Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 248 Bo Ji Xiaosi's Choice

Brooke Shields and her mother returned to Los Angeles. The main purpose of their return this time was to negotiate prices with Warner Bros.

The casting of "The Outer Boy" took a turn for the worse. Coppola couldn't pay the rent on his Los Angeles studio and was forced to be "persuaded" by Warner Bros. to agree to include several well-known teenage stars in the cast.

His first choice, of course, is the most famous Bo Ji Xiaosi now.

Ronald understood Coppola's choice. "Cherry" doesn't need too much acting skills, she needs beauty, and her beauty is the fuse that triggers the conflict between the two gangs in the story. Choosing an idol to play this role will not cause too much damage to the main line of conflict between male teenagers due to lack of acting skills.

This role is very funny. It has heavy scenes, does not require too high acting skills, and highlights her beauty. It is just the height that Bo Ji can be competent with hard work, which is very suitable for her. But in this way, Diane can only relegated to the female supporting role to play "Cherry"'s best friend.

"Borgy and her mother are staying at the Hilton Hotel. Her mother called and asked you to go over and ask about the situation of the cast of 'The Outer Boy'. Brooke also wants to chat with you."

Ronald cleans himself up in the bathroom while Richard speaks loudly to Ronald outside.

"Well, I thought Terry didn't want me to touch Bogget?" Ronald replied, washing his face.

"This time was different, Terry was in big trouble. When they were on CBS's 'Sixty Minutes', they were asked a lot of offensive questions by host Barbara Waters. For example, the mother told her daughter to go Is it appropriate to play a teenage prostitute, and is it appropriate to have my daughter perform naked."

"Then why is she going to do this kind of interview?" Ronald was puzzled.

"That was Barbara's surprise attack. They CBS self-represented the orthodox mainstream values ​​of America, and they often attacked guests like this. Terry didn't hire an agent for Brooke, and was fooled.

Brooke is embarrassed to be questioned, and her relationship with Terry is a little stiff right now. Terry also fell out with the 'friends' in the circle who encouraged her to be on Sixty Minutes, she needed someone who could provide an objective opinion, so she thought of you. "

"Then what is her attitude towards Brooke taking over the role of Cherry?"

"Of course she insisted on an offer of $1.5 million, but that price was impossible for Warners to accept. On the one hand, it was over budget, on the other hand, the price was too far from the price of other teenage actors, and it was difficult for the director to deal with them when shooting. conflict between."

"So she wants me to persuade Bo Ji to give up?"

"Yes, she hopes you can persuade Bo Ji to give up. Bo Ji seems to have had a lot of conflicts with her recently. Bo Ji wants to practice her acting skills, hire her own agent, etc.

Of course, if you can convince Coppola and Warner to give her what she wants, then Terry would love to play Brooke. "

"What if I helped her? Where's Letterman?"

"Terry agreed to Brooke on his talk show." Richard helped Ronald put on his coat as he came out of the bathroom. "Terry is a man who knows how to give back, so you don't have to worry about that."

Ronald straightened his collar in front of the mirror, "Okay, I'll try it out, I can't give much hope for this, if I help Terry talk, Brooke will be unhappy, and he won't blurt out then. What about the show?"

"Will not,

They just lack the guidance of professional knowledge in the circle, and Terry has only played two supporting roles in the movie starring her daughter, and neither of them has really stepped into the entertainment industry. "

"It makes sense. In fact, what they need is a good and trustworthy agent." Ronald said here, and his heart moved, "By the way, why are you the only one here? What about Nisita and Paula?"

"They went to coordinate the project with Warner Bros., and they did a lot of work to get Coppola to agree to make concessions on the casting.

Nisita wanted to get more filming opportunities for Coppola's diorama company so he could pay his debts. Paula is still running for Tom, hoping he can play the lead in Coppola's next film. "

"Why didn't you go?"

"I'm your agent, Ronald." Richard took out the car keys and shook Ronald, and the two went to the parking lot to drive.

"Oh, Ronald, you're here." Terry opened the hotel door. "I'll invite you this time, because you and Brooke are good friends. Please give us some advice."

"I can say everything I can say." Ronald sat on the sofa, and Brooke sat in the other corner of the room, seeming to be having trouble with her mother. "Hi, Brooke." He also greeted the girl.

When Brooke heard that Ronald was coming, she turned around a long time ago, "You have more beards, Ronald."

"Ha, yes. That way I'll have some authority on the set, won't I?"

"Ronald," Terry interrupted the conversation between the two, "Do you think being in 'The Outer Boy' can really increase Brooke's worth? I want to hear the truth from you." As Rui said, he glanced at Bo Ji, and emphasized the word truth.

"I'm not an agent, so I don't know much about this," Ronald replied, "but Director Coppola was especially good at coaching young actors. 'The Godfather' is an example. He unearthed several stars who were still unknown at the time.

This time, I participated in the whole casting process, and they are all very powerful young actors. If Bo Ji can participate in the filming of this film, her acting skills will be greatly improved.

