Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 174 The Golden Globes are a big party

"Steven, this person has the same opinion as you, and he also said that a bicycle racing scene will be added." Melissa Mathison, the screenwriter tentatively named "E.T. Alien", picked up a script evaluation opinion, Speaking to director Spielberg.

Spielberg is busy editing the new film "The Lost Ark of the Covenant," which was filmed in Tunisia and Hawaii for nearly four months. It was just finished at the end of last year and turned into post-production.

Harrison Ford, recommended by George Lucas, starred in the leading actor Dr. Indiana Jones. The heroine is starring Karen Allan, replacing Spielberg's ex-girlfriend, Amy Irving, who was supposed to.

"Is that so? I didn't expect to think the same as me, what other opinions does he have?" Spielberg let many friends read the first draft of ET's script, and took time out today to discuss all the feedback with screenwriter Melissa.

"He also said that the character of the bad boy would be cut out..."

"But this kind of badness does exist in children, my personal experience."

"It's hard for a child's imagination to figure out that his peers are a bad guy, and he's a bad guy..." That's what the original words said. Screenwriter Melissa reads the comments Ronald wrote.

"Well, do you think so too? Sometimes what people believe is more important than the truth." Spielberg heard this and said decisively, "Okay, let's delete that bad boy from the second draft."

"What's his name? ... Ronald Lee, a little insightful." Spielberg turned back to his assistant Katherine Kennedy and explained, "I have a chance to contact him and see if he has a good script in his hand."

He then went back to discussing the second draft of the script with screenwriter Melissa, completely ignoring the invitation to tonight's Golden Globes dinner.

In the eyes of Hollywood celebrities like Spielberg, the Golden Globes are similar to the Pheasant Awards. But in the eyes of young actors who have just entered the industry, or handsome men and women who have not yet entered the industry and want to become actors, it is no different from a shortcut to entertainment news.

"How do I look?" Natasha Kinski, in a yellow dress, admired herself in the mirror before turning to her neighbor and best friend Demi Moore.

"You look very good." Demi Moore looked at the expensive dress with a sense of taste.

"Don't be upset, Demi. It's his loss that Freddie Moore refuses to divorce you." Natasha Kinski's "Tess" was released in the United States and received rave reviews from critics .

Kinski's long hair in "Tess" has been chopped off and is now an ear-length cut. This hairstyle, named after Chinese movie star Guan Jiaqian, was popular in the West in the 1960s.

Natasha Kinski didn't have this hairstyle for retro trends,

But early next month, she will soon join the group, filming director Coppola's film "One from the Heart", playing the second female lead, an acrobat. This hairstyle is a requirement of the character.

This marks the European actress, officially accepted by Hollywood. Now Natasha Kinski is complacent, focusing on her makeup and costumes, and today she was nominated for Best Actress (Drama) and Best Newcomer of the Year (Actress) ) two awards.

Naturally, Kinski didn't notice his friend Demi Moore's low mood, and it wasn't just because of her breakup with her boyfriend.

Demi Moore's forced marriage failed. Her boyfriend Freddie Moore's divorce from his wife has yet to be finalized. This time, in order to stimulate her boyfriend, she seems to have done a little bit of pretending to break up, and Freddie Moore did not give in immediately as usual. After leaving her boyfriend, Demi Moore now has neither savings nor a house to live in.

Demi Moore is on target for tonight's Golden Globe Awards dinner. The dinner was broadcast live on NBC at the Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, Hollywood. In front of the award hall is a round table that is seated according to the crew, and there is still some space in the back. There will be many handsome men and beautiful women standing there, and the TV station will not chase them away.

Sometimes the camera sweeps over, and if she is lucky, she can leave a one-second shot. This exposure is enough for her to take some advertising model business to earn some money. Not to mention that if you are lucky, which popular male star will take your fancy... Of course, these standing tickets are also fiercely competitive, and someone must be brought into the dinner party.

Demi Moore also put on her best black dress. This is the last chance. If she can't get in and get to know some celebrities in the entertainment industry, she can only promise "Qui" adult magazine to take a group of "art photos". ".

This magazine has always been known for its large scale, although it does not have the reputation of "Playboy", it is very happy to give money. Enough to mix in Hollywood for the first half of the year.

Natasha Kinski took Demi Moore and the car to the door of the Hilton Hotel. There is no red carpet at the Golden Globe Awards, and the only photo session for reporters is at the entrance of the hotel lobby.

Demi Moore, who couldn't steal the spotlight with Kinski, got out of the car ahead of schedule, walked to the hotel in the night breeze with her skirt and high heels, and waited for Kinski to arrive at the door of the hotel.

Although the temperature on the West Coast at the end of January was not as cold as New York's, Demi, wearing an off-shoulder dress, still felt a little cold and ran quickly towards the warm hotel lobby.

"Excuse me, miss, may I ask for your invitation?"

"I, I came with Natasha Kinski."

"Sorry, she hasn't arrived yet."

There was a traffic jam during the photo session, and Kinsky's car had not yet reached the door. Demi Moore touched her shoulder, eager to get into the air-conditioned room. She had to stand by now, waiting for her friend to come soon.

"Sir, your invitation letter?...Come in, Mr. Ronald Lee, your position is..."

