Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 165 Long-lost dream

Brad and Stacey siblings; Mark Ratner, who has a crush on Stacey; Mark's best friend, Mike Damon, who got Stacey pregnant; Stacey's best friend, Linda Barrett.

The main lines of these five characters are relatively close. Ronald has drawn out about 60 minutes of plot. Other characters have scattered plots in the novel. How to choose a few characters with more plots and add them to the rest? It takes more than 20 minutes to fill up and interact with the five main characters, so it takes some thought.

Thinking of the racial quotas for the characters in "Famous", Ronald called the novel's author Cameron Crowe to discuss which characters to keep, and cut out other minor characters, leaving only a few lines.

The result of the negotiation was to keep one Italian, one black, and one Jewish.

Italian-born student character Jeff Spiccoli, who is good at surfing, but has a low IQ and is a bit goofy.

A black Charles Jefferson, tall and stocky, joined the high school football team, was a star player, and had the talent to play professionally.

A Jewish teacher, Mr. Hand. He teaches American history.

Italian-born Spiccoli is at the center of these secondary characters.

Once he and a friend smoked too much, stole Jefferson's car and crashed it, causing Jefferson to take out his anger on the opposing offensive player in the next game and score a clean sheet in a key game.

Mr. Hand, dissatisfied with Spiccoli's lateness, eating in class and other off-line behavior, kicked him out of the class and vowed not to let him graduate.

In the end, when Spiccoli failed in history and was fined not to attend the prom, Mr. Hand went to his home to give him a make-up class, and finally gave him a grade of C so that he could graduate and participate in the prom.

These characters interact with the five main characters. For example, when Brad Hamilton catches the robber at the convenience store at the end, Spiccoli happened to go to the convenience store to buy something and also helped Brad.

All the plots are arranged on the card solitaire, not much, not much, just fill the 90 minutes of the plot.

With the plot line and the detailed drafts in hand, Ronald wrote quickly on the typewriter.

As Ronald struck the keyboard of the typewriter, the keys cast with metal letters hit the ribbon one by one, and black letters were printed on the manuscript paper. Lines of words were formed on the manuscript paper. With a ding, the typewriter moved to the end position.

Ronald pushed the link with his hand, and the roller with the white paper returned to its original position. The roller was pushed down just one line, and the new word appeared at the beginning of the next line of the manuscript.

Sheets of manuscript paper were removed from the typewriter and new white sheets were installed. The manuscript paper that was typed soon thickened little by little.


A few nights later, with the last line of sentences on page 91 being typed out, the first draft of the script was finished. Ronald rearranged the 91 manuscript sheets, putting the first cover on top.

On it was the name of the script: "Fast-Paced Richmond Middle School".

Story: Cameron Crowe.

Screenplay: Ronald Lee, Cameron Crowe.

Looking at the results of his hard work over the past few days, Ronald was very satisfied. He picked up the manuscript paper and clamped it with a large clip, and flipped through it at will.

Finding a few spelling mistakes, Ronald got up and moved around, took a thermos, and made himself a packet of Lipton tea.

After smelling the aroma of black tea, Ronald temporarily put the tea aside. He was half lying on the three-person couch and closed his eyes. After a while, get up and check for spelling and grammatical errors, and you're ready to finish the first draft.

Ronald thought, after more than a month of conceiving the plot, in fact, he was also constantly thinking about the development of each character and plot.

After several days of high-intensity typing and editing, Ronald didn't have a good rest.

Ronald, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly felt a burst of exhaustion, consciously his eyelids were heavy, and his head involuntarily paused twice.

He wanted to stretch out his hand to get a sip of black tea to refresh himself, but his hand seemed to be looking forward to rest.

Ronald opened his eyes in the dark, and he seemed to have come to a small movie theater again, and the familiar words "FBI Warning" appeared on the screen again.

Are you dreaming? Could "Fast-Paced Richmond High School" be the third movie I dreamed of?

The words "Universal Family Video" illuminated on the screen, and two lines of subtitles appeared on the screen: "Fast-Paced Richmond High School, 15th Anniversary Edition".

Indeed this movie. "Huh? This movie actually has a commemorative videotape after 15 years?" What did Ronald feel in a daze, isn't this a perfect match for his dream? A movie still being watched twenty years later.

The screen went black, then lit up again, and a background of stars moved quickly, and a globe appeared on it. A line of LOGO "Universal" appeared on the earth, and below it is a line of small characters, a company under MCA.

The music played, and the title "Fast-Paced Richmond High School" appeared on the screen again.

Ronald wanted to struggle to open his eyes and take a closer look at the details of the film. Those scenes that were filmed? Is it the same as his script choices? Which actors were chosen? What shooting techniques did you use?