Gu\u003c/span\u003e Although acting skills are not equal to an actor's worth, in the long run, Bo Ji can play more roles and can play for a longer time. Brooke was born as a child star. At this stage, what was needed was an outstanding character that would make America's audience remember her image as she grew up.

Just like Natalie Wood, who played "West Side Story", successfully made the audience remember her teenage image. And the child star Xiulan Temple, who is more popular than her, did not have such a teenage role to make the audience remember her, and finally had to quit the showbiz. "

Ronald tells the truth. With Bo Ji Xiaosi's current status, although she is a teenage star, the price brought by this popularity is not so safe. Just like Jodie Foster, who was at the same time as her, hiding in Yale because of the assassination case and not acting, has been gradually forgotten by the public.

There is also Tatum O'Neal, who predates Brooke's fame. She also starred in a lot of teen comedies the year before, and this year there are no movies that have invited her to appear.

When child stars grow up, they always have to pass the stage of adolescence. Coppola's film right now is a good opportunity for a child star. If you miss him, there will not be many great directors who are good at tuning actors, and they will help you once at a critical time.

"I understand, I understand."

Terry listened very carefully, this time Bo Ji was really angry, she herself was a little dazed about her daughter's future, and needed some advice from insiders. After thinking about it, only Ronald did not have much interest in himself and could hear some truth.

"I'm not against Bo Ji to hone her acting skills, but her worth is very difficult to achieve now. I spent a lot of energy to manage such a situation, and I have to protect Bo Ji from being coveted by those people. "

Terry said excitedly, "I want to give her a good life, and I hope she can do the career she wants to do. But the world is not as simple as she thought..." She said a little choked up, rushed Went to the bathroom.

It seems that Bo Ji's fire is a little bigger this time.

Brooke also looked a little confused. She walked over to look at Terry, then looked into Ronald's eyes and asked:

"What should I do, Ronald? I want to be an actor, I don't want to be a vase anymore. But it's not easy for an actress to get such a price. If I agree to lower the price this time, it may not rise in the future. And actresses don't have as long careers as male actors, and I don't know if my acting will improve."

"It seems that Brooke is sober." Ronald thought to himself. Indeed, in this show business, it is impossible for stupid people to succeed. Unlike Diane, Brooke has had an acting teacher's father since she was a child. Her mother made her daughter completely according to the model line at the beginning.

The reason why she became an actor is only because she has been found in a few movies. The focus of those movies is not her acting skills, but Bo Ji's amazing beauty.

"It's hard for me to answer this question, after all, it's a choice related to your career." Ronald thought about it, and it's not convenient for him to talk about it. After all, others are mothers and daughters, so they can only give some objective opinions.

"I think, maybe what you need is an acting agent, although they will take 10% of your income, but their income is tied to your acting career. If there is a good agent , you can rest assured to listen to him, because his interests are the same as yours."

Ronald said and glanced at Richard, "Like me and Richard, he always considers issues in my interests."

Brooke thought for a while and nodded, it seemed that she didn't think about her own career.

"What do you want to do yourself? Brooke?" Ronald looked at Brooke very distressed and couldn't help but ask. "It's not what your mother wants you to do, or what your fans want you to do, do you want to be an actor yourself?"

"I really like acting. But to say what I think about myself, I most want to be a normal person, go to high school like a normal person, and get into college like a normal person. I'm not a model with only..." Bo Ji pointed. own face.

"It's a bit—what you can't get is good." Ronald thought to himself, how many girls in Brooke's high school wanted her status but couldn't? They are afraid that they are willing to pay everything to get Bo Ji's current status and money.

At this time Terry came out of the bathroom, "Borgy, I don't disagree with you as an actor. Now that you are not an adult, you will make some simple movies in the past two years, and find some kind directors, like granddaughters. Love you. Director Coppola is very strict.

When you go to university, I will let it go. If you want to be an actor, a model, or a lawyer, I have no objection. "

"Mom!" Brooke hugged her mother.

"Do you think Brooke's decision was wise?" Ronald asked Richard in the elevator after he had left.

"It's hard to say, and her mother's strategy can't be wrong. Bo Ji's worth is the highest now. If you can take advantage of the opportunity and make more money, maybe Bo Ji won't have to work anymore in the future.

Being a real actor is not an easy career. She is now receiving more than one million dollars for a movie, and the model price is also high. Maybe after a few years of hard work, she can retire and travel the world. "

"Yeah." Ronald agreed, "Anyway, Terry has promised Brooke to appear on Letterman's Late Show, and his purpose has been achieved. As for Brooke's career choice, he doesn't have the qualifications and qualifications to make decisions for others. qualifications.

Two days later, Brooke Shields officially declined Coppola's invitation.

Coppola had no choice but to look for a spare tire. Leif Garrett, who used to be the golden boy and girl with Brooke Shields, came to play a playboy of the Gongzi Gang.

He debuted as a singer and also acted in many TV dramas. Although it is not as red as Bo Ji Xiaosi now, there are still many fans among teenagers. It also has the effect of getting teenage audiences who haven't read the novel into the theater, and his offer is much lower than Brooke's.


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