Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 144 Hen and Chick

"Beverly Hills Police announced that, after careful comparison, the deceased had been identified as Miss Dorothy Stratten, a Canadian citizen. Her husband, Paul Schneider, shot Stratten with a pump-action shotgun. The latter died on the spot. Schneider then killed himself with the same gun..."

"I can't believe that such a stunner would die." Ronald's high school wrestling teammate, the landowner of Staten Island, Douglas Hansen Jr. sighed while watching the NBC Nightly News.

"Yeah, that's a shame. She starred in the movie 'They All Laughed' and heard it was filmed and packaged. Peter Bogdanovich directed it. She was almost famous, almost ."

Ronald went to a friend's rented house to chat, mainly to ask about the business experience of leg warmers. But little Douglas was more interested in the entertainment industry, pulling Ronald to talk about his Hollywood experience.

"And with Audrey Hepburn in the lead, the box office should be guaranteed, and Bogdanovich's comedies have always been a hit, better than his art films. Dorothy Stratten just needs to get away with this. In one catastrophe, it can quickly become popular, and now there is a lack of Monroe-type blonde meatballs on the market." Douglas Jr. commented.

"How come you are more familiar than me?" Ronald asked curiously.

"To tell you the truth, Patty Hansen, who plays the main supporting role in this movie, is my cousin." Little Doug smiled and said,

"My cousin is very good. She was my idol when I was a child. When my brothers were still playing in the mud, she was on the cover of the American version of Vogue and Bazaar. I am interested in the entertainment industry, too. influenced by her."

"Do you remember that Volkswagen Hare I sold you when I graduated? It was when she came to the graduation that she laughed at me for being a girl and drove me so angry that I asked my mother for money to buy a Ford Mustang. "Douglas Jr. elbowed Ronald.

"That's it. I said how can you sell such a great car to me for a low mileage."

"She moved to Manhattan not long after she became a professional model. She was a big-city figure for the kids in Stanton's country, and our brothers admired her. Most recently, she was with the Rolling Stones guitarist Keystone. Si Richards is there, ready to tour with their band all over the meter next year."

The Rolling Stones are going red in America and Britain, the kind of red every high school girl wants to be close to the band members.

"Are rock bands so attractive? Even a model and actor like your cousin chases after one of their guitar players?"

"You don't know their momentum, they can fill the venue of 10,000 people at the concert.

Both sides of the Atlantic are top-five singles one after another. And Keith isn't just a guitar player, he and Mick Jagger both serve as lead vocals. "

It seems that these singers are the celebrities who have the most fan groups now. Singers are more powerful than movie stars. It's a pity that I don't have the talent in this area, I can only play the acoustic guitar. Ronald had a feeling that he had picked the wrong line.

"Speaking of business, do you really think the leg warmer business can't open a factory yet?" Ronald turned the topic back to business.

"Yes, the point of a factory is to reduce the cost of your single product. Machines are always cheaper than manual ones." Speaking of business, Douglas became shrewd again, "but your market is so big, and the output is so big. You can’t sell more if you increase it, so what’s the point of lowering costs?”

"But I think there's a wave going on in San Francisco."

"A lot of businesses fail like this. When the machine doesn't move there, it's depreciation and maintenance costs. When you see a trend, you start production at full capacity, but in the end, the trend goes down? What do you do with the goods you pile up in the warehouse?

Sell ​​at a reduced price? In the future, the brand will not be able to sell at a high price. When will you sell it without reducing the price? Leg warmers don't have an expiration date, but they're not products that can be kept there forever without problems. "

Ronald nodded, and now it's better to maintain the piece work, let the veterans' wives weave them and send them to the warehouse, and forget about the quality when they receive the goods.

"So did you find Brooke Shields for the jeans ad you received last time? Can I go and see it at the scene?" Little Douglas turned the topic back to the entertainment industry.

"It doesn't matter if you look at it, but don't harass Brooke Shields, especially don't talk to her, her mother will be upset. I'll ask you for an autographed photo."

"Forget it, can you bring me an autographed photo? It's even more disappointing if you can't chat just looking at it. Why does her mother look like a hen looking at a chick."


"It's like a hen guarding chickens." Agent Eddie whispered quietly beside Ronald.

The strike by Hollywood's two biggest actors' unions shows no sign of ending. Brooke Shields' mother and manager, Terry, did not want her daughter's public exposure to drop because she did not have any film and television works. After considering it again and again, she agreed to Calvin Klein's offer to shoot an advertisement for CK skinny jeans.

"It's normal," Ronald responded quietly. "America's most popular sweet girl can't be cheap. I heard that on Fiji Island, the filming site of 'Blue Coral Reef', her mother was drunk. It can also fall at the door of my daughter's room to prevent Atkins from slipping in."

Ronald said a gossip, or Diane Lane heard from the blue coral hero, Christopher Atkins, and relayed it to him.

Terry Shields took out a bottle of spirits from her bag, opened the bottle and took a sip while her daughter was wearing makeup, then picked up a bottle of mineral water and drank it vigorously to eliminate the smell of alcohol.

