Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 273 Wearing a Uniform to Audition

The audition director Lynn Stamaster is a veteran professional audition director. He is the first audition director in Hollywood to put his name on the opening subtitle of a movie. He is respected in the industry and is generally regarded as a casting director. One of the two founders of this position.

The last time he was tasked with finding the superman actor, he did it perfectly and found the very handsome Christopher Reeve.

So this time, the producers, Serkind and his son, asked him to come out again, hoping that he could create a miracle again and find another girl from Krypton for the American audience.

The casting director first spent two weeks in Los Angeles and met with hundreds of candidates. In fact, there were only two people who moved his heart.

One is the popular youth idol all over the country, Bo Ji Xiaosi. This girl has the right hair color, a good image, and her acting skills... Forget it, the acting skills in this movie are not important, and there is a lot of time for her to slowly tune in. It's time for her to learn her acting skills.

The other was a black-haired girl who was only five feet five inches tall. But that kind of natural eye-rolling means she can do it very well, awakening the image of Superman's Kryptonian cousin with a kiss. This is a completely different way of acting from Brooke Shields, and he feels that the same can be established.

This time, the Serkind and his son hope to repeat the successful practice of the Superman series of movies and sign a contract with the superwoman actor for three live-action Supergirl movies, so that her salary can be controlled within a more reasonable range.

So compared to Brooke Shields, who was already asking for a high price, he still thinks that the brunette girl will win the final casting, if there is no better candidate for this trip to New York.

Looking at the pile of audition photos sent by the assistant, casting director Lynn began to read them one by one. The most important thing in casting is based on intuition, so he generally does not look at the resume behind the photo, but first picks out the photo that he is satisfied with, and then looks at the resume in the second round.

New York is the biggest actor candidate outside of Los Angeles, there are a lot of acting schools and Broadway, and a lot of TV shows are made here.

Hundreds of photos had to be reviewed one by one, and the casting director couldn't help but feel a little tired, and his eyes were a little old.

"Hey, who is this?" A girl with big blue eyes jumped out, making his eyes bright.

This time, instead of looking at the resume after picking out the photo as usual, he immediately turned to the back and looked at the girl's name.

"Helen Slater, a high school graduate in acting, has a history of participating in TV shows and commercials."

It turned out to be her. The casting director received a call from the industry and mentioned Helen's name.

But even without the phone, this girl is too good for Supergirl, except for the hair color.

He covered Helen's dark brown hair with his hands and imagined how blond it would look.

"Let her come over to audition." The casting director asked the assistant to call.

Helen Slater was accompanied by his mother to the first round of auditions, and Ronald went to work on other things.

Gerald has TV business to deal with. Anyway, in the first round, he just selected seven or eight key candidates for follow-up. He has already greeted him.

"How is it? Did the casting director see you?" Helen's mother came out within a few minutes after seeing her daughter go in. She didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Surrounded by girls and parents who came to audition, she pulled her daughter into the car and asked Helen.

"I don't know, he asked me to come back and wait for the notice."

"That should be a good thing, right? You'll ask Ronald later."

"Of course it's a good thing. If you hope to be included in the final recommendation list, you will be asked to wait for the notification." Ronald answered Helen's question after meeting her. With his father looking after him, it is impossible not to give him the last chance to interview.

Ronald has done a lot of audition work, and if he knows this kind of relationship, he will at least give a real audition opportunity to a later round.

"How are you today?" Helen asked him.

"A small distributor wanted to ask me to make another youth film. I told the agent to turn it down, but he came to New York after him," Ronald replied.

"Then have you agreed?"

"No," Ronald shook his head. This small distributor, Atlantic Distribution, was essentially a small distributor like Roger Coleman's New Century, with small and old theaters all over the place. distribution channel.

Ronald, on the one hand, doesn't really want to make another youth film to repeat himself. On the other hand, if you want to direct a youth film, the big ones are Universal and Paramount extending olive branches, and the small ones are the former boss Roger Coleman. There is no need to deal with new agencies. There are many liars in this industry. Proceed with caution.

"Ah, I'm so nervous, what if I can't make it to the final audition list?" Helen was a little nervous, after all, this was her first movie audition.

"Come and let me know, I will go to the second round of audition tomorrow." At noon a few days later, Helen came excitedly to announce the news to Ronald.

"Very good, just calm down..."

"Okay, I know how to do it. Gerald has already told me the points." Helen was excited and confident.

"Oops, I'm nervous again." In the afternoon, Helen began to get nervous again, "Call me so early tomorrow morning, will I be the first in line?"

