Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 156 Bestselling Author

"Borgy, are you okay? How was the camera shot?"

Terry saw that her daughter's face was still a little red when she came out of the studio, and there was a mature woman's style in her demeanor, and she was suspicious.

"The filming was very good, and the director felt that I did a good job." Bo Ji lowered her head to look for mineral water, avoiding her mother's searching gaze.

Fortunately, Terry didn't delve into it, and took his daughter and introduced it to the awesome guy around him, "Borgy, this is Matt Dillon. He played a cute boy in 'Little Cutie'. Remember? That Tatum? O'Neal's youth film."

Tatum O'Neal is only two years older than Brooke Shields and is already the youngest winner of the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. She is the daughter of popular movie star Ryan O'Neal, and in 1973 Peter Bogdanovich's "Paper Moon" co-starred with her father as a bible salesman who played with Ryan during the Great Depression. The little girl who cheated together and got an Oscar.

She and Brooke are now rivals in the same way. Brooke Shields raised her head and looked at Matt Dillon, who worked with Tatum. "Hi, nice to meet you." Greeted him.

"Hi Brooke, are you a New Yorker too?" Matt Dillon gave his trademark bad-boy smile.

The two soon had a good conversation, and Matt Dillon invited Brooke Shields out on a date.

While Brooke's mother is smiling with satisfaction. Brooke glanced at her, looked down at her shoes, and agreed to Dillon's invitation.

Brooke Shields' mother, Terry, intercepts Matt Dillon to continue chatting, trying to find out Dillon's next movie. She wanted Brooke and Dillon to co-star.

"My mother always let me go out to play, and she would be there too." Brooke walked over to her handbag, took a few gulps of mineral water, swallowed a small cake, and replenished her physical strength from filming the passionate scene. Then whispered to Ronald, who happened to be standing aside looking at the pager.

"What? Don't you like her presence?" Ronald continued.

"No, my mother always pays attention to my safety. She says she won't interfere in my affairs, she's just worried about my safety. Also, she's always reluctant to appear with me when she's facing the camera," she said. It's for my own good, to get reporters to report more pictures of me dating people so I can keep being in the news."

"Girl, do you have any misunderstandings about dating?" Ronald thought to himself.

"Why, don't you agree with her point of view? My mother is a frequent visitor to the fashion industry. She used to be a model and actress. She knows a lot." Brooke seemed to see Ronald's disapproval.

"I know very little about the fashion industry\

,"Ronald's answer made Brooke smile, "But what do you think? Do you want to go on a date with Matt? I mean a real date."

"Me!" Brooke Shields was a little angry, "My mother said we were Roman Catholics, and she went on a date with me for my own good."

"You really are your mother's good daughter. But what do you think about yourself?"

"What do I think myself?" Brooke showed a confused look.

At this time Terry and Matt Dillon came over. "Borgy, Matt said he has plans for Saturday to meet a best-selling author. You can go on a Sunday date..."

Ronald was in the parking lot in front of the studio, finding his car and preparing to go home. Matt Dillon saw him and came over. "Hey man, can you take me for a while? I'm here in a taxi."

Ronald motioned for him to get in the car and drove him back.

"Would you like to meet the bestselling author with me on Saturday, bro. He's also an author, and my next movie will be an adaptation of his novel," Dillon asked as he got in the car.

"I'm a screenwriter, and I'm not a writer." Ronald remembered what Dillon said, and was also a little curious about the writers selected by Disney.

"It doesn't make a difference to me," Matt Dillon has a charm that makes everyone like him. "It's actually that I want to go with someone. I just got my driver's license and I don't have my own car."

"Okay...I'll pick you up when the time comes." Ronald was also interested in the adaptation of the novel and wanted to know more, so he agreed.

"What brand is your car? I want to buy a sports car, a Ford Mustang? How?"


"Don't be discouraged, Ronald. I'm a movie star, and it's normal for Brooke to agree to date me." On Saturday a few days later, Matt Dillon sat in the passenger seat of Ronald's car, leaning over The corner of one side of his mouth smirked, half showing off, half comfortingly speaking to Ronald.

