Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 284 Filling with Tom Cruise

"You're working too hard," Ronald said to Tom Cruise, who was sitting in the co-pilot, while driving the car, "Everyone else is doing a boxing move, and it's not like you really do it. "

The scene of the gang fight between the two gangs was filmed for two consecutive nights. Tom Cruise really gave the opposite actor a punch in order to show the authenticity of his understanding.

The result was of course very good. The other party returned angrily and broke Tom's dentures with one punch.

"I'm sorry, I've already apologized to him. The director poured water into the sky, and the soles of my feet slipped." Tom Cruise held out his fingers to Ronald, who injured his own fingers because of the force. .

Ronald shook his head. The teenage actors, inspired by Coppola, worked so hard that it was raining on the first day of filming the gang fight scene. In order to ensure the continuity of the footage, Coppola even had people spray water into the sky the next night.

"I just want to be the best I can be," Tom said. His cheap dentures looked fake in the first place, but after being punched crookedly, the more they looked, the more they looked like the real rotten teeth.

During the filming, the ground was full of mud puddles and it was raining heavily. In this way, there were a few actors who worked very hard and really started to fight. Coppola's name, for these young actors, is like a battle horn, urging them to perform hard.

"I heard that Coppola will let the actor he likes go to his acting training camp. I don't know if I have a chance this time." Tom was still looking forward to his future, and he happened to grab Ronald to ask about the situation.

"Are you really willing to make that black and white film of him?" Ronald glanced at Tom.

Coppola tracked down Ronald and Hinton a week ago, announcing plans for Diorama to make another Hinton film, "rumble fish."

The film will be shot in black and white, with only two "Betta fish" in a fish tank, using color footage.

Coppola first secured Hinton's copyright, and Hinton agreed to write the script for "Betta Fish" himself.

The second he found was Ronald. Coppola shot "Betta Fish" himself. In order to save costs, a person like Ronald could do several kinds of jobs, which was a priority.

Ronald didn't like the tone of the film, nor did he like the film's box office. It's a country boy gang gang from 20 years ago, and it's still a black and white movie. Anyway, I've seen some of the techniques I want to learn. So he pushed back on the grounds that he wanted to participate in a "fast-paced" marketing campaign.

Coppola didn't take it seriously, and then began to look for suitable actors in the "Other Boys" crew,

in the next movie.

"Yes, Coppola took a fancy to you, like asking you to play the second male lead." Ronald told Tom Cruise, "If you agree, as soon as your part is finished, you will go to his place. acting training camp,

"That's great." Tom was at the age of admiring director Coppola, and he heard the words and waved his fists a few times.

The car went to the dentist's office in town.

"I'll take leave tomorrow to audition for another crew," Tom said again, smiling.

Ronald parked the car and took Cruise into the clinic, "No wonder I saw Paula Wagner on set."

"Yes, she takes good care of me, and I will ask for leave tomorrow."

Tom was full of confidence. "If the audition is successful, do you think I should go there, or do Coppola's next film?"

"Color film?"

"Yes, colorful youth films."

"Then let me tell you, shoot in color. Few people like to watch black and white anymore."

Ronald replied casually and sent Cruise into the dentist's office.

After a long time, the dentist filled Tom Cruise's teeth, sent him out, and asked Ronald to take a photo of the two of them.

"Please help me take a photo with this actor, I want my wife to see the photo of the actor who made her favorite 'Old Man' movie."

"Hi, Paula." Ronald and Tom returned to the hotel, just parked the car, and saw a beautiful woman wearing sunglasses sitting at the entrance of the hotel, Cruise and his agent Paula Wagner.

"Ronald, thank you for sending Tom to fill his teeth. He will be auditioning for the male lead in tomorrow's play, and his front teeth are more or less the same."

Paula looked at Tom's newly filled front teeth and expressed satisfaction.