"There's nothing wrong with the first one. I know some casting directors like to put the best in the first audition."

"Really?" Helen relaxed a little.

"Of course, your appearance is so good, I would choose you if I was cast as a director, that's right. The main point of casting a movie is to choose the right appearance, acting skills..."

"Acting skills aren't that important...I see." Helen frowned a little, "But with so many beautiful girls in New York, tomorrow's must be one in a hundred."

"You will always be the most beautiful one in my heart..." Ronald began to say nice things and let Helen relax a little. If he was so nervous, he would not be in the best shape for the audition tomorrow.

But Helen's idea is not unreasonable. For such a popular Superman derivative movie, there must be many very beautiful girls who will audition. Although Helen is beautiful, in the film circle, beauty is just an entry ticket.

Which of these actresses I have seen since I entered the industry is not a beauty that stands out among ordinary people?

I have to find a way to help her relax, and then go to the audition tomorrow with confidence.

"Is your Supergirl uniform still there?" Ronald asked Helen.

"Yes? What?"

"You might as well wear this uniform to audition." Ronald thought of an idea.

"This? Is it okay?" Helen didn't expect Ronald to say this.

"You know, when you're auditioning, it's all about being on camera. See if your image and role fit.

If you can put on a Supergirl uniform to shoot an audition video, on the one hand, you can let them intuitively see what you look like in the uniform, and on the other hand, it can also show your determination. "

The more Ronald thought about it, the more right he was, this kind of dressing up as a character to audition would definitely impress the producers very deeply. When filming "Famous in the World", the actress was also asked to wear a ballet costume and dance for a while.

"That's it, you look beautiful in your uniform, and you will definitely be able to conquer the audition director and producer."

Helen was dubious, but seeing Ronald was so sure, she took out the Supergirl uniform, put it on her body, and gestured in front of the mirror.

"It seems that the waist is a little big. I'll ask Aunt Karen to change it for you." Ronald looked at Helen's slender waist and made the uniform a little big. He helped her close it with his hands, and immediately showed a proud figure.

"Okay, will it be too much trouble for Karen?"

"It's okay, it's too late to go to your home on Long Island and ask your mother to change it for you. Aunt Karen is very good at making clothes. She used to make Donna's clothes."

"It's very simple. If you only wear it once, I'll help you put it back here." Aunt Karen looked at what Helen looked like when she put on the uniform, and then decisively pushed out the sewing machine.

After changing the clothes, Helen put them on again, and sure enough, this time the supergirl's figure was reflected.

"It's just that there seems to be a trace on the back of the uniform." Ronald touched his chin and saw it.

"By the way, does the Superman family have a cape?" He remembered that in the Superman movie, Christopher Reeve was flying in the sky wearing a scarlet cape.

"Are there supergirls too?"

"Yes, there must be."

"Um..." Ronald scratched his head, "Wait a minute, I'm going to buy a Superman cape.

Soon Superman's cape was bought, and Aunt Karen helped to cut it short according to Helen's height and sealed the hem with a sewing machine.

Ronald helped Helen Slater put on a cape, and sure enough, a heroic superwoman appeared.

"Very good, just wear it like this." Ronald felt very good.

Helen went home with her modified uniform and cape.

Ronald watched Helen go away at the door.

"What's wrong?" Aunt Karen saw Ronald standing at the door, and Helen's taxi was nowhere to be seen.

"Well... I don't know. Seeing her dressed like this today, I think she will definitely get this role."

"Come on, you're all good kids." Aunt Karen touched Ronald's shoulder, knowing that Ronnie was thinking of his ex-girlfriend Antonia.

"I seem to understand her father Gerald's thinking. If Helen is only playing a supporting role, there is a high probability that she will stay in New York, not far from her parents, to act in small theater plays, or be a high school drama teacher.

I persuaded him to let Helen pursue her dream, did I do the right thing? "

Ronald had no reservations in front of his aunt.

"Aunt, did you have your own ideas before marrying your uncle?"

"Yeah, I married Steve right out of high school, and I was looking for a job in Manhattan. But I never regret spending time with Steve and our daughter Donna." Aunt Karen Hug Ronald.

"Americans are born free, we are born with the right to choose our dreams.

Just like you, Ronnie, if you didn't pursue your dreams with all your strength and didn't even finish college, how could you make your 30 million box office debut at the age of twenty-two? "Aunt Karen pulled Ronald back into the house.

"Got it, I'll go back and get my college degree." Ronald smiled, his aunt was still obsessed with her college graduation.

