Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 194 Patricia Birch Wants To Work With You

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The days of waiting were tense and boring, and Ronald called back to college, canceled all his summer electives, and concentrated on staying in Los Angeles, awaiting the verdict of his fate.

Soon Nisita came to him again. For the past two days, he devoted himself to inquiring about the news in the world, but found nothing. Except for Tom Mount, it seemed that no one had heard the news of what would happen in 2 weeks.

But this day Nisita brought another good news.

"Remember Patricia Birch, the choreographer of the original Grease musical and film? Paramount and Sterwood decided she would be the director of Grease 2 and she thought of you first and wanted you to go Doing script revision work."


Ronald's mind flashed back to this little woman in her late 50s. At that time, when the name of "Grease 2" was still called "Son of Grease", in order to learn the script writing of musicals, I once visited her, and with the selfless help of the other party, I learned how to integrate singing and dancing with other plots. together.

"Okay, I'd like to see her." Although Ronald made up his mind that he must become a director this time and was not interested in screenwriting, Birch's love for helping him paid off and he took an hour or two to spend with her. It's okay to meet and talk about the script.

"Hi Ronald. It's nice to see you again, let's work together, you're in charge of the script editing, and the lyrics to the songs, I'll choreograph the dance and pick the music, and let's have a blast."

Patricia Birch's energy is very high, and she no longer holds her breath at home.

With the success of "unprecedented flying", the Zach brothers decided to take a break and shirk from directing Grease 2. Paramount found a lot of directors, and finally used the original choreographer Birch, who knew a lot about musicals.

Speaking of which, she, like herself, is also a director for the first time.

Patricia Birch's voice was still as resonant, and she told Ronald that she had read all the versions of the script, and decided to abandon the version that Hutton had altered, and it was better to use the original version of Ronald's script.

After the script was rejected by Hutton at the time, Ronald signed a supplemental agreement not to allow Hutton's crew to use his own script. But since Birch likes it, he has no problem using it for her.

"If Paramount buys the script back, then it is paying for every revision of the script, including the two versions I revised. You can completely delete and revise on the basis of my script."

"But you have signed a supplementary agreement, and later people can't use your plot and dialogue. If you can, I want you to sign to give up this power." Birch said.

Ronald glanced at Nisita.

"Paramount will pay for your script development," Nisita added.

"I'm fine, you ask them to give Rick the paper, and I'll sign it."

"That's great," Birch was delighted, "Mr. Steerwood and I both liked both versions of your script, and he's even going to make Grease 2 first and then change it, and then take your earlier version of 'Grease Sons', It is more later in time, telling the anti-war version of the 1960s, as a script reserve for Grease 3.

Come on, Ronald, let's have a blast. "

"I could sell the script to Paramount, but I have my own directing project..." Ronald explained.

"You really don't think about it? Paramount and Mr. Stewart would put in a total budget of $12 million. And your project is only $3 million. I've been on a lot of movies, and a lack of budget means in many places A compromise has to be made.

The costumes had to be second-hand goods that others had used, and the sets had to be picked from other crews that had not been dismantled after filming. There were also various salary packages.

The last time I communicated with you, I felt that you knew script writing very well. After reading your script, I found that you also have a good grasp of the script of musicals.

You come to help me polish the script, I will give you the treatment of assistant director, and then when Grease 3 or Grease 4, you can act as the director independently.

That's a big production with a cost of more than 10 million. How is it, Ronald? "

Ronald is very happy that Birch can give him this opportunity, but he is determined to be a director, "Thank you very much for your invitation, Patricia, but please understand the persistence of a young man."

Moreover, the script of Grease 2 has neither the male and female protagonists in the upper part to join, nor the original musical to polish the script and accumulate word of mouth. It is difficult to say whether it will be successful at the box office. It's like "Fast-paced Richmond High School", which also released a commemorative video tape 15 years after its release.

Ronald insisted on his choice and apologized to Birch.

"Okay, Ronald. I know it's hard for you to turn down a directing opportunity like this. I wanted you to help me.

Now that John Travolta, and Olivia Newton-John, have turned down the sequel, I have to start from scratch with the right actors.

By the way, what about your ex-girlfriend? The name is Antonia, she dances really well in Grease 1, let her try the heroine Stephanie? I've seen her perform in the world, and she can act, and it's a good fit for the role. "

"She went to the New York City Ballet to realize her ballet dreams, and maybe she's on tour now." Ronald said with a smile, but Antonia came from a poor family in Little Italy, and her background was somewhat similar to Stephanie's. The script also arranged for her to work at a gas station.

