Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 252 Unexpected Counterattack

"ET Alien" was released, and the weekend box office was bursting.

Among critics, the film didn't make much of a splash. Albert and Sisko, who made their name on TV critics, didn't even write a column about it, only the New York film critics had good things to say about it.

But audiences loved the movie despite what the critics said, and the weekend's theaters were full.

"The opening weekend is three million dollars so far," Richard told Ronald in his office.

"Three million? It doesn't seem to be as much as I imagined?" Ronald continued.

"Fool, that's a one-day box office on Friday. It is estimated that it will hit 4.5 million on Saturday. It is a foregone conclusion that it will exceed 10 million in the first weekend, and it may hit 11 million."

Nisita slapped Ronald lightly, the young director's mind was overwhelmed with anticipation for the release of his movie.

"So much?" Ronald came to his senses. "Where's Tom Mount?"

"His days are counting down, along with a bunch of old stubborn guys who support him. Tick, tick..." Nisita had also suffered a lot from Mount.

"No one expected that a new generation of parents would send their whole family out to take their children to the cinema to watch ET. The previous model of children going to the cinema by themselves has been replaced by a new model."

Ronald felt the same way. With the intensification of urbanization, the original lobby theaters next to residential areas have begun to decline gradually due to the large-scale entry of minorities such as blacks and Latinos into the city center.

Most of the white middle-class families now live in the suburbs. For them, to watch a movie, they have to drive into the city and go to the new multiplex cinema in the department store complex shopping center.

In this case, the travel of young children must be carried by their parents, not by brothers and sisters as before, or with a few friends to the cinema. This instead made the box office of ET, a film for children, double at once.

On the first day of ET's release yesterday, Ronald also went to the department store where "Fast-Paced" was filmed to watch a show. The audience was overwhelmed by the happy shouts of children, and he couldn't hear some of the plot and dialogue.

"When are we leaving?" Ronald asked. Today he was at the CAA office over the weekend to rendezvous with his agent for Vic Morrow's funeral.

Jennifer's mother, Vic's ex-wife Barbara, still organized the funeral of her ex-husband, but she hoped that the funeral would be a small-scale family style, so in addition to inviting Ronald, the director of her daughter's first big screen work, and several others. Except for the friends in the circle, no other people in the circle were invited to participate.

Nisita didn't want to miss this opportunity to develop a relationship. He took the initiative to contact Spielberg. After obtaining Spielberg's consent, he contacted Barbara on his behalf and expressed condolences to her family.

Barbara also knew that Steven was mainly busy with the release of ET Alien, and was not at the filming site on the day of the accident. It had nothing to do with the accident. She forgave Spielberg, and the accident had little to do with him.

Both parties agreed to solve this accident with methods in the film circle. Spielberg promised to pay a large sum of money to compensate Morrow's two daughters after the release of "Yin and Yang Demon Realm", and to give Jennifer some circles. opportunities within.

Barbara agreed not to file a civil lawsuit,

The lawyers of both parties should negotiate and resolve the matter, so that one of America's most powerful directors will not be tainted by the defendant in the death case.

Vic Morrow, the prodigal son of alcoholism, domestic violence, and abandonment of his family, finally fulfilled his promise after his death, paving a road for his daughter Jennifer in the entertainment industry. He gave her Spielberg's promise, as well as financial compensation for his ex-wife and another eldest daughter.

"Let's go now, and I'll grab a black tie."

Attending a funeral was a very formal occasion, and Ronald and Richard, Nisita, both wore black suits, black leather shoes, and black ties or bow ties.

They went to the funeral this time, and they also wanted to express their greetings on behalf of Spielberg. It was inconvenient for Steven to attend the funeral, fearing that it would cause more speculation from reporters, so CAA's agent helped lead the conversation.

When they arrived at the scene, everyone wore black sunglasses to cover their not very sad eyes. Ronald came to Jennifer Jason Leigh, hugged him, and asked her to mourn.

He noticed that Phoebe Cates, who played Stacey's best friend Linda in the movie, was coming. They seem to have become best friends in real life.

Ronald looked at her and nodded.

Soon, the relatives and friends who came were quiet, waiting for the priest's eulogy.

Although Vic Morrow was Jewish, he had long since abandoned Jewish religious customs and was known as a secular Jew during his lifetime. In addition, Barbara raised two daughters, using Christian customs.

So the funeral was held in a family church, and the priest specially reserved an area for today's funeral, which is isolated from the outside world. Prevent reporters from disturbing the peace of relatives.

"Almighty God, you are the source of life, and you have saved us through your Son, look upon Vic Morrow. His act of righteousness in the last moments of his life, like a righteous man, will surely be with you... Amen. "

"Amen" Ronald joined the crowd to greet the silence.

