Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 142 Arkoff Movie Formula

"How would you rank the three movies?" Roger Coleman sat in the president's office and discussed his three favorite movies with Ronald, who had returned from Montreal. "

"My thinking is that the market potential for 'God Is Crazy' is the highest in America, if the protests can be resolved. Second is the Oscar-nominated 'Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears', possibly in art theaters Some box office. Finally, 'The Call of the Mountains' by Dongying is too culturally different from America."

"So that's your ranking of recommendations?" Coleman asked after reading the synopses of the three films Ronald had written, and asked the market analyst.

"Yes, I think 'God's Crazy' is worth the risk."

"You know Ameribsp;? Ronald," said Roger Coleman by an unrelated name.

"Uh, I seem to have seen this name in the title of an old New World movie." Ronald recalled that when he was studying editing at New World Productions, he had seen a lot of New World's film video tapes over the years.

"Yes, AIP was a rare low-budget film distributor in America at the time. My long-term partner. Before I started New World Productions, they distributed most of all the films I produced and directed." Roger Coleman had a nostalgic look on his face.

"I used to make a lot of money for AIP, until their president, Samuel Arkoff, modified my movie 'The Trip' without my consent, and I was outraged and founded The New World Distribution Company, I got into the distribution business myself. As a director, I don’t want anyone to do anything about my films, you understand?”

Ronald nodded. His script was revised, and he felt the same way.

"But AIP was, after all, the strongest film distribution company outside the top five studios with their own distribution channels. Who knew they were rumored to go bankrupt last year and were just acquired by FilmWays this year."

Ronald was a little puzzled why Roger Coleman suddenly spoke of these old events.

"Alkov invented the very famous Alkov formula in the American film industry. Using this formula to make low-budget exploitative films is always beneficial. The vast majority of films can make money."

Ronald adjusted his sitting position, feeling that what Coleman was telling him would be an important principle. So I took out my pen and prepared to record.

"It's easy to remember,

No special memory is required. Just remember Alkov's name. "Coleman signaled that he didn't need to make a special note.

Arkoff has six letters, each representing a quality of a blockbuster movie.

A action scene (exciting, exciting, dramatic)

Revolutionary (novel, controversial subject or idea)

Killing Killing (a certain degree of violence)

Oratory speech (impressive lines)

Fantasy Fantasy (exaggerated fantasy in line with the audience's imagination)

Sexy (moderately sexy content preferred by teen audiences)

"As long as I follow this formula to make low-cost exploitative films for teenagers, I have never failed." Roger Coleman waved his hand, "My only failed directorial work, 'Invader', violated this Most of the six principles."

"Alkov is the inventor of this principle, doesn't he understand this? Why is he still going bankrupt?" Roger Coleman didn't intend for Ronald to answer, and gave the answer himself:

"Because he doesn't want to be called a B-movie tycoon, he wants to invest in big productions. It's a risk. Big production movies are big risks. After a few failures, the company got to where it is today."

"We're not a big eight studio, and we don't have the strength to take too many risks. I put $2 million into 'Battle of the Stars' a few months ago, and it's also because of the pre-sale revenue that recouped most of the cost. If you want to get a foothold in Hollywood If so, Ronald, remember one principle, don't lose money."

Ronald knew that "God is Crazy" had such a big risk after all, and New World couldn't guarantee a smooth release of the movie in America, so it was better not to do it.

"So we can try 'Moscow doesn't believe in tears'?"

"Of course, it's a gamble with no cost," Roger Coleman giggled a few times. "Oscar Best Foreign Language Film, it's just a matter of winning more and less."

"Dangdang..." With the knock on the door, Coleman's wife Julie came in, "Hi Ronald, nice to meet you." Then she turned to her husband Roger and knocked on her watch:

"Roger, you promised me to buy that toy for the children. Don't forget it."

Coleman was a little reluctant. "Don't we already have a tape recorder at home? Why buy another for every child?"

"Roger, this is love for children, not your business." Julie was upset.

"Okay, okay, I'll go shopping with you, one per person." Coleman is still a very good father and husband in front of his wife and children.

"What kind of toy?" Ronald didn't understand.

"It's a small tape recorder made by Dongying Company. Individuals can wear it and listen to tape music with headphones. It is very popular among teenagers now." Julie said with a smile.

"Is that so?" Ronald thought of his cousin Donna. It is estimated that among the teenage crowd, one of these toys can become a social queen. If you have money, buy one for your cousin as a gift to Canada.

"By the way, and Diane Lane who lives with her cousin. Got to buy two more."

Ronald took his leave and went to see the agent at CAA.

Julie looked at Ronald's back and said to her husband Roger, "You value Ronald? I rarely see you spending time with young people."

