Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 190 The 1st Golden Raspberry Award

"I was rated as the worst heroine, and I'm so pissed off." Brooke Shields complained to Ronald on the phone.

It's been a few days since awards night, and Ronald is back home in New York.

Everything in life is back to normal. In the middle of the week, I go to class, go to my aunt's house for dinner on the weekend, watch the movies of the pirate club in my spare time, and wait for Universal's decision on the director.

But there are some things that don't seem to go back to the way they were. For example, people in the entertainment industry who you know, don't know, are familiar with, and are not familiar with will call to say hello, intentionally or unintentionally.

For example, Bo Ji now calls to chat with herself. Maybe her mom, Terry, has put herself on her daughter's "allowed calls" list? But Ronald wasn't quite sure which Terry's list he was on, the "just friends" list or the "potential boyfriend" list.

On the other hand, Di An was more free and easy. After moving back to her own house, she had more contact with Donna, so she didn't call herself if she had nothing to do.

"Wait a minute, what's the worst actress? The Oscar doesn't have this award, right?" Ronald replied with the receiver tucked into his neck as he put on a suit.

"There was a guy named John Wilson who gave it out in his living room. There's a lot of hype in the media right now, and I don't know why."

"Don't worry about those, who cares who is the worst movie, the worst director, I have to go out and hang up first."

Brooke said on the phone, "The hair stylist is going to give me a haircut soon, and I'm hanging up too, you can read the newspaper yourself, they're bad, they rated Lawrence Oliver as the worst supporting actor, and also Said his acting skills were rapidly declining."

Ronald put on his suit and set off with Donna and Aunt Karen to Staten Island to see the leg warmers factory in action. Today was Ronald's first visit.

"Ronnie, I think your ego has gotten a lot bigger after you won the Oscar." Cousin Donna looked at Ronald and said, "You wouldn't hang up Brooke Shields before."

"What is an ego? Being bigger is good or bad for me."

"It's the id in Freud's psychological theory. The bigger the ego, the more confident it is, the easier it is to succeed. But it's not good if it's too big," Donna explained.

"She came to me with all the gossip, and I'm busy. It's nothing to do with ego," Ronald replied.

Of course Ronald has become more confident. The biggest benefit of the Oscars for him is not the award-winning original songwriter, because he let his agent turn down all the lyrics, but the nomination for the best screenplay .

A lot of people are starting to believe that his $350,000 screenplay sale price wasn't a fluke.

Of course Ronald was really in trouble this time. After getting Jane Fonda's order, he discussed with his high school friend Douglas Hansen Jr. for a long time and decided to rent an old factory building of Jr. Doug's family and open a small factory.

The factory is small, employing about ten workers. Aunt Karen personally chose Dongying's brother brand sweater knitting machine instead of the better quality Swiss brand.

Although the function of the Brother brand is not as good as that of the Swiss brand, it is much more cost-effective and the price of maintenance parts is relatively cheap.

Ronald invested more money in machinery and rented out the old Douglas house. Teresa Kate and her husband, David, didn't have as much money to invest in equal proportions, and their stake fell to 20 percent, as did Aunt Karen and his comrade-in-arms widow.

Ronald tried to pull Douglas Jr. into a stake, but he refused. This kind of small business means nothing to him, but with his influence, he gave the leg warmer factory a slightly favorable rental price. Because the granddaughter of old Douglas is studying ballet and likes leg warmers very much.

"Hi, Ronnie. Thank you for everything you've done for us. Little Bud sent me a letter in Hawaii." Little Bud's mother, Mrs. Davis, also moved in with several families of black military widows who worked harder and more seriously. In the black area of ​​northern Staten Island, he came to work in the factory every day.

It turned out that some of the military widows who worked in the rtkd settlement were not so serious, and this time none of them were hired. Those who are willing to follow to come to the factory to give a little settlement allowance should give the uncle's comrade-in-arms family a chance.

The factory is running well and the efficiency is more than 10 times higher than the original hand-made. What's more satisfying is that the quality is more stable now, unlike the original quality made by different people that fluctuates greatly, and Aunt Karen has to choose one by one.

"Jane Fonda's order volume is huge, and we're working hard now, meeting the needs there first, and putting the excess in the warehouse. On the west coast, distributors in cities other than Los Angeles and San Francisco are gradually calling to order...  …”

Theresa Kate, a partner she met on the ferry, was refreshed now, and she was not the same as when she saw her down. Teresa is already pregnant, and her husband, David, is now mainly watching the production of the factory, persuading her to go back to rest.

Of course, Ronald came to the factory for the first time today, and Tereza insisted on coming.

"Thanks, Tereza, David, you've done a great job of business."

