Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 312 Berlin Film Festival Jury Invitation

Latest website: "Laura San Giacomo is unwilling to participate in The Godfather Part III."

Richard was at Ronald's house and told him about some recent developments in The Godfather III.

"Why? Isn't the role of Mary not enough to satisfy her?" Ronald drank black tea and had a breakfast meeting with Richard, chatting about business and Hollywood news, which was also an important way for him to grasp the trends in the industry. source of information.

"The real reason is unclear. San Giacomo has always played supporting roles. She was a supporting role in this year's critically acclaimed movie "Sex, Lies, Videotape." She was also Julia Roberts' wingman in "Pretty Woman."

It is said that this opportunity to play an Italian woman is a very suitable opportunity. She can turn into a heroine. She is of Italian descent and knows Italian culture and customs very well.

I talked to a few people at the company and they didn't understand, and asking the agent in San Giacomo didn't yield any results. "

"Maybe, huh, it's because she knows the 'customs' of Italians too well..." Ronald suddenly said something.

"Hey, why don't you help us? Coppola was very helpful to us back then..." Diane heard Ronald's weird words and poked him.

“Francis (Coppola) said to me that this is an Italian story, and only a girl who grew up in a traditional Italian family would naturally understand the various problems faced by Mary in it.

I think San Giacomo might not be 'traditional' enough, and she knew it. We don’t have to worry, I think Francis will be able to find a suitable candidate to play Mary soon. Who can resist the heroine of The Godfather Part III? "

"Oh...? Or Ronnie, you know Director Coppola, so we don't have to worry in vain..." Diane felt that what Ronald said made sense and immediately accepted the reason. Head to the inner yoga room and start your daily stretching routine.

"Huh?" Richard has been at CAA for a long time, and he can't be frightened by a few words. The look he looked at Ronald was full of suspicion.

"Francis told me that every time he made a movie, the whole family always worked together. His father had done the soundtrack for him before. When Nick (Cage) was cheap, he was also the leading actor he liked to use..."

Seeing that Richard seemed to understand a little bit, Ronald added, "Nisita is Francis's main agent. If you also want to improve your status, you might as well tell these words to Rick (Nisita). He will know how to do it..."

After listening to Ronald's words, Richard happily went to discuss with Niceta.

After listening to Richard's prompt and understanding what Coppola meant, Niceta took the initiative to mediate between him and Paramount. Two days later, Paramount's Sidney Ganis had to hold her nose while auditioning for the role of Coppola's daughter, Sophia.


When it came time for the audition, Sidney Ganis looked at Sophia's tragically high cheekbones and disproportionately big nose, and cursed Coppola in his mind for not caring about anything just to make money.

But once a movie project starts, it's like a rumbling train. If it doesn't pick up passengers as soon as possible, the money burned every day will be astronomical. Anyway, as Ronald said in this show, the audience must be here to see the ending of Al Pacino. For such an unimportant "heroine", let's just go through it with eyes closed...

"What do you think?" Coppola asked Sidney Ganis to express his opinion.

"I, well, have very Italian characteristics..." Sidney Ganis hated it in his heart, but in order for the project to move forward, he pinched his nose and said the only thing he could boast about.

"Hahaha, of course it is. We Italians are good at acting. We have been exposed to it since childhood. As long as we act out the scenes in life..."

"The famous conductor Leonard Bernstein conducted the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in Berlin today and performed Beethoven's Ninth Symphony 'Ode to Joy'. In the chorus part, the choir sang joy Ode, changed the lyrics, and sang it as Ode to Freiheit.

The choir includes singers from West Germany, East Germany, Germany, Britain, the Soviet Union and other countries. "

"The Statue of Liberty is holy and beautiful, and her light shines on...the earth..."

Ronald looked at the TV and saw a large group of big and round singers singing the tune of the Ninth Symphony and the Ode to Freedom.

Conductor Leonard Bernstein was a New York Jew, slightly younger than Karajan, who died earlier. They were both artists who entered the field of conducting before World War II. They were basically conductors of the same era.

All his life, Leonard Bernstein has been overshadowed by Karajan. Unexpectedly, the most important performance of Beethoven's music in Germany would be Leonard Bernstein, who often conducted Mahler's works. , replacing the first performer of Beethoven's symphonies, Karajan.