However, the feeling of drowsiness made his eyes close again involuntarily.

Indistinctly hearing the movie still playing, Ronald struggled to open his eyes, and the two children, who wanted to buy tickets to a Van Halen concert, walked up to a scalper.

"I heard you have tickets for the Van Halen concert? How much are the seats in the first ten rows?"

"Twenty dollars a piece."

"The original price is only 12 yuan and 5 cents."

"Then you go buy it?" The scalper replied stubbornly.

"Forget it, I heard that other places are sold out, so let's buy it from him. After all, it's a Van Halen concert."

"Okay, two."

This scalper is a child of a poor family, is it Mike Damon who earns living expenses as a scalper? The actor they chose was really good, and he looked like a poor kid.

Ronald thought about it and fell asleep again.

After an unknown amount of time, Ronald was woken up by the sound. There seemed to be someone arguing on the screen. An old man who looked like a teacher asked seriously a stunned young man who had just entered the classroom.

"Why are you late for your history class this time?"

The camera turns to the student, and Ronald finds himself acquainted with the actor. When casting the role of "Blue Coral Reef", although his temperament was very similar to Tarzan, but he was not tall enough to play with Bo Ji Xiaosi, what was the name of the actor who was abandoned?

"I just can't make it on time, Mr. Hand."

"You mean, you can't, or you don't want to?"

"I don't know... There is a long line to buy food."

There was a burst of laughter below, and someone was saying, "This kid has been smoking stupid since the third grade."

"If you have something to eat, take it back to your house to eat, don't eat it in my class." The teacher named Hand was obviously angry, and he continued:

"Why are you always late for history class, Mr. Spiccoli? Why are you always so shamelessly wasting my time?"

Spiccoli froze for a while, "I don't know!"

"Excellent, Mr. Spiccoli." History teacher Hand was stunned by Spiccoli's stupidity, "This answer is very good, you will ask me later, Mr. Hand, can I pass my history class? I That's the answer, I don't know! Mr. Spiccoli."

Is this the actor who plays Mr. Hand, the Jewish teacher, and Spiccoli, the Italian-born student and surfer?

They did a great job, especially the one who played Spiccoli, and Ronald tried his best to remember his name. He doesn't seem to be acting, but the whole person has become a silly Spiccoli.

what do you say that is? By the way, it seems to be called Sean Penn.

Ronald remembered the name of the actor who conveyed a very strong emotion to the audience in this performance - Sean Penn.

This memory seemed to have used up all Ronald's remaining energy. He felt very sleepy and fell asleep again.

The videotape played for a long time, and Ronald saw a lot of pictures in a daze, but they were all in a half-dream and half-awake state, leaving no memory.

He just felt a little cold and reached for the cover.

"Wow! Puff!" It looked like someone was diving into the pool.

Ronald also seemed to feel the coolness, opened his eyes, and a tall man dressed as a pirate appeared on the screen.

Is this Brad Hamilton, the protagonist working on "Captain Hook Fish and Chips"?

Ronald just wrote about Brad being fired by Burger King, working at his hated Captain Hook fish-frying restaurant to pay off his car mortgage, and dressing up in pirate clothes to deliver food, these eight accomplishments are the actors who play Brad .

"Stacy, do your parents know you're having a party at home?" Brad asked the girl in the water.

"It's okay, Mark and Mike, they're all my classmates."

Sure enough, it was Brad and Stacey.

"Hi Linda" Brad greeted another girl across the pool. This is Stacey's best friend Linda.

The shot cuts to Linda, a dark-haired, big-eyed girl in a big red bikini who appears on the screen, waving and saying hello to Brad, "Hi, Brad."

"Can you be quieter? I still have homework to do." Brad said to Linda, lifted the curtain, and entered the room.

The camera turned, Brad entered the room, secretly opened the window, and stared at Linda standing by the pool, it turned out that he had a crush on his sister's friend Linda.

He began to imagine himself and Linda in love. Linda poked her head out of the swimming pool water, drops of water fell from her beautiful face, smiled sweetly, and said affectionately to Brad, "Hi, Brad."

"You know I always thought you were handsome?"

Saying that, Linda grabbed the handrail and climbed up from the swimming pool. I don't know if it was raining lightly or someone was pouring water into the sky. The fine drops of water gently hit Linda's face in the swimsuit. .

The girl looked at Brad with affection, and stretched her hands to her chest...

Suddenly the image on the screen jumped, followed by a second of blank horizontal white streaks. The voice also suddenly stopped. The scene jumps to the scene of Linda kissing Brad in a fine suit.

"No, what's going on? Why does the videotape seem to be broken at a critical moment?"


Ronald fell off the sofa in a hurry.


Ronald woke up and found himself sleeping on the sofa without the quilt and caught a cold.

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