Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 318 Disco Party

"Goodbye!" Ronald and Helen's mother, Alice Jean, stood outside the boarding gate of Pan Am, waving goodbye to Helen Slater.

"Bye, Mom. Bye, Ronnie!" Helen gave them a final wave and entered the cabin.

"Oh, I'm really glad. But will she live well in London? Does anyone on set take care of her? Ronald, you've been a director, what's the life of an actress on set like?" Alice Jean She is a mother who cares about her daughter very much. After Helen's plane took off, she began to worry slowly again.

"Don't worry, Helen will have four months of physical training, and someone will prepare food for her to gain muscle. After filming, most of the time is actually waiting for the lights. I believe it will not be too busy. Helen will definitely be healthier when she comes back. already."

"Oh, poor Helen, I should have gone with her." Alice Jean regretted not letting go of her anti-nuclear cause in New York and accompany her daughter to London.

"Why didn't Gerald come?" Ronald asked Helen's mother about Gerald's movements on the way.

"His new family also has children, so let's have an admission interview."

"Helen is also a poor child," Ronald thought. Both parents had reorganized a new family. Although they still loved her very much, they no longer belonged to their own home. Wherever you go during the holidays is a bit out of place.


"Ronnie, there's a guy with a heavy accent who told you to call him back. He's going to take you to some boot party."

Back home, sitting on the sofa, Donna put down the "Scientific American" magazine and said to Ronald.

"Oh, let me see who's calling."

Ronald saw a string of phone numbers written on a sticky note next to the phone and dialed it.

"Mr. Golan, your phone number is from a man named Ronald." The driver of a luxury car answered the phone. He pressed the button and announced the phone number.

"I'll pick it up." Minahan in the back seat picked up the car phone.

"Ronald, it's me, Meinahan. I heard from your agent that you're in New York, come here, we're having a 'Sahara' kickoff party at Club 54 tonight, Brooke and her mom, and a lot of Hollywood Big star, remember to report my name when you arrive at the door, otherwise the guard will not let you in."

"Okay, I'll be there, Club Fifty-Four, seven o'clock right?"

Ronald put down the phone and muttered.

Why is the opening ceremony held in a disco club? This Minahan does something really weird.

"Club 54, Ronnie, can I go with you?" Donna jumped up from the sofa, her eyes shining.

"The 54 Club is a place for adults to play, you are not old enough. But there is a smoky atmosphere, and many people still abuse drugs. I don't want you to go to that kind of place alone. When you become an adult, I will show you. ."

"Okay, it's done, you can't forget it. Diane has been there several times." Donna was a little disappointed that she didn't get to see the place that her good friends said was the most fun, there are many stars and celebrities.

"Remind me when the time comes." Ronald nodded. In fact, club 54 has someone to accompany you there. If a girl goes in, it's a bit dangerous place.

"By the way, is Diane in New York recently? Has she been filming any new films?" Ronald knew that Diane had finished filming "Betta Fish", her second film with Coppola, after the two films were released next year. , she may be red.

Burt and his agent have a good plan to play the leading role in two Coppola films next year. This is Diane Lane's "Catapult" project. I hope Diane can take this opportunity to go a step further and break into the ranks of Hollywood's first-line adult actresses.

"I don't know, the last time we called her, she said she was still hesitating. It seems that she has been cast in several movies. She is discussing with Bert."

Ronald smiled knowingly. Since Diane's mother's kidnapping incident, Bert and Diane's relationship has recovered well, and now the father and daughter have things to discuss.

"I'm leaving, you speak to Aunt Karen." Ronald put on a leather jacket, sunglasses, and leather boots. Dress up cool when you go to Club 54.

"Line up here..."

It was the same janitor named Howie Montogue last time, standing tall at the door of Club 54, blocking Ronald's way. He pointed to the queuing area surrounded by two red strips.

Ronald remembered that the last time he was with Madonna, he was stopped by him, and this time he had the opportunity to meet Helen Slater, who was also blocked from entering.

He was stopped this time, but he didn't complain that Haowei didn't recognize him. The director is not as well known as the actor.

Ronald took off his sunglasses, "My name is Ronald, and Minahan Golan asked me to come."

"Who? Meinahan, I don't know. You should go to the back and line up." Howey pointed to the crowd behind.

"You have to choose to go there." Ronald had no choice but to introduce himself, "I'm a film director, and I've filmed 'Fast-Paced Richmond High School', you may have seen it."

