Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 30007 Shut up! fat boy

"Tom, how's the new film going?" Ronald walked into the caa office where Tom Cruise and his two agents, Nisita and Wagner, were.

Tom just finished the filming of the movie "Good Boys Are Crazy". The baby fat he ate for the lead role is still there. If he wants to film "Full Body" next, he will have to eliminate this fat.

"It's all good, but the highland park lake scene in Chicago was a little cold, and I had to put on a contemplative expression while filming, and I almost shivered."

"That's the way of acting. Sometimes in the winter and summer scenes, you have to splash water on your face to simulate sweat. Tom is very dedicated." Paula Wagner was very satisfied with Cruise's performance.

Several people chatted about their respective experiences after the separation of "urchins", Paula Wagner suddenly asked Ronald:

"Ronald, this one is full of energy, is it a good role for Tom?"

"According to my script, it's actually similar to Tom's 'Bad Boy', which is also a story of a teenager who grows up and takes responsibility. There is also a part where Tom dances alone. Girls will go crazy for him. "

"Oh, yeah?" Tom Cruise was intrigued by Ronald's introduction.

"Sherry Lansing doesn't seem very interested in my idea though, and if she finds someone else, that might be another story."

"Why? She doesn't like you? But you just did 'Fast Pace' and she has no reason to distrust your abilities," Paula Wagner said in surprise.

"Ms Lansing prefers movies that are dramatic," Nisita added.

"Yeah, last time she used Timothy Hutton and Tom's 'Lights Out' which was only moderate. With a budget of over 13 million, the box office was not as high as Ronald's 'Fast Pace'. I still have lingering fears for such a high-concept script."

Paula was determined to win more good roles for Tom, and she saw that Tom wanted to work with Ronald. If the script was right, it might also be a box office miracle.

"When Ms. Lansing asked me for the male lead, my first choice was Tom. If I finally get the director position, I mean if, in March or April next year..."

A few chatted about their strategy when they went to see Shirley Lansing again.

"How does it feel to be a protagonist, Tom?" Ronald asked about Cruise's feelings. "Crazy Boys" is Tom Cruise's first leading role.

"The pay is much higher than that of Coppola's 'Out of the World'.

"Tom smiled happily.

"Hahaha... What did you do with so much money in the account?" Ronald understood the feeling of getting a check for more than $100,000 for the first time.

"I paid off college tuition for one of my sisters and bought a car for another sister, who she needs for work."

"Oh, you're so kind to your family. What did you buy for yourself?"

"I didn't buy anything. Paula took good care of me. I didn't lack anything."

The two agents then left to do other things. Tom Cruise approached Ronald mysteriously suddenly and said to him.

"I met a girl on set who was three years older than me and we were dating. She was mature and she was nice."

"Oh, yeah? Congratulations. Who's that lucky girl?"

"It's the heroine Rebecca de Mornay (; de mornay), maybe I'm the lucky one."

Ronald knew the woman, who had come to audition for "Fast-Paced Richmond High."

"Did she play a supporting role in Coppola's 'Old Love, New Love'?"

"Yes, that's what bothers me too. Rebecca and Stanton, the supporting character in that movie, are boyfriends and girlfriends, but the old man is thirty years older than her, and I suspect she is being held hostage by Stanton to get That supporting role had to succumb."

Ronald scratched his head, he didn't know how to deal with this kind of thing. Unlike cheating with someone who is married, America can be a boyfriend or girlfriend. It can be called a boyfriend or girlfriend after a night's sleep and engagement.

But since the man is 30 years older than the woman, the possibility that Cruise said is not small, then I wish Tom true love.

And since De Mornay is older and more mature than Tom, who is the leader in this relationship?

"I think you are true love, and I bless you."

"You know, Ronald. I grew up in a Catholic family, and boyfriends and girlfriends like them are immoral, like me and Rebecca, it's not a biblical sin, we're not adultery."

"No, they're not married."

"Yes, you are right."

"Does Paula know about your business?" Ronald asked Tom. As long as the agent knows about this kind of thing, it's not a big problem, which shows that Wagner doesn't see this as a threat to Tom Cruise's acting career. "

"I didn't tell her, but she saw Rebecca coming to my trailer several times. She didn't say anything."

"Well, congratulations then. I think it's a blessed relationship of some kind."

"Oh, yeah? That's great." Nineteen-year-old Tom Cruise was still relatively religious, and since Ronald agreed to this, there was no big problem.


A few days later, Ronald was summoned by Shirley Lansing, this time to her office with Nisita.

"What is he doing here?" Ronald saw a familiar face in the waiting area at the door. In the interview that year, he said that Ronald did not have the talent of directing, the fat boy Michael Cimino.

