Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 282 Japan can say no...

Latest website: The candidate that Akio Morita is optimistic about is Peter Gubel, recommended by Yetnigov, the general manager of Columbia Records, which was acquired in 1987.

Yetnigov recommended this candidate to Akio Morita two weeks ago after accidentally seeing his old friend Peter Gubel being interviewed and praising the business philosophy of Japanese companies.

This Jew, who had interacted with Ronald who had just debuted because of Brooke Shields' "endless love," also had a very successful business.

Guber-Peters Films, which he collaborated with Jon Peters, is an important independent production company in Hollywood. His name appears in the column of producers of "Rain Man", "Batman", "The Color Purple", and other successful major productions.

Unlike most medium-sized Hollywood production companies that have experienced very unsatisfactory results after the stock market crash and interest rate hikes, Peter Gubel acquired Barris Productions last year, a listed company that mainly produces game reality TV programs, and officially became Owners of companies listed on NASDAQ.

After escaping the fate of Cannon Pictures, which was tragically squeezed by debt interest and was acquired, Guber and Peters also began to shrink their production lines. But the cunningness of the Jews still left them with one of their biggest advantages -

Because of their connections in the industry and their good taste in selecting scripts and stars, Guber and Peters have left their names on the producers' list of many award-winning films.

It is precisely because he has become a listed executive producer in many Oscar-nominated and box-office-successful films that makes Yetnigov’s recommendation very convenient and convincing.

Akio Morita has resigned as CEO this year, and he has more time to do what he likes to do and promote Japanese culture. He had been away from front-line business for a long time, and was confused by the names of dozens of films Gubel had participated in listed on Yetnigov's recommendation letter.

He immediately pointed out that this is the most suitable CEO candidate after Sony acquires Columbia Pictures in the future. This gave Norio Ohga, who was in charge of the acquisition business, a slap in the face. He suddenly received a call from Akio Morita's office. For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

This matter also starts with Sony’s retirement age...

Sony has long been a group company composed of multiple business departments. For management needs, Akio Morita made a rule very early on that the presidents and CEOs of business departments must retire when they reach the age of 65.

Of course, because of Japan's unique employment culture, the presidents of these business units will not be kicked out immediately. Instead, he moved out of the Sony Group's office and walked to the Jingshen Building across the street, a two-minute walk away, where he acted as a "consultant" and used his spare energy to prepare for consultation.

However, Morita Akio himself did not want to retire at the age of 65. He was already 65 years old in 1986, but it was not until this year that he resigned as Sony's global CEO and handed over to Norio Ohga.

Moreover, his retirement scene is different from others. It can almost be said that he will never retire. He retained all the secretaries and staff he had when he was CEO and president. An Akio Morita office was established within Sony to continue to actively "consult" on the company's various businesses.

In this way, while giving up the heavy entry management work, he retained the right to intervene in the company's strategy and personnel arrangements at any time.

Of course, Akio Morita, who could not legitimately intervene in daily management work, also felt a huge sense of loss, and began to indulge in enjoying wine and giving speeches in various places - speeches whose main purpose was to promote Japan's excellent culture.

This series of speeches on the topic of getting rid of dependence on America and becoming an independent economic and military power was compiled and merged with the speeches of Ishihara, the Minister of Transportation. After editing, it was published as a book and became a popular book. Bestsellers in Japan:

The title of this book is "Japan Can Say No to America."

Of course, because the content of this book is too offensive, and in the context of the US-Japan trade friction, having Sony's former CEO sign such a book will cause a lot of trouble for Sony's business. Therefore, this book is not authorized to be published in an official English version.

However, this book is very suitable for the current situation of Japanese products selling well in America. Japanese people like it very much. It is often in the top ten of the best-seller list, so it has become a long-selling book and has been reprinted several times.

Because of this, it also attracted the attention of international analysts. Many unofficial English translations are also pirated and published throughout America.

For this reason, Norio Ohga also asked the lawyers of Sony's US branch to watch these pirates sue, and deleted the part of Morita Akio's speech in all foreign language versions, leaving only the text of Transportation Minister Ishihara and the title of the book. The easily reactive word "America" ​​was also deleted and replaced with the generic "Japan can say no".

