Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 39 Sleepy Luo

After being dated and two pieces of good news, Ronald, who was cured of the syndrome of ordinary life, regained his energy.

After sending the admission confirmation letter, Ronald also wanted to let some high school friends know where he was going. He went to the travel store to buy a lot of postcards, and when he got back to his apartment, he wrote postcards to his high school friends. I dug out my high school graduation memorabilia.

On the cover is bronzing Totville High School, 1978. There are also head photos of each classmate, most of which were taken by themselves. Because of these avatars, the graduation book is also commonly known as "facebook"

Ronald turned to the last "where to go" page, copied down the address of the university they were admitted to, or the address of their job, wrote a paragraph to a few familiar classmates, and sent a postcard with the scenery of Los Angeles.

"End of wandering, back to New York. Destination: New York University.

- Greetings from Los Angeles, love you Ronald. "

"Ring, bell, bell..." Ronald heard the alarm clock he had set rang, and unknowingly it was already the appointed time in the evening, and he wanted to call Mara.

Young men and women in America, if they are serious about developing a relationship with each other, will usually use three dates to test each other and understand their temperaments. If after the third date, the two sides are still very good, then hit the home plate again, it is said that this relationship will be more lasting.

Ronald didn't want just a brief encounter, he was satisfied with Mara's explosive body and gentle personality. Thinking about your weekend appointments, how about going for a swim at the beach? There was a smile on his face.

The phone answered quickly, "Hi Marla, it's me, Ronnie."

"Ronald Lee! Are you sleepy, so boring with me?" Mara scolded her face.

"What's the matter, sweetie, what is a sleeper? How about we go swimming at Venice Beach tomorrow?" Ronald invited. The winter in Los Angeles is warm, and there is a lot of surfing and swimming at the beach at noon.

"Go away with your sleepy worm! You made me look like a fool in front of my classmates tomorrow, and they all saw me getting on your little broken car at the school gate! How can I be so foolish and believe your nonsense?" Marla shouted in a loud voice.

"What's going on? Marla? You're confusing me a bit."

"You yawn in front of so many TV audiences, are you so sleepy when you're with me? Tomorrow all high school will know that I date a yawning fool. You're talking nonsense about Oscar-nominated movies, and tomorrow She will definitely be laughed at by Chrissy's Bitchi. Her boyfriend brought her into the official MGM crew!"

"What yawn? What Oscar nomination? What Chrissy? Marla, I don't understand what you're saying?"

"Go watch TV, I was killed by you." Mara said and hung up the phone.

Ronald hurriedly turned on the TV, flicking the channel knob, looking for Marla's question.

Tuning into CBS-2, Ronald found the female show host who interviewed him yesterday.

I looked at the column information at the bottom of the screen, and the entertainment news replayed at 7 o'clock.

"Hello, we're reporters from CBS-2 in Los Angeles and we're interviewing viewers who have watched 'The Deer Hunter.'"

"We found you yawning, did you find the film boring?"

The camera cuts from the hostess to herself. Ronald opened his mouth wide on the TV, narrowed his eyes, yawned, and patted his mouth with his hand.

It was yesterday's interview, why did I have my yawning included? Ronald was a little pissed that he didn't show his handsomeness at all.

"I haven't been to the Russian community, and the wedding scene was almost an hour long, which was a bit long. Then I got to Vietnam and I was captured in less than a minute? I was waiting to see some battle scenes, only to see Russian roulette. bet.



The damn TV station edited my words!

I clearly said a lot of good things about the "deer hunter", and I also praised the director for creating an atmosphere and setting off the environment! I also boasted about watching the wedding as if I grew up in a Russian community! Ronald was stunned, I said good things, how can it be cut into pure criticism?

"What do you think of the actor's acting skills? In your opinion, are the three performance nominations for this film appropriate?" the hostess asked again. This year, "Deer Hunter" has also nominated a lot of performance awards.

"Uh, I think I still prefer the bridesmaid at the wedding to the two leading actors, Robert De Niro, and that, that... Christopher Walken, called..., called..., right. Meryl Streep. I think she's at a high level as well."

The camera cuts back to Ronald's face, "Hey... oh."

He yawned again and rubbed his eyelids with his fingers.

Shameless! asshole!

Ronald cursed in his heart.

Another black photo of me yawning.

Also, I clearly said that they deserved their nominations. Why is it cut here as if I deny their acting skills, saying that they are not as good as a new actress?

"The last question, what is your name and what is your occupation?"

"My name is Ron, I'm a freshman in the first year of college this year, and I'm going to major in film."

"Wow, no wonder your reviews are so professional, ok, thanks to the audience Lo from the Kodak Theater in Los Angeles. Here's the hostess...bringing you live coverage from the Kodak Theater, now back to the studio. "

This is misleading, this is slander!

Ronald slapped the table angrily.

"Bulging!" He hurriedly shook his hands in pain.

"You made me so ugly, I saw yawning!"

The camera cuts back to the studio, and two hosts, a man and a woman, smile.

"Wow, that's probably the most professional comment we've gotten from an audience interview. What do you think of what Sleepy Ron said? Does it make sense?"

"To be honest, I think his complaints about the length of the wedding and the lack of war scenes may have hit the minds of many ordinary audiences who went there. But this movie is an 'author's movie', and we can't use ordinary eyes to view it. Judging it, this kind of contrast and elaboration is necessary for the director's unique way of telling the story..."

"Well, here's a critique from Sleepy Ron, who represents not just a general audience, but a future Hollywood professional. Anyway, his opinion is interesting, isn't it? That one hour long , a wedding that lasts one third of the movie..."

Sleepy Ron? Also gave yourself an ugly nickname?

Ronald slapped the table again subconsciously, touching the same spot as last time.

"Ouch, oops... it hurts!"

"Let's go back to Jane Fonda from 'The Homecoming', we're interviewing her right now in the studio in Los Angeles..."

"Have you seen Sleepy Ron's assessment of 'The Deer Hunter,' Jane? Do you agree with him?"

"It's not convenient for me to criticize other people's films, but he clearly represents the views of many ordinary audiences. I still insist that 'Return' is the better film that was nominated this year and reflects the Vietnam War...  ' said Jane Fonda with a smile on her face.

"What do you think of the Vietnam Veteran, and religious people, criticism of your cheating on your wedding ring in the movie 'The Return'?"

"No, I don't think that's an immoral act. In contrast, the bombardment of thousands of civilians in North Vietnam by our commander-in-chief is an even greater immorality..."

"Crack," Ronald turned off the TV, depressed.

It was given a nickname, and it was played as a joke everywhere.

By the next day, things began to spread at an unpredictable speed.

"Hollywood Reporter" reprinted the interview of CBS-2 set, and put the commentary of Dolly Luo's accusation of the wedding scene too long, and put it in the newspaper as it is, adding another fire to the already fierce Oscar trophy battle.

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