"What movie did you audition for?" Ronald also looked at Tom's front teeth and put on new dentures. Sure enough, he turned from a ruffian to a handsome man who grew up in the city.

"Risky business," Paula handed over an outline of the script she wanted Ronald to see.

This is a youth exploitation film, Tom's high school student Joe applies to Princeton University, trying to make some money while his parents are away.

In a misunderstanding, Joe met the call girl Lana. After a series of coincidences, Joe turned the house into Lana's business office. Just when he was opening the door to do business, the interviewer from Princeton suddenly visited.

"Very good plot." Ronald handed back the synopsis of the plot, and a few words led to a few clues, which also made people very curious to read.

"Tom, you should listen to Ronald." Paula said to Tom, she didn't want Tom Cruise to continue to star in Coppola's black and white movie, he is the main character in this "Crazy Boys". Paula and caa spent a lot of money to get the director to agree to give Tom an audition.

"We'll take the late flight and come back tomorrow."


Matt Dillon and Diane Lane were all spotted by Coppola and wanted to be included in the lineup of the next movie "Betta Fish".

Dillon likes this film very much. He has filmed Hinton's "Texas Guy" before. If he finishes filming "The World's Urchin" and then makes another "Betta", he will become a Hinton professional.

Diane was a little hesitant. On the one hand, she didn't like playing with Matt Dillon, and on the other hand, Ronald didn't support her in a Coppola movie.

"Is black and white really bad?" Diane asked Ronald.

"The market is a problem. Now that children have color TVs, they don't watch much old black and white movies on TV stations."

"But it was directed by Coppola after all." Dai An felt very lucky to have been chosen by Coppola twice to play the heroine, although this heroine did not have many roles.

"Actually, 'Betta Fish' is a B-level film." Ronald hit the nail on the head.

"This method of one big production, one small production, and two films can save a lot of money. Sets, equipment, personnel, and even actors can all be shared."

This method, my former boss, exploitative film mogul Roger Coleman is very good at. He often looks at other people's sets, and now thinks of a script, before the other movies are finished and demolished, he will seize the time to make a set.

"Oh, is that so?" Diane wasn't sure if what Ronald said would affect her acting career, so let go of her doubts for now.


"Ronald, I got the protagonist who is crazy and good boy." Soon Tom Cruise came back on the plane after the audition.

Paula Wagner's vision is very accurate. After the director met Tom Cruise, he immediately decided not to do what he wanted and asked him to play the leading role Joe.

"I would recommend Diane to them. She is the best heroine. Hope to get your approval, Ronald." Tom was so excited that he liked the movie even more after seeing the full script.

"What does it mean to get my consent? You should ask her and her father Burt's opinion."

"Hey, I know you're protecting her, and Diane also said that she was staying at your house."

"Go talk to her. I also hope she can act in color. I'm dozing off watching black and white."


Tom was amused, and he went to call Diane.

When Ronald saw Tom gone, he said to his agent Paula, "The producers dote on him so much? Can he give him the power to recommend heroines for himself?"

"You don't know," Paula said with a gratified smile. "The director is very satisfied with Tom, saying that he is the Joe in the script. His hard work and dedication to the character's performance also make the director very happy."

After speaking, Paula pointed to his teeth, meaning that Tom would rather lose two front teeth in order to play a supporting role. This spirit made the film party no longer doubt his professionalism.

"The heroine Rana is a call girl, and the director believes that the chemistry between the heroine and Tom is a necessary condition for the success of the film, so Tom himself recommends candidates."

"Oh, that's unusual, it's star treatment."

"Tom is a star."


"I don't know, this role is a call girl, and my dad won't approve." Diane was a little hesitant after hearing Tom Cruise's invitation.

"Let your father read the script at least?" Tom didn't give up. He had seen many excellent performances by Diane. How good would it be if he could play the hero and heroine of the new film with her?

Before shooting began the next morning, Burt browsed the script that Diane and Tom handed over on set, and immediately rejected it.