"No, I only spend my time with potential people," replied Roger Coleman. "He'll soon get a taste of Hollywood's ruthlessness. After all, it wasn't me when I started my business back then, and I could shoot for $45,000. It's time for a movie.

After several failed attempts to become a director, the new world would become his choice. Young people always aim high, especially a young man who has just sold a script for a sky-high price. "

"Richard, do you know where you can buy Sony's portable recorder? It's that thing called a Walkman." Ronald sat on the sofa at CAA and asked his agent Richard.

"I don't know, what is this? Isn't it in an electrical store or department store?"

"I've gone to several stores, and they're all sold out."

"I'll help you ask." Richard stood up to find a relationship and called, helping customers buy some in-demand commodities, which is also an essential job for a qualified broker.

"Hi, Ronald. Long time no see" Nisita in a thin suit came over to say hello, "I just talked to Director Bridges' agent Rapke, Director Bridges had major surgery on your script, He brought Jane's character to the center..."

"Stop, stop, I don't want to discuss this script anymore, it's not my job scope anymore." Ronald hurriedly called to stop, the feeling of having to discuss the script after being altered by others is very bad, just like his girlfriend marrying another man , it's like going to a wedding.

Ronald secretly swore that in the future, when he has a position, he will never let others change his script.

"Okay, I'm helping you with some script rewriting work recently. Generally speaking, the remuneration for rewriting the script is higher than that for selling the script." work things.

"Of course, ordinary scripts can't sell for your high price. Tens of thousands of dollars is already very high. The script revision work I found for you is generally in the range of $30,000 to $50,000."

"What kind of script is it?"

"Your script writing is mainly Vietnam War themes, teen themes, group scenes, and musicals. We're going to use these tags to help you sell to the studios. Don't know which theme you prefer?" Nisita happened to be I want to talk to Ronald about future positioning.

"Let's get rid of the Vietnam War first. I went to the Montreal Film Festival and watched some good movies that really reflected the lives of middle-aged people. I found that the love mentality of middle-aged people is not quite graspable."

"Okay, Nisita takes Ronald's request."

"I am willing to accept other script types and modification work, but I need to read the script first, at least the outline of the script before further contact."

"Of course, it's a normal request. Unless Spielberg or George Lucas wants you to change the script." Nisita made a little joke.

Ronald smiled. By limiting his creative direction to a certain range first, he could accumulate more experience and help him write a complete script.

It just so happens that the subject matter of teen movies is on the rise, and I am the right age. I have just graduated from high school, and I can still remember the psychology of some high school students. Coupled with the Arkoff film formula taught by Roger Coleman, Ronald is still very confident in himself.

"Get your check ready, Ronald", the main agent Richard rushed over excitedly, "My friend will have it delivered to you in a moment."

"Is that what it is?" Ronald picked up a small tape recorder the size of a palm and took a closer look. Above the blue metal body is a yellow button.

Richard's scalper friend opened the fuselage, put in the latest tape from the band "Air Supply", and motioned Ronald to put on the yellow headphones.

"I was lying in bed alone with my head on the phone

Thinking of you until the pain

I know you're hurt too, but what else can we do?

tormented, torn apart


The crisp and high-pitched voice of the Australian band's new song "All Out of Love" came, Ronald glanced at the Walkman in surprise, as if he was there.

"It's stereo," he said, pointing to a 'Stereo' logo on the Walkman's lid."

"There are two headphone jacks here," the other party continued to explain the function, "You know that among the teenage crowd, the tape recorder is not only a tool for listening to music, but also a social tool. So you can plug in two headphones here and share with good friends. ."

Ronald opened his eyes, the product design of Dongying people is really interesting. Always consider the subtleties, the same is true for the Sony TVs I bought, the color reproduction is more vivid than those made in America or West Germany.

"Then what is this yellow button for?" Ronald pointed to a bright yellow button above.

"This is the call button", the other party motioned Ronald to put on the earphone, then took out another earphone and plugged it into earphone hole B, and pressed the yellow button, "Hey, so when the two of us are listening to music, You can listen and talk.”

"Very good, I want two, no, three. How much is the total?" Ronald decided to buy one himself, so that he could use it to isolate the outside world when he was writing.

"The market price is $160, and I have a stock here for $180."

Ronald took out his checkbook, signed a check, and handed it over.

"This machine uses three AA batteries, and I will give you a set." The scalper happily took the check and left, and the checks issued by CAA's customers generally do not bounce.

"what is this?"

Ovitz, the president of CAA, happened to walk by and saw Ronald listening happily with a machine in his ear.

"Walkman, East Ying merchandise is in short supply right now. Ronald is coming to make a present, so I asked my friend to bring it."

"Call your friend back, we will also buy a batch, many customers' children will need it."


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