Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 179 The prospect of winning?

Unlike other Oscars, the Best Foreign Language Film award is not voted on by members of the Film Academy. Instead, the film associations or management agencies of various countries select and send, and then a special committee of the academy selects five nominated films.

Because it is selected by the film association or the governing body, unlike the Best Picture Award, the honor belongs to the producer, but the director takes the stage to receive it.

New World Productions, as the film's introduction party, can get five seats in the back row of the awards show. Roger and Julie Coleman, Ronald, director Mensov and star Vera Alentova, have exactly five seats.

Ronald promised to give Ronald a side of the aisle, close to director Menshoff's seat, promising to be swept by the camera when he introduced the nomination.

"my love,

you are my every breath

You are every step I take. "

Ronald hummed two of the movie's Infinite Love theme song in a good mood.

It doesn't matter if "Famous in the World" doesn't provide good seats, and he still has seats brought by the nomination for the Best Foreign Language Film Award. And this nomination was chosen purely by my own vision, which is more fulfilling than the nomination of copying the lyrics in my dream.

"It seems that I still have talent. In the future, even if I rely on my vision to be a movie buyer, I will be able to succeed." Ronald was complacent.

Received a lot of congratulatory calls and reminded Ronald that he should also call congratulations to other nominated filmmakers.

First congratulations to David Da Silva, the producer of "The Famous".

"Ronald, congratulations to you too. You can get two nominations at this age, and you will have a very good future in this industry." Da Silva did not get the best picture nomination, nor did he get famous in the world Nominated for best director and four acting categories, he simply rested at home for a few days and stopped canvassing votes.

"It's a real shame that Erin Cara wasn't nominated for Best Actress."

"I expected that. MGM has drastically cut production. There's no energy to go to PR awards, and I don't think the situation is good, so I dropped the PR nominations for Erin Carra and Barry Miller early.

To be eligible for this year's Oscars, a film had to run for a week in America in 1980.

Universal has 18 films eligible for Oscars, Warner Bros. 17, United Arts and 20th Century Fox 16 each, Paramount 15, Columbia 14, and even the newly established Orion has 10.

MGM only had five movies released last year, fewer than Disney's live-action movies. Soon the eight major Hollywood studios will become the seven. "

Da Silva said something to Ronald and resented MGM.

"All my resources now are trying to get Erin Cara to perform live at the Oscar party, and the best two nominated songs can be sung. Of the 3,200 Oscar judges, 70% are actors, and their votes determine who The key to winning the award. Best original song is up to you, sorry Ronald."

"Can't say that, it's all up to you to make this film. Do you think my best original screenplay has a chance?"

It seems that Da Silva has given up on the PR award, and he didn't even mention the best screenplay. Ronald took the initiative to ask for advice.

"MGM doesn't invest,

And your opponent is Bo Goldman, who won Best Original Screenplay once for "Let's Go Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Universal is going all out for "Melvin and Howard" PR for Best Supporting Actor and Best Original Screenplay. "

"I see. Thank you, Mr. Da Silva, how's your show going..."

Honestly, Ronald is already in the nominations and it's a lie to not want to win. There is a small golden statue in the family, and it is not enough to talk about the price in the future. He had long forgotten the Oscar curse that Walter Murkey, the editor's lead, had told him.

Next, call Best Original Song and Best Score nominee Michael Gore to inquire about his prospects for another nomination.

"Congratulations, Michael!"

"Ronald, hahaha..." Michael Gore got two nominations in the music category, and he couldn't keep his mouth shut for a long time.

"Congratulations to you too. I heard you were nominated for Best Screenplay?

Yes, I have two songs nominated and have twice the chance of winning, hahaha…

To be honest, we have a great chance this time. My sister Leslie's lyric for the episode doesn't have the same chances as yours for the theme song, Fame.

reason? My family is a musical family, and I know very well about this kind of music awards at the Oscars. Most of the votes are cast by actors, how do they know which song is better? Not the one that sounds familiar.

Da Silva is desperately pushing Irene Cara on the show, and now you can turn on the TV anytime, anywhere, and you can see Irene singing Fame on a certain channel, so you have a great chance, don't forget to prepare your acceptance speech, Ronald. Maybe the two of us can go on stage to accept the award together like the Golden Globes. "

"Oh oh, yea, yea

I love you more than I can say”

Ronald was even happier after listening to the analysis of his chances of winning. Next, I called to congratulate Martin Scorsese, the teacher who got eight nominations for "Raging Bull."

"Marty, it's Ronald." It was Isabella Rossellini who answered the phone. "I'm packing for him, he's going to Hollywood to canvass votes soon. It's an accident to be nominated for the Best Director Award. surprise."

"Which Ronald? Oh, my student." Scorsese answered the phone. "Hi Ronald, congratulations on your Best Original Screenplay nomination too. You're my first Academy Award-nominated student. I never imagined that I was at the age where students could be nominated."

"Congratulations, Marty. I heard that Raging Bull has eight nominations. Do you have a good chance of being nominated for best director?" Ronald knew that this was the first time this teacher had been nominated for best director, and it was very good before. Taxi driver, and finally missed the best director nomination.

