Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 210 Time Limit

After Hecklin and the two heroines finished speaking, they returned to the place and motioned for Ronald to come forward.

"I also know the rules. Except for the director, no one in the crew can give orders." Ronald felt a little more comfortable. He raised his hand and motioned for the first assistant director Al to call for the password. He didn't want to have anything to do with Hecklein's film, so as not to be unclear when he watched the samples later.

I know that Hecklin's fatal problem is there. As long as she keeps her normal performance, everyone will be able to tell the difference between the good and the bad tomorrow, not when you watch the demo in the morning.

"Recording? Camera?!" Al called out the password to start filming.

In the same over-the-shoulder position, the camera motor began rustling to capture the performance of the two actors.

"Do you want to serve his table instead of me?" Stacey was a little shy and wanted to strike up a conversation but was afraid of being rejected.

"Don't you think he looks like Richard Gere, look at that sexy little ass," Linda replied.

"Look him in the eyes after ordering, and then whenever he tells any joke, pretend it's the funniest joke in the world and laugh out loud to him. . . . Well, then don't forget to smile."

"What are you waiting for? If I don't have a great boyfriend in Chicago, I'll fuck myself."

"Go, just order her."

Linda really followed Hecklin's guidance and spoke the lines with a sweet memory.

"Maybe Phoebe Cates really remembered her boyfriend? Emotional memory is a powerful method. But no matter how good it is, it's still going in the wrong direction."

Just as Ronald was thinking, Jennifer and Phoebe had already finished their performances, but Heckling didn't stop. They didn't know what to do next and started to turn their heads to look at the camera.

Ronald stabs 1st Assistant Director Al.


Al stopped filming and looked at Hecklen.

"Yes, Cut." Hecklin, who was directing a theatrical film for the first time, was so involved that she forgot to stop.

"Do you want this?" Al asked Hecklen.

"Yes, I want another one."

"One more."

The film crew came again as they were.

"Very well, let's take a shot of Stacey going to the handsome man Ron Johnson to order, and when you look at him, you have to show a kind of..."

Heckling catches Jennifer Jason Leigh for a joke.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Ronald smiled and stepped forward. "The over-the-shoulder shot of Jennifer from another angle has not been shot, and there is a reaction shot of the two of them."

"Oh, yes..." Hecklen made a joke. She has never been a director of a Hollywood theatrical film, and is not familiar with the Hollywood method of one master and two shoulders. I still shoot graduation short films and documentaries as before, and follow the camera's point of view to get closer to the plot.

This joke was seen by some technicians on the set, and some people couldn't help laughing.

"It's not a big problem, it's just inexperience." Ronald relieved her in turn, looking back to the direction of the laughter. These are the old electricians who are often with the group from the periphery. When they saw Ronald's look, they immediately stopped giggling.

"I think Hecklin has expressed her meaning and filmed the number of pieces she understands. Let's move on. There are still some children's scenes later. Let's film them first."

Ronald asked for advice steadily.

Mount glanced at Hecklen,

Hecklin nodded to indicate that she had captured what she wanted.

Tom Mount shook his head inwardly. Since he has to do something and snatch the director's position, don't think about the nonsense of fair competition, use any method, just like the battle between himself and Simberg, this is also his own a small battlefield.

"I think it's better to let you all shoot a version of the over-the-shoulder shot facing Jennifer, and make this set of shots complete, so that we can compare better."

"This is unscrupulous, to squeeze the time of shooting children's scenes, so that I can't finish it, and make another mistake?" Ronald immediately understood Mount's bad approach.

We could have shot the scene where the kid's side was already lit first, so that the pizza shop was doing the lighting for the opposite over-the-shoulder shot. Lighting and shooting on both sides are carried out crosswise, without wasting time. Now I'm going to shoot this side first, I can't make full use of the time, and I'll be very nervous when I shoot children's scenes.