"Hey, I've seen that movie, but I don't know you. The new owner is stricter about the selection of guests than in the past. If you can prove that you are the director, then I can let you in." Howey told Ronald Powerless.

Ronald shrugged, this Meinahan, and said that he could enter by saying his name. "Is there a phone number at the club? I will call in and find Meinahan, he should be in there."

"There's a phone booth there." Howe, the janitor, pointed to the opposite side, and then handed Ronald a promotional card with the phone number of 54 Club.

Looking down, there is only a switchboard on it, and it is estimated that so many people will not be able to find it. With a tsk, Ronald was a little disappointed, he might as well go back. If you go to the queue, it will not be a joke when someone sees it.

"Ronald, Ronald. Why are you leaving?" A small voice stopped Ronald.

"Mr. Allen, why are you?" Ronald was overjoyed when he recognized that it was the New York director Woody Allen who had helped him a lot.

Ronald has spent most of his time in Hollywood and has not seen the New York director for a long time since he endorsed his screenwriting ability and obtained the authorship of the "famous" screenwriter.

"Ronald, Ronald, I didn't expect you to be a director. I watched 'Fast Pace' and I liked it very much. It has a profound discussion on the impulse and confusion of teenagers..."

"Thank you, what movie are you busy with recently?"

"Yes, I'm working on a new movie 'Xili Chuan', and this is the heroine."

Woody Allen, still with black-framed eyes, introduced to Ronald that standing next to him was a beautiful woman in a black short woolen coat, wearing breeches and curly hair blowing in the wind.

"I'll introduce to you, this is my girlfriend..."

"Miss Farrow needs no introduction." Ronald recognized Hollywood actress Mia Farrow. Hug and say hello to them.

"Mr. Allen, Miss Farrow, Ronald, let's go in." Howe, the doorman, saw that Ronald knew the director, and put him in from the side of the queue.

"Mr. Allen, are you coming to Club 54 too? I thought you only like jazz." Ronald chatted with Woody Allen on the way in.

"Oh, yes, it's very nice here, with a lot of old friends and a lot of comedy inspiration." Woody Allen took Ronald up the elevator, "There's a quieter club up there, regulars. Usually here."

"Ronald, you're here." As soon as he got out of the elevator dedicated to VIPs, he saw Minahan Golan wearing a sweater welcoming the guests.

"Oh, Mr. Woody Allen, I admire your name. If there is a chance, can you collaborate with our Cannon Films on a movie?" Seeing Woody Allen, Minahan's interest immediately shifted.

"My films usually have fixed investors. But maybe..." Woody Allen walked in sideways, why didn't you invite Ronald to direct for you? He's a very good teen film director, perhaps a better match for your company's films. "

"Ah, of course, I'm investing in one of his films."

Ronald followed into the inner room on the second floor, which was relatively quiet without the very loud disco music on the first floor. There are many celebrities and stars there, no wonder Woody Allen likes to hang out here, and it is not much different from his favorite jazz bars.

"Is Brooke here too?" Ronald asked Minahan, who was so intent on pleasing Woody Allen.

"She's in the inner room, with her mother Terry."

Ronald nodded and walked inside.

The lights here are darker than outside, and many people are drinking beer, smoking cigars, bright and dim.

"Borgy", Ronald recognized Brooke Shields from afar. She was wearing a turtleneck today and was dancing on the dance floor with a young man.

The song just ended, and Brooke Shields was very happy to see Ronald.

"Long time no see, Ronald. I'm going to Israel for a desert scene in the new year. Will you come to my show?"

"I'm preparing my own movie for the new year, but I'll watch it if I get a chance. Meinahan really values ​​'Sahara,' how about your mother?"

"She's drinking over there." Brooke pointed to the sofa next to her, and sure enough Terry was half lying on the sofa, drinking with a bottle of beer. Seeing Ronald coming, she also raised a beer bottle to greet him. It seemed that she had achieved some results in quitting drinking, and Brooke was no longer worried.

"Cough cough..." The young man who danced with Brooke turned around, saw Brooke and Ronald chatting happily, and coughed to remind her of her existence.

"John, let me introduce you, this is the director who shot me the jeans ad, Ronald Lee."

Ronald looked over, this young man had curly hair, a gray T-shirt and a suit jacket, dressed very casually, but showed an outstanding temperament.

Ronald thought he looked a little familiar, and noticed that the young man's suit fit very well, and it was snugly attached to his body when dancing, and it looked like it was handmade by a famous tailor.

"Why, you can't speak when you see the real person?" Brooke poked Ronald with her hand. "Does it look like his father?"