"This is also our common cause, Ronald." Tereza spoke to Ronald in the office, "Orders on the east coast have also increased, in short, with the factory, we can not only guarantee the shipment volume, but also the quality. Stability is also guaranteed.”

"There are a lot of counterfeiting now. Can we talk to Mr. Da Silva to discuss the right to use the fame brand?" Her husband David usually doesn't talk much, but when he talks, he has something to say.

"I was careless, and Ms. Lindsay Dole didn't remind me that now the Fame song has become a hit single on the chart, and Mr. da Silva refused to license it cheaply. Of course, we may not have to pay at that time. Afford the licensing fee.”

Ronald is not a businessman after all, it would be nice to have someone to help manage and share these things.

"Beep...beep..." the pager rang.

Ronald called and asked the paging station, it was Paula Wagner of caa looking for him.

"Hi, Paula. Long time no see, can you see me?" Ronald dialed from his office phone.

"It's Tom Cruise looking for you. He has something to tell you."

"Hi Ronald. I'm Tom. I auditioned for a supporting role in a movie starring Timothy Hutton and I just heard Paula talk about your conflict and I told her not to sign. You gave I can get in when I get the chance.”

"Ronald, this is a great opportunity for Tom. Hutton is just acting with him, and the project is hosted by 20th Century Fox's Shirley Lansing. She's only 35 when she's on Fox. The production president of the factory, the background is self-evident." Paula interjected.

"Don't worry, Paula. Tom's a good friend of mine, and I don't mind him being in 'Lights Out', but you're my manager too, remember?" Ronald had nothing against Tom Cruise, but Paula Wagner put Cruise's interests first, making him a little uncomfortable.

"I..." Paula was also not used to the tough Ronald.

"Tom, don't worry. Hutton's acting is nothing special. You take every role so seriously, play it well, and rob him of his play." Ronald doesn't care about these things, and it's not a project that Hutton invested in. .

"No problem, Ronald."

"The list of the first Golden Raspberry Awards", Ronald, who put down the phone, saw a newspaper in the office that published the list of the so-called worst acting awards. He picked up the newspaper and read it.

"Worst heroine, Brooke Shields. Blue coral reef." That's far from the worst performance, right? Ronald was puzzled. Maybe for the sake of sensationalism, he deliberately chose a well-known person?

Looking down, it does.

"The worst supporting actor is Laurence Oliver, the worst director is Olivia Newton-John's 'Xian Le Du', the worst actor nomination, there are Kirk Douglas, Richard De Dreyfus, this is an Oscar winner.

The most outrageous thing is that among the worst actor nominations, there is also a former decathlon Olympic champion Bruce Jenner, whoever is famous is nominated anyway.

"Beep...beep..." The pager rang again. This time it was Matt Dillon.

Matt Dillon is here to announce that he has officially signed to Disney to star in se Hinton's adaptation of "Dz Guy". Disney paid a fortune and finally beat Warner Bros. to buy Hinton's adaptation rights.

"The heroine is Meg Tilly."

Ronald was over the receiver and could imagine Dillon's smirk.

"axxhole" laughed and cursed and hung up the phone.

Meg Tilly finally got her wish to be the heroine of the movie. The big director's son, Kinneyman, also spared no effort to support her.

But after going through so many things since he entered the industry, Ronald can deal with this kind of thing calmly. It is not easy for an actress to be in the top position. It is her own choice to exchange an opportunity.

After watching the factory, Ronald, who returned to his apartment, began his daily practice again. Today on cbs is the classic love movie "Jin Yumeng". Cary Grant, classic romance with Deborah Kerr.

"A famous playboy met a beautiful woman on a tanker, and both of them had a contract to get married. But the love happened on the tanker..."

Ronald started writing synopses, which was a very effective training for making synopses appealing and presumably helpful when looking for funding for his own script.

At the same time, it is a good way to sort out the way I understand the original screenwriter. The screenwriters of classic and old movies are very good, and it is good to learn from them.

"Before parting, the two agreed that if both parties could successfully end their engagements and start a new career, they would reunite on the top floor of the Empire State Building in New York six months later.

But on that day, I spent my salary on the top floor of the Empire State Building and waited for a day, but the beauty didn't show up..."

"Ring, bell, bell..."

"Hey, who is it?" Ronald was still watching old movies and didn't want to be disturbed, so he said a little more fiercely.

"It's me, Bo Ji... woo woo..."

"Borgy, what's the matter?" Ronald said perfunctorily, still looking at the TV, is it some kind of gossip about high school girls?

"Ronald, it's me Terry." Brooke's mother took the receiver. "Broke is in big trouble this time. She is being investigated by Congress. You must help her."

"Oh, the congressional investigation...that's good." Ronald's attention was still on the TV.

"Wait a minute, what? Congressional investigation? Why?"


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