Ronald looked at his watch. It seemed that Spielberg would have to invite MCA President Simberg to see the demo, and he would have to be present to suppress Mount.

Moreover, Simberg had a conflict with Mount because of the ET matter. If he had the opportunity to suppress Mount, he would be willing to come.

Heckling looked at Mount, then at Ronald, her mouth opening into an O. I didn't expect Mount to be so ruthless, and to take advantage of the situation to find fault, it's easy to really irritate Ronald.

In fact, he has found Ronald's weakness, and if the competition is fair, he can win.

And Ronald was very efficient in doing some of the shooting chores, and the technicians served him. I became a director myself, and I wanted to ask him to stay on the crew to help me handle some management work.

She walked to the camera crew and made a "Sorry" mouth shape to Ronald in a place where Mount didn't see it.

Heckling then motioned to the assistant director to start getting ready to shoot. She is confident that she does not need to defeat Ronald head-on by this means.

The photographer set up the camera again, and after lighting and measuring the focal length, he finally signaled to Ronald that he was ready. The camera is on Jennifer Jason Leigh.

Hecklin didn't waste time talking, she whispered a few words in Jennifer's ear, and then called the password to start shooting.

"Would you like to serve his table instead of me?" Jennifer began the line.

"Huh?" Ronald was standing behind the camera and didn't speak, trying to buy time. When I saw Jennifer Jason Leigh's performance, I was suddenly surprised.

"Jennifer's performance is different from what he imagined." Ronald glanced at Hecklin. This woman is not entirely a sham, and she is a bit skilled in directing performance.

This is another way of showing that Stacey lacks dating experience with men and wants to try it.

The way Ronald imagined, mainly showing Stacey's shyness.

She had never been asked out by a boy, and wanted to make up for this life experience as soon as possible in high school. So I have a lot of yearning for dating, I don't want to talk, I just keep a kind of reserved girl. Whenever a handsome customer asked for a phone number, she would give it.

And Hecklin didn't know what she said to Jennifer just now. This time, her performance added a little other emotion, as if she was retreating, and she seemed to be hesitating.

"No, it's fear." Ronald accurately captured a trace of fear in Jennifer Jason Lee's eyes.

How is this going?

Although Ronald can't understand, but from my own life experience, it is true that girls will have a little bit of fear when facing a boy on a first date.

If you can understand this subtle and real emotion, then the quality of the performance of the entire film is a big improvement.

Don't look at this youth film with many characters and trivial plot, in fact, the whole film is talking about one theme: Coming of Age.

How do boys and girls go through things and grow into adults who can be responsible for themselves.

Stacey's growth is mainly in the improvement of emotions.

Why does this little bit of fear arise? And how was Hekelin inspired by just a few words?

Ronald didn't understand for a moment, and he didn't have time to think about it. He hurriedly instructed everyone to finish shooting their own version of the reaction shots, and quickly urged the camera team to move to the entrance of the cinema opposite.

The Actors Guild stipulates that young actors under the age of 16 must not work more than five hours a day, and must end filming before 12:30 pm.

Because there were two more over-the-shoulder shots, the photography team set up another light, which wasted an hour or so.

From 9 p.m. to 11:30, only four or five shots were taken, and most of the time was wasted on lighting. This was after the art director and director of photography came up with a trick to cut the lighting time by half.

Most of the time filming is not shooting, but waiting to be shot.

While instructing the camera crew to install the camera at the designated location, Ronald talked to the two children.

"Do you have any bands you like to listen to?" Ronald asked them, crouching on the ground.

"We like to hear Van Halen," the two young actors answered Ronald, looking at each other.

"Okay, wait, this Mike has two tickets for their concert, you want to buy it. But his asking price is very expensive, you are not willing at first, and finally you want to go to Van Halen's concert, so you have to give in ."

"Oh, what about our lines?"

"Without the lines, you can just assume that he really has two concert tickets. If the performance is good, I will pay you to buy a Van Halen record."