"Lansing may have a crush on him to direct," Nisita whispered into Ronald's ear. "We haven't heard anything about it. Don't get mad, Ronnie."

Nisita knew that the two had a grudge, so she reminded them.

"Ronald, this is director Michael Cimino. He doesn't need me to introduce him. Michael, this is Ronald Lee, director and screenwriter of 'Fast Pace'."

Ronald quickly shook hands with Lansing, then sat down separately. He was a little suspicious, did Lansing want to take advantage of the conflict between him and Cimino to lower the price of each other?

"I decided to let director Cimino take on this project..." Shirley Lansing said straight to the point.

Ronald is a bit baffled. If Cimino is the director, why should he be called? Just to hear bad news? I don't think it's that busy to come to Lansing.

"Thank you for calling me here and tell me the end result," Ronald stood up and wanted to leave.

"No no, Ronald, I also hope to give you a job as a screenwriter and continue to improve the script." Shirley Lansing felt very good and raised her hand to let Ronald sit down.

"Don't get angry on the spot," Nisita reminded softly from behind.

"My answer is no," Ronald replied firmly.

"Don't rush to refuse, listen to my conditions. Although there is no director's job, you can sign on the screenwriter, and we will create conditions for you to watch in the crew. Michael is the best director of the Oscar, and he also agreed."

"Calm down, calm down." Nisita regretted coming today, Lansing couldn't understand the situation. She admires Cimino's directing ability and likes directors who can produce a sense of drama.

But Ronald's debut film grossed 40 million at the box office. Even if his directing ability is not as good as Cimino's, how could young people see the director of Pujie who brought down United Arts, and the two still have old grudges.

"Oh? Where are you going to ask me to revise the script? Which parts of the Oscar's best director disagree with?" Ronald laughed instead, glancing mockingly at the fat boy Cimino.

Cimino still looks chubby, and it seems that the huge public pressure that brought down Lianyi did not make him sleepless.

"The tone of the whole movie is not realistic enough. I want to see a real man town. This conservative priest who forbids the whole town to dance will not repent in the final stage and let the people stop the burning behavior.

I'm hoping to add some real, darker plot to it, it's a great story that shouldn't be made into a musical with a teenage hormone-stimulating tractor showdown.

Urban and rural, progressive and conservative, masculine and feminine, all these kinds of contradictions intertwined, and I knew this would be a great movie when I thought about it.

The tone of the movie should be the kind of repression that is unique to the man's town, and the ultimate liberation.

We're going to invite some talented actors to join us...

Like Bobby, Mel, to be the pastor and his wife."

"My answer is no!" Ronald still refused.

"Ronald, can you tell me why?" Shirley Lansing looked at Ronald, which was a little unexpected to her.

"I don't like this story."

"Hey, do you know what a good story is?" Michael Cimino got angry instead, what you wrote is a joke, not a story. I really don't know how you could write such a script that does nothing but stimulate hormones.

The whole book is the way of those exploitative films. Really great films are not such films that only care about the audience's senses. What is needed is a penetrating dramatic conflict..."

"Shut up, fat boy."

Ronald blurted out, pointed at Cimino, and took two steps forward.

Cimino was shocked by Ronald's tall body and did not continue to speak.

Shirley Lansing didn't expect the conversation to turn out like this. She looked at the body language of the two and seemed to notice.

Nisita could only cover her face with her hands, hoping not to continue arguing.

"Don't discredit my script, if you don't like it, you can write it yourself." Ronald lowered his arm and continued:

"I know the tricks you played on the 'Deer Hunter' script, first to discredit the screenwriter Mr. Washburn's script, and then to make some changes and try to take it for yourself.

If I find in the final script that you misappropriated some of the plots and scene arrangements I wrote, it doesn't matter which side the Writers Guild is on.

I'll sue you myself until you sell your panties for damages. My lawyer is the original MGM 'Gray-Eyed Mickey', you can ask him. "

"Ms. Lansing, bye." Ronald finally nodded to Shirley Lansing and walked out of the office. Nisita shrugged at Lansing and followed.

"Michael, what's the matter with you two?"

"Nothing," Cimino replied lightly. "He said in a TV interview that he didn't like my movies. I might have said he didn't have a talent for making movies. His script really didn't show any talent for storytelling."

"Okay, then you write the script. Be careful not to copy Ronald's content."

Shirley Lansing was a little suspicious of Cimino's character as soon as Ronald said it.

"Relax, these plots are not suitable for the story in my mind. I will go to the field to inspect the real scenes and the details of what people are talking about, and I will definitely be able to write a satisfactory story."

"Very good," Lansing's doubts diminished slightly, "I will reimburse you for the reasonable expenses you go over there."


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