The first award given out was Best Supporting Actor.

The honored guests on stage were veteran actor Jack Lemmon and actress Mary Tyler Moore, who played Hutton's mother in "Ordinary People".

This strong insinuation discouraged the other nominees who weren't on the cast of "Ordinary People". The other nominated Best Supporting Actor from the cast of "Ordinary People" sat expressionless.

The camera was on him for a long time before a smirk appeared.

Hutton was very nervous, lowered his head and dared not look at the camera. His mother, who was sitting next to him, comforted softly.

"The best supporting actor winner is... Timothy Hutton."

The camera turns to the audience, where Hutton and the mother next to him hug happily, and it can be seen that his mother is smiling very happily. Hutton's father, who is also an actor, introduced him to the showbiz and died of illness before.

Diane was sitting on the other side of Hutton's mother. Originally, as a female companion, she should sit with Hutton, but Hutton's nasty remarks to the Ronald family made Diane unhappy and did not ask for it.

Hutton did not lack the attention of female stars. With a sneer, he simply sat down with her on both sides of his mother and chatted with Elizabeth McGovern, who played his girlfriend in the crew.

The winner Hutton smiled and stood up to accept the award. Diane and Hutton's mother also stood up and congratulated Hutton.

As is customary, Hutton and the people around him congratulate each other and give enough TV footage. Unexpectedly, he walked down the aisle from the other side, shook hands with the film's director, Robert Redford, hugged Elizabeth McGovern, and put Diane aside.

The embarrassed Diane withdrew the smile and had to sit down.

Hutton on the stage took the trophy and didn't seem ready. Unlike other winners, he took out the pre-written testimonials and read them, but secretly memorized them at home. You can give an unscripted testimonial on the spot, as if it was an accidental award, a feeling that comes naturally.

"Thank you everyone, this is the first award." Hutton began to pretend to endorse in a nervous voice.

"Uh, uh, this is the first award. I'm a little nervous, I don't know what to say." He drank too much alcohol last night, and Hutton really forgot the content of his speech.

I'm really nervous now, so I'd like to thank the people in the crew and the stars who are in the same crew, so I can make use of the relationship in the future.

"Thank you to everyone on the cast of 'Ordinary People'. Thank you Donald Sutherland. Thank you Elizabeth McGovern. And our great director, Robert Redford. You are the best. I love you."

"Um...then I want to thank my father, if only he could be here today." Then he ran down the stage with the trophy amid the applause of the crowd.

Mary Tyler Moore, who played Hutton's mother on stage, and his real mother offstage, both of them were not thanked by the scene and were forgotten in the acceptance speech that should be memorized.

The award-winning music sounded, and Hutton ran off the stage and joked with director Robert Redford, wishing him the grand prize.

Johnny Carson appeared on the stage, "The next winner is not a real person, but a magical machine. Without him, our movie would not have all kinds of wonderful special effects..."

Not really to the machine, of course, but to the three inventors of this amazing machine.

The device, called an optical printer, reprints several strips of its footage onto a strip of film. Special effects such as big and small, small and big can be made. The presenter demonstrated the effect on the spot, and the TV camera made the presenter the same size as the Oscar trophy.

Taking advantage of the technical awards camera not aimed at the auditorium, Diane said sorry to the person on the right and ran out of the seat,

Look back for where Ronald is sitting.

She didn't want to sit with Hutton anymore. There are still more than 2 hours, sitting next to a narcissist, it is very difficult. Spotting Ronald's position in the back row, Diane ran over.

A handsome man in a tuxedo immediately avoided the camera and squatted on the ground and climbed into the row where Di An was. He hung a sign "Standing Stand" around his neck. After sitting on Diane's seat, he quickly took off the sign and showed a standard smile.

The Oscars are a live awards show. When some audience members go to the bathroom or take a break in the backstage, there will always be this kind of stand-in to fill in the empty seats, in case TV audiences see that there are still empty seats at the Oscars.

Ronald is in the back row watching the speeches of the three inventors of the optical printer, while discussing with Coleman how to use this machine to achieve real special effects. This kind of thing is best at James? Cameron.

"Hi, Ronald."

"Diane, why did you come here?" Ronald found Diane and looked a little annoyed. "There's a seat here. Sit down and talk first?"

Mr. Cultural Counselor stood up, changed his seat with grace, gave Diane the vacant seat, and let her sit with Ronald.

"Hutton is a narcissist..." Diane leaned into Ronald's ear and repeated his story.

"Then just sit here." Ronald laughed. For actresses, appearance time is everything.

The next few awards were uneventful, with Ronald noting that the award for Best Documentary went to "Isaac Stern in China," a world-class violinist and educator, the film It records his cooperation with the Central Symphony Orchestra in China and the story of teaching violin boys.

The Academy presented a Special Contribution Award to "Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back." The best director and best screenwriter of the last New Hope year were not awarded to the much-anticipated George Lucas.

This time, in order to invite him to attend again, the academy made some remedies. In addition to the special contribution award, the best special effects and best sound effects were awarded to The Empire Strikes Back.

