Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 290 Going to Ambolinla to Invest

This morning, the manager Richard came to see Ronald, and together they went to Spielberg's Amberlin production company to see if the big director was interested in investing in his own "Night of the Comet".

The money is hard to earn, the face is ugly, and the producer shakes his head when he hears the sci-fi theme. Ronald has already encountered quite a few rejections.

The budget gap of more than one million US dollars is not a lot for filming, but no one is willing to invest, Ronald has an idea and considers whether to invest part of his own money.

"Directors don't put their wealth into filming. This is a Hollywood practice. You don't have to do this, Ronald." Richard advised Ronald in the car, "Nine out of ten directors do this. They're all bankrupt."

"And another one?"

"Another one made money, but the production and distribution company took most of it."

"Okay, I won't." Ronald actually just thought about it. He still has his aunt and cousin's life, as well as his own personal life. It is very risky to invest his own money, and he may not be able to bear such a risk.

Even if there is a dream endorsement, it is one thing for the director's work to sell well, and it is another thing to get dividends.

I still don't understand how the distribution channels are divided. Except for old acquaintances like Roger Coleman, who did not deduct their due money in the release of "High School of Rock", they are trustworthy. He did not dare to agree to other companies that offered him the conditions for taking shares.

"Isn't it Columbus Day today? Why are people taking to the streets?" Ronald looked at some of the crowd ahead, dressed as North American Indians, with feather headdresses, and red paint on his body and face. move around.

"It's tomorrow." Richard honked his horn twice, the team was still moving slowly, even though the scale was not large, there were lapd escorts, which seemed to have been recorded.

"Hey, man, what's this parade? Isn't it the celebration of Columbus's discovery of America tomorrow?" Ronald poked his head out and asked the last Indian-looking man.

"It's Indians Day, don't you know? The day before the Italian colonists broke into our land."

Delayed by the unexpected parade, by the time Ronald arrived at Spielberg's Ann Bolling studio, Spielberg was already hosting the next wave of guests.

The pair apologized to Spielberg's assistant, Katherine Kennedy.

Catherine indicated that it was all right, "Steven is very grateful to you for helping to contact Jennifer Jason Lee, and now Vic Morrow's family has reached a settlement with Steven,

It was a good thing for Steven that this matter was not reported much. "

After chatting with them, Catherine asked Ronald to wait outside.

Ronald, feeling bored, looked around the studio.

The box office of et alien has exceeded 250 million, and it will definitely reach 300 million by the end of the year. Spielberg's production company also moved out of his home and found a house not far away.

"Ronald, this is Chris Columbus. Remember me?"

The screenwriter of Amberlin, whose name is also Columbus, came out from the side, happened to see Ronald, and greeted him.

"Sure, are you still writing the script for Steven?" Ronald thought of the young screenwriter, whom he had just met the last time he came to see Spielberg.

"Ah, yes. I'm writing a script, do you want to read it?"

Ronald waved his hand to signal no need, and he had to see Steven later.

"It's a good story, about the little monsters." Columbus was in high spirits.

"Little monster, what is that?" Ronald was moved by his enthusiasm and had to chat with him.

"A kind of elf, small, but mischievous. Pranksters."

"So it's a sci-fi movie?" Ronald is interested, if Spielberg also likes sci-fi movies?

"No, it's a comedy horror movie."


Ronald doesn't understand, comedy is comedy, horror is horror, what is comedy horror?

"This is a new trend, and many people in Hollywood recognize it. Scientists have done experiments and found that when people are laughing, and when they are afraid, the brain waves are similar.

So horror movies can be combined with comedy and become a new genre. "

"I see," Ronald nodded, "who will direct? Steven? Or are you here?

"Me? I can't, I've only directed shorts in college, I'm just a screenwriter. Steven also has a sequel to The Lost Ark. When George finishes Star Wars, they'll start working on it."

"Who is the director then?"

"Joe Dante, have you seen his movies?"

"Ah, of course. I've known him for a long time." Hearing the name of an acquaintance, Ronald relaxed a little and chatted a little more with Columbus.

"Ronald," Catherine came to call Ronald.

Just in time to meet Spielberg's last wave of guests, the two came out of the reception room and nodded politely to Ronald when they met him.

Ronald also nodded and entered Spielberg's office.

"Ronald? Which Ronald? Is he very young?" one of the last wave of guests asked Catherine.

"It's the Ronald Lee who gave your script advice, the new director who made 'fast-paced'."

"Is it him?" The two looked at each other and waited outside. They wanted to chat with Ronald.

"Hi, Ronald." Spielberg hugged Ronald with a big smile.