"I'll try to get in touch with her." Birch refused to give up.

"The difficulty of musicals is finding the right actors. Many people think that the dance of musicals comes first, but it is completely wrong. Being able to perform on camera is the real criterion for casting musicals.

You did an excellent job of writing the character Stephanie, her character is contradictory. Deep Pink Girl's gang leader, she has status in the school's social circle, but in reality she is just a poor child working at a gas station.

She falls in love with the motorcycle rider wearing a helmet and riding a motorcycle to save her, and Michael who helps her with her Shakespeare homework, unaware that they are actually the same person.

This kind of tangled and lingering emotions is hard to act well, I need an actress who can look beautiful on camera even when she is embarrassed. "

Also beautiful when awkward, Ronald thinks of Michelle Pfeiffer. When I wrote the script, I just broke up with her. When I wrote the role of Stephanie, did I subconsciously add some of Pfeiffer's appearance and personality into the role of Stephanie?

"Do you have a suitable candidate in mind?" Birch keenly noticed a slight smile on the corner of Ronald's mouth, as if thinking of someone.

"No, no, casting is not done at once. I can recommend casting studios in New York to you. They are very professional."

"e on, don't lie to me Ronald, your expression just now is exactly the same as when you said Antonia, is she also your ex-girlfriend?"

Birch took Ronald's hand, "The success of Grease 2 largely depends on the casting of the hero and heroine. Are you willing to let your script fail? Tell me who she is..."

Ronald was confused by Birch, so he had to take out his notebook, find the phone number of his agent Ed Limato, and copy it on a piece of paper and hand it to Patricia Birch.

"Do you know Limato, William Morris's agent? He has a client named Michelle Pfeiffer who was in a commercial for Lux soap..."

"Her dancing is not as good as Antonia. It was because of this that she was rejected for the role of a well-known ballet student, but her acting skills are not... Forget it, see for yourself, I shouldn't talk too much." Ronald shook his head, It's really none of your business.

"Also, it's better not to tell Limato that he got the news from me, and I don't want to have anything to do with his client."

"Hi, Ronald, it's me, Ed. Ed Limato." Who knows, that night, Limato found the hotel room number where Ronald stayed and called.

"Hi Ed, long time no see," Ronald thought to himself, is Birch's mouth so lax?

"I am very grateful for your recommendation to Pfeiffer. In fact, she has not had any movie opportunities recently. Grease 2 has been the best audition opportunity she has participated in in the past six months."

"You're probably mistaken, Ed. It has nothing to do with me." Ronald replied casually, sitting on the sofa drinking black tea. Valley

"Don't take me for a fool, Ronald. I've been in this business for over 20 years.

Grease 2 is restarted, Patricia Birch is the director, I submitted an audition application for Pfeiffer, and I called Pfeiffer a few times but there was no response. Today, Birch personally called Pfeiffer to audition, and also told the new version of the script Stephanie's role is similar to hers.

I asked around, and you wrote the new script..."

"Well, I told Birch Pfeiffer. But whether she can be selected depends on her." These agents are really all-pervasive, and things are almost restored in a few moments.

"Ronald. We're friends, and Pfeiffer is like my child. I...I appreciate your taking care of her, but I...I can't..."

"What the hell are you trying to say?" Ronald listened to him hesitantly.

"Although you used to be a couple, I wouldn't encourage her to do immoral things for casting. You know, she just married her boyfriend and is on her honeymoon."

"Oh, that's fine. Congrats to her." Ronald wondered if Pfeiffer was in such a hurry to get married? It seemed that she really wanted to have someone by her side.

"Wait a minute, what is immoral?" Ronald said to Limato. "Why would it be immoral for me to recommend her to audition?"

"You just said 'Can you choose to see her?', are you implying something...?" Limato asked cautiously on the other end of the phone.

Limato is a rare old-fashioned agent. Although he will not prevent his actresses from exchanging something for roles, he will not actively seek such opportunities for clients. He treats every client as a family member and hopes that they will be satisfied in their career and life.

"Fxck You, why do you think so?" Ronald laughed, he was not a producer or director with casting power.

Oh... Maybe Limato misunderstood, thinking that he is still a screenwriter and has a good relationship with director Birch, that really has some influence on the casting.

"Listen, I'm not on Grease 2, Birch just bought the rights to my script. She did invite me to be on the set, but I didn't, I had another film directing opportunity to pursue.