"It's too embarrassing. I'll wear it when I get to the audition." Helen Slater was waiting for Ronald's car at the door the next morning, still wearing her own t-shirt and jeans.

"Okay, don't forget to bring it." Ronald reminded Helen's mother to help her put the uniform into her bag and put it in the back seat of the car.

"Do you really want to wear this uniform? Helen is afraid of being laughed at." Her mother put the bag on the back seat, then sat in, looking at the embarrassed look of Helen next to her, still a little amused, "During the audition, all the Do all the actresses dress like this?"

"No, this is Helen's secret weapon."

When we got to the audition site, sure enough, Helen Slater came out on top of the day. The audition director came and called her in.

Ronald is also not sure whether the audition director puts the best candidate first, or deliberately puts the good house in the back like a real estate agent, so that the producer always looks at the unsatisfied girl in front, and finally his eyes shine. .

A total of eight candidates sat in the waiting area outside the audition site, none of them wearing Supergirl uniforms.

Helen Slater was a little twitchy, wondering if she should change her clothes.

"Put on this jacket first, we're going to audition for the shot of Supergirl Earth identity Linda Lee." The audition director handed over a green school uniform jacket.

After Helen put it on, she glanced at Ronald. Seeing her boyfriend nodding in encouragement, he walked in.

"Please introduce yourself." The audition director introduced the producers, the Serkinds, and asked Helen to begin the audition.

"Good morning, my name is Helen Slater, and I'm five-foot-eight..."

After filming the front and side shots, the producers, Serkind and Son, handed over a piece of paper with a Supergirl dialogue on it, "Please familiarize yourself with it and read it out into the camera."

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Helen asked.


"He's my favorite, she's the right height, blue eyes and face shape for the righteous role of Supergirl, he and Christopher Reeve look a bit like, the audience will think they are cousins ."

While Helen was going to the bathroom, the audition director began pitching the man he thought would be the best fit.

"Well, why haven't you come yet?"

The Serkinds began to wonder if Helen Slater was too nervous to get out of the bathroom.

"Oh, I'm really dressed like an idiot." Helen Slater changed into a supergirl uniform in the bathroom, only to think that she was so stupid, how could she believe what a bastard Ronald said, how can she be dressed like this now Meet the producers and casting directors.

"Miss Slater?" The casting director's voice came from outside the door...

"That's too late……"

"Crack!" The door of the audition room was pushed open, and a woman wearing a blue and red uniform with a big S on her chest walked in.

She threw her cape back, "Good morning, I'm Carla Zoell from Krypton, Superman's cousin, who came to Earth by interstellar after the destruction of Krypton, and is now Linda, a high school student in New York on Earth. plum."

The Serkind and his son looked at each other and saw satisfaction, "Very good, please look at the camera again..."

"Hahaha, what do you think she's wearing?" The other seven candidates waiting for the audition outside the door couldn't help laughing when they saw Helen walking out without changing her uniform.

The hand-sewn uniforms are still a little cheap.

Helen looked ashamed, pulled Ronald and his mother and walked out.

"Let's go and change first." Ronald said to Helen, taking the bag that Helen had changed into.

"Let's go." Helen heard the girls sneer and wanted to leave even more.

"Next..." Ronald walked out with Helen, and the voice of the audition director came from behind.

"how about this?"

All eight actors auditioned, but every time the Serkinds saw an actor, they always thought of Helen Slater, who auditioned first in the morning.

The image in the Supergirl uniform always pops out stubbornly and compares it to the other actors.

That kind of heroic temperament and demeanor is really unforgettable. The later auditions included those who were born with blonde hair and those who were athletes who turned into actors with better physique, but none of them had the kind of "I'm a superwoman" attitude.

"Or Helen? She's better than the other seven in New York, and better than the brunette in Los Angeles."

Casting directors are very confident in their recommendations. Helen is taller than the little TV actress in Los Angeles, has a more confident demeanor, and is more convincing to fly on a wire.

"You're right." Both Serkind and his son nodded in agreement. Indeed, Helen Slater's uniform was too impressive.

"The Demi Moore in Los Angeles is also good. Let her play Supergirl's best friend Lucy Lane." Old Serkind thought for a while. The actress's acting skills are also good, so I'd better give her a bond The contract, signed together, anyway, in the Supergirl trilogy, this best friend has appeared.

"Where is Brooke Xiaosi?"

"Oh, her mother is asking $1.5 million for a movie, and we don't want to talk about it any more. Anyway, these two newcomers can probably beat the pay to less than $100,000 a movie."


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