"Sorry, boy. My girl will never..." Burt said to Tom. "Look at my mouth, never be a call girl, period!"

"Why do you think that, Diane? Coppola's heroine is not in an exploitative film?" Then he took Diane aside and asked his daughter's thoughts.

"But Ronald said that Coppola's 'Betta Fish' was a B-level film, and not many people like to watch black and white films anymore."

"Ronald...he's a nice guy, but he knows so little about the director. He doesn't even direct the actors very much.

In his mind, exploitation films must be good, because what he directed is also an exploitation film.

And Coppola, after all, Coppola..."

"It's a pity that Diane would have cooperated well with me." Tom regretted not having Diane Lane as the protagonist. His role has also ended, and he is going to the airport with Paula.

"Your training schedule." Paula handed over a schedule, "You need to lose ten pounds in a week, and then eat ten pounds back in a week."

"Why bother?" Ronald was sending them off when he heard this outrageous arrangement.

"Because Tom's going to play a twelfth-grade high school student. He's twenty this year and has no baby fat. So let him lose weight first, then gain weight and eat the baby fat again."

"Good luck." Ronald and Tom Cruise hugged goodbye.


In the evening, Ronald was eating with Hinton, and the two chatted while eating.

Hinton has been writing, she is not very familiar with script writing, so after being invited by Coppola to be the screenwriter of the new film, she asked Ronald to find out about the situation.

"It's basically like this. The script needs to make sure that the words you write can be made in film. If you can't imagine that the film can make this kind of scene, then it probably needs to be rewritten."

Ronald knew that Coppola asked Hinton to do the surgery, presumably to save money. Coppola only paid 10% of the adaptation fee for Hinton's "Ultra World".

"That's great, Ronald. I haven't touched a pen since I finished 'Texas' in '79."

Hinton had the urge to write, and he was very happy.

"I like the feeling of writing on manuscript paper with a pen. Ideas flow through the ink and rustle onto the paper."

"Why, don't you need a typewriter?"

"I like pen and paper when writing. Typewriters are used by secretaries and cannot be revised or moved forward or backward.

I like to be free to revise mine, move this paragraph to the middle of the first two pages, or delete this paragraph and fill in something else.

You are also an author, and you must know that when you create a long story, you often need to move back and forth like this. "

"Then you should use the Word Star software. You can use the keyboard to complete all the operations of moving, copying and duplicating. It is as convenient as a typewriter and as free as pen and paper."

"Word Star? What is that?"

"A software for a computer, a writing tool developed specifically for authors like you."

"Amazing, modifiable typewriter? I need to buy one."

"Ms. Hinton, this is the ibm PC you ordered, and this is the Wordstar software."

A few days later, the town's department store specially adjusted a computer and writing software for the local hero Hinton and sent it to her home.

After reading the instructions carefully, Hinton tried several times, but failed.

"Ronald, come and help me, help me figure out how to type." Hinton called and asked Ronald to come and see what was wrong.

"This is saving, this is printing, this is copying, this is copying..."

Ronald went to Hinton's house and explained the concept of shortcut keys to Hinton, "You have to press ctrl first, and then press this key."

"Save to disk, print", Hinton tried, "What is a copy?"

"I'll write you a copy." Ronald simply wrote a note of frequently used shortcut keys like he did at home, and posted it beside the monitor of Hinton's computer.

"Seriously, Ronald. You really explained it very well. The clerk will only endorse it according to the instructions. Only you will explain these functions to me in a language I can understand."

Hinton was very happy, typed a paragraph of text, and then pressed the print shortcut key, and a document was printed squeakly.

"Because I'm also the author."

"Seriously, you should write a book so that computer idiots like me can also learn to type with word stars. I'll call my publishing house and you'll have to talk to them."

"Publish a book? Does anyone buy this kind of book?"

"Of course, what kind of book readers will buy, I can't figure it out..."

Hinton turned to call the editor.


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