Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 288 Hollywood celebrity

After that, Ronald spent two days carefully breaking down Cameron's script.

The story is solid, going back in time in a time machine and killing the son of the rebel leader by killing his mother. The audience in America has not seen such a plot brain hole, and they will be very curious if they come.

Cameron started out by doing special effects makeup and special effects machinery, and the script was well laid out in terms of special effects scenes. Ronald also saw a lot of visual special designs, which were particularly unexpected.

However, the problem may also lie in Cameron's special effects background. Ronald felt that there were too many scenes in this area. Even Spielberg and Lucas did not abuse the special effects scenes, but they used them very restrained. .

Just like the shark in the great white shark, it didn't appear many times in the whole film. Using the audience's anticipation, it created suspense early on, and only when it really came out could it startle people.

Mark all the special effects scenes in the entire "Terminator" film, and then Ronald began to score each scene based on the difficulty of implementation and the audience's expected reaction.

Some special effects will be unforgettable, such as the transformation of the liquid robot into the appearance of various characters. Ronald knew that this kind of scene would cause a sensation, but the cost was unknown, so he put a question mark on this scene.

There are also scenes, such as another Terminator robot killer, after being beaten, his whole body is exposed. This type of shot can be achieved mechanically, making it feel very real to the audience.

Divide a large number of special effects scenes into two categories. Ronald suddenly felt as if the film could be made in two parts.

Delete the scene of the liquid robot with unknown cost, and then let the main line focus on the human warrior sent back by the human resistance army, and the Terminator Iron Killer sent back by Skynet. In addition to simplifying the scene, it can also make The audience is more focused on the main line, making it easier to understand the plot.

When Ronald edited "Fast Pace" himself, he suffered from the fact that the main line of the plot was too scattered. He wrote down his opinions, put them down and put them away, and waited two days to see if there were any new ideas.

"Ring, bell, bell..."

"Ronald, it's me." The agent Richard came to pick him up at the door.

"Come on." Ronald put on his coat, straightened his hair, and went to the party together.

Despite a setback in the sales of the script for "Night of the Comet," Ronald sensed the enthusiasm for him in Hollywood.

Perhaps the economic policy of the new commander had an effect,

It may also be Spielberg's et aliens, and the Lost Ark of the Covenant that injected a booster at the box office. This year's annual box office, in just over two months, has already surpassed the entire year of 1981. .

The first batch of children born after the baby boomer generation has begun to graduate from high school. Hollywood is still in the exploratory stage about what movies these audiences like to watch. "Fast-paced" is the first movie that targets this audience and is a big hit at the box office.

The outbreak of "fast-paced Richmond High School" made Hollywood producers a little confused.

To be honest, the director’s level of this teen movie is not that strong, and the actors’ performances are not worthy of Oscar nominations. Why can it swept the national audience of teens and become a phenomenal movie with a box office ten times the cost? Everyone is very interested.

Everyone thought Ronald might have the answer. Since he came to Los Angeles, invitations from various acquaintances have come one after another. For a time, Ronald became one of the most favorite invitations at Hollywood parties. His agent Richard often gave him invitations and took him to and from various parties.

"Hi Ronald, congratulations, congratulations."

Ronald went to the party of Stallone, the big star nicknamed "sly" tonight. His new film "First Blood" is about to be released, and he started a big party to connect the feelings of all parties, hoping to create momentum when it was released.

Stallone didn't arrive on time, and it was composer Michael Gore who greeted Ronald. Since winning an Oscar with him for the theme song "Famous Around the World," Gore has reaped a large dividend.

Unlike Ronald who only wrote the lyrics for two songs, Gore wrote almost every episode and soundtrack on the Famous Soundtrack, and the Famous Soundtrack sold well every season. Can receive a fat check.

"How's it going? Still working on film scores?" Ronald was delighted to meet old friends. All kinds of strange beauties at the party tried to get together with various purposes, which made Ronald tired, or it was more relaxing to chat with old friends who had worked hard from poor boys.

"I'm composing music for the TV series 'Famous Around the World', so I'd better cooperate with old friends." After Michael Gore won the Oscar, it seems that he has similar troubles, and many people want to take advantage.

"That show doesn't seem to have a good rating," Ronald said.

"Yes, I heard that there are some problems with the renewal of the new season."

"The other thing is to arrange music for Erin's MV." Gore pointed to a black girl at the party, the famous star Erin Kara.

"Or the 'fame' theme song?" Ronald had seen three or four versions of 'fame' on TV, and Irene Cara relied on this song and sang it on TV for two years variety show.

"It's not that the snl comedians laughed at Erin for singing 'same'. She hasn't sang anything else in two years."


Gore took the wine glass and moved the beauties away from the party, then approached Ronald and lowered his voice, "Seriously, Ronald. What projects have you had recently?" Ronald became a director, maybe in the future You can also rely on this old relationship to get some work on the soundtrack.

"I have a new script, sci-fi, and I'm looking for producers willing to invest."

"Oh my god. Why don't you keep making teen movies." Gore's surprise wasn't fake.