The new films of the two directors have made a lot of money for Universal, and they also have a lot of origins, so it is very easy to chat.

"I heard you have a new script?" Spielberg said straight to the point.

"It's a sci-fi movie, comets, girls, and zombies." Ronald didn't go around in front of the real person, and directly stated the elements of the movie.

Spielberg flipped through the outline of the script, "It's a good story, but my Amberlin has just been established, and the manpower is limited. With the current production capacity, I can only produce one movie at the same time. If you are willing to wait, I will You can buy your screenplay first."

"I've been preparing for a while and found a suitable special effects supervisor. Now I'm actually almost investing, if..."

"It's still an old problem, my Ambolin is not strong enough. But I like your script writing ability. If you can sign a three-film script agreement with Ambolin, I will consider starting the next film after the completion of the film. your movie."

"I have to think again, I also want to meet people from other studios." Ronald felt the agreement was a bit harsh, so he shied away.

"It doesn't matter, you haven't been to my new studio. Here is the latest version of Atari games."

Spielberg warmly invited Ronald to play the game, and the two played the big bee.

Ronald was relatively skilled in operating planes and cannons, and Steven had a great time with him.

"Let me tell you a secret, et Alien will also be adapted into a game. I like the idea of ​​Atari very much, and it will be launched next year as a special game for Atari 2600."

Ronald said goodbye after a few games, just outside the door when he was stopped by two guests who had previously seen Spielberg.


"It's me, who are you?" Ronald was surprised to see the two of them, and it seemed that he had been waiting for him here for a long time.

"Robert Zemeckis, Bob Gale."

The two reported to their home.

Ronald remembered these two familiar names. Wasn't this the named screenwriter of the movie "Back to the Future" that Spielberg asked him to advise on the script at the time?

"Hello, are you here this time?"

"Let's talk somewhere else."

The two called Ronald and his agent, and the group found a quiet cafe, and the two began to chat with Ronald.

"We like the comments you gave to 'Back to the Future'. The cost of the nuclear explosion is too high, and it is more realistic to use a sports car." Zemeckis wore glasses and looked very energetic.

"I hope you don't mind," Ronald replied.

"No, we like your suggestion for the adaptation very much. This is a movie that the two of us must make. It has been in preparation for a long time. We would like to invite you to join the adaptation of the script this time."

"To tell you the truth, I have my own script to work on, I'm afraid..."

"It doesn't matter, our movie will take a year or two to shoot, so..."

"That's fine. This is my agent, Richard. If I'm not in Los Angeles, he can find me."

Richard handed the two his business cards.

"What? Your movie project?" Ronald asked when Zemeckis said the movie would take a long time.

"The two most difficult things in the world are to put the thoughts in your head into other people's brains, and the second is to earn money from other people's pockets into your own pockets.

Being a film director means doing two things together, isn't it difficult? "

Zemeckis was funny and made everyone laugh with a joke.

"You guys also went to see Steven just now? Didn't he invest in you?" Ronald asked.

"We'd prefer to work directly with the big seven studios, through Steven, who's always been a layer away, and he's got a movie to work on right now."

Ronald nodded, indicating that he was in the same situation here. Spielberg is an artist as a director, but a shrewd businessman as a producer.

"Then do you have any studios willing to invest in your projects now?"

"It's very difficult. It's a very difficult thing to describe the film that has not been made to the producer in words." Zemeckis said.

Ronald felt the same, hey. When language is used to describe the picture, there is a big flaw. Unless you have made a similar movie, the producer probably does not know what you are talking about, the picture in his mind, and the picture in your mind. go far.

"So we took on an adventure movie, proved our ability to direct this type of movie, and then made it back to the future."

"Oh? What's your new film?" Ronald didn't expect them to like "Back to the Future" so much.

"Romancing the stone, Michael Douglas bought the script, Twentieth Century Fox, can you imagine? He bought it from a barmaid."

"Ah?" They chatted for a while. It turned out that Emerald's screenwriter, Diana Thomas, usually worked part-time as a restaurant waiter in Hollywood. When Douglas came to her restaurant for dinner one day, she took the initiative to recommend herself, and finally took twenty-five Sold the script to Douglas for $10,000.

Hollywood is a place where dreams come true.

After Zemeckis left, Ronald and Richard exchanged a lot of opinions.

Spielberg's contract is too harsh, it's best not to sign him. While major studios still have doubts about their own directing experience, Zemeckis' method may have something to learn from.

Ronald considered whether he should put the project on hold for now and make a film that would better showcase his directing abilities. When the time comes to market the script for "Night of the Comet", it will arouse even more interest from the producers.


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