"We want tickets for the concert, and Van Halen happens to be in Los Angeles."

"make a deal."

Ronald got up, and Romanus, who played the scalper Mike, began to instruct "Don't follow the lines, improvise, and try to have a one-off."

The lighting team began to pay close attention to the metering. The director of photography, Matthew, knew the importance and forced them to exert all their efforts. Finally, the lighting and positioning were completed at 12:15.

"Get ready to shoot." Ronald commanded the recording team, extending the long microphone boom over the child's head.

At this time, the two of them, accompanied by Azov, another producer of the film, quietly walked into the shooting scene on the top floor and watched Ronald direct the shooting from a distance.

"Oh, I'm a familiar. Is this the Ronald you recommended? No wonder you asked me to come and see, reminding me of you when I was young." MCA President Simberg said softly.

"I didn't expect him to be a great director. I wasn't as skilled as him when I did Jaws," Spielberg replied in a low voice.

"!" Ronald gave the order to start shooting.

"Did Dolly Parton give you a share of the box office? You work so hard?" Scalper Mike joked when he saw Mark the nerd, a good friend who was working at the ticket gate.

Simberg heard this line later, and saw the poster of Dolly Parton's unfinished new film "The Best Chicken House in Texas", and immediately understood what was going on. Can not help smiling.

It's a funny, humorous line that makes fun of Dolly Parton's crew for putting them in an ad.

The ticket inspector Mark did not answer his friend's joke, but pointed to the two children walking on the right.

"I heard that you have tickets for the Van Halen concert?" the child asked.

"I may have." Romanus waved his hand and motioned for the two children to go a little further with him.

The camera operator started panning the shot to keep up with the movement of the actors.

"How much is the seat before row 10?"

"$20 a piece."

"But the original price was only 12 yuan 5."

"Then don't buy it!"

"You scalpers also earn too much."

"Did you just call me a scalper? Listen, I provide a ticket service, and the service costs money."

"Okay, let's buy it."

"Wait, how much did I say just now, 25?"

"20!" The two children handed over the money, got the tickets for the prop painting, turned around and left.


Ronald was very satisfied, the young actor performed in his true colors, and Romanos' improvisational skills in playing the ticket dealer scalper were also excellent, as expected from the streets of the Bronx, New York.

"Clap...clap..." Two people applauded from behind, and then all the actors and staff in the audience began to applaud, applauding Ronald's wonderful control.

He will finish shooting with a gap of more than 10 minutes before 12:30.

Among them, there are also many staff members who complained about Ronald and applauded.

Hecklin also applauded, this level is really powerful, just improvised like this, 10 minutes passed, and the result was very good.

Tom Mount did not applaud, his eyes fixed on the person who came, MCA President Sidney Simberg.

He was sneered at by Simberg at the dinner for Spielberg's box office celebration. Leaving the table early to support Hecklin. Hoping for a chance to counter Simberg with the blame for the wrong choice of director.

The president of the parent company has repeatedly put his hand into Universal Pictures' own pocket to show power. It was another investment of more than 10 million yuan for Spielberg to shoot ET, and he also intervened in the project and chose Ronald to direct it. It was just an opportunity for him to restrain himself.

One movie is always earned, and the other is accompanied. Spielberg lost "1941" and won "The Lost Ark of the Covenant", can ET guarantee a big sale? It's unwise for Simberg to tie his authority to ET's box office.

"Ronald, your work is wonderful." Spielberg stepped forward and hugged Ronald, congratulating him.

"Yes, I haven't seen such a promising young man for a long time." Simberg followed up with a compliment. His most important job now is to tightly bind Spielberg and Universal.

Since Steven admires this young man, he can help him by himself, "It seems that I saw you right back then, do it well! If you have anything, you can come to my secretary directly."

Simberg found Mount on the other side, and this was actually meant for him.

Ronald quickly thanked them, which was a pleasant surprise, and the director's seat was now secured.

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