Ronald felt the cue from Brooke, and he recognized it as John Kennedy Jr., the son of the late Grand Commander John F. Kennedy.

"It's an honor to meet you," Ronald reached out and shook his hand, showing respect for his father.

With an aristocratic restraint, little Kennedy shook Ronald's hand in a friendly way, then walked to the sofa with Brooke, and sat down with Terry.

Terry looked very happy, probably because she drank less, and pulled Brooke to sit beside her, chatting and laughing with the little Kennedy on the other side of Brooke.

Ronald found a round stool next to the bar near the sofa, asked the bartender for a glass of Pina Colada, and began to look around.

My eyes gradually got used to the dim light, and I saw a lot of celebrities in New York.

There were supermodels, actors, rock stars, and a thin man with tousled hair, holding a camera and constantly pressing the shutter on the sofa.

"Paparazzi?" Ronald wanted to step up to stop him, but seeing Terry turned a blind eye to him, he thought it wasn't the paparazzi. Is it the photographer Terry hired?

"Click, click, click..." The thin man kept pressing the shutter.

"Huh?" Ronald saw the problem. The man didn't pull the door handle over the film before pressing the shutter. This camera didn't seem to have an automatic film winding mechanism, and he didn't hear the zizi electric motor winding the film.

"No film, is it a fake photographer with a pose?"

Ronald was relieved and continued to watch the play. Gradually, he discovered that in this inner room, the crowd was still centered on two public figures, Brooke Xiaosi and Little Kennedy. Most people were listening to what the two of them were saying, occasionally echoing some laughter.

JFK Jr. was saying that his Brown classmates were very disappointed that Brooke Shields chose Princeton, and they all blamed him for not doing his best to persuade Brooke to come to Brown University.

Ronald heard what they said, and it seemed that Brooke Shields got her wish and was admitted to Princeton.

He couldn't help but look at the past. Brooke's wish was fulfilled. She didn't want to be a vase and wanted to enter one of the best universities in America for further studies. This is not easy for her, a model and a star with a busy acting career. of.

Brooke Shields seemed to sense Ronald's gaze and looked over, as if back to when Ronald encouraged her to apply for Princeton.

The two smiled at each other tacitly, and Ronald raised his glass and made a "congratulations" mouth.

Brooke also responded with a "thank you" mouth, and both of them laughed.

"Why don't we go to the Ritz Club. I heard from my friends that there are many rock bands there, which are more fun and interesting than here." Little Kennedy seemed to see Ronald and Brooke's eyes, and proposed to change the place to continue.

"Ronald, are you going?" Brooke turned and asked Ronald. She seemed to want to go.

"I still have something to talk about with Minahan," Ronald replied. He basically understood that this was not a "Saharan" kick-off party at all, but the normal consecutive New Year's party in Club 54, and Minahan began to play this trick again.

"How about we stay here a little longer?" Brooke said to Kennedy Jr.

"Borgy, let's go to Liz. John's introduction can't go wrong." Terry continued on the sofa.

"Well, that's fine." Brooke picked up her bag and stood up with little Kennedy.

"Ronald, remember to come to Israel to watch my filming." Brooke and Ronald hugged and said goodbye. She's been such a socialite for a long time and knows how to make everyone happy.

"I'll go back when I have a chance." Ronald patted Brooke on the back. "Don't worry, Minahan will take care of it. The Negev Desert is not a real Sahara, nor a barren land."


In a rush, Ronald sent Brooke and Kennedy Jr. away. Some of the remaining guests were invited to new places together, while others took the opportunity to change rooms.

"Ouch, vomit..." A beautiful woman dressed as a model who was lying on the sofa suddenly stood up, then squatted on the ground again and began to vomit. When he finally sat back, he seemed to have passed out.

Ronald hurriedly stepped forward to support her head, feeling her whole body shaking.

"Who came with her?" Ronald looked back, but no one answered, so he shouted, "Waiter, waiter?"

Soon two waiters came in and carried the beauty out.

"Is she all right?" Ronald asked the emaciated man still in the room pretending to be taking pictures.

"Gia Carangi," the man answered irrelevantly, "A year ago, she was the darling of thousands of fashion magazines, and now she can only advertise in supermarkets and mail-order magazines."

"Oh? It's her?" Ronald was also surprised. Carangi was very popular in the first two years, and was directly hailed as a super model by 'vogue'. How has it become like this now?

The man made an injection on his arm, then shook his head, "I got this kind of strong stuff..."