When it comes to the level of an artist, life span is also very important. If you live a few more years and all the artists of the same period as you have passed away, then in those few years, you will be the most authoritative.

"West German Chancellor Kohl passed through Berlin's famous Brandenburg Gate on his way to East Germany to meet with East German Prime Minister Modelo. From now on, West Germans and West Berliners can travel to East Germany visa-free.

Prior to this, West Germans traveling to East Germany and East Berlin had to apply for a visa days or weeks in advance. If they planned to stay, they had to exchange at least 25 marks per day. These restrictive conditions prevented residents from going spontaneously. Starting tomorrow, travel regulations for West Germans will be as relaxed as those in East Germany after November 9th..."

Watching the TV coverage of the Berlin Wall, Ronald was as dumbfounded as Diane. The whole world seems to be turning upside down. Things that seemed to remain unchanged in the past few decades are now beginning to loosen up.

The new generation of East German young people watch pirated Hollywood movies and listen to pirated British, American and West German pop music. The cultural products smuggled from Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia made them, like young people in the West, love MJ, break dancing, and Dirty Dancing, an art full of individual liberation, more than traditional literary and artistic forms.

Various parties held at the breach of the Berlin Wall continued for more than a month. On the TV, there were young people holding two-speaker tape recorders and dancing wildly to the music. It was difficult for Ronald and Ronald to tell whether they were East Germans or West Germans.

"Ronald, the West Berlin Film Festival has extended an invitation to you, inviting you to participate in the 40th Film Festival from February 9th to 20th next year... to serve as a member of the jury."

In the evening, Niceta called Ronald. The organizing committee of the West Berlin Film Festival conveyed this urgent invitation through the MPAA.

"Huh? Why? I thought these European film festivals didn't like Hollywood people as judges." Ronald was very surprised. He participated in the three major European film festivals mainly to sell copies. As for affirming his ability Awards are often not available.

European film festivals at most give some preferential treatment to Hollywood stars. As for directors like Ronald who make commercial films full of the smell of copper, they are not well received by the jury.

"You were specially invited by the organizing committee because of your special contribution to the Berlin Wall incident and the promotion of cultural exchanges between East and West Germany..." Niceta laughed over there.

"Contributing through pirated copies? Hahaha... I haven't collected money from them yet?"

All joking aside, Niceta asked Ronald to think carefully, because at this West Berlin Film Festival, his wife Paula Wagner's main client, Tom Cruise's new film "Born on the Fourth of July," is also going to be released. Participate in the main competition unit.

If Ronald becomes a judge, then it will be equivalent to having one of his own among the judges.

"Well, I have to ask my friends, is West Berlin safe now? What if East Germany has second thoughts and the Alliance comes over?"

Ronald's worries are not entirely unreasonable. The previous film "The Unbearable Lightness of Life" starring Juliette Binoche tells such a story. The Alliance has been dispatched several times to deal with a younger brother who has second thoughts.

Moreover, the most powerful garrison in the Warsaw Pact is now in East Germany.

"You said it, it's true. I have to talk to Paula..." Niceta originally thought that Ronald was an excuse not to go, but when it comes to the alliance's thunderous methods, the American still has lingering fears.

Ronald didn't waste any time and immediately called Little George.

"George, please analyze it for me. Is it dangerous for me to go to West Berlin now?"

"Hahaha, that's definitely not possible." George's current status is sensitive. The media slightly exposed his intention to run for Texas governor, which attracted severe criticism from his competitors.

Her mother, Barbara, didn't like the media describing her husband as a leader who used nepotism to push his son to take over, so she personally asked George Jr. to stop his election plans. Little George had no choice but to give up his plan, but because he had avoided suspicion, the manager of the Texas Rangers who had resigned was unlikely to come back. Now he has gone to Washington, D.C., to hang out somewhere.

George Jr. lives very comfortably in Texas and doesn't like the serious and rigid atmosphere in the Special Administrative Region, but his news channels have become much smoother.

"You are a famous director in Hollywood. The leader of the alliance likes movies and may be a fan of yours. He will not do anything to you. At most, he will take you captive to the Moscow Film Studio and let you help him make a few movies there. …”

"Uh..." Ronald couldn't figure out whether George was joking or not.