"What is he doing here?"

"Let him go, he is not welcome here."

"Murderer, murderer!"

The quiet mourning ceremony was broken by a loud denunciation.

Ronald raised his head to look at the source of the noise. It was a bearded man who seemed to have been hit hard, staggering down the aisle into the church and into the funeral crowd.

"It's John Landis," Richard whispered in Ronald's ear.

"I know." Ronald looked at Jennifer and Phoebe Cates. The disgusted expressions on their faces also showed that they knew that this was the person directly responsible for the accident, the director who forcibly filmed regardless of the rules and safety requirements. And producer, Landis.

Gu\u003c/span\u003e John Landis stepped onto the podium, pulled out a piece of manuscript paper, and started to speak at the funeral in a grand manner.

Barbara and Jennifer, and other relatives, have been shocked by this shameless behavior. They are speechless and don't know what to do to stop each other.

Ronald was also stunned by his shamelessness. This person appeared at the funeral without the consent of his relatives, which was a great offense to the deceased and relatives. I don't know why he came here.

Show off his cheap compassion?

Landis gave the priest a uglier than crying smile and began to read his eulogy.

"Vic Morrow is my friend...

After filming started, he once said to me that this was the best film he had made in ten years...

On the day of his unexpected death, I also thank me for giving him this opportunity to participate...

I'm proud to coach Vic to what Vic himself considers to be the best performance of his career..."


Jennifer Jason Leigh felt extremely uncomfortable and started retching.

Barbara patted her on the back softly and whispered to Ronald next to him, "This is nonsense, Vic called me while we were filming and he said this movie was a piece of shit. "

"If you feel uncomfortable, you don't need to put up with him." Ronald offered to help Jennifer and Barbara, "I can help you drive him away."

"Thank you, I don't want Vic's last-minute peace to be broken by these shameless people."

"They should have come on the advice of the lawyer," Nisita said to him and Barbara, wearing sunglasses, covering her mouth with her hands, and approaching Ronald quietly.

Barbara forgave Spielberg, who was not there, but had no intention of forgiving John Landis. The criminal investigation is still ongoing, and she plans to see what charges Landis will eventually be charged with.

"Vic was a dedicated person, and at the very last moments, before filming began, he talked to Steven on how to act."

"Enough, you said enough, I think the relatives of the deceased don't want to hear these excuses, they want a peaceful funeral. Mr. Landis."

Ronald saw that he took the words to Spielberg, and immediately came out to stop the other party's nonsense.

"Lying! Murderer! Murderer!"

Several relatives and friends, along with Ronald, began blaming Landis.

Landis swayed with a hint of horror on his pale face. He almost fell, but fortunately he grabbed the edge of the podium, steadied himself, bowed his head to Barbara and the Jennifer family, and hurriedly left the scene.

"Well done." Nisita came up and complimented Ronald secretly, and then went to comfort the relatives.

"What was the situation that night, was Mr. Spielberg present?" Ronald was also a little uncertain and secretly asked Jennifer.

"No, Vic was filmed after two in the morning, and the film has a clear punch time. Spielberg was busy with the ET release at that time, maybe he visited the studio two days ago, but the helicopter flew low in the end. , and insistence on the use of illegal child labor, all of which Landis did.”

Jennifer glanced at Phoebe and denied the rumor that Steven was present.

"This rumor seems to have come well prepared." Ronald thought to himself.

"It was Tom Mount and John Landis who got together." Back to Nisita at CAA, after several phone calls to get the latest news, the conclusion was reached.

“Mount was slammed by ET’s Alien box office and saw his job jeopardized. Landis also faces criminal charges, and future hefty civil damages charges.

His lawyers advised him to adopt a tying strategy, using his co-producer status with Spielberg to tie him and Steven together.

And while Mount accused Spielberg of pulling him into the water and trying to influence ET's box office, he won't sit still. "

"Katherine Kennedy called and thanked you, Ronald. She said Steven already knew about your actions against Landis at Vic's funeral, and he'd remember."

"Is Mount trying to undermine Universal's interests to keep his position?" Ronald asked.

"I'm afraid so, Ronald. I heard he's jumping up and down, desperately trying to meet the old folks at Universal and the parent company MCA, asking for support from his umbrella.

Simberg is said to have decided to convene a board of directors to clear him out when the dust settles on ET's Alien release.

We also have to be careful. Before he leaves, the only weapon he can use to attack Simberg other than Steven is the 'fast-paced Richmond High School'. "

Sure enough, within a week, Tom Mount's counterattack came as promised. The MPAA re-examined "Fast-Paced Richmond High School," giving the film an X rating.


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