Seeing Ronald looking over, he greeted him embarrassedly, "I need a sip to refresh myself. Don't tell my daughter that she will cry when she sees me drinking."

"No, Ms. Shields." Ronald agreed. The first one was biology class. I'm afraid that the challenge to Brooke would be greater, so let's discuss how to get her into the play first.

"It's okay, my daughter has been shooting commercials in front of the camera for a few months. This is a small case for her, and she will handle it."

"Our commercial was shot on film, and I wanted to do two rehearsals before starting the film to familiarize Brooke with her performance. You may not have read the script, but this biology class commercial is a one-minute long shot."

"Oh yeah, okay. I'll read it right now." Terry took over the script and read it carefully, "Sorry, I usually read Brooke's script in advance, this strike, you know, I drank a bit too much."

Ronald felt that she seemed to be showing signs of alcoholism lately, completely different from the shrewd woman he saw at the Famous premiere last time.

"This one minute is mainly Brooke's monologue, telling everyone some of her views on Darwin's theory of evolution in her biology class." Ronald pointed to the script that Calvin Klein personally drafted and explained to Terry.

"Then the next one is Brooke talking about his understanding of history class, then social class, politics class, and finally her social life at school. We expect these commercials to be in the movie theater, before the main feature, so it's all film. Filmed."

"Okay, okay, it wasn't too much of a challenge for Brooke. We recently moved to a new house in New Jersey, and she attended the prestigious Englewood High School in New Jersey, where she got high marks in biology," wrote The understanding of Darwin's theory of evolution is also used as a model essay by the teacher.

Her French is also excellent... can you speak French? At that time, you can say a few words to Bo Ji, and the teacher praises her for her uvula is very standard. "

It seems that Terry not only took a sip, but the woman became more talkative after drinking too much.

Ronald saw that Brooke Shields had changed clothes and came out, and quickly gave Eddie a color to deal with the star mother who had been drinking too much.

Today, Brooke Xiaosi put on CK's skinny jeans, a pair of high-top leather shoes, and a dark brown shirt on her upper body. The whole dress looks very like a girl next door. But Brooke's face and figure make her not as mediocre as the girl next door, and she is still an American sweetheart.

This kind of dressing just makes the teenagers of the advertising audience feel that as long as I wear CK jeans, I can be as sexy as Brooke Shields.

"Hello, Brooke. I'm Ronald, the director of this shoot. Let me introduce you to the members of the film crew." Ronald and Brooke Shields said hello, and then introduced her one by one.

"This is Spike Lee, and he's the first assistant director for a small set like ours. I think you're already familiar with the character's mission on set."

"Hello, Spike," Brooke Shields said hello to Spike, then glanced at her mother a little worriedly.

"This is Katherine Bigelow, she will serve as the second assistant director and also serve as the screenwriter." Ronald continued to introduce... This time is an opportunity to show his face, and he uses a movie camera and film.

Say hello, and several friends who have worked together come to help. There are not many opportunities for them to practice with enough film, so Spike and Bigelow are very proactive, helping to consider all the storyboards and lighting.

"Mr Calvin Klein is above watching the production process, the second floor of Ronald's studio is pointing, a man in a white T-shirt and jeans is standing by the railing and looking down.

"Hello, Calvin." Brooke Shields greeted him.

"This is the line of our first shot. Tell me about your understanding of Darwin's theory of evolution. This is a long shot. We need you to finish it in one breath. There are no shots in between." Ronald handed over two full shots. The paper for the lines, let Bo Ji Xiaosi memorize it.

"Where's my mother?" Brooke Shields asked Ronald when she didn't see her mother for a while.

"She's there with your..." Ronald pointed to a middle-aged woman who came with Brooke Shields' mother, and a girl.

"It's my godmother." Boogie breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is that your godmother's daughter? You can chat with her about this line." Ronald thought that Brooke Shields was anxious because she was afraid she couldn't memorize the line.

"It doesn't matter, I can carry it by heart, Director." Brooke Xiaosi was actually worried that her mother's alcoholism had committed again. On Fiji Island, she often got drunk. After returning to New York, Brooke and her godmother took her to the hospital. He was sent to the hospital for alcohol treatment, and he did a month of alcohol treatment.

But recently because of the actor's strike, my mother became anxious again and secretly drank again.

"Okay, take your time here, don't worry. We'll rehearse twice before the actual shoot. There's plenty of time today."

Ronald slammed up the stairs to report the situation to Calvin Klein.

"There seems to be something wrong with Terry's situation. I'll let Eddie watch her."

"You did a great job, and I'm here to watch your shoot."

"Okay, if you have any questions, just call me, just don't interrupt during the shooting process, otherwise the film will be wasted." Ronald said about Calvin Klein's habit of looking down from a high place It was also a little strange that he ran down again.

"Spike, Catherine, are the lights all right?" Ronald confirmed to the two assistants.

"Everything is ok, we checked," Catherine Bigelow replied. Unlike Spike Lee, who has already made a short film of her own, she is quite excited that her storyboard can be filmed on site.

"Okay, let's rehearse when Bo Ji has memorized the lines."

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