The fact that Pfeiffer auditioned for Stephanie was just a casual remark, and I don't want to worry about it anymore. Your audition results have nothing to do with me. "

"Director's job, which one is it?" Limato ignored the others, only heard this key piece of information, and immediately asked on the phone.

Ronald didn't speak.

"Ronald, we are friends, right? Although Pfeiffer didn't go down with you, I didn't exert any bad influence on her." Limato heard that Ronald had the opportunity to direct so soon, and he felt in his heart. It is also very anxious to seek opportunities for customers.

"You are a genius, Ronald. I admit that I didn't discover your genius before, and this was probably the biggest mistake of my career. But the success of a movie is not just about one genius, it requires different geniuses to work together, no ?"

Now the film market is sluggish, and many of Limato's clients are not working. There's been a lot of discussion about whether movies will fail, and some clients are considering switching to TV. There are also people in the industry who want to bring back 3D movies from the 1950s to save the tired box office.

"I can only say it's a small production, and I'm afraid it's not suitable for your client."

"Small production, which company is it from? Warner Bros.? Fox? Paramount? Universal?"

"Uh, stop guessing."

"Universal, right? Universal? I heard they are preparing a youth movie based on a novel."

"I don't want to discuss this anymore."

"Okay, let's not discuss this." Limato agreed to change the subject.

"To tell you a funny thing, today a beautiful young woman with money walked into the WMA offices trying to get a broker to represent her business.

This woman named Amy Hecklein actually claimed that whoever signed a contract with her would get the first commission for free. She said that she will definitely get her first director contract, as long as she signs a contract within 2 weeks, she can pick up a client.

Do you think this is a very interesting thing, if she said she got an actor contract, I think someone will try her luck, but a 27-year-old beauty said she was a director...

Hahaha. "

"Ed, you're not very good at telling jokes." Ronald was not interested in listening to the gossip about the brokerage industry.

"That's it, don't let Pfeiffer audition under my guise. She wants to live a life of company and stay in Los Angeles to be her actor, and I respect her choice and go on like this, don't disturb each other's lives. "

"This is Hollywood. Everyone knows everyone. You will meet sooner or later. I will talk to you again. I was optimistic about your screenwriting ability back then, and you will definitely become a good director." Limato said and hung up. on the phone.

Ronald also hung up the receiver, turned around and poured a glass of whiskey to taste slowly. Things are unpredictable, Limato is right, Hollywood is a small circle. I didn't expect that I would soon reach the status of being able to decide the fate of actors like Pfeiffer.

Will you continue to be kind to others in the future? Or use the power at hand to do something?

Ronald sat down and sipped his dry whiskey slowly without ice.

wrong! Ronald jumped up from the sofa, startled. Why does Limato specifically emphasize the time of 2 weeks?

The story Limato told him was tipping him off!

2 weeks to find an agent to sign, beautiful woman, everything is right. She was the secret candidate for Tom Mount. It was inconvenient for him to decide the candidate himself, so he let the time to decide the director dragged on for 2 weeks.

This woman named Amy Hecklin didn't even have an agent, but she was sure that she could get the director qualification. There must be a strong background no doubt.

Limato was repaying his favor for recommending Pfeiffer the audition. However, it was inconvenient for him to tell himself the private thoughts of Universal President directly, so he hinted at himself by telling jokes.

The information that he left with the bastard Tom Mount may also be... no, it will definitely be leaked to Hecklen, and after 2 weeks, she will be discarded like a lemon that has been squeezed dry.

Ronald immediately called his agent, Nisita, to tell him the news.

"Shxt, how dare this bastard Mount do this to our CAA. Does he think he is really a tycoon after being interviewed by Time magazine? This bastard who climbs up by licking XX.

It looks like we're going to use the trump card early, Ronald.

I'll ask Mr. Ovitz to contact Paramount immediately and get you an internal preview of the new film "The Lost Ark of the Covenant" produced by Lucas and directed by Spielberg, and then we'll...

We're going to get rid of the history with Tom Mount all at once. "

"Okay, I'll trust you again, Rick. This thing is so disgusting, this time your CAAs will get me what I want, right?"

Nisita, who hung up the phone, said to Paula Wagner in his arms, "If you let him down again this time, Ronald will definitely fire me. And my long-term efforts to win Spielberg may also Total failure.

Get me the clothes, Paula, I'm going to see Mr. Ovitz right away. "

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