Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 235 Buy the Golden Globe Award, choose the Oscar

Jane Fonda wore a simple sweater and jeans, with her hair blowing high and curling down from her ears. This hairstyle has been popular among American stars since last year.

"Nice to have you here, Ronald. Hello Diane. Hello, you must be Bruce's daughter Laura."

After the greeting, Ronald sat down with the two little girls, looked at Jane, and waited for her to say something about inviting him to come.

Jane Fonda had more wrinkles on her forehead than the last time Ronald saw her. The state of the whole person is not very good, and there is a hint of sadness in his eyes occasionally.

"This time I invited you to come for one thing. My father, Henry, is in poor health and has been recuperating in the hospital for several months. For the movie 'Golden Pond', I specially bought the copyright of the original work and asked him to filmed together.

Henry never won an Oscar in his life. Last year, the Academy awarded him the Lifetime Honor Award, and I was in the audience when he gave his speech. I don't believe this is the brilliance of his acting career, he deserves an Oscar.

Now it's time to start the Oscar nominations, and I've decided to give each of my friends, and my father's friends, to ask them to vote for Henry, and I don't want him to have any regrets.

My agent reminded me the day before yesterday, Ronald, you are also a member of the Academy, so..."

"My vote will go to Mr. Fonda."

Ronald has been busy with his own movies recently, and hasn't watched other people's movies much. He only has time to go to the cinema these few days to watch the Golden Pond, which has just been released for a month.

Henry Fonda is worthy of being a veteran star, and he played an old father who had a bad relationship with his daughter very well. He deserves an Oscar for his performance.

Anyway, I haven't watched any other movies. If the Oscar nominated Henry Fonda for the Best Actor Award, of course I will vote for him. After all, Jane Fonda gave herself the first chance and sold the first script, and a series of subsequent opportunities all started from here.

"Presumably Jane Fonda is very sure of his father's nomination." Ronald thought, Henry Fonda has been in Hollywood for decades, and stars such as James Stewart are his buddies. There must be no problem with a nomination.

Nominations for the Oscars are more complicated, and members of each academy can only nominate people in their own category. Ronald can only nominate directors, Jane Fonda can nominate actors, and Walter Murkey can nominate editors.

As for the award, it depends on the voting results of all members, and no one can say for sure. After the nomination list is announced,

All members can vote across categories, so Ronald can also vote for Best Actor candidates.

An actor's network is limited to his profession. If he can get some tickets in other categories of members, then he can get insurance for this award in the last moments of Henry Fonda's life.

After talking about the most important things, Ronald began to chat with Jane Fonda about the trivia during the filming of "Golden Pond".

"The most difficult shot was the close-up of my father Henry playing with me by the lake. You know Henry's an old school guy, all his lines can't be changed, he can't improvise on set, or he'll criticize me.

So I purposely saved his close-up for the last shot of the day. I held his hand and improvised a line that wasn't in the script. 'I want to be your friend', he was moved at that moment, and then I saw a flash in his eyes, he lowered his head, lowered his hat, and looked elsewhere. "

As he spoke, Jane Fonda's emotions also became excited.

"Oh, I can't say this, I cry every time I say it."

Ronald hurriedly gave a few words of comfort.

"Mr. Fonda will be fine, how is he now?"

"He is in the hospital, and his condition has stabilized a lot now. I have been with him all the time, and I have not even participated in the marketing of Golden Pond."

"Golden Pond" is now being screened in major cities. If you want to come to the hairstylist Universal, you will also learn from the "Deer Hunter" before. After the film has won the Golden Globe Award and Oscar nominations, you will take advantage of the news to take advantage of the audience's interest in the Oscar nominated blockbuster. Expand the scale of the show.

Seeing Diane eager to try, Ronald asked her, "Do you have anything to ask Jane? Diane?"

"You were so good at the pond, how did you do it." Diane really wanted to steal the actress's acting skills.

"It's a long story, my close-up shot right after Henry's shot. But I've exhausted all my emotions in the last shot. It's the most feared situation for actors. You should know that." Jane Yes said Diane and Laura, two little actors.

"My heart is empty, I don't have any emotions, and I don't know what to do, so I have to say to the director, I have to turn my back to you to brew my emotions, and when the emotions are right, when I come back, you turn on the camera and shoot for me.

In fact, I don't know if I can show emotions by turning my back, but I can't help it. At this time, I saw Katherine Hepburn lying in the bushes, where the camera couldn't capture it. She saw that my emotions were exhausted and came to encourage me.

She was clenching her hands and lip-mouthing me, 'Jane, you must do it. ' All of a sudden I found the source of the emotion, and I did a great job in that close-up. "

The little girls Diane and Laura were very excited to hear how these superstars stimulated gossip about their acting skills during filming. Diane Lane's eyes lit up, wishing he had such a level.

