Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 14 Submachine Guns and Motorcycles

"Did you see that earring pierced?" Gail Hurd came to Ronald's rented screening room today to watch the daily dailies with him.

"I see. It was worn by Doris, my stepmother. In fact, the two scenes before and after were filmed, but she wore two different earrings." Ronald nodded and whispered to Gale.

The recording level of the small crew is not high, and they forgot this detail.

"But I don't plan to reshoot. The theater audience may not notice these details. If I reshoot, the budget will be overrun again."

"You are the director, you have the final say." Gale stopped talking.

There is no night scene today. After watching the daily samples at night, Ronald has no shooting task. . Gail drove Ronald to Jim Cameron's studio.

Working for more than ten hours a day, Gail was afraid that Ronald would have an accident with his own car, so he specially came to pick him up to see the progress of special effects photography.

"Jim" Ronald took a nap in the car, but regained some energy after arriving at the special effects photography studio. "How is the special effect of the comet completed?"

"Ronald, here you are," Cameron was fiddling with the mechanical equipment in front of him, a few wires and rails with a tiny camera on it. Seeing Ronald coming, he stood up and wiped his hands on the canvas coverall.

"This movement controls the camera system, which repeats the movement of the camera precisely every time. Lucas invented the good thing for 'Star Wars'. This way we only shoot one special effect at a time, and then use the special effect printer to print each shot. The film is composited together.”

Ronald was busy shooting himself, and Cameron was in charge of the special effects in the title.

Cameron, who took all the special effects photography courses in his library, devised a solution that would have produced a shot of a comet approaching Earth without spending too much money.

The special effects camera is aimed at the comet model and will be shot three times.

For the first time, the comet model moved in a fixed orbit.

The second time the comet was replaced by a light model, it was moving in the same orbit, and more than halfway through, it began to emit a dazzling dark red light.

The last is a model of the Earth at a specific location, spinning on its axis.

During these three shots, the trajectory of the model, and the trajectory of the camera will be exactly repeated. Finally, when they are combined together, it is a comet that destroys the world, returning to the solar system from afar,

When it reaches the side of the rotating Earth, it begins to emit a dark red death light.

"Thank you, Jim. You two are still looking for financing from 'Terminator', and I'm asking you to shoot this special effect shot for me." Ronald hugged Cameron and patted him hard after watching the progress of the shooting. back to thank you.

"It's nothing, it only takes two days in total. But after this shot, if you need special effects for the title of the film, you need to find a special effect subtitle machine to do it. This thing is very expensive, and it will cost you a few seconds. Tens of thousands of dollars or more," Cameron said.

"No way, I want the title to present a sci-fi effect, with dark red three-dimensional fonts, which can give the audience a hint that this is a sci-fi theme."

Cameron was responsible for the special effects, so he didn't have to worry about it, Ronald turned to the street the next day.

In the morning, the two sisters took out their father's weapon and started to practice shooting, preparing to deal with zombies. Ronald applied for two days of closed filming, and the first day focused on shooting street shots and motorcycle stunts.

"This is a mac-10 miniature submachine gun, the shot of you shooting with your guns, I will empty the bullet."

The firearms expert specially invited by the producer will explain the knowledge of firearms to Kelly Maloney and Katherine Mary Stuart.

"Hold it with one hand, open the safety, and then hold down the trigger. He fired a Parabem pistol. The design of the whole gun is relatively balanced, and the recoil is not too strong. Women and children can also easily control it."

Ronald looked at the firearms expert and whispered to the producer, "Didn't you say you want the Uzi submachine gun, why did you switch to this?"

"Ronnie, I'm sorry, now several big factories are shooting gunfight movies, most of the Uzi submachine guns are borrowed by them, I finally found this firearms expert, he said that the mac-10 is similar to the Uzi submachine gun, anyway, the audience Not many know the difference.”

"It doesn't matter, I just think the Uzi submachine gun looks better."

"Stand steady, load, and fire." The firearms expert finally demonstrated to the two female protagonists. The two tried a few shots.

"Okay, we're ready to shoot."

Regina, played by Katherine Mary Stuart, is more of a tomboy who has practiced a lot of firearms with her army officer father. But the younger sister Samantha, played by Kelly Maloney, doesn't shoot much. The plot is mainly about the sister teaching her sister to protect herself.


There were no people in Bunker Mountain in the morning, and an unoccupied area after the clearing was used for shooting scenes.

Regina hands her sister Samantha the loaded mac-10 submachine gun. Samantha squatted with her legs half-squat, gripped the submachine gun with both hands, and pulled the trigger.

"bang bang bang bang... bang bang..."

Kelly Maloney hit a shuttle, a puff of blue smoke came from the muzzle, and then it got stuck.

"cut! Fuck". Ronald cursed, "What about the firearms expert? What's going on?"

The already tight budget wasted a good shot because the bullet jammed.

"It's stuck, Director. This is the weak point of the mac-10 submachine gun. It was originally a miniature submachine gun modified from the pistol design, because the shooting was shooting blank bullets, and the rear seat distance after the ammunition was fired was sometimes not enough. cause a jam."

"I don't understand this, how can I not get stuck?"

