Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 234 The first dance party

"Exploiting Hollywood 1980 ()"!

Back on vacation in New York, Ronald was comfortable and had a big Christmas dinner with his aunt and cousin on Christmas Eve.

Perhaps because of the long preparation and directing of the filming, Ronald was a little out of touch with real life. He moved to the apartment where his aunt lived and stayed at home for many days. He talked and chatted with his aunt every day, and used family warmth to temporarily forget the movie he just shot. .

Early this morning, Ronald was again watching TV in the living room.

In order to watch the speeches and new trends of the commander at any time, Aunt Karen paid the family to open a cable TV. In addition to the local channels and the three major wireless TV stations, the TV at home can also watch dozens of channels from all over the country.

This practice of moving local channels to the national cable network so that all cable subscribers across the country can watch it is called syndication. Many TV shows that were originally only local have become popular after being syndicated.

Ronald picked up a small rectangular box and pressed it against the TV, which changed channels following his gestures. It's a remote control that comes with a cable TV box that lets you sit and change channels, and Ronald loves it.

"Hey, what is this?"

Ronald found a picture of the Apollo moon landing on the TV, but the flag on the moon had been changed from a national flag to a flag with a capital M on it.

Then a beautiful host, started broadcasting "Welcome to the Channel, the world's first music TV channel, day, night, stereo for you to play the world's best pop music."

Then the screen changed, and the station began to play Lord Stewart's music TV. Ronald became interested. This kind of music TV with a much shorter time than normal TV programs is very interesting. Change one in a few minutes. .

The rhythm of their editing is much faster than the movie and much faster than the TV series.

Ronald stared at the stage and watched several MVs of songs that were popular on the charts, and found that he had no difficulty in understanding such a fast-paced plot. Perhaps it was because of the music and lyrics that helped the audience to understand the plot. Understand, it doesn't take a long time to set up like a movie.

"Next is the latest Rolling Stones concert scene," the host said.

"Oh, Ronald, it's time for you to go out and not stay home and watch TV."

Aunt Karen couldn't stand Ronald at home eating, sleeping and watching TV every day.

Come over and jostle him off the couch, "Go out and get a copy of the New York Times, it's good for you."

"Okay," Ronald got up from the sofa, put on his coat and prepared to go out.

When the phone rang, Aunt Karen answered and handed the receiver to Ronald. "It's a girl for you, Ronald."

"I'm Ronald, who?"

"I'm Helen, Helen Slater. Do you remember me from the chewing gum commercial?"

"Of course, hello Helen." Of course Ronald remembered that before the filming of "Fast-Paced Richmond High School", Ronald also thought of letting this girl audition, but her TV father, Gerald, returned Helen to him. Under 18 refused.

Speaking of the New Year, Helen is now an adult.

Sometimes there are many factors that affect the film that seem inconspicuous. If Helen was a few months older, or if the movie started a little later, maybe Helen Slater would be in the role.

"Ronald, I'd like to invite you to be my male partner at the 'De Beauton' ball, would you?"

"What?" Ronald didn't understand the name of the ball.

"Debutante, which means 'first appearance' in French, is a kind of dance where American girls first appear on social occasions, and they must have a male partner."

"Prom? I'm inexperienced. Didn't Gerald put you in another suitable candidate?"

Gerald Slater, who was listening to the phone next to Helen, couldn't help it. He picked up the receiver and said, "Hi, boy. My daughter wants you to be her boyfriend. Is there anything you don't want?"

"Gerald, hello. That's not what I meant. I haven't attended the Debutante ball, and I don't know how to perform my duties. Helen said it seems to be a very formal occasion." Not very interested.

Gerald was relieved when he heard Ronald's reasoning. It seemed that this lucky idiot took his daughter's coming-of-age ceremony very seriously.

"It's not so formal, it's a small ball in our TV and film circles. The real international debutante ball is held in even-numbered years, and there are many princesses from European countries.

We want to create an environment for our children, so that young people who are interested in entering the entertainment industry can meet some insiders when they are adults. Helen thought of you first when she invited you, and you can also meet some young people in the circle. "

"It's my pleasure."

"Remember the concierge's request, the appearance ceremony in the morning, and the guest party after lunch..."

On the day the adult children of senior film and television practitioners made their prom debut, Ronald wore a dark blue navy double-breasted metal button suit with a crimson pocket square, gray pants, and combed his hair neatly, and went to China. The Waldorf Hotel.

This old-fashioned hotel is where the International Adult Ball is held every even-numbered year. Gerald and the others also set the ball here, with the intention of raising the level of their daughters.