"Because there is no inspiration." Ronald spread his hands, "Many people don't believe it. I really didn't come up with a good story. I read some old Universal scripts, and I didn't like it."

"I believe in you." Gore patted Ronald on the shoulder. He, who is also the creator, understood the distress of being uninspired.

"How did you get the inspiration for your screenwriting? When I don't have the inspiration to compose, I often listen to some Elvis Presley in the 1950s or Frank Sinatra for inspiration."

"Looking for inspiration? I'm about the same. I often watch old movies, or watch TV, the news in newspapers, or chat with old friends." Ronald recalled his creative (dreaming) process, probably these ways.

"Really? I heard a strange thing today, and it was also a movie I saw in the newspaper." Gore Xing raised his head and told what happened to his friend.

Gore's friend, Dean Pitchford, turned out to be a lyricist.

One day he saw a news in the newspaper that in some small towns in Utah, the local pastor and the government have been prohibiting the playing of rock music and the dancing of the townspeople.

After hearing about it, Pitchford came up with the idea of ​​writing a script based on it. How did a high school student who transferred from a big city break the taboo of a conservative and closed town and let the great invention of the twentieth century, rock music And the wind of disco dancing, blowing into this conservative religious town.

"This kind of inspiration is hard to come by." Ronald thought about it, and he was similar. He encountered some news, actors, and scripts, and then he didn't know how to trigger the dream. I think everyone's creative process is similar. It's just that my method is more mysterious and advanced.

"No, Ronald. It's not the end of the story. His script was sold to a producer, and after being put into a turnaround script by Twentieth Century Fox, now Paramount is suddenly interested, willing to invest, give Got him a guaranteed 'play or play' contract. You say it's luck."

"Oh! It's indeed luck." Even Ronald was envious when he heard it.

This is not an ordinary contract, but a guaranteed contract like the one signed by Jane Fonda. Even if the film is not made due to various reasons in the end, Gore's friends can still get paid.

Moreover, Paramount took a fancy to the movie that gave the guarantee contract, and it was definitely not a small production of more than 3 million that it made, at least it was a medium-cost movie of about 8 million.

Why don't you have such luck? The studio just wants to continue directing youth films by itself, to be a director who repeats the previous work.

In the past few days, caa's agent has shown him a lot of scripts, all of which are sexual comedies, with an investment of around four or five million, and the quality of the scripts is not as good as "fast-paced", which made Ronald very angry.

"Hi, Ronald." Eileen Cara saw Ronald and came over to say hello, "Are you and Gore going to work together again?"

"Eileen!" Both Ronald and Gore hugged her.

"No, we just ran into each other. You should ask Gore, I just wrote a few lines by chance, and he's the genius of composition."

"No, you are all geniuses." Erin Cara has grown a lot in Hollywood after a long time. Her singing career has encountered a bottleneck. No matter how good the old song 'fame' is, the audience will get tired of listening to it.

"I have to ask you guys, I'm also learning to write lyrics and compose by myself now..."

"Let us welcome, great actor, writer, director, His Royal Highness Sylvester Stallone."

Several people were chatting, a few bodyguards pushed open the door, and a master of ceremonies used the etiquette of introducing nobles to announce the arrival of Stallone, the owner of the party.


Ronald saw Caa's Nisita and other agents, including vice president Ron Mayer, also come up to hug Stallone.

For a time, everyone's attention was focused on the big star who wrote, directed and acted.

This year, Stallone filmed the third part of the "Rocky" series written, directed and acted by himself. The American audience was not tired of this Italian bull's boxing drama at all. The box office of the third part is about to break 250 million.

There is also his soon-to-be-released "First Blood", which is based on the same name and tells the story of the conflict that Vietnamese veterans were discriminated against after returning to civilian life.

"I heard that the 'First Blood' media film critics' special response was very good." Richard quietly told Ronald.

"I'm here to introduce you, sly, this is 'fast-paced' director Ronald Lee, who is also a client of caa." Nisita also appeared beside Stallone, and introduced Luo to Stallone by virtue of being Italian Nader.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Stallone." Ronald stepped forward.

"I know you, keep trying to make some good movies." Stallone patted Ronald on the shoulder and continued to chat with Ron Mayer.

"I think you should take this movie, the fusion of comedy and action, which may be the future direction. That way you can get away with that bodybuilding champion. You have acting skills, sly." Ron Meyer and Rhona De nodded, pulled Stallone away, and the two chatted privately.

This is the Hollywood celebrity. He has three series of movies worth 200 million at the box office, and everyone has to respect him.

With envy in his heart, Ronald asked Nisita next to him, "Who is the bodybuilding champion he said?"

"Who else? That Austrian Schwarzenegger, 'Mr. Olympia', world bodybuilding champion, have you seen 'Conan the Barbarian'?"

"Oh, it's him." Ronald knew, "Conan the Barbarian" is a mythical movie directed by John Milius, Coppola's younger brother. Released this year, the box office was not as good as Rocky III, but it also broke 100 million.


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