dissatisfied with his self-effacement. I still regret that I don't have the chance to let him direct a movie. I have to find a way to make Ronnie change his mind.

"Sorry, I was too busy before filming started and could only take up some family time..."

Ronald worked overtime at home that night. He summoned two special effects talents recommended by Van Fleet and wanted to talk to them about the division of special effects work.

"It's okay, honey, your career is also important, don't apologize for these little things..." Diane went to bring them coffee.

"I think so. Your project's three visual effects directions all require human input and mutual cooperation. I suggest that the three of us be visual effects directors, and then meet regularly to discuss the issues of interconnection..."

Richard Edlund, the head of Boss Pictures, is worthy of starting his own business and has a deeper understanding of project management than Van Fleet.

He took a sip of coffee, frowned, and said nothing.

"That's a good idea. The special effects must be integrated with the real shots so that no flaws can be seen. Communication and coordination beforehand is a hundred times more important than afterwards." Catherine Keane, the studio responsible for aligning the special effects and real shots People are also more outgoing than technical experts like Van Fleet.

"Huh? What does it smell like...", Catherine stopped mentioning it in the middle of her sentence. After all, it was the director’s wife who sent the coffee.

"I think so. From what I understand about your working hours, you tend to work overtime at night. If there is progress in the negotiation between the three directors, please contact my assistant. We will have a meeting that night. You use non-technical language that I can understand. The language of nouns explained to me that I have a lot of shots and I have to prepare them for special effects while shooting..."

Smart Ronald didn't go for coffee at all.

"Well, I don't think there's ever been a project that required so much preparation, and I feel very good about the final result." Van Fleet took a sip of coffee, smacked his lips, drank the remaining two sips, and tasted it. After a while, "This coffee is really good, much better than what my wife makes."

Edlund, Keane, and the other two special effects supervisors were all shocked. Van Fleet, you kid, you are such a silent, flattering person, you are so good at it...

"Hahaha, do you like it? I asked Ma Wang to pack some for you to take away... These are single-origin coffee beans from Indonesia. They are said to be very precious." Ronald waved to the helper named Wang and took two packs. Coffee presented by Mr. Ohga, President of Sony, was taken away.

"You don't know how. Automatic coffee machines use these beans, right?" Catherine Keane is a very good coffee maker. When she saw the logo on it, she knew that it was Arabica coffee beans, which has rich oil, but It is not suitable for automatic coffee machines, which cannot bring out this strong flavor. You can only get the best experience by brewing manually.

Seeing Ronald and Van Fleet, two men who didn't know how to waste good coffee, she reached out and grabbed a bag...

"Hehe..." This was the first time that I was praised by an outsider for making good coffee and choosing coffee beans... Diane was overjoyed. The special effects person really knows his stuff...

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