In the hall where the ball was held, Ronald regretted a little. The male companions who came are not well-known people in the industry, and most of them are the second generation of stars. He also saw the second-generation star at New York University who wanted to pull himself into a fraternity.

The rhythm of the debut dance was slow, with each girl walking down the stairs individually, and each had a 10-minute debut. The host introduced the girl's family background information and the male partner's family background. Then show the dress to everyone present.

After waiting for more than two hours, it was almost noon when the host finally announced Helen's name.

"Miss Helen Slater, whose father is Gerald Slater, PBS's own vice president..."

Ronald quickly stood up and looked up the stairs.

I saw a girl about five feet eight inches (1.73 meters) appearing at the exit of the corridor on the stairs. She was wearing a creamy white dress, a small white hat in the style of the 1920s and 1930s, and a pair of blue eyes that looked bright.

Two sparkling pendant earrings hang from her ears, and a string of pearl necklaces wraps around her neck.

It was Helen Slater, whom Ronald hadn't seen for a long time.

Haven't seen each other for over a year, just a few phone calls. Ronald felt that he didn't know Helen a bit.

American girls, at this age, are in a period of rapid changes in appearance. Apart from her eyebrows and eyes, Helen was still as charming as before, and her body was even better, giving Ronald the feeling that a neighbor's girl suddenly grew into a great beauty.

Helen walked down the stairs, looking left and right, looking for her male partner, Ronald. She saw Ronald dressed in a navy uniform with trimmed hair and beard, obviously satisfied, and took him by the arm.

After the host's introduction, it was the photographer's photo session. Ronald faithfully became Helen Slater's male model, took several sets of photos, and then the two went to the seats and sat down.

"You are very good today, Helen. It can be said that the most beautiful girl at the dance." Ronald felt that when he praised the girl for the first time, he did not add any exaggeration.

"Giggle..." Helen smiled, "You are also very handsome."

The two smiled at each other.

"Have you been waiting here for a long time?" Helen asked.

"Exactly. Fortunately, I saw you last, and I didn't waste time. Are you waiting in the lounge upstairs?"

"Yes, but we have spies, giggles..." Helen laughed again, "We have friends who keep peeking at the door and tip us off about whose boyfriend is the most handsome."

After talking and laughing for a while, the two continued to wait for the remaining girls to go down the stairs.

"Don't you feel bored? Let's go first?" Helen said to Ronald next to him after waiting for two or three girls.

"Didn't you say there are guests in the afternoon?"

"A few very boring people are the sons and nephews of the former chief JFK. I heard from my dad that they want to enter the showbiz and become actors."

Ronald was a little unconvinced that the former first lady would not allow his son to be a movie actor. Although there are news footage of JFK going to college on TV, he does look good enough to be a leading actor.

"What, do you want to see him?" Helen asked when Ronald didn't move.

"No, I was just wondering if it would be rude."

"Don't think about it, it's not really an international adult dance, we can sneak out the back door and wait for me to change clothes first."

Helen took Ronald and sneaked out through the back door of the hotel lobby. She secretly took out a bag from behind the door and went into the bathroom to change her clothes.

It seemed that she had planned to slip away.

After changing the dress, Helen changed into jeans and a men's jacket, and the necklace was also put into the bag, leaving only two earrings. From the celebrity style just now, she suddenly became a common high school girl on the streets of New York.

"I want to go to the Museum of Modern Art in New York, will you accompany me?"

"Okay, the task that Gerald gave me is to accompany you for a day."

"Hahaha, don't you want to?"

"Of course, this is my honor." Ronald raised his arms and let Helen step on, and the two walked out of the Waldorf Astoria.

The Museum of Modern Art in New York is very close to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, and it only takes ten minutes to walk from Lexington Street. After passing Rockefeller Avenue and Fifth Avenue, you can see the distinctive appearance of New York's MoMA.

This is the noble area of ​​New York. There are many beautiful women and handsome men dressed in fashion along the way. The pace of walking is much slower than that of the elites in lower Manhattan.

"Actually, I don't want to come to the dance either, but I have to perfunctory Gerald." Helen kept talking all the way. "He promised me a chance to play on ABC if I wanted to come, but my mother encouraged me to do it myself."

"Gerald also found an agent for me, but he always told my dad everything about me. My mom told me to find another agent so I could get rid of his tyranny. But I didn't want him to be sad. "

Helen looked at Ronald, the director who directed his first TV commercial and made his last appearance on TV, with a little kindness in his heart, and talked about the troubles of entering and leaving the showbiz.

"Actually, an actor can hire more than one agent. There is no law against this. That's how I am."

"Really? That's good." Helen nodded and changed the subject again, "Is my dress beautiful? My mother helped me pick it out. There are many second-hand dress shops in New York. Many women wear designer dresses once, and they will Send them in and sell them."

