Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 292 High Concept

At Eisner's order, Paramount summoned more than two hundred manual laborers. In the studio, the people who moved the lights, pushed the cameras, operated the electric fans... The blue-collar workers gathered in the auditorium.

"I'm Michael Eisner. You all know who I am..."

Ronald and Don Simpson, and Jerry Bruckheimer, the two producers of "The Flash Dance," also sat in the audience, watching Eisner personally preside over the voting convention.

"Ah, this bastard is still so personable."

Don Simpson seems to be a big mouth, speaking ill of Eisner in front of Ronald, who is meeting him for the first time.

Jerry Bruckheimer pulled him gently.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Don Simpson lowered his arm disapprovingly, "This bastard fired me from Paramount Productions for dozing off in a fucking high-level meeting.

But he doesn't even think about it, I'm pushing eight movie projects at the same time for his shit, only sleeping four hours a day..."

Ronald felt that Don Simpson was very outspoken and outspoken, saying what was on his mind.

"Hey guys!" Eisner on stage began to shout to the workers below through the microphone.

"Let you come today for one purpose, to help us choose an actress..."

"Yeah, whoever the fuck gives me..., I'll choose whoever." A voice started screaming from behind.

"Well said." Someone followed along with a few loud whistles.

"You bastards, today is your lucky day." Eisner also began to breathe out a fragrance. "Tell me, these three young and beautiful women, who do you want the most...?"

Then he gestured for the projectionist to start playing the audition footage of the three actresses.

Ronald also looked at the screen, Leslie Young was unexpectedly unpopular with the audience, and Demi Moore directly caused a whistle.

But in the end, when the audition clip of Jennifer Beals was released, the co-workers were directly boiling, "I want you, baby..." the loudest voice and the loudest whistle.

Eisner motioned to stop the show.

The audience's reaction is already very clear, the beauty with dark skin,

Jennifer Beals is undisputedly loved by the blue-collar class, who like to be tall, with big eyes and a good figure.

"Just Jennifer Beals." Eisner and the others returned to the office, and they decided on the heroine.

"But she's mulatto," an assistant reminded.

"Huh?" Eisner glanced at Beers' resume, and the race column on it did say black.

"Shit, we don't say who knows, she doesn't look any different from those tanned white girls." Eisner was encouraged by the audience's reaction, and Jennifer Beals was just too popular.

"What do you think?"

"It's her." Tang and Jerry's two partners also recognized it.

"You can disappear from me now, Don, you little bastard." Eisner hugged Don Simpson lovingly.

Don Simpson knows a lot about movies, and he knows the production business. But when Eisner's immediate boss and shareholders attended the meeting, it was outrageous for him to fall asleep in public.

Fortunately, he found a partner, Jerry Bruckheimer. The films of independent producers are still distributed by Paramount, and their films are still contributing to Paramount, that is, their own business performance.

"Ronald, we'll wait for you outside, and we'll go to the party together." Don Simpson turned his head and said to Ronald before walking out of the office.

"Yes, let Ronald get to know the Hollywood party. Don, he's a New Yorker." Eisner sent off the two producers.

"Now, we can talk about the other script, Ronald."

"Mr. Eisner."

"Call me Michael." Eisner was in high spirits. "We've had a long time dealing with each other. Ronald."

"Ah, yes. I wrote the script for the Grease sequel for Paramount."

"No, it was earlier than that. We fought Columbia for Jane Fonda's 'My Brother's Protector'."

"Ah, that was a long time ago, and Columbia didn't shoot it in the end."

"It's all normal, this footloose is also a musical project we plan to start next year, my subordinates will talk to you in detail later, you won't let me down, right? "

"Of course I do my best."

"The script is very creative, but there are some mistakes that people who haven't made a movie make. You help me change it."

When Michael Eisner needs it, he can make the person he talks to feel like he has a lot of trust.

Ronald looked into Eisner's eyes and felt as if he was an elder who values ​​his potential.

"Mr. Eisner, which director are you planning to hire?"

"Hahaha, Ronald." Eisner saw through Ronald's thoughts.

"This time we have invited the famous Hollywood and Broadway blockbuster, Herbert Ross. I understand what you think, Paramount will never lack the courage and confidence to use young directors.

After the film starts, we will discuss this issue in detail again, Paramount can sign a contract with you. "

"Thank you, Mr. Eisner." Ronald nodded in thanks.

Nisita gave Ronald a wink, and the two said goodbye to Eisner.

Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer were still waiting for Ronald outside the door, and they hugged him again. "Follow me in your car, there are a lot of British actors at the party today."

"You please." Ronald also wanted to meet some successful producers. There are many ways in this industry.

"So I don't have a chance to be a director this time?" Ronald asked quietly, sitting in the new car from Nisita.