Demi Moore suddenly discovered that the man in a dress and bow tie in front of him was Ronald, the photographer who took his audition photos more than a year ago.

A little surprised that Ronald could get the invitation to the Golden Globe Award, Demi knew that the opportunity was rare, and said hello, "Ronald! It's me, Demi. Demi Moore."

"Demi?" Ronald recognized her, his first audition photo in Los Angeles, and his business was booming by relying on her photo to advertise.

"Are you coming to the Ballon d'Or dinner? How about Freddy?" Ronald hugged her.

Demi Moore took the opportunity to take Ronald's arm and entered the hotel together, "He should be doing well, I broke up with him. Freddy doesn't want to divorce his wife."

"Sorry to hear the bad news."

Ronald saw Demi Moore dressed up, thought she had entered the film industry, and today is a member of the nominated crew like him.

Entering the award hall, Ronald quickly found his round table. Right next to the penultimate row. He hugs Gore, the composer who has arrived, and introduces him to Demi. The round table was empty, and director Alan Parker, the writers, and the rest of the cast were not nominated for awards and were not in attendance.

Several tables were vacated, and some drinks, cocktails, and some snacks were placed on them. The Golden Globe Awards dinner was more like a big party of eating and drinking, only with NBC cameras filming.

Demi Moore took the opportunity to take a seat in the empty seat. While listening to Ronald and Gore chatting, she learned that Ronald was just a lyricist, nominated for a Golden Globe. Her boyfriend Freddie also asked her to sign and write lyrics on several songs on the album, but unfortunately the sales were not good and there was no money.

So Demi began to turn her head left and right like a radar to lock on a more suitable person to strike up a conversation with.

Ronald was still a little strange, why Demi didn't go to his place. Seeing her starting to look for a new target, she felt a little enlightened. He turned his head and glanced at the beauties behind the railing. Demi should have come to have a social opportunity just like them.

When the beauties saw Ronald looking over, they immediately began to greet him, and some even pulled their necks and fired at him. Ronald smiled and turned back to chat with Gore.

After a while, the producer Da Silva, and the star and singer Erin Carla also arrived, and they met and greeted old friends again.

Demi Moore saw that the producer of "Famous in the World" was also here. She had planned to go to other places to take the initiative, but she simply didn't leave. A producer's favor, top ten unknown actors.

"Hi Ronald, you're here, it's nice to see you here. I heard that your script was selected by Universal? Any chance to write one for us too?"

A familiar hello in English with a strong Israeli accent came from behind, Ronald looked back, and it was the two brothers of Cannon Films, Minahan Golan and Yoram.

"Hi, Minahan, Yoram. I heard that you signed a distribution contract with MGM?" Ronald greeted them. It seems that the two did not get along well, and they were also arranged at the end of the Golden Globes. a row.

"Yeah, we're looking for resources, we're looking for stars to shoot the big production. Do you have any other scripts to shoot? Let's talk?"

The two simply came over from the table in the last row of their own and sat at this table.

Ronald nodded apologetically to his companion. The Israeli brother's voice was so loud that it attracted a lot of attention from others. He pulled the chair back slightly and chatted with Minahan.

It turns out that although Cannonball has signed a distribution contract with MGM, MGM's own domestic distribution still needs to rely on the channels of United Arts, and their "Apple" has not received any resources and has been stuffed into the backup theater.

Coupled with the low quality of the film, in the end, the film that Minahan had high hopes for, only got less than 100,000 box office, and was offline a week later.

"You know, Ronald, we're doing big things in Hollywood, but people here are very cautious. We don't have a successful movie, and it's hard to talk about collaborations. You're already a successful playwright, don't get a new one. Forget us, we'll give you a better price than Colombia."

"Not yet, I'm writing the script for Universal now." Ronald declined.

"Oh, what's the subject?"

"It is based on a novel for teenagers, telling the story of high school students saying goodbye to innocence and becoming mature."

"Farewell to innocence, goodbye to innocence..." Minahan and Yoram looked at each other, as if remembering something.

"Would you like to make a remake of 'Lemonade'?" Yoram whispered.

With proceeds from "Lemonade," the brothers' blockbuster film in Israel, they were able to buy the Cannon Company.

This is a teen exploitation film. It tells the story of a young boy in school. His crush and boyfriend accidentally get pregnant. The boy takes the initiative to help the crush and pays for the surgery with the money from working in a pizza restaurant. In the end, the crush reconciled with her boyfriend and dumped him again.

"Be quiet, this movie conflicts with Ronald's. Let's not let him know."

"Lemonade is an Israeli custom, like those spare tire boyfriends, we have to change the name in America to sell it," Yoram said.

"High school boyfriend?" Minahan suggested.

"High school virgin?" Yoram said.

"The last high school virgin?"

"The last American virgin?"

"Okay, this is good." Minahan couldn't help but chuckle.

Demi Moore, who was sitting next to him, had eyes full of brilliance. Unexpectedly, Ronald is not only a composer, but also a screenwriter. It seems that he has a good relationship with the two fat guys opposite him who look like producers. Just sit on the chair like a nail and don't move.

At this time, the guests gradually arrived, and a TV station staff walked up to the stage, "Ladies and gentlemen, the broadcast of our Golden Globe Awards dinner is about to start, please take your seats..."

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