"I'm just kidding. Don't worry, the alliance has no ideas this time. On the contrary, they still want East Germany to go to West Germany to ask for money. Even if the two Germanys merge, they don't care."

"Really? Impossible? Will the alliance agree to the merger of the two Germanys?" Ronald is also an ordinary person who is used to the clear boundaries between the two camps of the East and the West. When he heard this news, his first reaction was also... It is not a rumor. Bar?

"Really, if there weren't still opposition forces, the two Germanys would be starting merger negotiations now..."

"Then, will these opposition forces be launched... Will it be dangerous for me to go?" Ronald still didn't want to take risks. This was the forefront of the Cold War, West Berlin.

It was here that Kennedy delivered "Today, I am a Berliner" and former Commander-in-Chief Ronald Sr. delivered two famous speeches here: "Please tear down this wall, Mr. Secretary-General."

"Wait a minute, old Ronald's spell is quite effective, isn't it? It's only been a few days, and it's really fallen?" Ronald thought of this and felt a little incredible.

"Haha, where are you thinking? Who do you think the opposition force is? The Alliance military, or the KGB?" Little George was amused by Ronald's naive ideas about international politics.

"Isn't it them? Who is that?"

"It's the Prime Minister of Britain, Lady Margaret, and the President of France, Francois..."

"Aren't they on our side?" Ronald felt that all his common sense had been challenged.

Why do the leaders of Britain and France oppose the merger of Germany and Germany? Aren't we on the same side?

"Hehehehe, they were beaten badly by the Germans in World War II. If we hadn't rescued them, they would have perished and stopped speaking German, hahaha..." George's international politics is not that good either. He is better than Luo Nader has heard a lot of secrets, so he seems to be very organized when talking about them.

In addition to the psychological shadow caused by Germany on Britain and France during World War II, Margaret and Francois were both adults when World War II began. This kind of psychological shadow cannot be compared with someone like Ronald who learned the history of World War II from books. compared to.

The more normal reason is that after the reunification of Germany, the growth of economic strength made Britain and France feel uneasy.

East Germany has a land area of ​​more than 100,000 square kilometers, while West Germany has less than 250,000 square kilometers. In terms of population, East Germany has 16 million and West Germany has 62 million. After the merger, the economic strength that emerged from West German companies, coupled with the labor force and market of East Germany, and the removal of the heavy national defense burden cannot be underestimated.

The population of Britain is 57 million, and that of Britain is 58 million. Once the two Germanys merged, their land area and population would have overwhelming advantages over both countries. This will definitely have an impact on the current situation in Europe, led by Britain and France, the two permanent members of the UN Security Council.

From the perspective of self-interest and historical lessons, it is actually the most reasonable for Britain and France to become the biggest obstacles to the merger of Germany and Germany.

In order to show his strength in front of Ronald, George Jr. also told him some secrets circulating in Washington and even the White House circles.

In fact, Mrs. Margaret had called General Secretary Mikhail earlier and advised him to take decisive action to prevent the collapse of the Berlin Wall as soon as possible.

Margaret said that they did not want a unified Germany, which would change the post-war borders, and they did not want to allow such a thing to happen, because such a development would destabilize the international situation and potentially endanger the overall security of the Western bloc.

Francois, on the other hand, was more direct. He directly warned that the impact of German reunification would be greater than when Mustache came to power, and that the entire Europe would have to pay for the consequences of reunification.

"However, we are happy to see something like this happen..." George finally concluded. In fact, America does not want Europe to be monolithic.

After hearing this news, Ronald knew that there was no risk in going to West Berlin next February. There are many benefits. As a cultural promoter, Ronald will certainly be welcome. This will be a great thing for getting more European pre-sale funds in the future.

Moreover, having served as a judge for one term means that you will have qualifications in the future. Maybe you can increase your connections in Europe in the future. At least when you sold copies in the past, people will respect you more.

Make up your mind and accept the invitation. Ronald got the jury list for the 40th West Berlin Film Festival.

Surprisingly, there is also Ronald's old acquaintance, the famous Italian left-wing filmmaker, comedy screenwriter, director, actor, Roberto Benigni...

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