"This time your character is a script doctor. Paramount is going to invest about 8 million in this film, and has given the green light, but Paramount is not satisfied with the script, and they have to change a few drafts and have not met the requirements. Your level should be able to change to their satisfaction.

No one can tell about the preparation of the film, I can only say that you are not completely out of opportunities. "

Ronald knows about the preparations for the film. It is true that there are very few films that go smoothly. Many of them have changed directors, starred, or even stopped filming during the preparation period.

Nisita pulled out of the parking lot, followed the two producers ahead, and the group drove down Hollywood Boulevard to a mansion in Beverly Hills.

"Mr. Simpson, Bruckheimer, I would like to ask you about the production method." Ronald took the time to learn from the two producers.

"High concept, Ronald. The movie is going to be high concept." Don Simpson rang the bell at the gate.

A servant came out and opened the door. "Good evening, Mr. Simpson."

Ronald didn't know whose mansion it was, but Don Simpson seemed to be familiar with it, as if at his own home, let Ronald in, and then introduced him to some of the famous people present.

"This is the famous British actor Michael Caine. This is our new Hollywood star, Ronald Lee."

Ronald also wanted to ask the producers what high concept meant. But Don Simpson was a party animal and disappeared in a moment.

Ronald took two glasses of wine and handed one to Michael Caine, who he had just met, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Cain."

"Are you a newcomer to Hollywood? I haven't seen you last time I came to Hollywood." Michael Caine spoke with a Cockney accent from East London. Fortunately, Ronald had learned New Concept English. have this accent.

"Yes, my first movie just came out this year, and it grossed $40 million at the box office."

"Excellent, you're the lucky boy." Michael Caine drank the champagne in one gulp, then raised his hand for the waiter to bring another glass of spirits.

"I think I was like you, and I became famous. After I came to Hollywood, many seniors taught me a lot of experience."

"Oh, that's nice."

"You know what? My favorite piece of advice was from Western star John Wayne. Always..."

Michael Caine said, glancing at Ronald's shoes, "Never wear suede shoes."

"Ah? Why?" Ronald was puzzled.

"Because you're famous, strangers will recognize you. When you go to the bathroom, the people next to you will look over and see your face, and they'll be surprised to recognize you, ah, you're not Ronald Li? I'm..."

Michael Caine made a toilet gesture next to Ronald, then turned to face him, "and pissed on your suede shoes."

"Hahaha..." Ronald burst out laughing. Britons are really good at telling bad jokes.

"You are too funny, Mr. Kane."

"No, that's what John Wayne told me, the truth." Michael Caine winked at him.

"Hahaha, what you said is funny. But I probably don't have this trouble."

"Why?" Now it was Michael Caine's turn to wonder.

"I'm not an actor, I'm a director."

"Director, you must be joking."

"No, my movie 'Fast-Paced Richmond High' just came out, you can ask Mr. Simpson.

"You are really young as a director." Kane was a little surprised. "There is no such young director in Britain, but you often have them in Hollywood. For example, Orson Welles made his debut at the age of twenty-three."

"Maybe we don't have much class in America."

"You're right, Ronald. You know what? I was born in the East End, so I don't want to change my Cockney accent so I can set an example for the younger generation, and a young East End Londoner can too. As actors, actors are not all those who go to Cambridge and Oxford."

"I have always envied actors. You can act in several plays a year, unlike the director who shoots one film in a year and a half."

"Who said it wasn't? The actors shot fast. I just finished filming educating rita in Dublin and I'm going to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for a new film soon."

"That's really enviable," Ronald replied.

"Seriously, our actors rely entirely on the director's editing, but this ordinary girl is a good subject, and it will also be shown in America. Please come and participate."

"If time permits, I will definitely go..."

Ronald accidentally met the humorous Michael Caine at a party, and the two had a good chat. But no one else could talk much, Ronald didn't see Don Simpson again, and the meaning of high concept hadn't been asked.

When passing through a room where they were hidden, Ronald looked inside, saw Don Simpson lying on the sofa inside, and smelled a strange stench.

He knew that the party might not be very clean, so he found Jerry Bruckheimer outside, saying goodbye and leaving first.

"Looks like you don't like parties like this?" Bruckheimer smiled.

"I'd love to know what a high concept is."

"It's just one sentence that makes the movie clear. Just ask your agent, they understand."

Nisita also completed the task of picking up a conversation. Many British actors did not have the need to find an agent in America, so he also accompanied Ronald to go first, and out of the gate, Nisita went to pick up the car first.

Ronald waited bored at the door when a woman jumped out of the door.


"Demi, why are you here?" Ronald was surprised and recognized the woman as Demi Moore.

"I saw you coming to see Don Simpson at the party," Demi pulled down the collar of her chest, staring at Ronald with almond eyes, "I saw you talking to Jerry Bruckheimer later, Do you have the power to decide the heroine of Flash Dance? Do you want to be the director of Flash Dance?


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