"Andy, Andy Warhol. I'm a photographer, and the editor-in-chief of 'Interview' magazine." The man reached out and shook hands with Ronald.

"Hello, my name is Ronald. The film director." Ronald also shook hands, feeling that the other party had no strength in his hand.

"I've been shot before, so I'm not in good health. Can you do an interview with me?" Andy Warhol said, "Maybe young people have forgotten me, I used to give Marilyn Monroe did a painting."

"Oh, then you must be familiar with movie stars." Ronald and Andy chatted, "I have to confirm with my agent about the interview."

"It's okay, I'm actually here to interview other people today."

"Borgy Xiaosi?"

"Her mother was so difficult to deal with, and I had to pay a high price to interview her. You know that 'Interview' magazine is my little magazine. Are you familiar with Brooke?"

"I can't talk about it, I did a commercial for her." Ronald chatted with Andy Warhol for a while, and wanted to get up and say goodbye. This man can't even buy film, and it seems that magazines can't make money.

"My interviewee is here, let's talk later." Andy Warhol also saw that Ronald didn't want to talk deeply and got up to leave.

"Okay, bye."

Ronald also stood up and went outside to find Minahan.

"Miss Diane Lane, I'm Andy Warhol, the editor-in-chief of 'Interview' magazine, can I interview you?" Andy Warhol's eyes lit up when he saw another girl star walk in, Hurry up and talk.

"Can I take a picture of you? Diane?" He picked up the camera without film and pressed it a few times.

"Oh, what magazine?" Diane was also wearing a black leather jacket with bright red pants and a domineering highlight hairstyle. Like the one in the movie "The Fantastic Stain".

"Interview Magazine. His name is Andy, Andy Warhol." Ronald didn't expect Diane to come to Club 54 today, so he stepped forward to say hello.

"Ronnie." Diane came over happily, wrapped his arms around Ronald's neck, jumped up, and kicked his feet off the ground a few times.

"How did you dress up as a rock star? Donna told me before that you come to Club 54." Ronald put her down, the baby fat that Diane had in the Coppola movie was still a bit serious, and her face was still She is a little chubby, her figure has grown, and it is quite heavy to hold, a little heavier than Helen.

"I'm looking for the feeling of audition. Donna said that you have thought of a way for your girlfriend Helen to dress up as a character to audition. The chance is much better. So I'll try it too." Diane's two big glasses flickered at Luo. Nader.

"What movie are you auditioning for?"

"Speaking of rock stars, I still have an invitation to audition from a fairy tale. Why don't you help me think about which one is suitable." Diane took Ronald's arm happily.

"Bert is better at picking characters, and I shouldn't actually have an opinion on your character." Ronald remembered Burt blocking Diane Tom Cruise's invitation.

"Never mind those things, let's have a good time today." Diane was very happy, pulling Ronald to see the dancing crowd downstairs.

"Okay, let's go and have a look." Ronald couldn't resist Diane, and went with him to the balcony on the second floor, where the crazy crowd on the first floor was dancing disco.

"Love is a burning flame

stay because the flames will get higher and higher

Baby, don't let him steal your heart

it's easy, it's easy

Girl, this game can't go on forever

Why can't we live together?

Try it, don't let him take your love away from me"

Downstairs is the modern talking hit, "brother louie"

Diane Lane began to dance to the strong drumbeat and invited Ronald to join her.

Seeing that the crowd on the first floor was dancing frantically to the rhythm, Ronald couldn't help but jump up. The rhythm was fitting, and Ronald showed his hands of breakdance caba and spacewalking.

"You're not a good person, can't you see that?

louis brothers, louis brothers, louis brothers

I'm in love, set her free

Oh, she's just looking for me"

"Hahaha..." Seeing Ronald jumping into a spacewalk funny, Diane laughed happily beside him, and began to applaud him.

"Man, that dance move is very interesting." A black singer walked into the hall, just in time to see Ronald on the second floor running forward, but back.

"It's a lot more interesting than the people on the Soul Train. They all jumped backwards at a forty-five degree angle, and he jumped straight backwards."

"Mr. Geffen, can you help me ask who that is? Ask him to talk."

"Who?" David Geffen turned from his conversation with the others. "Who are you talking about, mj?"

"Look at the guy on the second floor. I didn't expect to come to Club 54 in New York today to see such wonderful dance moves. I want to chat with him."

"Isn't that Ronald?" Calvin Klein, the designer and owner of the ck next to him, recognized Ronald.

"Oh, the girl next to me is also very beautiful, with a black leather jacket and red trousers, which is a very stand-out combination."


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