"What about you, Laura? You can ask me if you have any questions." Jane Fonda rarely saw the children of her brother Peter's best friend, "Peter's daughter, Brigitte, is a few years older than you, and she also wants to enter the film industry. , but no luck yet."

Ronald smiled beside him. Henry Fonda's granddaughter, Jane Fonda's niece, certainly does not lack the opportunity to audition, there should be no good heroine opportunities, so there is no debut for the time being.

Laura Dern also asked a few questions, which Jane Fonda answered.

"You're here as Miss Golden Globes this time?" Jane Fonda discovered Laura Dern's new role at the Golden Globes this time around.

"Yes, I'll work at the awards show." Laura Dern's parents are a level worse than Jane Fonda and Peter Fonda. So use this method to let my daughter debut.

"The Golden Globes, oh, I'll be there too. They'll give Henry the Best Actor award when they promise me."

Although they were all insiders, Ronald was still a little uncomfortable when he heard Jane Fonda revealing the Golden Globes so directly, and twisted twice on the sofa. He himself has won the Ballon d'Or.

"Pia Zadora's husband invited those Hollywood Foreign Press Association judges to a luxury resort just today. He wants to buy his wife a best new actress. I heard there are quite a few delicious ones." La Dunn reveals yet another inside story.

"Although they all said to buy the Golden Globes and choose the Oscars, this is going too far. NBC will be unhappy when it is broadcast." Jane Fonda has been rolling in Hollywood for many years and knows a lot of inside information.

It turned out that the Golden Globe Awards had been exposed before the scandal of buying awards. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) suspended the NBC live broadcast of the awards dinner for seven years on the grounds that the winners were decided before the awards, and it was not resumed until 1975.

However, the Organizing Committee of the Golden Globes relies on broadcast ratings to make money. In order to attract more stars to the awards scene, they will continue the operation of this star's attendance in exchange for the award.

Seeing that Jane Fonda was a little tired, Ronald bid farewell.

"By the way, let me show you this." Jane Fonda took out a box of video tapes and handed it to Ronald, "This is the Jane Fonda fitness video I made."

"Oh," Ronald took the video, which showed Jane Fonda in a high-cut yoga suit and leg warmers. This is the cover of the new edition, with a number next to it, "One hundred thousand people's choice. You OK too."

"Is the business of leg warmers okay? I haven't cared about this for a long time." Ronald recalled the matter of supplying the leg warmers with Jane Fonda and cooperating with mail-order leg warmers. She is also a big client of her own factory.

"About 1 in 10 customers will buy a leg warmer, which is not bad."

So 10,000 people bought leg warmers? Ronald was quite happy in his heart. This inspiration, which he copied from his dream, had a good market. Even if the market segment is not big, it is a good thing to improve the living standards of my aunt's family and dozens of Vietnam War veterans' families.

Several people walked through the huge living room of Jane's family, and Ronald suddenly remembered the script "My Brother's Protector" that he wrote for Jane Fonda.

"By the way, Jane. How's the script? It seems like the two-year deadline is approaching? Did Columbia shoot?"

"No, I just want to spend more time with Henry now. This is the closest time I've had with him in decades." Jane Fonda shook her head, indicating that she would not be appearing in movies during this time.

"And don't you know? After Columbia was acquired, Frank Price, who was nodding at the beginning, was hit hard by the executives sent by the new owner. He has no energy or interest to advance the project."

"Is that so?" Ronald thought he had to call his agent to see what the script would do in the end. If his "fast-paced" new film was a big hit at the box office, he could also move forward with this project.

"By the way, I forgot to ask you, how is your director's new film?" Jane Fonda said goodbye to Ronald and the two little girls, remembering Ronald's directorship in the porch.

"The negatives have been cut, and the audience will be invited to test screenings immediately. If there are no problems, it will be released in six months, at the end of July and early August this year."

"Ah, it's always hard to wait for the first movie to come out, you remind me of when I first made a movie, I waited every day for the release, and it took me a year to see myself on the screen. Someone took the initiative to send the script."

"Yeah, I now hope it will be released tomorrow."

Ronald said goodbye and left.

"Ronald, if you were the director, could you actually cut the ending of 'Ladies and Gentlemen, The Magic Stain'?" Diane asked Ronald.

Diane Lane and Laura Dern have also been waiting for that movie for a long time. The two of them weren't as big as Jane Fonda's first movie, and now there's no new script coming to the door, and they have to go to various crews to audition.

If Ronald could get "Ladies and Gentlemen, The Magical Stain" cut out for theatrical release, maybe it would be a hit.

"Of course. Your director is a novice. He used to run a record company. Professional things should be left to professionals like me."


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