Gu\u003c/span\u003e "To be honest, I'm also surprised that United Arts has no money for awards, unlike Paramount's many canvassing parties for ordinary people. The box office of Angry Bull is not very good, but the film critics are very good this time. Love my movies, I'll try my best this time anyway. I'll get your vote, right?"

"Well, I'm not yet a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and I'm not eligible to vote." Ronald was embarrassed.

"Ha, I forgot. You got the nomination this year, you will be invited by the academy next year, and you are eligible to vote."

"So my nomination?"

"No problem, I'll vote for you." Scorsese hung up the phone. Now he's busy and has to deal with a lot of canvassing parties until the voting deadline.

Then there's "The Elephant Man" director David Lynch. "The Elephant Man," like "Raging Bull," took eight nominations.

But he didn't have David Lynch's phone number, so Ronald called CAA's agent, Nisita.

"Hi Ronald. Would you like to congratulate David Lynch on his Best Director nomination? He's busy right now, with an average of three parties a day waiting for him, Paramount's Best Director and Best Picture Civil War.

Both he and Robert Redford of "Ordinary People" are directing commercial feature films for the first time, so he wants to fight, and I advise him not to. Redford himself is a popular movie star, and Paramount said that it is fair, but everyone knows who the resources will be tilted to.

I'm going to the Los Angeles Film Critics Association party with him tonight, should I pass the greetings on for you? "

Ronald wondered why Nisita seemed to be in charge of David Lynch's conversation.

"Rick, you and David Lynch?"

"Yes, I'm close to signing him as his agent," Nisita replied.

"Oh, then will he take over 'Fast-Paced Richmond High School' as a director? Will I have the opportunity to observe and study on the set?" Ronald's eyes lit up, if he could share an agent with Lynch, wouldn't he? Not everything is negotiable, so I'll learn how to direct a commercial feature film later.

"It's too early to talk about it, Ronald. You know, it's the final sprint for the Oscars voting, and by March 25th, all the nominees for the acting category will be going all out to party. Socializing, one vote, one vote.

Before the awards show, I'm afraid David Lynch won't make a statement. Studios also know that the Oscars are a once in a lifetime opportunity for most directors.

If he can sign the best director of the new Oscar, it will be a strong boost to the box office of the movie. Not only will he not be forced during this time, but he will also use various conveniences to help hold parties or something. "

"Okay, Rick, you always have your reasons." Ronald was a little unhappy. Nisita didn't always take himself very seriously. He had several heavyweight clients in his hands, such as The Godfather star Al Pacy. No, last year's Oscar-nominated Betty Midler.

"Don't be angry, Ronald," Nisita seemed to sense his displeasure. "When I was cooperating with Paramount for the awards, I was also praying for your best original song. But the best original screenplay is difficult. , you know this year's MGM... alas, MGM is now a gaming company."

Ronald hung up the phone, thought about it, and called the main agent Richard.

"Richard, I'm Ronald, is Nisita with you? ... I'm not looking for him, I just hung up on him, and I want to ask you, tell me the truth, how are my nominations winning prospects? ?"

"Best original screenplay is hard, Ronald. You're not in Hollywood, you're not throwing your own party, you're not going to someone else's party, you're not going to get votes.

But the best original song has a chance, and when we go to the party, Nisita and Paula Wagner will mention your name to the voting Academy members if they have a chance. "

That's right, it's a good thing for the agent to win the award. And among the songwriters for the best original song, no one else is a client of their manager. CAA focuses primarily on the representation of directors, screenwriters, and actors.

It is far from Hollywood, the center of the film industry, and there is such trouble, that any news is behind. Ronald began to seriously consider moving to Los Angeles in the future.

"Okay," Ronald thought to himself that he also knew some seniors in the industry. Why don't he ask if he is eligible to vote? One vote counts for one vote.

"By the way, I bought a movie at New World Productions, 'Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears', and it was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film. Mr. Roger Coleman also gave me a seat. Can you and Communicate at the awards show, let's get our seats closer to Michael Gore? It's better to be across the aisle."

"Of course, there's nothing wrong with that. I'll do it for you. I'm surprised you have that vision, Ronald. Have you ever considered switching producers? The same desire for a director with artistic ability. And generally a good producer has more power than a good director.”

Richard has been surprised by the only young client for the first time.

"I don't have this idea yet. If 'Fast-Paced Richmond High School' can give me an assistant producer position, I would also be willing to accept it. I hope to understand the whole process of filming for my first preparations for the work.”

"I made a note. By the way, you have an invitation letter for two seats. Have you considered which female companion to bring? Do you need CAA to introduce you?"

That's right, now that I have two seats, Ronald didn't expect this, he laughed and joked, "Are you CAA still helping to pull XX?"

"Haha, the agent will be responsible for solving all the client's problems. If you have no plan to invite a female companion, you can consider giving up that seat, and we can exchange some voting resources for you."

"I need to think about it, Richard." Ronald said after thinking.

For actresses, it's a seat next to a double Oscar nominee and a chance to be on camera. To a certain extent, if the seat next to him can be auctioned, the price will be cheaper than Scorsese and David Lynch, but it will be a lot more expensive than some seats without the opportunity to take care of the camera.

While thinking about what to do with the seat, Ronald's phone rang again.

"Hello," said a female voice, "congratulations on your Oscar nomination, Ronnie."


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