"Why buy a second-hand dress?" Ronald knew that Helen's father was a TV executive and his mother was a lawyer, so his income would not be very low.

"Because of environmental protection, my mother said that those flashy things are vanity and illusion, and we should focus on substance. If everyone abandons vanity, the earth's resources will not be exhausted due to abuse."

"you're right……"

The two quickly walked to the Museum of Modern Art in New York, which is the largest museum in New York outside the Metropolitan Museum. There were still a lot of people near noon. Ronald bought a ticket to enter.

"I saw an exhibition of modern artists last time. Which modern artist do you like?" Helen asked Ronald while walking in the hall.

"I don't understand this..."

"You're too modest, aren't you a film director? Last time my dad didn't allow me to audition, I had a fight with him, and then my mom came forward to talk to him, and he promised me that I could audition for a movie freely. , but still have to report to him."

The two walked into an exhibition hall, and Ronald also looked at the modern art paintings on the walls.

"This is Van Gogh's starry night, this is Monet's water lily, this is Dali and Cezanne..."

Helen Slater was very familiar with these famous paintings, and Ronald also stood close by and looked at the master works, appreciating them one by one.

"If you feel bored, first go to the modern installation art exhibition you are interested in?" Ronald felt that Helen was already familiar with these paintings, and was afraid that she would be bored.

"It doesn't matter, I will accompany you to read it again. Master works are always worthy of repeated appreciation."

Ronald patted Helen's hand to express his gratitude, and the two looked at each painting one by one.

Ronald did not study any painting, just as a general audience, watching the masterpieces. Ahead is another master's work, "Red, Yellow, Blue" by the Dutch painter Mondrian.

As soon as Ronald saw this work, he felt a strange sense of familiarity in his heart, stopped and stared at the painting for a long time.

There are no figures or scenery on the painting, just some simple black lines dividing the canvas into several cuboids. There are also rectangles filled with red, yellow, and blue colors.

Helen looked at Ronald strangely, and none of the paintings he had seen before were so engrossed. Next to Ronald is another Chinese, dressed as an art student. He is holding a paintbrush, copying this Mondrian painting on the easel next to him.

"What an interesting rhythm," Ronald muttered to himself after a long time.

"Why, can you see Mondrian's rhythm?" The Chinese student glanced at Ronald and said.

"Yes, although these are lines and color blocks, it gives the impression that the painter is narrating a rhythm."

"Did you learn to paint?" The Chinese student looked at him, not like.

"No, I make movies. My name is Ronald."

"Just call me Chen." The Chinese student reached out and shook his hand.

"Few laymen can see that Mondrian painted rhythms. They all think that Mondrian painted living room decorations."

Chen pointed to Ronald Mondrian's painting, "Actually, they don't understand the greatness of the master. Look at this brushstroke, his lines are all freehand, with different blacks and different shades, so that the lines It has a three-dimensional feel.”

Ronald looked in the direction of his fingers, and indeed the same black lines, one seemed to float above the other. Although the picture is simple, it has a strong appeal. This simplicity can only be achieved through overall design and attention to details.

"It seems that simplicity is not so easy to achieve." Ronald sighed. Art is all the same. Many people say that Hitchcock's films are simple in narrative, but it is not so easy to achieve this simplicity. Many people cannot imitate his style.

"It seems that you have a good artistic feeling. The shop at the door sells printed copies. You can buy one if you like." Chen pointed him and said.

"Thank you, is your copy for sale?" Ronald took a fancy to Chen's copy of the oil painting.

"I can't sell it. Mondrian's paintings are difficult to copy, and my paintings don't look like them at all." Chen shook his head.

Ronald shrugged and went back to join Helen on her favorite installation.

After watching the exhibition, Ronald and Helen ate hot dogs on the street. Now you also need a license to set up a stall in Manhattan. The hot dogs tasted great with the sauce, and Helen was especially happy.

"Thank you, Ronald. I had a great time today. I'll listen to you and ask my mom to find me another agent, and maybe I'll audition for your next movie."

After sending Helen home, Ronald took the print of Mondrian's painting he bought and went back to his aunt's house.

After the New Year's holiday, Ronald was back in Los Angeles. He put copies of Mondrian's paintings on a table in the editing room, reminding himself to keep his rhythm while editing.

"This is Eric, the editor of the film, these are his two editing assistants, and this is director Ronald." Producer Art Linson introduced Ronald to the editing team. For the next two months, it was up to Ronald and Eric to edit the film together.

"Hello, Ronald, the sound and picture synchronization has been completed. Shall we watch it from the beginning?"

"Okay, thank you Eric, let's get started."

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