Akio Morita, who almost caused trouble for Sony just after leaving office, desperately hopes to have a chance to prove that he only decided to retire for the sake of the continuation of his talent. He is also the smartest and most intelligent manager within Sony.

In this way, Akio Morita saw that Oga had left out a genius like Gubel, and immediately felt that this was an opportunity to prove himself. A formal document was sent from Akio Morita's office to the group's new CEO Norio Oga. secretary.

"Ronald San, this is the situation. I think you, as the American who has the deepest understanding of Eastern culture, should understand my dilemma in this situation."

Norio Ohga personally called to explain that it was really difficult for ordinary Americans to understand such a situation. It seems a bit unworthy of the name for a current CEO to have such rude interference in personnel affairs.

"I can understand, but I'm afraid that the bankers on Wall Street, and the owners of studios and movie theaters in Hollywood may not understand and wonder who has the final say in the newly established Sony Columbia?"

Ronald also didn't like the candidate he recommended, so he was snatched away from his position. So there was also a hint of provocation in the words.

"Actually, if you ask any senior Hollywood manager, they will tell you the truth. Peter Guber's executive producers are just in name only. Those who actually decide to green light those projects are the big studios. People at the level of vice president or above in charge of production..."

Ronald still has some room to speak. If he makes it clear, Guber and Peters' power in these projects is more limited than a mascot.

Especially Jon Peters, who started his career as a hairstylist working with female stars. He knows very little about film production, and his power is mainly parasitic on other stars. Even the female star Kim Basinger knows that holding Ronald's thigh is much more useful than Peters.

"I understand. I will personally explain it to Mr. Frank Price. The post of president of Sony Columbia after the merger will still be reserved for him. Our production business needs someone who truly knows what he is doing to lead it." .”

Dahe explained and then hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Diane saw that Ronald's face was not very good, so he brought him a cup of coffee.

"Nothing, Peter Gubel will be the CEO of New Columbia." Ronald took a sip of coffee, and the taste improved a lot.

He was in a better mood and less sullen.

Peter Gubel is also an acquaintance, and he will probably not pose any obstacle to his cooperation with Colombia in the future. And the fact that this person can be included in the executive producer list of so many movies fully demonstrates that he is a master at manipulating power.

Such a person might actually be the kind of executive Sony needs. An "honest guy" like Frank Price really couldn't beat him.

"Gubelsang, I admire you very much. I have already sent my opinions on your appointment to Dahesang. This is how I recruited him back then, hahaha..."

"Chairman Morita's vision and experience are second to none in Japan, no, in the world..."

Instead of waiting in New York for the announcement of the merger, Peter Guber took Jon Peters with him to Tokyo to meet with the man who really decided his job—Akio Morita.

What Gubel is best at is personal sales public relations. Back then, he was filming a movie and once broke into the coast of Cuba. After being detained by the Cuban navy, he used his sharp tongue to persuade them all the way to meet Chairman Fidel as an American.

This ability to climb along the pole to find the most critical power point has been integrated into his nature, so naturally, he knows very well who he needs to thank.

"Hahaha, that's good. But Sony is a viable company after all. It still needs to let young people try it at the most appropriate time, so that when we old men are still capable, we can correct the sailing of the big ship."

Although his speech was published as "Japan Can Say No", Akio Morita still values ​​Americans' opinions of him.

The Japanese people of their generation always have a mentality in their hearts that when it comes to business, we must do our best and outshine the Americans.

"President Morita is not old at all, very young..." Gubel began to flatter him. The beauty in Akio Morita's arms was still the most beautiful in the audience, and the red wine was also the most expensive in the audience.

"I said Gubelsan..."

"Please call me Peter..."

"I admire people like you very much. Japan's tradition is suitable for manufacturing, and the foundation of the world lies in manufacturing..."

"You are absolutely right. America has lost the manufacturing industry that they rely on to win. Now, making movies or building cars is not as profitable as those bankers on Wall Street moving their fingers in front of the computer."

It's rare to have an American who can speak well, and he held Akio Morita in his arms. Today he opened his mind and told many stories about how he started a business after the war and made Sony grow and develop step by step.