"What? Oh, Brooke agreed to date you? Congratulations! I wish you luck." Ronald congratulated casually without paying much attention. It really took luck to be able to break through Brooke's mother's containment. Then I started thinking about myself.

Just a few days ago, coming out of the "Endless Love" set, Ronald responded with a pager. His agent, Richard, gave him bad news.

John Travolta, who was originally scheduled to make a cameo, was unwilling to play "Son of Grease" because he wanted to transform into an acting actor and no longer focus on dancing. Later, he turned down all the roles that he wanted to make him dance.

The director of the suspense film who happened to be famous with "The Witch Carrie", and the new film "Blow Out" directed by Brian De Palma, who is hailed as "the new generation of Hitchcock" by the industry, chose Trav. Ta starred in the leading role. He saw the hope of completely getting rid of the "American Youth Dance King" and asked the agent to disclose his decision to the circle.

Olivia Newton-John, the heroine of "Grease", immediately said through her agent that she was only willing to work with John Travolta again on the film. If Travolta doesn't star in "Son of Grease", then he won't star in either, and focus on his singing career.

However, CAA is well-informed. In fact, Olivia wants to join the "Fighting Line" crew. Brian De Palma's movies have a tradition of popular actresses, and Hollywood actresses want to join.

If this statement can bind Travolta, De Palma, who has already chosen him, may also choose Olivia.

Recently, The Hollywood Reporter and the Daily Variety show that some fans are happy to see the two reunited after "Grease". It is estimated that Olivia Newton-John's public relations team is in action.

"Son of Grease" immediately lost half of its guaranteed sales, and Ronald was a little worried. While his more senior agent, Nisita, reassured him that this kind of change is very common in any movie, Ronald also heard some winds from Richard.

Paramount may cut its budget for the entire film, from $12 million to $6 million. Producer Sterwood could be looking for a heroine with box-office appeal, or adding some of his own investment.

Ronald sighed, the project still had its twists and turns.

Matt Dillon misunderstands what Ronald means, thinking he's throwing in the towel in a race to date Brooke Stoudemire.

"Don't worry, bro. I know a lot of pretty girls. Next time you come to see me at Club 54, I'll introduce you to some real hot girls."

"And this good thing? Has the 54 Club reopened? Isn't their boss already arrested?" Ronald responded casually.

"Two businessmen took over the Club 54 property and they hired the original crew, which was even more fun than before."

"Turn right ahead, the address is here." Dillon looked at the address on the note in his hand and instructed Ronald to stop downstairs in an older hotel.

"Why does this best-selling author live in this hotel? His royalties are enough to stay in any five-star hotel?" Ronald looked at the surrounding environment and found that it was fairly clean, but the facilities were rather old.

"I heard that it was the hotel he stayed in when he first came to New York. He stayed here every time he came here. My agent contacted him yesterday, and the address is correct." Matt Dillon replied. Entered the hotel with Ronald who had parked his car.

Although a movie has been filmed, it has gained popularity. But Matt Dillon didn't actually make much money, nor was he enough to be recognized by passersby.

He didn't have a full-time manager to take care of his life, so he begged Ronald that day to drive him to meet the best-selling author for an interview. He had an innate charisma that made people approachable, and even though Ronald had only seen him twice, he already thought he was a familiar friend.

In addition, I also wanted to meet the best-selling author, so I came together.

"In fact, Mr. Wilcht, the vice president of Disney, has already agreed to the request of the producer, Mr. Kinneman, that I will be the male lead of this adaptation. But the original author must meet me."

"Oh, is it?" Ronald felt a little strange in his heart. The author of the novel may have a lower status than the screenwriter in the film project. After selling the adaptation copyright, there is no room for them to speak at all. unless……

"By the way, which novel are you taking part in?" Ronald asked at the elevator entrance.