The next best art direction is out again. The presenter was Natasha Kinski, and the award went to the "Tess" crew.

Ronald and Coleman looked at each other, and the award was a bit of a surprise. Is it because of nationality and ethnicity?

The best art direction award is not easy for laymen to understand. Simply put, it is the person in charge of all the visual elements in the film, the aesthetic atmosphere of the film, what color to use, how to draw the background board, even the sets and costumes, makeup, color of props and The texture orientation is the overall consideration of the art direction.

The one with the highest voice in advance should be Akira Kurosawa's "Shadow Warrior". The visual effects of the film are first-rate, with gorgeous colors, a large number of armors and horses, and it is elegant and generally in line with history.

"Tess" is also very good at restoring classical Britain, but in terms of quality and difficulty, it can't compare to Akira Kurosawa's accumulation of years of painstaking efforts and color storyboards for photographers.

"Ah... Did you find anything?" Diane asked with interest when Ronald and Coleman looked at each other tacitly.

"Mr. Coleman and I both think it should be awarded to the 'Shadow Warrior'..." Ronald explained his views.

Akira Kurosawa is from a defeated country in World War II, and Amerika has a contempt for Toyo, and the judges seem to be biased. But on the other hand, various cheap products from Dongying, especially electronic products, and automobiles, are rapidly occupying the American consumer market.

Speaking of this, Ronald glanced at Mr. Cultural Counselor. If this conjecture of national sentiment is true, then "Moscow does not believe in tears" selected by his home country, in the competition for the best foreign language film... that award is the most popular Also "Shadow Warrior".

Mr. Cultural Counselor also thought of the same question, and then the best foreign language film was awarded. The host Johnny Carson had already taken the stage and started to tell jokes. Immediately he said to Ronald, "Come on, do any of you speak Russian?"

Ronald spread his hands and looked at Diane and the Colemans. They are also shaking their heads.

"Oh, God. We didn't expect to win the award at all, and we didn't show up with an interpreter. Last time on 'War and Peace,' the actress who played Natasha came to accept the award, and it was a Russian translation by Russian-born actress Natalie Wood. "

"Don't you speak English? Mr. Counselor?" Diane asked him curiously.

"Yes, but the Chinese film bureau generally requires that I accept the award and give a speech in Russian. It is good for our country's image. Besides, speaking in Russian, my pictures can be broadcast by our country's TV stations."

The cultural counselor passed Diane and said to Ronald, "I will write down the acceptance speech. You pretend to understand Russian as a translator. I say something, how about you say something."


At this time, Johnny Carson had finished telling the joke, "The next award for the best foreign language film is the foreign director Franco Zeffirelli from Italy, and the young skinny jeans artist Brooke Shields."

After the two took the stage, Brooke Shields spoke first, "I am very happy to present the award together with my current boss, Mr. Zeffirelli, the gentleman standing beside me. He is very nice."

Zeffirelli took over, "You told me very well, so you can come to work on the set later tomorrow."

"How late?"

"Like, six-fifteen?"

The audience laughed. Brooke Shields began to announce the nomination list, "The nominees for the 53rd Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film are..."

"This is my greatest honor to receive this very important award." Mr. Cultural Counselor is dictating the award speech.

"On behalf of the director Mensov, the actor Vera Arentova, and the actor Aleksey Batalov, who played Gosha...Thanks to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences." Ronald in the notebook Take shorthand.

"thank you very much!"

After finishing the three sentences, Zeffirelli on stage just announced the winning film.

"The winner is 'Moscow does not believe in tears,' USSR."

"Don't forget to mention New World Productions, go ahead." Roger Coleman urged, slapping Ronald on the back.

Zeffirelli lowered his head and held a note to read. The one who accepted the award on behalf of USSR was, "Cultural Counselor of the Embassy... sir, and... eh?"

Ronald felt whispered to Brooke Shields, "New World Producer, Importer and Distributor, and Translator."

Brooke Shields took over Zeffirelli's words, "and Ronald Lee of New World Productions, America's distributor of the film, who will serve as a translator for Mr. Counselor."

"Wow hoo hoo", the audience applauded.

The counselor said an acceptance speech in Russian, then stopped and pretended to wait for Ronald to translate.

After speaking, he finally said in Russian-accented English, "Thank you, everyone."

"Tear it up," Ronald said in the Russian he had just learned.

"You can speak Russian?" Brooke asked Ronald in a low voice while the award-winning music was playing.

"Just one sentence, we'll talk about it at the Governor's Ball tonight."

Timothy Hutton, who was in the audience, was also surprised that Ronald took the stage to accept the award at first, thinking that he was really a rich man who came to the movie circle to play tickets.

He later heard that he was just a translator for a production company, and smiled contemptuously. "Diane doesn't know where to go. I'll take McGovern to the governor's ball later. Anyway, there's no shortage of beautiful actresses at the ball. Just look at that one and bring it back to the party. I'm a new Oscar winner. supporting actor."

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