"Actually, our Morita family brewed sake for the general. These two bottles of "Junmai Ginjo" and "Daiginjo" are the works of our Morita Shuzo. You can try them."

"Hahaha, it turns out to be Mr. Morita's family's famous wine. Haha, I accepted it."

Akio Morita was confused by this Japanese sentence. He patted Gubel on the shoulder, "By the way, how is your contract with Warner Bros.? When you come to work with us, you won't have anything to do with other big studios. It’s a matter of contract.”

"Don't worry, it's all very simple to deal with." Gubel smiled and put away the big box of Morita Winery.

"Well, we Japanese people mean what we say. This kind of business culture is the direction of future international development."

"What I'm saying is that there are many practitioners in Hollywood, and they have learned a lot from the Japanese company's business philosophy." Gubel flattered some more, and then left.

"Mr. President, Gubel is very humble..."

After Guber left, the staff from Akio Morita's office came over to congratulate him and congratulate the president on regaining an American talent.

"These people are unscrupulous and change jobs when they see benefits. They are not like our Japanese talents who follow one company and one leader for life as soon as they join the company... How many years have you been following me? Six years? It's time to go elsewhere. I am now the leader of a small branch..."

"Ha Yi..." It was an unexpected surprise, and the staff officer happily fell to the ground to thank him.

"Columbia Pictures, which has produced the American film classics "It Happened One Night" and "On the Waterfront."

As expected, yesterday, the company agreed to be acquired by Japanese electronics giant Sony. The acquisition will cost Sony $3.4 billion in cash and assume $1.4 billion in Colombian debt, making it the most expensive acquisition of an American company by a Japanese company to date.

The deal, which had been widely rumored since Monday but was only confirmed yesterday, would make Sony the first Japanese company to acquire one of the top seven film and TV show production companies.

Combined with the $2 billion acquisition of CBS Records in 1987, the Columbia acquisition would place Sony into the ranks of the handful of diversified media and entertainment companies expected to dominate global markets in the 1990s. "

"Sony immediately committed to placing the 65-year-old film and television production company under the management of its U.S. subsidiary and keeping it as independent as possible as a member of the U.S. film industry.

Sony executives said they are in talks with producers Peter Guber and Jon Peters, co-chief executive of Guber-Peters Entertainment, about the possibility of taking some management roles at the company .

Industry sources said Sony was considering Guber as CEO of Columbia and speculated that Sony might also acquire the small, publicly traded company Guber-Peters. "

Not surprisingly, after the stock market closed on Friday, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and other major media released news, officially announcing Sony's acquisition of Columbia Pictures.

The price was much higher than originally expected. Coca-Cola sold all its shares to Sony, including Columbia, Samsung, Columbia Television Productions, the Loews Cinema chain with 820 theaters and other businesses.

The deal, which has been approved by the boards of directors of Coca-Cola, Columbia Pictures and Sony, was uncontroversially higher than the transaction price, with Sony completing the acquisition at a premium.

As long as the Committee on Foreign Investment (CFIUS) and other government committees give procedural approval, Sony will become a company comparable to Warner Bros. Pictures, which was just acquired by Times Communications, and become an integrated company integrating production, TV series production, theaters, distribution, etc. comprehensive media group.

On Sunday morning, Ronald was jogging and exercising in the yard. The Chinese-style garden and arch bridge, coupled with the arbor forest not far away that blocked the dog's sight, gave people a pleasant smell when breathing.

"Mr. Luo, there is your emergency number..." Suddenly, Wang Ma on the second floor balcony was ordered by Diane to shout at him.

"Hello, this is Ronald." Ronald answered the phone while wiping his sweat with a towel. Next to her, Dai An asked Wang Ma to serve black tea.

"I'm Dahe, Ronald Sang, you have to save Sony's acquisition case..."

"What's wrong, Dahe Sang, hasn't it been reported by the media?"

"Hey, Chairman Morita said something that he shouldn't have said when he was interviewed by American media in Tokyo last night... Now, we will be strictly scrutinized by the American Congress and the Ministry of Commerce."

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