With a "ding" sound, the elevator stopped on the first floor. The two stepped into the elevator and pressed the floor where the author was.

"Tex, SE Hinton. We're here to see him today," Matt Dillon replied.

"Mainly to see you, Matt." Ronald smiled. "I'm just here to make up the numbers."

Ronald flipped through Hinton's collection of novels, a gift from Diane. Mainly novels about young people in rural towns. The earliest one, "The Worldly Urchin," was written in the 1960s, and "Texas Guy" is the latest one.

"Ring, bell, bell..."

"Come on..." Hearing the doorbell, a female voice said.

A moment later the door opened, and a chubby woman stood at the door, watching them both.

Through her figure, Ronald saw that there was no one else in the simple room, "We called to find an author named Hinton..."

"I am." The fat woman replied, letting the door open and motioning for the two to come in.

"Yo! I didn't expect you to be a woman." Matt Dillon walked into the room, cocking one side of his mouth with his trademark smirk.

"Oh, you must be Matt. Matt Dillon, right?" Hinton happily brought them a Coke, "I've always been a little worried that a boy born and raised in New York could accurately interpret my novel. Small town youth in rural Oklahoma, I'm relieved to see you."

Matt Dillon turned around and gave Ronald an "I said that right?" look.

"This is it?" Hinton asked, seeing the taller Ronald. She thought Ronald might be Dillon's family, or the manager.

"He's a good friend of mine, Ronald Lee. I asked him to escort me to you, Ms. Hinton. He's a writer just like you."

"Oh? Nice to meet you." Hinton shook Ronald's hand, very happy to see a young writer. "Are you also a novelist? My first novel, 'The World's Urchin', was written when I graduated from high school, and it is the one with the highest praise from critics to this day."

Maybe the writer doesn't have the opportunity to communicate with his peers, but Hinton is very enthusiastic about Ronald. Greet the two of them to sit down and drink Coke.

"No, I'm a movie screenwriter." Ronald sat down, pulled the tab, and took two sips of Coke, "I recently read four of your novels, and the current high school students like them very much. Your book is in my cousin's school. the hottest."

"Film writer, that's great. I've always wanted to make my novel into a movie, but I can't write a movie script myself, and I'm worried that the film company will over-adapt my novel and offend my readers, so I still There was no promise to Disney to sell them the adaptation rights."

"That's it," Ronald thought to himself, no wonder Disney wanted Dillon to show her, and Hinton still had the power, so she had more than ordinary people's say over the whole project. "

"Tell me, Ronald, what's the difference between writing a screenplay and writing a novel?" Hinton asked a lot.

"The script contains less time and content, and there is not much description of appearance in the script, because the actors are seen by the audience all the time in the movie..." Ronald picked out some of his own experience in writing scripts and reading novels Say something.

The fat Hinton had a very happy chat with the two, and now his confidence in "Texas" has greatly increased, and he asked Dillon a lot of his living habits. In her opinion, Matt Dillon is indeed suitable for the protagonist.

Matt Dillon and Ronald looked at the time and said their goodbyes, and it seemed that the interview was a success.

When saying goodbye, Hinton said half-jokingly, "Ronald, do you want to help me with the script for 'Texas'?"

Ronald knew that the film's producer, Tim Kinneman, was the current boyfriend of Meg Tilly, who is of Chinese descent, and was running a project specifically to support her.

So he didn't want to get involved, so he said:

"I have other projects, and Disney must have its own adaptation candidates."

Hinton left the contact information of the two of them and said to Ronald, "I will mention your joining the adaptation team at the appropriate time."

Ronald knew that he couldn't be selected, so he just smiled and didn't speak.

Then she turned to Matt Dillon, "You're a perfect fit for this movie, I'll check with Wilshet, Disney's vice president."

"Did you have a history with Meg Tilly?" Dillon, who was sitting in the car, suddenly asked Ronald.

"What? History? I remember telling you that she didn't become the heroine and chose another girl."

"Yeah, yes."

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