"Two solutions, switch to real bullets, or when firing, don't pull the trigger all at once, fire a few rounds, release the trigger, and fire a few more rounds."

Ronald gave him a sidelong glance. "Do you think my actor can shoot short bursts like a soldier? Or are you not afraid to die and stand diagonally across from a loaded submachine gun and be a camera operator?"

Ronald took another look at the producer, who shrugged and said there was nothing he could do if he didn't have enough money.

"Come on, Kelly. If it gets stuck again, just pull the bolt to unload it, and keep playing, don't stop."

"Okay, Ronald. I'm getting acquainted." Kelly Maloney was not tall and small, and it was really embarrassing for her to shoot a submachine gun.

"Okay, clearing the scene, recording? Camera?!"

"Bang bang bang bang..." The mac-10 submachine gun jammed again without any accident, Kelly Maloney pulled the bolt, "bang bang bang..." It jammed again.

"cut! cut!" Ronald hurriedly stopped shooting.

"Fuck you, can't you figure something out?" Ronald snorted, greeting the producer and firearms expert.

"There's no way, Director. If you don't borrow the Uzi submachine gun, it's much more reliable." The firearms expert spread his hands, and he couldn't help it. The mac-10 made by the British was originally a cheap weapon, and when combined with blank ammunition for filming, it really performed poorly.

Ronald took the shooting schedule from his assistant. There were still a lot of motorcycle scenes to be filmed in the afternoon, and there was no time to reshoot.

"Never mind, Kelly, Katherine," he called to the two leading actresses.

"I know you guys often shoot daytime soap operas, and you all have the ability to improvise. This mac-10 often gets stuck. This time, if something goes wrong, you can play it according to your needs. I can't do it for this game. The play drags on any longer."

"Okay, Director. No problem, Director." Catherine and Kelly nodded in agreement and went to prepare.

Samantha, played by Kelly Maloney, is still wearing the same style of cheerleading uniform, with two long legs separated under the short skirt, showing a horse-step posture. Then she pulled the trigger.

"bang bang bang bang... bang bang..." stuck.

Samantha handed the submachine gun to Catherine, "Here".

Regina took her sister's gun and handed her the other.

Ronald secretly screamed in his heart, it was the elder sister who trained the younger sister, so it was normal for the gun to be stuck and handed to the elder sister.

Samantha opened the safety and continued to fire.

"Bang bang bang..." Stuck again.

"Fantastic!" Carrie Maloney uttered a sarcastic line, which she improvised, "See, that's the problem. If Dad was here, he'd get us Two Uzis."

Regina, played by Katherine Mary Stuart, covers her ears with one hand and holds a submachine gun with the other, "but the car doesn't know what the difference is between the two guns."

"Cut!" Ronald exclaimed, and the two soap opera actors improvised really well. The jammed accident was fooled.

"Okay, let's go to the next shot and drive that broken car over."

Ronald instructed the driver to pull over a dilapidated used car and parked on the side of the road.

"It's up to you now. I'm going to smash that car to pieces."

The firearms expert wears sunglasses and ear muffs. The firearm was then checked again.


"bang bang bang... bang bang... bang bang bang"

The firearms expert fired a few bursts, and a parallel bullet hole appeared on the door of the broken car. Then the hubs of the two wheels were also blown out, and fell to the ground with a clang.


The whole rhythm was fitting, and Ronald called off the shoot and declared the firearms part complete.

In the afternoon, the filming continued with Regina, played by Kathleen Mary Stuart, driving home on a motorcycle after she came out of the movie theater and killed the zombies.

The stunt double, Debbie Evans, is about the same size as her, wearing a costume and a wig, and the stunt double is indistinguishable from the distance.

"Let's try it!" Ronald shouted at Debbie Evans in the distance.

Debbie Evans can perform handstands on a motorcycle, but Regina is a tomboy, so she just needs to do her normal driving.

"It's easy, Ronald, why don't you let me go?" Katherine Mary Stuart leaned over and asked him.

"Principle number one, let the stunt double do whatever you can. I don't want you to sprain your ankle and take two weeks off."

"Ok", Catherine obediently stood by to see how the stunt double played.


Only one back of Debbie Evans appears in the film, the large fans on both sides blowing a puff of smoke, and in the dark red filter, Regina is riding a motorcycle farther and farther.

In the empty city, in the dark red field of vision, the ashes of the human body burned by the radiation of the comet drifted past.


"Bring the pickup over here." Ronald scrambled to complete as many shots as possible in the scheduled shooting time.

"It's your turn, Catherine."

The motorcycle that Debbie Evans rode was loaded into a large pickup, and Kathryn Marie Stewart climbed onto the pickup and rode on it. The camera is fixed across from her, taking close-up shots of her.

"Move the car." Ronald ordered from the car following him.

The pickup started to move slowly.

"Sound, camera,!"

Catherine sat on the stationary motorcycle, holding the handlebars with both hands, her long hair was blown up by the electric fan, making it look like she was riding a motorcycle.

The pickup truck below moved, and the street scene on both sides kept receding, and there was no flaw in the narrow viewfinder captured by the camera.

"Cut! Let's get another one." Ronald shouted from the car next to him.


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